The Mountain

Story by CrazyPuma on SoFurry

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Note: I wrote this up real quick tonight. I liked the idea, there is no mention of what kind of animal it is except for a large quadriped (specific I know) I don't write too much so hopefully there aren't too many oulandish errors. Hope you enjoy it.

IMPORTANT: Change your point of view with each paragraph. I was messing with things when doing this so it can be hard to read.

The man woke up in his bed. He didn't move a muscle below his shoulders, he stared at the clock and wanted the day to be over already. He was late for the meeting, his meeting, and he wasn't even fully aware of the world around him yet. Longing to be anywhere else in the world he dragged himself out of bed and readied for the day. After little deliberation, he called off work. The boss was none too pleased of the news and tomorrow was going to be hell. The outside world was calling. The yearning was too great to not be there, work was not the place to be on this day. It is sunny, with a few puffy clouds in the sky, and the perfect temperature. The mountains in the distance called, and the trees backed up the vocals for that. The fur-tree covered hills turned white higher up. They were too far to walk to, actually, they weren't but it wouldn't be feasible in a day so a car was the only decision. The car ride was overly painful as it kept out the fresh and perfect air. Parking out of sight so as not to dirty the perfect landscape with such an unnatural machine, our adventurer ventured up the mountain. The mountain had a special place in the local mythology as not many people returned and some even returned deformed from an unknown creature but it wasn't just a creature, almost a force, nonetheless, it was unexplainable. As such, the mountain was never named so it would not be attractive to tourists, the few that came by. The locals wanted the tourists that came to be in the same shape when they left so no one went there. It wasn't even easy to get there, but it was possible. Our adventurer didn't like town, the people acted strange to him so he didn't go there much, and if he did, he just got food and left. Work was most of his life at this point so if no one knew him then it wouldn't be a problem. A new place to be was in the works so (not a fuck was given). Today was different, work was not important, the mountains and the trees were calling. The grass and the sound of leaves under one's footsteps, the warm sunlight, the running streams. It was too much to be stuck in a gray office all day and stare at a computer with annoying angry people around all day. The mountain watched this small being start to climb higher and higher. It was early as the sun had not reached the highest point in the sky yet, but it was a long hike to the snow, though not impossible to reach and return in one day. This being seemed very determined for some reason. Climbing as fast as he can, leaping over great logs yet being gentle enough to not trample young plants. The mountain was impressed with this and attempted to talk to the young being. A young rabbit appeared and started moving up the mountain. Seemingly not scared it almost seemed determined. The glance it could be scarced were few so they may have been misleading as the moving pace was so fast that eyes should not be taken off the trail. The rabbit was moving alongside and after twenty minutes of constant movement, the rabbit started to slow down and not keep pace. It started to slip more and more and barely make jumps that it was previously conquering quite well. The mountain was not upset with the first conversation with the young being. He was agile and had much stamina. The young messenger that the mountain had sent was young as well, too young and too small to handle the being. Another messenger would be sent for this being and the mountain would also start to smile upon him. In the distance something was moving and fast. It was moving fast and approaching. The running was getting tiring but the mountain was large and the exercise in the past wasn't for nothing. Thirst was creeping up but the uncertainty of what was approaching was fueling adrenaline for now. A bobcat soon came into view running not but three feet next to the trail that headed up the mountain. Breathing was soon becoming easier for an unknown reason. His shirt was beginning to tighten but the running predator was given all of his concentration at the time. His leaps were becoming easier but the bobcat was keeping up better than the rabbit did. Sometimes coming closer and closer. The path taken started to turn into the path less traveled as the predator was getting a little too close for comfort. Straying from the path had its complications but ultimately the bobcat was losing interest and wandered off towards another animal romping around in the pine trees. The trees were becoming more sparse and the temperature was dropping a bit. A stream could be heard trickling and thirst was now about the largest idea in mind. With an unknown about the quality of water, our adventurer bent down to drink from the crystal water. The mountain watched carefully. She had sent two very capable messengers and he was doing fine. Knowing she had changed him and he was too busy to notice things changing him stopping to drink should be an interesting experience. Most people do not react well but then no one knows what is acctually going on. The water glistened and light sprayed in the area of the stream. The pine trees didn't block all of the light so there was some around the stream. The reflection staring back wasn't his face. It was deformed and different. The shirt was really constricting now so he took it off to find that his chest was a different shape now. Legs and arms were changing and this was a rather disturbing moment. Our adventurer doesn't really know how to deal with it at all so he does what he has been doing, going up. The mountain is surprised by this beings reaction. Most of these being start to panic and return, forever changed to a degree before the changes can be undone. Few have been accepting but this one is a first, acceptance. The mountain sends another messenger, but one that will not give up. Panic is the new fuel for the race up the mountain with previously no cause. A rustling from behind conjures a new contestant which only adds worry to a list of problems adding up in his mind. The climb started to get steeper so hands were more of an advantage than they were before. The new passenger coming up was a wolf. The large predator easily caught up and started leading a way. The trail that it was blazing was easier than the current one, so it was now the leader and somehow knew exactly where to go. The temperature started to drop as the trees started to thin out. Time had no meaning for a long stretch as the sun was halfway past high point and descending. Time seemed to have less meaning. If it got dark then a place to sleep would have to be improvised. The wolf was blazing a great path and though it is a predator was leading a path. The ground seemed easier to deal with now but his shoes were losing purpose. They were rattling around no longer tight. Consistent shaking of his feet on jumps was enough to shake them off and now the leaping and running was considerably easier. The cold was less of a problem than before even though it was clearly getting colder as some patches of snow were still on the sides of the trees, the few that were left. The mountain was very impressed with this being's instincts and started to advance the process so he could join her and her inhabitants faster. He was nearing the top as he reached the snow. Only three miles or so to go until he could meet the mountain and know what is happening. The snow started to get thicker and thicker until there was a decent layer on the ground. Fur started coming through his skin and he could feel his head changing. There was little pain but everything seemed clearer than it did before. A light shone fiercely through the cold and it seemed to be at the top of the mountain. A lady's figure appeared as the distance between them dropped rapidly. The wolf slowed down and looked. It gestured towards the light and walked towards the tree again. The light beckoned and a voice could be heard, unable to resist he headed towards it. He slowed down to a walk and approached the light. Pawprints went up to the figure of light. The town found the car and had it towed away. Three weeks went by no sign of the quiet man was found. Life went on as it did, and the town went on living as it did and the mountain had a new inhabitant and the mountain couldn't have been more welcoming.

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