Rotations New Year Special

Story by Ottrosin on SoFurry

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#3 of Rotations

Rotations Special: 2012 New Year

Please Realize that all specials in the Rotations universe are independant and may or may not happen in the timeline of the story. This story belongs to me and Cranus over on FA.

Trevor grunted, opening the front door to the house and supporting the massive dragon. He looked up at him, leading Rick into the house carefully. Rick had drank to much at the party and Trevor decided to get him home early, before the ball drop happened so that the dragon didn't cause the other people problems. He went and helped Rick to the couch, turning on the TV, and went to get some water for the lizard.

Rick grunted, head lolling back on the couch as he let out a deep breath. He was buzzed and beyond, unable to walk straight at al. All he knew was that he was home somehow and there was no way he was moving from the comfy couch that fit him so well.

Trevor returned with some water for Rick and sat next to him, watching the news counting down the hours untill the new years. He sighed, rubbing his eyes a bit and then stretched. His body ached from half-carrying and half-dragging Rick to the car, then into the house.

Drinking the water slowly helped Rick to concentrate. He could hear the news on and feel the warm body next to him. Trevor was close enough, so he simply reached out and wrapped an arm around his small mate and held him close, rubbing at the soft fur that he loved so much.

Trevor murred gently, nuzzling against the scaled man next to him, hands rubbing his thigh gently. "Im surprised you drank as much as you did..." He muttered.

Rick grinned and reached into his pocket, handing the red panda a small leather satchel. It clinked heavily and weighed more then what it looked like. "Real gold dubloons. All I had to do was outdrink the light weights."

"Thats....impressive. But are you really being a good influence for me?" Trevor kissed Rick's snout gently before standing up once more and stretching again, trying to work out his achey muscles.

Rick chuckled and rubbed his hands over Trevor's sides. "It takes a lot to get a dragon drunk, so I'd like to hope I'm being good. Showing that you have to stay in your limits and all."

"Maybe relatively speaking. But you drank maybe a case and a half on your own. That's a really bad influence." Trevor chuckled also, murring softly as he felt the dragon's hands run over his sides. He put his hands over his head.

"Ah, my sexy little mate. I think you're just looking at this in the wrong way. Take them as my New Year's gift to you." Rick leaned forward and let his tongue slide over Trevor's neck and shoulders, his hands continuing their up and down movements.

Trevor blushed and murred softly. "B-but I don't really need them...I could give them to my parents." He said softly, draping his arms over the large male's shoulders.

Rick laughed lightly. "Just tell 'em it's from you. Your dad has come a ways but he still doesn't trust me completely." The dragon licked gently over Trevor's face, wrapping his maw around the small muzzle and sliding his tongue against his lips.

Trevor blushed and murred louder, letting his muzzle open part way for Rick to gain access to it. He gently rubbed at the male's scales on his neck.

The long tongue quickly slithered in and around, tasting slightly of the alcohol from the party. Rick nibbled with his teeth at the muzzle, pressing the further back part of his tongue against Trevor's nose.

Trevor clawed slightly at Rick, wanting release from the wet and warm prison. He was holding his breath, but wouldn't be able to for much longer.

Murring, the dragon pulled back and licked Trevor's neck. "Sorry, I got a little carried away." he murmured, wrapping his arms tight and pulling the smaller male into his lap, pressing his hard cock against the warm ass.

Trevor coughed slightly, shaking his head. "Yo-you know I don't like the taste of alcohol to much." He said, wiping his muzzle on his sleeve. He sat comfortably on Rick's lap, the dragon's bulge pressed against his rump making him feel more comfortable.

"It's an acquired taste." Rick murred out, arms wrapped loosely. He nuzzled gently at the ears in front of him, nipping at them gently. "Ten minutes to the New Year. Got a resolution yet?"

Trevor shook his head, nuzzling under Rick's chin. "Just to make you the happiest dragon in the world." He said softly, hands resting on Rick's muscled chest.

"Now that's a given, my silly little panda. You have to pick something you actually have to work for." he chuckled, shaking his head and thinking his own private resolution. There would be a time to share it with his mate, but he wanted to keep it to himself till then.

Trevor murred gently, resting there with his head pressed against Rick's warm scales. He sighed. "I don't know...maybe earn a gold medal in the track meet next year." He ran his hands over the dragon's body softly.

"There you go. We'll start training as soon as possible. It'll be a nice thing to have." Rick nuzzled a little harder, his cock throbbing under his mate's warm rump and making him drool.

Trevor blushed more, eyes closing. "Whats yours?"

"It goes something like this." With that statement he wrapped his arms tight around Trevor, reaching down and fondling him gently as he rubbed his hard cock with the male's ass roughly.

Trevor arched his back slightly and groaned a bit, gripping Rick's shirt tightly and ripping it slightly. He panted softly. "Th-thats a little vague."

"Then let's make it a little clearer." Rick murred, using a claw to cut Trevor's clothes from his body then doing the same to his own. He was too drunk to fiddle with clasps and zippers. His hard cock popped from the cloth confines and rubbed eagerly against the furry ass the was suspended above it.

"I-I still....don't understand exactly." Trevor murred out, reaching back to grab the large dragon rod. He rubbed it gently, lining it up with his definitely worn and used rump. He pressed the tip into him carefully with a soft moan.

