Onyx's Dimension

Story by Onyx-panther on SoFurry

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#2 of clean (mostly)

I show my mate the dimension :3

slight yiffyness leading to a sequel, parental advisory blah blah blah.

Onyx held atari's hands, his green eyes boring into hers. "I've found a way to get you into my dimension!" he purred with a sly smile. He reached into his satchel and pulled out a small black cube with his symbol on it, tossing it a few feet away. It landed in the grass and a green portal flew open, glowing eerily. He tugged her towards it, padding into it and grabbing the cube on the other side of the portal, closing it. The air was warm and humid, just how onyx liked it. Many sounds were heard, chirps and howls and even growls. Slipping the cube into his satchel, he watched atari look around the mix of rainforest and bamboo in awe. He smirked and started down a well-blazed trail, turning his head and nodding for her to follow. As she caught pace with him, he spoke. "those red scales will stick you out like a sun in darkness. The others will know you're here right away." he grinned. "others?" she raised an eyebrow questioningly, falling into his exact steps next to him. "oh, did I forget to mention I recently bought about twelve black panthers, and they have territories throughout my dimension? Of course, I own my dimension, so I may cross borders as I please. They're kind of like a loose tribe. Stay with me, you'll be fine." he yawned, as if it were nothing. As they walked, he passed a pile of scat with bones in it, sighing. "they never go somewhere hidden do they?" he chuckled. They walked for about another twenty minutes before He padded forward, a huge clearing stood before them, with vines just blocking out the sun a little around the top of the huge white house that loomed above ahead. It was modern, with many smooth curves and windows. A pool was off to the left, and doors could be seen all around. "we're home!!" onyx grinned, rushing forward, catching atari off balance. He caught her and led her to the front door, unlocking it and tossing the keys and satchel onto a black couch to the left. Various photos and sculptures dotted the house. There were stairs to the right, and a huge kitchen to the left, with marble. He smiled reassuringly and led her upstairs, showing her the rest of the house. Four bed, three bath, pool, and many other secret rooms onyx did not show her. He led her back outside, letting out a high chuff that echoed through the trees. A chuff came back to him and a black panther with blood-red eyes padded out, her muscles showing beneath her lean shoulders. "this is bloodfire." he pet her calmly, and she looked atari up and down, sizing her up. Onyx got on his knees and whispered into the she-panthers ear. She responded with a disapproving growl and another glance at atari, this time licking her lips. Onyx hissed and whispered again, and the panther mewled, her tail now lashing. She purred and head-butted onyx, then entwined her tail around atari's, padding forward and rubbing her scent against atari, then bounding off into the woods. Onyx stood up, brushing grass off his jeans and smiling. "I just told her to let the others know you aren't a snack." he chuckled, then realized atari was staring at him disapprovingly. "sometimes I bring people here for them." he chuckled nervously, happy when her gaze softened. "why did she rub against me?" atari growled suspiciously. "oh." onyx mumbled. "maybe because she claims you as an honorary member of the family? Usually she just marks people." atari smirked. "she marked me she would have thirteen inches of dragon shoved into her." she smiled darkly. "well, actually." onyx mumbled. "she's been in heat, so quite a few times I've found her being pounded by the others." "mostly phoenixclaw and crowtail though." he looked towards the forest. "so, what should we do?" he grinned. "there's plenty of forest to do lots of things!" he grinned from ear to ear. "but if we're caught, I won't be the only one filling you up." he laughed. "you see, these ones don't care if you're a boy or girl. They'll take what they get. I can't tell you how many times I've almost been mounted by crowtail." he groaned. "usually I just paw him off. No fucking comment." he caught atari's smile. "they're mine, so I have to take care of them. You would do the same if you had pets." he hissed defensively. "i do have pets!" she glared, but her gaze softened quickly. time passed and onyx showed ata the modern house at the center of the clearing, and eventually they went to bed. Many sounds were heard that night, and shadowed figures were shown, one pounding away at the others' rear....