Hers and only Hers (chapter one lost kitten

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#1 of Hers and Only Hers

This is my first story, I've written, other then some school projects. I mostly wrote it out of the want to live my fantasies a little, if I can get some good feedback, and if any one wants id love to continue this as a series, I just wanted some feedback on my writing thanks. And yes, I do plan to have some yiff in the next few I just wanted to start the story and practice my writing.

The characters in this story are property of McMouse, if you want to use them feel free to ask me, I'm sure id love to share for a bit

Hers and Only Hers

Chapter 1: Lost kitten

The main character in this story is a black furred kitten with a white face, paws, and stomach. He wears leggings and a long loin cloth all made from silk, held up by chain around his waist, also a big kind of foolish red bow on the back of his head held up by a piece of red silk around his neck.

A shadow moved through the brush, panting in fear as the shadows around him clinging to his black and white form, or at least that's how he felt, terrified that he may be caught. The kitten loved his Mistress, but she sometimes scared the sin out of him, he mewled in distress, and confusion, she wanted him near at all times, but every once in a while he would catch her with another male, he didn't mind he knew he was loved but she would get mad and punish him. He felt his neck sadly, his beloved bow, that acted as his collar was torn off before he made his escape into the night once when his Mistress was especially angry with him, he was worried that she would do something she would regret, she always apologized for hurting him, but did it again and again. Oh how he missed her.


The kitten mewed happily as he carried a tray of snacks and drinks for his Mistress and her guest, and a few other items of a less... editable nature, sex toys and the like, the kitten never liked them much, but he could never resist leather, he was young he knew... but being tied up, or leashed, was one of his favorite ways of being his Mistress's. He did not get to mate her much, she was a Neko, and only enjoyed him rarely, he loved those times and he loved just being collared by her. Every time she spoke, yelled, or requested him, it was like music to his ears.

The little feline hurried on tiptoe down the hall not wanting to make a sound, not wanting to bother any of the others in the mansion. It was his Mistress's mansion, but she was so nice, she welcomed any one of her friends to use it as it were there own, the kitten hated this because some assumed he was theirs to. And he walked funny for a while after most of these encounters, but did it anyway for he would be punished badly if he was impolite to honored guests. He glanced around a corner there was a equine in this wing of the household, the kitten sighed a breath of relief as the beast appeared away at the moment, the horse was nice but he was a huge Clydesdale and he like looking at the kitten. He dint mind being looked at by his Mistress's guests but he was in a hurry, he was already getting late.

He pressed his back against the huge wooden doors of his Mistress's study, the kitten bit his lip before he had even entered he caught the scent of sex waft through the crack, he almost cried out as he stepped through the oak barriers.

"SIRUS!!" a tall beautiful woman, that very few males had ever declined, furry, Neko or human looked up from a even bigger human male with a scared broad chest. She was naked lying on top of him her hair already well matted; this was an important guest the kitten stumbled upon "SIRUS!! What the hell do you think your doing here?"

She had sent for him but these things always seemed to fly past her when she got mad or frustrated, Sirus knew this and also new never to point it out. When he was new to her possession, he had mistakenly done this and still bared a few deep scars under his fur on his face.

In his fear the kitten dropped the tray before looking down in horror as the drinks spilt across the silken like carpet "I... I... I'm sorry mistress I must have been mistaken... in the rooms I'll leave immediately, I apologize for the interruption, I'll get out immediately" the kitten almost bit through his lip as he reached for the door, he closed his eyes believing for a second he would have a chance to hide, but before he was half out the door he felt her nails in the scruff of his neck, he also felt the floor leap out from under his feet and the wooden braced walls jump at him before he fell limply to the floor, he mewled incoherently as his mistress returned to her guest

He never fully fell unconscious as he watched his Mistress's guest storm out of the room yelling at her for incompetent servants. His Mistress was yelling to, she was always quick to anger, but even quicker to blame others fir her troubles, especially her kitten, who was starting to slowly get off the ground as she returned to his crumpled form, swaying back and fourth even on his paws and knees, she grabbed him by the front of his neck lifting him a good two feet of the ground, he choked and gagged and resisted the urge to fight back with his foot claws, he new this would be almost a death sentence to mar her in any way.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE SHIT!" she pressed against his throat harder then she had before, her fangs gnashing together close to his face "I should wring your filthy little neck, and leave you dead in the hall!"

A few tears of shear terror, fell from his eyes to her wrist, unable to speak or he would have cried out. Stars started to form in his vision before she let go, not wanting to cause any real damage, lost in fright the kitten started to run as soon as his feet touched the ground, normally he would have known better but in his current state... survival instincts had kicked in, he dashed towards the main foyer of the mansion, tears now falling freely as he didn't know what to do, return for a severe thrashing but be with her, or run and hide for the time being.

The kitten was so caught up in making sure his Mistress didn't catch him he failed to notice, the huge Clydesdale horse returning to the chambers set aside for him. The little male ran full bore into the leg of the equine, falling flat on his butt, dizzy again he looked up at the huge male smiling warmly down on him.

"Hello little one, where are you off to in such a rush?" the equine leaned over and lifted the kitten to his feet, not even showing the lightest strain, he laughed and patted him on the head.

