Hound Hardbodies

Story by DarwentheOrca on SoFurry

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The Rovers experience big changes after another mission.

Hound Hardbodies

by Darwen the Orca

Pics by Wolfblade

"You know this is all your fault," Hunter said, panting. The retriever, along with his husky and doberman teammates - Exile and Blitz, respectively - were running full tilt through a forest. Behind them were a dozen angry cano-mutants, agents of General Parvo. Laser blasts impacting the trees around them sent shards of wood flying.

"My fault?" Blitz yelled, his German accent thick. "Why is it always my fault? You told me to distract them."

"But you did not have to be chomping them on their posteriors, Weird Boy," Exile grunted, ducking under branches. His own Russian accent was hard to ignore.

"Whoa!" Hunter yelled out. The three skidded to a halt at the edge of a ravine. "I would not have predicted this."

"Remind me never to call if you get Psychic Phone Network, comrade," Exile joked. Hunter shot him a look then noticed a cave behind him.

"Quick, into the cave. With any luck they haven't been following our scents," the retriever said. He rushed in, the others following.

As they entered the cave, Exile used his freeze ray to block off the cave entrance. "I know I wouldn't be sniffing us outski." The husky waved his hands in front of his nose.

"Hey! I told you I had the sauerkraut for lunch." Blitz harumphed, looking away and folding his arms in displeasure. He sat down.

Hunter chuckled as he took out a communicator from his belt. "Hey, Shag."

What came across the communicator could only be described as a series of grunts and mumbles.

Exile was using his x-ray vision through the entrance, his eyes glowing blue. "Bad news, comrade. They're camping out in front of cave-ski."

The retriever sighed. "Yeah, were stuck again. There a cave northwest of the compound, next to the ravine. Can't miss it, on account of the dozen or so cano-mutants in front of it."

Shag's mumbles echoed through the cave.

The retriever started walking toward the back of the cave. "I know, I know. We always seem to make it harder for you and Colleen." The mumbles continued. "That's great, you two were able to capture Parvo and Groomer." More mumbles. "Yes, yes we'll sit tight and try not to get into any trouble." Shag clearly growled. "Any more trouble." The communicator clicked off.

"Well, we just need to sit tight. Rescue should be here soon." Hunter looked down at his communicator, then put it away. Looking up, he noticed the wood planks barricading the rear of the cave. "Hey, check this out. This must've been an old mine shaft." Hunter walked back and leaned against it. The wood groaned as the yellow dog put his ear to the wood. "C'mere guys, I can hear water! Maybe we can break through."

Exile and Blitz looked at each other and sighed. Blitz got up and walked with the husky. As soon as they leaned against the planks they started to crack. Then they broke through, tumbling down a small slope. At the end of the grade was a pool filled with an orange liquid. The three all came to a stop in the pool, dunking themselves fully in the gloppy mess.

The three crawled out of the mess, covered head to toe in the orangey syrup. Hunter looked back at the pool.


"Don't say it!" Blitz and Exile shouted in unison.

The three stripped out of their messy uniforms. The only thing they were wearing under them were their jocks. They took those off to wipe their faces with. Blitz decided to lick his lips before cleaning his face. As he tasted the orange goop in his fur he licked more and more. He got up and made his way over to the pool.

"What the heck are you doing Blitz?" Hunter shouted. "We don't know if that stuff's toxic!"

"Oh, but it tastes so good!" Blitz stuffed his face into the pool and began to drink.

Hunter and Exile got up to drag him away. The movement dislodged some goop on their faces, which the instinctually licked at. Both were overcome by the taste and soon joined their teammate at the side of the pool.

Several minutes and what seemed like gallons of ooze later, the three Rovers lay back. Licking the last of the orange from their muzzles they lay together in contentment. A warm feeling emanated from their bellies.

"That was quite possibly the stupidest thing we've ever done," remarked Hunter. The others grunted in agreement.

The warm feeling spread through them, then focused on their groins. Slowly their cocks slipped from their sheaths, uncut human heads instead of normal canine points - a side effect of the trans-dog-mafacation process. They still had their knots, which were now slowly inflating in their sheaths.

