Race Life

Story by Foxi Hemi on SoFurry

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Race Life

Pt. 1

"...I'm back! I'm back in the saddle again! I'm back! I'm back in the saddle again! Ridin' into town alone by the light of the moon, I'm looking for ol Sukie Jo-."

"Damn alarm, Aerosmith never gets old" I grumbled, rolling out of bed.

I stumbled over to my dresser to get some sweats. I easily get hot in the night, so I usually just wear boxers, but if it's super hot I lose the clothes altogether. I took a yonder at the calendar, and sure enough, it's Saturday.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat, but all we had was cereal, so I passed. Instead I had a Chewy bar. Talk about filling! I looked around for my parents, but I couldn't find them in the house. They were probably outside, mom attending to the garden, and dad working on the car.

Thinking of car, I remembered that this weekend we have to prepare the race car for the upcoming race. Great. This means hours of adjustments to tweak the car to make sure it's in running order and that it can pass inspection. We also have to send in our registration form/fee to the track to let them know we are participating.

With this in mind, I went back upstairs to put on some old clothes. While changing, I heard the familiar noises of my brother yelling at the tv. Three words, Call of Duty. I myself am not that good at it, but my brother was pretty good. I poked my head in to see how he was doing. By the looks of it, he was losing.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"Terrible!" he said.

"What a shame. Little kid kicking your ass?"

"Go to hell!" He said, in a pissy tone.

I smirked at his remark and left the game room. Putting on some sneakers, I left the house and went looking for dad.

Shutting the door behind me, I looked up to see the wonderful blue sky, not a cloud in site. The weather seemed to be just right, not too hot, not too cold. The birds chirping, the trees standing perfectly still, all was good.

I headed over to the workshop and saw that my dad had the car sitting out, the hood up. I saw a pair of legs sticking out from under the car, I found dad.

I asked, "How's it goin'?"

He replied, "Just great, you managed to mess up the suspension pretty good and the tranny looks to be shot. Not to mention we are goin to need new sheet-metal and a set of tires. Boy, we have some work ahead of us!"

"Great." I muttered under my breath.

"Don't start with an attitude, I don't wanna hear it right now!" He said, snapping at me.

With that, I let it go and the long day began. I helped my dad all day, pitching him a helping hand when he needed it. He sent me on an a lil' errand to pick up a new set of tires from our supplier.

About an hour later, I returned home. Dad was still workin' on the car when I got back. I pulled up next to him and got out.

He said, "What the he'll took you so long?"

"Well, I had to drive the speed limit and it took some time to get the right set out of the storage, so I believe I took the right amount of time."

My dad gave me the "look" and I instantly shut my mouth. He told me that I could finish up the rest, which means I get the honors of cleaning everything up and putting the car back into the garage.

I began the boring process of putting everything away, the tools and the ruined sheet-metal. Lastly, I had to push the car back into the garage, which is no easy task. Put the car in neutral and push. Boy did I hate the pushing part! With all my might, I managed to get the damn thing in its place. I was dead tired and my fur was dirty, especially my white chest, seeing that I had a holy shirt.

I headed towards the house, exhausted. Going through the front door, my mom greeted me.

"How'd things go out there today?"

"Fine, is dad pissed off at me?"

"No honey, he's just frustrated." She replied.

"Ok, well I'm getting in the shower."

I headed to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I turned the shower on, letting it warm up. I took a look in the mirror, dirty. I hated being all grungy, it just felt foreign to me. After stripping off my clothes, I stepped into the shower and did it feel great! So relaxing, I just wanted to fall asleep.

I soaped up my fur, making sure to get all the dirt off. Under the armpits, the ears, behind the tail, the whole nine yards, I scrubbed til' I was shining like a star. I moved under the shower head and ran my paws through my fur, silky soft. I couldn't help but touch my sheath, making sure the suds were washed off. At that moment, I instantly become turned on. My cock started to increase in size and within seconds, it slipped out of the doghouse. I took a seat on the shower bench and started to jack off. The sensation was amazing, I started to moan softly and the water itself added to the pleasure. It wasn't before long I was pumping quicker and quicker, reaching my orgasm. I blew my load all over my chest, strand after strand of fox cum. I sat back, spent for the day, my cock shrinking, going back into the sheath. After a couple of minutes I got up and washed the semen out of my fur, not bothering to use soap. I was too tired. I shut the faucet off and dried myself clean of water. I stepped out of the bathroom and headed upstairs to my room. I put some clothes on, went downstairs to get something to eat, and headed back to my room.