"THERE YOU ARE!" his mistress came around the corner "IM GONNA PUNISH YOUR FURRY LITTLE BUT SO HARD!"

"Please no mistress azure, he looks like he's gonna have a heart attack as it is" the big horse motioned to the now very frazzled kitten shivering behind one of his legs, now, Brampson had not been on the grounds much yet, he wasn't a pet, or slave but was left in the care of Mistress Azure for a few short weeks, and had a soft spot for the kitten "I'm sure he has learned his lesson" now this is when his newness shows, one never questions the Mistress.

Brampson never seen the blade in her hand before it was across his chest, not deep, maybe even not enough to scar, but the blow was surprising the huge male, who stumbled back almost crushing the kitten being only about 4 feet tall, he was just a head above the Clydesdale's waist "Mistress Azure?!" the equine murmured in confusion.

"Don't... you EVER question what I'm doing, or how I do it Brampson or you will not be happly with the results" growling fiercely she turned to the little feline "NOW... Sirus come to me or you will not be so lively when I finally catch you"

The kitten whined in fear, she would beat him now, then cuddle and him later when she felt bad about it, he loved her un-endingly but he always walked on eggshells around her, for he thought this was his place, he glanced up at her, her sweet smile had returned, this was one of the only times he constantly felt stupid, when she smiles at him all of his worries melted away, even while holding a bloody blade, she was so alluring to every one.

As he walked to her he glanced down at the equine who looked at him in confusion, probably wondering why after all that he was walking back to her, he felt bad the horse was punished for merely trying to help him, but he new he really wouldn't walk if she had to chase him again, he couldn't take his eyes off his feet as he slowly edged toward her, her sweet smile never leaving her lips

"Brampson Hon, do carry Sirus will you?" the tone was almost playful and happy.

Confused the kitten looked up only to see the hilt of the dagger come crashing down on his head...

"Rise and shine sleepy head"

The melodious voice rang through the kittens head, easing the pain coursing through it now "M.. Mistress?"

"Yes pet, now open your eyes and get up" she finished this with a light giggle, obviously in a better mood

Sirus looked up and chocked on his own voice as he saw his beloved mistress holding his big red bow, the sign of her ownership over him "OH PLEASE MISTRESS... do not throw me away..." he couldn't even beg her forgiveness before he broke down in sobs un-controllably. "Surely I was not that disrespectful?" his face fur already well soaked in his tears.

"No, of course not pet, I have few pets as loyal or as loving as yourself" she patted him on the head, though he took little reassurance in this, he has seen her toy with mates before only to do things, he was not allowed to see to them and there is not much he hasn't seen. He flinched and crouched as she reached for him again, though she only flitted with his ears and scratched under his chin like he loved, still not calming him "I promise you Si you are still mine and will be as long as you love being mine"

This did what not much else could do, made him calm, but when his mistress promised something she kept it, "then... "Sniff" ... why am I no longer collared Mistress?"

She laughed "because it is a sign of not only my favor, and your ownership, but it is also a sign of your protection... with out this little piece of felt any one who wants you, and I know of a few by now, can take you, and after you ended my... business deal, I think you want some attention"

Moaned sadly as he looked around, there were out on the grounds, his mistress's huge and non-gated grounds, he'd never wandered out here without his mistress or at least three of her guards; she usually wouldn't let him out alone, even when he wanted to. He also knew, his mistress had a few enemies, most business related, some the family of her, other business.

She laughed again as though it was some sick joke that would end any moment but no, she handed the bow to one of her personal guards, a Neko who sniggered and placed it in a pocket for safekeeping. "I am going to keep you, but I want you to spend some time in the wilderness, I want you to mature for me" she smiles, though the warmth was gone "I don't want a bumbling kitten when I take you back"


The kitten looked around in the bushes, he spent the last few hours running from the guards who chased him off the mansions lawns into the bush, than damn neko still keeping his collar his bow, he sobbed again lightly, "why... Mistress?..." he was so confused he was always confused, but now... he could not reason through it, before, at least he could think "its because she loves me.." but now, she has sent him away into the woods, she says he's still her's, but he no longer knows.

Hes bleeding, a little a couple of nicks from the guards chasing him, laughing as they chased their Mistress favorite pet into the woods cutting at the kitten, not wanting to kill him, that would result in their own deaths but wanting to mar him a little to make up for his, what they thought, his easy life. He did not lead an easy life, he tended to his mistress day in and day out but they dint get that they only new he was a favored and they were not, they dint understand the pain that went along with that.

The little feline crawled along the woods decaying leaves and shrubs not wanting to be seen again, he left paw was cut badly when he tried in vein to fend off there laughing daggers and steel toes boots the only sound a light crunching a quiet pitiful sobbing, he was not sad from the pain or the rejection, but in that he didn't know how to become the alpha his Mistress wants him to be, he is only eleven winters he dint know why she wanted to make him so mature, he, he still loved his warm basket at the foot of her bed, and the little toys she got him, even his yarn he loved and he loved her. And he could not bear not being able to be, or do what she wanted of him, even when it was not his fault she was mad. He then and there decided to grow up for his Mistress.