"Now what to do with these," Hunter said, rubbing his foreskin over his glans. He gave Exile a glance and saw the same look on the husky's face. They both looked down at Blitz. The doberman folded his ears back. Exile and Hunter stood and lifted Blitz up.

"Why me?" Blitz complained.

"Well, for starters you did get us into this mess," Hunter answered as he wrapped Blitz's right arm around his shoulder.

"And, well... You are Omega, comrade," Exile added, wrapping the doberman's left arm around his shoulders.

Blitz gave a whine as the two lifted his legs, putting his weight on the shoulders of the husky and retriever. All three of their cocks were fully erect, knots unsheathed and heads drooling with pre. Hunter and Exile maneuvered Blitz's butt until it aligned with both their cocks. The two lowered him slowly until there tips were right at his hole. Blitz was panting. All three were, in anticipation of the thrust. They moved him around slightly, using their pre to lube him up.

Finally after a minute or so of teasing they lowered him. The mushroom heads stretched the doberman's ring wide. Finally they slipped in. Blitz's cock gave a squirt of pre and his throat a moan as the cocks slipped in. Slowly they lowered him on to their shafts, both tops keeping a wide grin on their faces. Finally they stopped, cocks in up to their knots. They lifted him up slowly until just their tips were in. Then they pulled him back down harder.

They built up this tempo until their ball were bouncing. Occasionally they alternated thrusting, making the husky and retriever cocks slide against one another in Blitz's rectum for their frotting pleasure. It was during one of these that, with a hard thrust, Exile popped his knot into Blitz. Hunter followed suit on his next up thrust. Thick wads of dobie cum shot from Blitz's cock moments after the double tie. Blitz's stub tail was wagging like a hummingbird wing. Exile and Hunter came together shortly after. Their combined loads filled Blitz and leaked around the knots.

It took several minutes, but finally their loads lessened, finally slowing to a trickle. The three sat on a rock outcrop and were careful not to pull out as they moved. Panting, the three looked at each other. Blitz's loads were splattered across their chests and bellies. Exile and Hunter's loads dribbled down their legs. The three did their bit to lick clean Blitz's front as they waited for their knots to go down.

After a good half hour, Blitz did a test pull. Both cocks slipped free with a slurp. Blitz was still weak after this hard fuck. They carried him back up to the entrance and laid him down. He began to doze off as Exile and Hunter licked the doberman's cum off themselves. Though it gave them an erotic thrill they did not experience a resurgence of the urges that led them to this sticky situation in the first place. Instead their cocks gave light throbs and retreated back into their sheaths. Finally, with their fronts clean they laid down and snuggled with the sleeping doberman.

They were woken by a loud cough. Standing over them was Shag, a great big beefy old English sheepdog. Unlike the others, Shag was only wearing his fur, which was more than enough to cover him. He grumbled as he felt around through his fur. He pulled out three moist towels for them to clean themselves off. Blitz was still a bit bowlegged as he cleaned himself up. Hunter and Exile chuckled a bit, but stopped when Shag shot them a look. They attempted to hand him back the towels but Shag mumbled something in the pattern of "Keep 'em."

He produced three new uniforms and jockstraps from under his fur. As they took them Shag began to mumble and grumble. Exile and Hunter nodded in agreement as Blitz blushed again. Shag left and the three got dressed.

"You'd think he hated nudity with that lecturing," Hunter joked.

"Nyet. Just the smell of Blitz sex," Exile quipped back, giggling.

"Hey!" Blitz complained and stuck out his tongue.

Pulling their boots on, the three looked over at Shag who was standing guard at the freshly melted entrance.

"Pity he's straight," Hunter mused.

"Da," Exile added. "All that fur must be fun to cuddles with."

"It's nice he and Colleen got together. Poor girl would've been stuck with just those banana toys."

The three chuckled and walked over to Shag. Outside the makeshift campsite had been turned into a makeshift doggy rescue. To one side of a tent, cano-mutants went in. On the other side regular dogs came out, ready to be reunited with their worried owners. The three smiled, knowing some good was coming out of this. Then Hunter remembered.