I looked at my phone, I had a missed call from Gwen. I cursed at myself for not having it on me but I was too tired to return in. Shutting off the lights, I turned in for the night, remembering to turn the alarm off.

"Aerosmith, I'll pass tomorrow morning."

The next morning I woke up late, no alarm, no getting up! I reached for my phone to see what time it was. 10:34 AM. I had to double check the time to see if I was imagining things. Sure enough, the time was correct.

As usual, I got up and put some pants on then headed downstairs. I smelled bacon. My dad always makes wonderful breakfasts on Sundays.

I greeted him with a "Good morning."

To my surprise, he responded back, "Morning."

"So you aren't mad at me are you?" I asked.

"No, just somewhat frustrated that we have to dump more money into the car. Plus we just helped you purchase your truck."

"Dad, don't worry, I'll pay you back every cent."

He responded, "I know you will, but things like that take time."

My mom got up, along with my brother. We basically ate in silence and I helped clean up afterward. The upcoming week is going to be chaotic because we have to get everything ready and packed for the upcoming race this weekend. We still had to get a new or used tranny to put in the car also.

I hung out at the house for most of the day, but later I had to help dad put the used tranny in he went to pick up earlier in the day. Not fun. Basically, it consists of cursing and yelling. Getting the new one in and bolted up, we called it a day.

It was around 4 o' clock after I got cleaned up. I decided to give Gwen a call to see what she was up to. I punched in her number and the phone began ringing.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey, it's just me calling. Sorry I didn't return your call yesterday, workin' on the car all day."

"Couldn't you have called me afterwards?"

"I could of, but I would have been out of it. Extremely tired."

"I see, well you wanna come into town tonight and hang out, or just drive around?" She asked.

"I'd love to, got nothing better to do!"

"Ok, meet at my place around 5:00?"

"Sounds good, I'll see ya there!"

"Alright, bye."

I hung up the phone and headed downstairs to tell my parents I was going out. Getting the OK, I got the keys to my truck and headed for town.

The drive takes about twenty minutes, mostly highway and some city driving. I arrived at the house and got out to knock on the door.

She opened it and said, "Hey. Let me grab my sweater and we'll be off."

I waited for a quick second and she soon came out, shutting the door behind her. She looked terrific, from her jeans to her splendid tight shirt. Stepping past me, I got a wif of her lovely perfume and I took a yonder at her bushy white tail. Sexy as always. I put a sly smile on and we walked to the truck.

The V8 alive, we headed out. It was starting to get dark, the city lights turning on throughout the city.

"So what are we gunna do?" Gwen asked.

I replied, "Well, I thought we could get something to eat, it's on me."

"That sounds good, how about Applebees? They have good food at a decent price."

"It's a plan!"

Along the way we talked about what we did over the past week and such. Nothing too exciting. We mainly listened to the music, however we never listened to one full song on the iPod, amazing how that always works, huh?

We arrived at the restaurant, ready to eat. As we walked in, I thought to myself, "I should have taken her hand, god I'm an idiot!"

The waiter led us to our booth and gave us the "usual." You know, their name, the specials, stuff like that. Leaving us in private, we were finally alone.

"Soooo... How's life?" She asked.

That question always got to me. I never really knew how to answer it, was it good, bad, or just OK? I didn't know. It's one of the most broad questions you could ask! I suppose it was a good conversation starter, so I went with it.

"Good, just cruisin' along, you know."

"Just good? Such a simple answer for a broad question." She said with a smile.

I instantly felt warm inside. There was just something about her smile that made me feel... right? It's hard to explain, but her smile always put one on my face. Not to mention her eyes, they were like crystal orbs, absolutely gorgeous.

I chuckled and said, "Seems like you always ask me that question, whether it's by text, phone, or in person and yet I give you the same answer every time."

"I know, I just want to see if you'll change that answer ever."

That got me thinking. Did she want me to change something about me? Was she expecting something greater of me? I pondered her response but was cut short when the waiter came by and gave us our food.

The rest of dinner was nicely paced. We took our time, chatting about random things and our childhood. After we were done, we sat there and talked for a little longer, until an old teacher of mine sat right next to us.

"Hey, so you wanna get out of here?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. What's the sudden rush?"

"Well if you look to your right, that old guy is one of my old teachers. Can you say awkward?"

She started to giggle and said, "Awkward."

