Beating the Heat [RO]

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#3 of Rocks Off

Here's the third short story in the Rocks Off project I started months ago and never finished or uploaded (until now! Uploaded, that is, not fully finished). This story involves two pubescent male cubs having gay sex fun with each other while watching some porn. If you're not into that sort of thing, I'd advise you look the other way.

I am currently working on a commission right now, but if some furs wanted to contact me for a Rocks Off commission to help me continue this project ($10 gets you a 1 to 3 characters, 1500-2000 word story) I wouldn't mind . To keep the pace of these stories I'd ask that the description be short (such as this story would be: M/M, cub, incest) but, of course, we can negotiate.

Hope you enjoy the story and it gets your rocks off. Remember: I like +favs, watchers, and comments :) And be sure to check out my other stories!

Beating the Heat

A Rocks Off short story

By Bunny Hops

The barely pubescent gray husky twins Erwin and Jack were sitting in the finished basement den trying to beat the muggy summer heat the best way they knew how: by playing videogames clad only in their underwear. Erwin had recently made the switch to boxer shorts, but Jack still enjoyed his comfortable old tighty-whities, even though he knew he's have to make the switch himself before high school locker rooms came into his life. Jack also had on his well-wore socks despite the heat in a naïve--and ultimately backward--attempt to cover up his athlete's foot.

Just as the two finished up a round of Halo--completely demolishing the competition, of course--Erwin popped them out into the game lobby. He then spun his controller like a Frisbee onto the coffee table.

He flung his back onto the futon, letting out a breath and exclaiming, "Sometimes kicking n00b ass all day can get more than just a little boring."

"Seriously," Jack agreed, placing his own controller on the table. "What do you want to do instead?"

Erwin was quick at the draw, holding up a flash drive like it was some sort of Holy Grail. His trademark mischievous grin crept across his face. He knew his brother was aware of what was on the drive, so he wasted no time in popping it into the Xbox.

With expert navigation Erwin pulled up the porn onto the flat screen in no time flat. Being a little computer savvy, Erwin had previously edited together the best parts from a series of films into a streaming collection of close-ups and moneyshots.

Jack leaned in close as a Doberman came all over the face of a poodle. The poodle let the jizz drip down her face onto her tits before the next shot commenced. The next clip was of a burly red panda vigorously fucking a twink wolf boy in the ass.

It didn't take too many more images of naked furs doing the nasty to cause the twins to awkwardly attempt to cover up their stiffies. Jack, in his tighty-whities, just tucked himself into his underwear waist band and leaned forward to block it as best he could. Erwin had to resort to the use of a throw pillow to hide his tent. The whole affair was of inconsequential formalities, since until a little over a year ago their respective nudities meant nothing to them. There was a brief period of time where they shielded their bodies from each other, but a lifetime of fraternal intimacy won out against the apprehensiveness of puberty. Erwin's forwardness was sure of that.

Erwin had always been the extravert of the twins; he was the instigator, while Jack just followed his lead. Today wasn't any different.

"Hey, brother," Erwin scooted over to his husky twin, placing a paw on his bare thigh, "I think it's play time. Let's see that little pecker."

Jack smiled a toothy grin, simply saying, "Slip it out, then."

Erwin wasted no time in creeping his fingers into the fly of his brother's briefs. He felt the warm, bald skin of his cock already fully escaped from his sheath. He grabbed it and pulled it through the fly.

They both let a beat go by just staring at the young cock. Erwin inhaled deeply and eagerly bowed his head down on his brother's dick. Immediately Jack placed both of his paws on Erwin's head, crumpling an ear as he forced him down.

Needless to say, they had their cute little routine down pat. Erwin slurped as his tongue pressed up against the soft spongy underside of Jack's dick. Already Jack was spilling silky precum into Erwin's mouth, put he paid no attention.

While Erwin was digging his knees into the futon cushion and massaging his brother's balls through his taut briefs, Jack was watching the TV as a zebra mare was getting completely wrecked by a sketchy looking donkey with a matted brown mane.

Jack got brazen in his horniness and slapped his brother's outstretched ass, clasping down on an undefined cheek. Erwin murred and bobbed his head down, clasping his lips at the base of Jack's cock. Slowly he pulled up, letting his lips press all around as he did so.

The screen flashed to another scene. A sexily slender doe was on top of a well endowed stallion, sitting rather awkwardly between his chest and dick. His cock stuck out behind the doe where a femme cat lapped at the dripping precum.

Jack stared at the screen transfixed. The angles the cameraman was getting were just astounding. The shot began at the base of the horse's cock with the cat in view. Slowly the cameraman moved up the length, and just as he got to the feline's mouth the horse came.

Jack watched eagerly as the screen showed the moneyshot. Thick rivulets of jizz sprayed onto her face as she lapped playfully at the cock.

That last bit of stimulation was enough to get the husky's own juices flowing.

He gave his brother an obligatory warning of, "I'm going cum."

"Go for it, bro," Erwin mumbled through the cock in his mouth.

Jack dug his fingers into the couch and his brother's ass; he tilted his head back and moaned as he exploded into Erwin's mouth. His brother made some satisfied slurping noises as the husky gritted his teeth and let his penile contractions continue to empty his balls. He tried to keep his hips still, but he couldn't help but wiggle slightly from side to side.

A sudden wave of sobriety brought him back to earth as his climax tapered abruptly. He let his upper body go limp in a dramatic fashion as Erwin picked his head up; a little trailing line of semen connect the tip of Jack's deflating dick to Erwin's lip.

Erwin wasted no time in continuing. He slid on top of his brother's lap and edged his boxers down just low enough to expose himself. He sat his ass down on Jack's soft cock, feeling the last bit of cum seeping through his underwear as he straddled the husky.

Jack has sucked off Erwin before, but he didn't enjoy it in the way Erwin did, so his brother was nice enough not to ask or pressure him into it. Instead, Erwin began pawing off while sitting on his twin's warm lap. He put a paw on Jack's shoulder for support as he concentrated on his own primal desires. He kept his head down and his eyes closed as he vigorously beat himself.

Little sprays of pre dribbled onto Jack's furry chest. Jack's sexual desire had plummeted after his orgasm, but he let his brother have his fun. Even the erotic clips flashing on the screen in front of him were of no interest at the moment.

Having been bombarded with sexual thoughts, images, and actions, Erwin was primed and ready to climax. Sex was an entirely new thing to the twins, so they didn't know the ins and outs of making the event last and cherishing the ultimate orgasmic reward. Their young minds were geared to the end result from the beginning.

Feeling his balls twitch just made Erwin paw faster until his pleasure ramped up and gushed his off-white seed all over his twin's slightly rounded belly. He continued to beat as he came in spurting flows all over the two of them. The sticky, musky smell permeated the room almost instantly. One of the clear advantages of swallowing was hiding that telltale odor.

Erwin only realized he had been holding his breath when he let out a heavy breath and began panting hard. He buried his face into Jack's shoulder and the two shared a brotherly hug.

"How did we ever have fun before we discovered sex?"

"We just fooled ourselves into thinking we were enjoying ourselves."