"Hey Shag. Got a sample container?" The big dog reached in and jumbled things around under his fur. He then withdrew a silver thermos-like bottle with a biohazard symbol on it and handed it to Hunter. "Thanks."

Hunter walked back into the cave, down to the orange goo pool. Opening the top, he dipped the container in and collected a large sample. Screwing the top back on, he wiped the excess off with his towel. He licked the remnants off his fingers. Doing so gave his sheath giving a quick erotic thrill. He then dashed up to meet the others at their plane to take them home.

Back at the base, they all went to the medical bay for a mandatory checkup. Professor Hubert - their resident scientist bloodhound - was in charge of their scans. One at a time each Rover lied down on the scanning bed, each scan taking only about a minute to complete. When they were all done and Hubert dismissed them except for Hunter, Exile, and Blitz.

"Would you boys come with me?" Hubert asked in his usual calm demeanor. They followed him into the adjacent lab room. On one table was the specimen bottle that Hunter had collected. "You boys need to be more careful."

"What do you mean?" Hunter tried to look nonchalant. The others were a bit anxious.

"Safety first, you know," the bloodhound replied, tossing a box at them. Exile caught it and crooked his head.

"A box of condoms?" Exile and the others tried to hold in their laughter.

"Yes, my boy. I've got the most powerful nose in the world. I can still smell it on you," Hubert said, grinning. "It's not a problem, of course. You boys been exclusive for a long time now. It's not like you'll catch anything. But still, condoms make cleanup a little easier. Wouldn't you say?"

Hunter and the others broke down laughing. "You're right about that. But sometimes it's not as much fun."

After they had calmed down, Hubert brought over the specimen bottle. "Now what did you boys bring me that was so interesting?"

"There was this strange orange pool in the back of the cave we took refuge in." Hunter was deciding whether or not to tell him the had ingested any. "It had this near irresistible smell so I was wondering what it was." Exile and Blitz looked at each other, then to Hunter.

"Well, I can do that, sure." Hubert walked back and set it on the table. "Thank you boys. You can go now."

The three took their leave of the lab and went to the briefing room. The debriefing was already in progress. When that was done they filled out the paperwork they missed while talking to Hubert. Shag and Colleen left for the weekend and the three were left at base alone. Since they were no longer in their roles as the dogs of the heads of state, this left them a lot of free time. Exile and Blitz used this time to workout in the gym. Hunter got some runs in before he - ever the true American - vegged out for a bit on the sofa, watching the late shows. After a couple hours they all headed for bed, falling asleep almost the instant their heads hit the pillows.

The next morning Hunter awoke very sore. When he sat up, he groaned as every muscle in his body made its own unique protest known. The dull ache didn't stop his erection from rising. He cursed himself for wearing his uniform to bed, confining his maleness. Another groan escaped him as he stood up from his bed. A nice warm shower was on his mind as a way to kill two birds with one stone - sore muscles and morning wood.

Closing the bathroom door he made his way over to the shower and turned it on to let it warm up. His uniform was feeling tighter. He tugged at a zipper trying to get it off. He started to go over to the mirror to look at the problem when he felt his whole body pulse. He stopped and looked down at his uniform. He watched as it stretched with each beat of his heart, growing tighter and tighter.

He scrambled for the zipper but it was too late. His uniform exploded, sending bits of armor and cloth flying outward. The force threw him onto his butt with a shocked look on his face. From his sitting position looked over himself. Veins were visible under his fur, bulging with blood. Every muscle seemed to be covered by these veins. He watched as the thick branches of his thighs swelled with muscle until they were like tree trunks. His lower legs and feet followed suit.

The changes moved up his torso and back. He could feel the thickening as it stretched his skin. His butt pulsed and pumped as each glute became a perfect bubble cheek. Each of his abdominal muscles became more cut and defined as he grew wider. Moving up to his chest, his pectorals swelled. His shoulders widened as his trapes grew.

