Interactive Friction - Chapter 1

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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#1 of Interactive Friction - Cheese your own adventure

Hey, Drackir here. Generally I just let my stories speak for themselves but this needs a little explanation. When I was growing up I enjoyed something called "Choose your own adventure". I discovered a program called "Twine" that lets you make a choose your adventure. Being the raccoon I am I decided to make it into a smutfest. So now I decided why not apply that to here? So here it is, a choose your adventure - Drackir style!

Here is how it works!

At the end of each section are a few choices, just let me know in a comment which one you like (Or make your own suggestion). I will count the votes and take into concideration any interesting recomendations and then continue to story!

It's that easy. Also I need a name for the main character, the big sex bear you are about to meet.

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**At 6am every morning a dozen alarms go off in the apartment building that the front sign calls "UNTIED DOWNS" but was really supposed to be called "UNITED DOWNS". Of those twelve clocks a dozen paws reached out and mashed on the snooze button, turned over and went back to sleep for "Just another five minutes" when they would slap snooze again. In one of the apartments though a hand doesn't reach out to slap the alarm clock's snooze button, instead a large brown paw thrusts out and hits the top button silencing the alarm. In the silence that followes is a deep barritone grunt of effort as a large brown bear pushes himself up causing the simple blue covers to cascade along his back revealing a heavy body, muscled but with a layer of fat obscuring the definition.

"Fucking Fridays" He growled out, his deep voice matching the deep grunt he had given out earlier. Slowly he sat up, moving around so his legs hung over the edge of the bed as he scratched along his belly, the firm mass jiggling as he did so. His other paw reaches over and flicks on the small lamp and then picks up a pair of thick framed black glasses and puts them on, his blue eyes blinking a few times in the harsh unnatural light. He stand slowly, a bulge in his boxers from the remnants of a saucy dream involving three otters and at least two wolves fading rapidly as he draws open the curtains to see the sun slowly rising over the canopy of trees in the natural park across from where he lives. It was going to be a beautiful day.

He pauses there for a few minutes taking in the view, the whole reason why he chose an apartment so far away from work. The fact it is also far away from his nagging father and double nagging mother was just icing on the cake. Behind him he hears the radio click on automatically jumping into the weather.

"Well I don't quite know how to break this to you," Comes the clear well spoken British weather woman on the radio "But it looks like today will be the last day of our pleasant weather. We're looking at a thunderstorm this evening that will continue on into Saturday and Sunday and probably even through into Monday as well. So make sure you've got your umbrella's if your out late tonight everyone. And now onto the rest of the country..."

The bear turns away from the wonderful view and starts to walk towards the exit of his bedroom. He knows he has to get ready for work but still is a little sleep. He reaches the door frame and looks left and right down the small corridor. Left will take him to his lounge room and the kitchen where he can make himself breakfast while the right will lead him to the bathroom to shower, relieve himself and shave.

What does our hero do? A) Left to make breakfast B) Right to shower. C) Return to bed for a bit more sleep. D) You make a suggestion.**

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