"Unf. I am going to breed you as many times as I can this year. There will never be another mistake about whose you are." Rick replied, pushing himself gently in further after making the vague reference.

Trevor moaned louder, whimpering femininely as the dragon pushed into him. "Th-there was no doubt about who belonged to you in the first place." He panted out, tightening himself up and then relaxing. His hands returned to Rick's chest, clawing the scales roughly.

Rick groaned, his head throbbing on him. Gently he lay down on the couch, his cock standing straight into the air, forcing Trevor into a standing position over him. "I'm Just making sure. Ride me, Trevor?"

Trevor nodded, looking down at him. "Any time Rick..." He murred out, taking a deep breath and sitting down slowly, allowing himself to be impaled upon the dragon's rod. He threw his head back and moaned out loudly, claws digging into the dragon's scales and leaving shallow gouges in the pristine body armor.

Rick panted, eyes rolling back as he put his arms behind his head. The room had warmed up considerably from the two male bodies.

"Damn...always so thick...always so willing too." Trevor leaned down and licked at Rick's belly scales. He sat on Rick's full cock, the male's genital slit pressed against his tail hole. "So full..." he muttered softly, rubbing his stomach.

"And you'll get fuller before the night is out." Rick stated, shifting his hips so his hard length mashed into Trevor's prostate.

"Ahn~" Trevor moaned out, his own cock out and throbbing against his stomach. He shook slightly in pleasure, eyes closed tightly as he massaged the dragon's belly. He lifted himself up slightly and then pushed himself back down onto the beast inside him.

"Unh. You're always so hot and tight." Rick groaned, his head falling back again. He licked his lips and panted, the alcohol in his system working him up quicker then normal.

"I-I try." Trevor moaned out, sliding up and off the dragon's length, hovering just above it so he could hear Rick's reaction.

Rick tried thrusting his hips upwards to get back into the warm ass of his mate but failed, hitting the long fluffed out tail. His naturally slicked length glowed in the light of the TV. "Trevor?"

"Mmm?" Trevor smiled, down at the dragon. He was so much fun to tease. He sat down very slightly, letting the hot meat meet warm hole for just a moment.

Rick's eyes narrowed, slitting slightly as he gave a full toothed grin. "Does someone want it rough?"

"Maaaaybe~" Trevor slid forward slightly, letting Rick's cock rub between his ass cheeks for the entire length and then back down.

Rick ignored any warnings that his head was going to kill him in the morning and licked his scaled lips. "Just remember that you asked for it." In a flash Rick had Trevor in his arms, kisses covering his chest as the room swung around quickly. Then, Trevor was pressed belly first into the couch, his rump at the edge and legs hanging down. A warm drop of liquid fell directly on his asshole as Rick pressed the tip directly to the tailbase.

Trevor arched his back, moaning out as the positions were changed. His body layed relaxed and ready for the male to use and abuse him. "Please don't~" He murred out, acting as if the dragon were going to rape him.

"Oh, you know I will." Rick growled lustfully, slowly positioning his cock at the entrance and teasing it gently. With a single hard thrust he speared the small male on his entire hot throbbing length, groaning as a few cheers rang out from the TV.

Trevor blushed scarlet as the cheers rang out, as if they were watching the dragon fuck him. He panted hard and moaned sharply as he was impaled, body shaking and shivering in anticipation at the soon to be hard sex session.

Rick pulled back and thrusted again, building a hard and heavy rhythm, breath coming from his mouth in heavy pant. Bending over he thrust straight in, chewing hard on Trevor's shoulder.

Trevor screamed out loudly in pleasure and pain. His arm tensed up, fighting the pain as he clenched and tried to pleasure the dragon as best as he could with his ass.

Rick moaned, the scream urging him on. He almost couldn't see the small male, covered as he was by the dragon large, flickering shadow. He shafted the love tunnel hard, precum flowing copiously in and sloshing out around his hard length.

"Ri-rick! Oh gods!" Trevor screamed out while the dragon abused his already worn rump. He panted hard, his own rod pumping precum into the couch's fabric. He clawed at the material, and buried his face into the cushion. He tilted his head slightly to the side so Rick could bite him if he wished.

Rick bit down hard, breeding the ass in front of him hard. He moaned around his full mouth, and thrusted as deep as he could, feeling close. The last of the countdown was being shouted from the TV's speakers. Rick panted out, the alcohol having it's way with him, but he just wanted to hold out a few more seconds...

Trevor squealed out in pleasure, back arched and body completely tense. He bit the couch fabric, holding out as best as he could for the count down from the TV.

"3... 2... 1... Happy Newyear!" the TV shouted. Rick roared, the sound shaking the glass in their panes and rattling the cup on the floor. He hilted as deep as he could, knot swelling out as cum filled Trevor, causing his stomach to swell against the couch. Rick's cock pistoned, throbbing hard against the smaller male's prostate.

At almost the same instant, Trevor's cock erupted. He soaked the couch's fabric and he screamed out in pleasure from Rick's orgasm inside him. His stomach filled and bulged out, causing the red panda's breathing to become heavier and his whining to become loud.

Cum poured excessively, held in by the giant dragon know. It was almost a minute before Rick's cock stopped leaking. He nuzzled Trevor's back gently, kissing his spine. "Happy New Year, love."

Trevor looked back at him, reaching carefully to pet the emerald and ebony dragon. "Happy New Year." He said softly.