His arms were the next area to grow. His biceps pulsed larger and soon they were as thick as his legs. His lower arms and hands followed. He could feel the bones throughout lengthen and thicken, giving more support to his new muscles.

At last the changes subsided, leaving him with a brand new body. Now the feeling focused on his genitals. Hunter watched in amazement as the veins swelled on his hybrid cock. Inch upon thrilling inch, his cock lengthened and thickened. His foreskin pulled slowly off his glans, eliciting a shudder from the beefy canine. He knot swelled from the size of an orange to grapefruit, then to small watermelon. His testicles swelled just as quickly. Veins bulged as he felt his scrotum stretch tightly. Baseballs soon turned into softballs, then into bowling balls.

Slowly the changes began to subside. His heart rate slowed back to normal. The veins returned to their normal size, thought a few still popped as he flexed himself. Hunter was dumb struck at the changes. He sat on the floor letting the events sink in. He pinched himself to see if he was dreaming. A pained "Yelp!" from him killed that idea. Slowly he got up to look at himself in the mirror.


He had been about six foot with an athletic build. Now he was much taller than before. His ears brushed against the ceiling as he stood erect. He ducked back down to look in the mirror. He wiped away the fog on the mirror and gasped incredulously. Every one of his muscles was now huge, and perfectly defined even through his medium thick fur. His nipples stood out on his thick slabs of pectorals. His abs were the perfect definition of washboard.

And his cock! It was longer than his forearms and thicker, too. His knot was the size of a basketball. His balls, like watermelons, hung low. A few veins pulsed on his shaft and balls. As he flexed his arm his cock flexed up; a shot of pre splatted against the mirror. After a few pumps of his arm and a few more shots of pre, Hunter quickly got the idea.

He picked up a strange smell from his arm. He brought it in close and took a big whiff. He immediately knelt down, weak at the knees as the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had hit him. Thick shots of white cum splattered over the vanity. This went on for several minutes, completely coating the sink and vanity in thick spoo. Finally it slowed to trickle and Hunter grasped his shaft. With both hands he managed to squeeze the last of it out onto them.

Curiosity got the better of him and he licked the cream from his hands. The taste was so good. It tasted like...

"Oh shit!" Hunter scrambled to find a towel. His cum tasted like the goo they had ingested back in the cave. This change had to have been caused by it.

His erection had not gone down but he had no time for that. He needed to check on the others. He found a towel big enough to at least hide his front, then opened the bathroom door and ducked out. Holding the towel to his front, he jogged to Exile's nearby room. His erection bobbed as he jogged, still not receding even in his slight panic. Finally he reached Exile's quarters and knocked on the door.

"Hey Ex! Is everything okay in there?"

"Come in, comrade," came the response from inside. Hunter opened the door and went inside, almost forgetting to duck under the now too-low doorframe. His heart skipped a beat at what he saw.


Exile stood in front of a mirror. He had been buff before, but now... His body looked similar to Hunter's new form. Perhaps slightly thicker. The muscles of his back rippled as he shifted through different poses. A towel lay on the floor as Exile's now massive cock leaked precum at a steady drip. Hunter's own towel had a growing wet spot on it as well from watching Exile change poses. The muscle ripples ended up made the spot enlarge for every squirt.

"Is this not amazing, friend?" Exile flexed his bicep, making Hunter squirt more pre into his towel.

"Amazing, yes," Hunter replied. "Also terrifying."

Exile turned to Hunter, a smile spreading across the Husky's face. He walked over to Hunter, the retriever hesitant. The husky proceeded to to give the retriever a big bear hug. Normally Exile's big hugs would squeeze the wind out of someone, but now Hunter's new muscly thickness prevented that. Hunter and Exile looked into each others eyes. The retriever's reluctance melted away as he gazed into the husky's soft blue eyes. Exile let up on the hug and drew his muzzle in closer to Hunter's. The retriever reciprocated.

Slobbery Kisses

Their lips met passionately. They locked their muzzles together and played some rounds of tonsil hockey with their long tongues. Hunter dropped his towel to the floor. His free hands began to grasp as Exile's thick bubble butt. The husky stroked and kneaded Hunter's back.