We got up and left the building, slowly walking to the truck. It was dark out now, the cars rustling on by to their destinations.

"So you wanna hang at my place for a little bit?" Gwen asked.

"Sure, why not."

We headed back to her place, mostly shuffling through the iPod again. If there's one thing she liked about music, it was loud. I remember the first time she was in my truck and played music. It scared the shit outta me. It was so loud I wasn't expecting it. By now though, I got used to it. I actually enjoy it now. It mutes out the busy life of the city, not that our city is that crazy with life!

We arrived back at the house and I shut off the engine.

"You know what," Gwen said, "I would like to learn how to drive a stick shift. I think it would be fun to row my own gears."

I started to laugh at her request and she gave me the serious look.

"Allan, you're a little pervert! I hope you know that."

"Oh common! I know you were thinking the same thing!"

A wicked smile appeared on her face.

"Ok, you got me, that was dirty."

"Ah hah! So the two of us are perverted then?"

"You could say that. So dirtiness set aside, you wanna go in the house?"

I replied, "Yeah, I'd love to."

We got out of the truck and walked to the house.

"It's getting chilly out, must be a colder night." I said.

"Ugh, I hate the cold! I'd rather be hot."

"Oh I bet you would!" I replied.

"Of course you would like me hot, who wouldn't?"

As she said that she opened the door and we stepped in. It was a smaller house, nothing too big. As you entered, the living room greeted you. We took our shoes off and took a seat on the couch.

"Allan, I'm cold. Wanna get closer please?"

"You betcha."

For the next hour, we sat close together, watching the tv. Nothing was really on, so we just started watching The Family Guy. Afterwards we got bored of that and Gwen became antsy.

"Allan, guess what!"


All of a sudden she hit me with a pillow in the face.

"Oh you seriously want to start something with me Gwen?"

"I just did, what are you gunna do about it?"

"This." I replied.

I picked up the other pillow on the couch and hit her with it. The pillow war began. We hit each other for a few minutes until she gave up.

"Ok ok! You win!"

"I knew I would "

Off guard, she hit me again.

"Fine, I lose and you win! Happy?"

Gwen said, "Very! Girls always win, you should know that by now!"

"Ya ya, whatever you say! So, what to do now?"

"Well, the adults are sleeping, just to let you know."

Her answer threw me off a little bit. Should I make my move on her now? I mean common, that's a "Allan, fucking do something to me now! Whatever it is I don't care!" I decided

to tell her how I felt about her.

"Gwen, I know you know how I feel about you. You mean the world to me, and you're an amazing person. We always have fun together and we're the perfect match."

I took her paw and put it on mine. This was it.

"Gwen, would you like to go out with me?"

She jumped up and almost knocked me backwards. I think she was a little shocked by her own reaction.

"Allan, of course! You mean the world to me and I always think of you, I hope you know that."

"I do, just a heads up now, I'm going to kiss you now."

"I'm waiting my lo-"

But I reached her before she could say the rest of her sentence. The first somewhat awkward kiss got around, and we began to passionately make out. Our lips were locked together, I didn't want to break away from her. Her lovely long K9 tongue intertwined with mine, her scent was so intoxicating I wanted to rip her clothes off. We slowly broke the last kiss and stared into each others eyes.

"Gwen, I love you."

"I love you too Allan."

We stared at each other for awhile longer, but I finally broke the silence.

"Well I had a wonderful night, but I should get going."

"Yeah, it's getting late."

We got up off the couch and walked to the door. I was fiddling with my keys, I just didn't want to go. I opened the door and was about to say goodbye when an idea popped into my head.

"Hey, so later this week do you wanna go up to the racetrack? We are taking the RV so we'll have room, plus my brother isn't going. I'd love it if you would go."

"You know what, that sounds great. I'll ask the parents if I could go, which they probably will say yes."

"Alright. Good night."

"Good night, drive safe!"

"You don't have to worry about me!" I said, laughing.

I hopped in the truck and drove home. On the way, I couldn't help but think what just happened. I finally did it, I finally asked her and she more than willingly said yes. I smiled the rest of the way home.

Finally arriving, I parked the truck and went in. It was around 12 in the morning, my mom was still up, watching the home improvement channel. Surprise surprise. She's always up late.

"How'd it go?" she asked.

"Great. So would it be cool if Gwen went with us up to the race later this week?"

My mom smiled and said, "Of course, it's about time you two are going out!"


"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Good night honey."

"Night mom."

I brushed my teeth and took my contacts out then headed upstairs to my room. Tonight, I didn't want to wear any clothes. I got into my bed and the sheets felt so good on my fur. I closed my eyes and fell into a wonderful sleep.

I was awoken by the familiar alarm Monday morning and as usual, I did my morning routine. Dad and mom were both at work, seeing that we would be leaving Wednesday morning to head up to the track.

I spent the morning watching tv, nothing too exciting. My phone started to ring and I saw that it was Gwen. I picked up the phone and answered it.


"Hey, so I can go with you up to the track later in the week. When would we leave?"

I replied, "Wednesday morning, so you could come up to the house tomorrow night if you wanted to."

"Yeah, that would be more convenient."

"Great, so I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Ok, one more question, what should I bring exactly?"

"Wow, I'm a dill hole. Totally forgot! Clothes for the rest of the week, warmer ones for the night. Some money to buy food and such. I think that covers it, we have shit in the RV too, if you forget anything."

"Alright, well I'll see ya tomorrow."

"See ya."

The rest of the day I just sat around and did nothing, but that all changed when my mom got home. She gave me a check off list to see if we had everything packed in the RV. for the most part, we were golden. Just had a few minor items missing. My dad also decided to take his truck up there so we could drive around town if we got bored or needed some more of something. This meant I would be driving, great. I wasn't the type of person that liked to take road trips, but it really bothered me if I had to drive. It just gets boring, plus I drive an X amount of miles in the racecar so I'd rather be the passenger.

Tuesday came around and that's the day of making sure we have everything for the car ready, including some spare parts. My dad stayed home to help get everything organized in the trailer. Late afternoon we had the car packed up and ready to go.

I was about to leave the house to go pick up Gwen when I received a call from Trip, my racing buddy. Trip is an equine, a fine one at that. For a horse, he is a tad on the small side, but his well-toned body made up for that. He's a genuine guy, not too cocky, nor too shy. He has dark brown fur, with a pair of light brown eyes. He's always happy, as in a matter of fact, I've never really seen him down all that much. The girls go crazy over him, yet he manages to escape their wrath every time. I unlocked the phone and hit the send button.

I answered, "Hey! What's up buddy? Ready for this weekend?"

Trip replied, "Oh, you bet your sweat ass I am!"

"So are you heading up there tomorrow?"

"I believe so, still need a bloody set of tires though. Cutting it close!"

"No kidding!" I said.

He asked, "Anything new goin on?"

"As a matter of fact, yes! I'm finally dating Gwen Ashton. Crazy right?"

"No kidding! You always had the hots for her, congratz to ya man!"

"Thanks. She's coming up to see the race too, it's going to be great!"

"So I get to meet the fine lady again. It's been awhile ya know! I'll have to be extra spiffy for her!"

"Ya ya, you're so full of shit!"

"What can I say? I'm jealous!"

"Don't be, you'll meet someone terrific."

"I hope you're right Allan, bunch of skanks and ho's have been after me. No thanks!"

"I'd like to say I know what you mean, but I don't, so the best of luck to you!"

"Well thanks, imma need it."

"Well I have to go, I'm leaving to go pick Gwen up right now. Look forward to seeing you up there. Tell you parents to park your RV by ours like last year, more fun!"

"Will do man, I'll catch you later."

"See ya Trip."

"Bye Al."

I hung up the phone and went over to Dad's truck. I put the key in the ignition and was off to go get my lovely Gwen.

I drove into town, listening to my 80s music. Boy, that stuff got me pumped up. I actually would sing along and I'm not the singing type either.

I arrived at her house and turned the truck off. I got out, approached the door and knocked. A few moments later Gwen opened the door and let me come in.

"Allan, I'm so excited to go with you! I need to get away from here and spend some quality time with my new best man!"

She gave me a kiss and took my paw, leading me to her room. I couldn't help but stare at her fine ass as we walked onwards, in some direction. She also left a trail of her scent behind.

As we entered her room, I realized just how small it was. And I thought my room was small, boy was I wrong!

"So this is your room?" I asked.

"Yep, a little place on paradise."

"And I thought it would be smaller!" I jokingly said.

"Ha ha, you're quite the comedian."


"It is quite small, but it suits my needs just fine."

"Well in that case, do you have everything packed?"

"Yeah, here's my suitcase!"

She handed me the bag, it seemed somewhat a little heavy for such a short trip.

"We takin a trip to Europe are we?"

"No, it just has a large collection of my underwear, especially some thongs. No big deal."

I didn't say another word, she got me. I carried it out to the living room and set it by the door. She gave her parents a call, telling them that she was leaving. Now that I think of it, they never seemed to be around all that much. I shrugged it off and waited for her to be done with the conversation.

"Love you. Yes I'll be careful. Yes I have my money and clothes. Mom! Love you, bye."

"The joy of parents." I said.

"Ugh, tell me about it."

We walked out of the house and headed for the truck.

"Nice rig, your dad's?" She asked.

"Yeah, we'll be taking this up to the track, along with the RV."

"Whose driving this?"

"You're looking at him!"

"Lucky guy." She said with a smirk.

"Maybe I'll just make you drive so I don't have to!"

"I wouldn't mind, wanna let me?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Well it's a big truck Gwen, a lot bigger than your little car."

My dad is a Ford guy, but he got a really good deal on the Chevrolet. It's a 4-door 2500HD longbed. In other words, it's really long. The only good thing about it is the V8 under the hood.

She replied, "I'm always up for a challenge!"

With that we headed back to my house. She asked me different questions about the race along the way. Like, how many cars can compete? Is there a winning prize? Do you know anybody else up there? Really simple questions at that.

It was around 7 pm when we got back, the sun setting behind the mountains. We went into the house and my parents greeted Gwen. My dad isn't so friendly, he gives the simple nod or hello but that's about it. My mom on the other hand, she'll start asking questions like there's no tomorrow. When we finally got a break, we headed up to my room.

"Your mom is so nice."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Well, I see a decent sized bed over there so lets lay claim to it." She said sexily as she walked towards it.

Gwen walked to the bed and took a seat on the end.

"Is it me, or is it hot in here?" She asked.

I was about to answer when she took off her sweater, showing her tight tank top. Her breasts were begging to be released, she even pushed her chest out to further turn me on.

"Yeah, it's definitely hot in here." I said.

I walked over to the bed and took a seat next to her. She looked absolutely gorgeous. I just wanted to tear her clothes off, but if I were to get too pushy with her, I knew she would never take them off.

"Allan, help me take the shirt off, please?"

I gave her a smile and moved behind her. I grabbed the end of the shirt and pulled it off of her body, revealing her covered breasts in a white bra. The bra actually blended in with her white fur, it was hard to tell if she was wearing one.

"My turn." She said.

She took my shirt off, and ran her paw on my white chest. We began to kiss for a moment, until she pulled away.

"Allan, I'm still hot."

"Pants?" I asked.

"You read my mind!"

Our pants were gone, and I got my first good look at Gwen's body. Her breasts were amazing, and her ass was lovely. I wanted the bra and panties off. Now.

"You like what you see?" She asked.

"Oh yes I do, I think you would be more comfortable if nothing was on your lovely body."

"Allan, I know I would be more comfy, but lets take this slow."

I gave a short sigh but that didn't last long because she pounced on top of me, pinning me down. She shoved her tongue down my throat, fighting to gain control over my tongue. She removed her muzzle and began to kiss my neck, moving down to my chest. She buried her muzzle in my chest, murmuring some unknown words. I decided to return the favor.

I grabbed her by the waist and rolled her over so that I was on top.

"Oh, so you want a turn do you?"

I gave her a wicked smile, and slowly moved in for a kiss. She was waiting patiently, until she grabbed by head and shoved it towards my mouth.

"I want your tongue in there."

I obeyed her command and the make out session began once more. Our tongues intertwined with one another, fighting to see who would be the dominate one. I pulled my tongue out of her throat and began to kiss her neck, moving down to her chest. She let out small moans, getting more and more excited by the moment. My muzzle moved in between her breasts, licking from left to right.

"Ahh, lower Allan, please." She whispered.

Sure enough, I moved to her stomach. She tensed up, I stopped licking her and moved back up to her ear.

I whispered, "Relax, I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to do."

She nodded her head and I continued down to her stomach. I moved over her bellybutton, down to her waist. I kissed gently around her torso, her moaning increasing at the same time. I stopped and looked at her.

"I think we have explored enough tonight Gwen, you're still somewhat tense."

"Allan, I know you want to go further, but I'm tired and I'd like to take it slow."

"Gwen, I completely understand. I love you."

"I love you too."

I tore the sheets back so we could get in the bed. She wanted the inside, which was fine with me since I get hot. I set the alarm, and we both fell asleep in each others arms.