In their passionate embrace, their cocks rubbed together. More pre leaked from their tips, coating their dicks; making them more slick against each other. Excess pre dribbled onto Hunter's towel.

As their kissing slowed, Exile's hand wandered down to Hunter's own rump. Both massaged each others asses for a few more minutes. Finally they withdrew from each other's embrace.

"Wow!" was all Hunter could muster in the afterglow.

"Da!" Exile smiled.

"We- we really, really need to see Professor Hubert about this. I mean, this isn't normal. Maybe he can cure us." Hunter was still a bit upset.

Exile sighed. "Perhaps you are being right, comrade. Tell you what. We should look in on Weird Boy before we go to the Professor. Just to check if he's alright." Exile winked.

Hunter got the idea quickly. "Yeah, we should check up on him." A sly grin spread across his muzzle.

The two left Exile's room together, leaving the towels on the floor behind them. When they got to Blitz's room they found his door open. Blitz was never really a shy one, always quick to show off. He was also a bit of a nudist. As they peeked in what they saw gave them a chuckle.


Blitz was in front of the mirror, all muscled up like them; though perhaps a little less. He had always been a bit smaller than them. So even now it wasn't a big surprise. He was busy doing body poses in front of a full body mirror. He was rather enjoying looking at his new body. With every flex, he licked and kissed each muscle as best he could. Each kiss brought a squirt of pre from his cock. He'd been at it so long, the lower half of the mirror was coated in the clear liquid.

"What a Weird Boy," Exile whispered.

"You're one to talk, curly butt," Hunter retorted. "Even I could have predicted this."

They both lightly chuckled, then slipped into the room as slowly and quietly as two massively muscled canines could. Blitz was so enamored of himself he payed no mind to his surroundings. Hunter and Exile got right behind the doberman, toothy grins on their faces.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

Blitz jumped and spun around. A shot of pre erupted from his cock, painting Exile and Hunter's waists. The two just grinned at him.

Blitz nodded his head. "Ya! This is really fantastic. I've always dreamed of a body like this. But with you two... This is just not fair." Blitz pouted a bit.

"Perhaps we should put it through its paces then." Hunter leveled his eyes with the doberman's. Blitz sank back a bit, his ears folding flat but his stub tail wagging.

"Da, comrade. We should see if he'll be keeping up with our pacing." Exile grabbed Blitz's shoulders and pushed him down.

Blitz got down on his side as Hunter knelt and lifted the doberman's leg. He quickly lined up his throbbing thick cock with Blitz's pucker. The copious pre spurting from his dick made slippery work of the doberman's butt.

Meanwhile, Exile knelt at Blitz's face. As his erection bobbed in front of the doberman, Blitz teased at it with his tongue. After a few minutes Exile grasped his knot with a gasp, and held it in front of the dobie's nose. The scent was intoxicating to Blitz and he began to lap at the squirting cock head with fervor.

Hunter chuckled as he watched Blitz lick at Exile's member. He readied himself behind Blitz and pressed his member against the anal ring. Blitz gasped as Hunter began to push into him. This gave Exile the opening to stuff his own cock into Blitz's muzzle. He could feel as the doberman's tongue pushed his foreskin back off of his glans. Inch after inch he stuffed down the Doberman's throat, distending it visibly.

Hunter's cock slipped past Blitz's sphincter, slipping his own foreskin back off. He groaned as he slowly stuffed every inch of his cock into Blitz's bowels. Hunter could see the bulge still even through Blitz's perfect six-pack. Both Hunter and Exile hit their knots at the same time. Blitz's was in bliss feeling thick cocks fill him from both ends. His own erection spilled pre out at a steady rate. Exile was the first to pull back. He left only the tip in before slowly thrusting forward again. As the husky thrust in, Hunter began his slow pull out. Both were enjoying the feeling of their foreskins slipping over and off their glans'.

Double Stuffed

Slowly but steadily they increased the speed of this rhythm. The back and forth of the group caused Blitz's cock to swing up and down, coating the dobie's chest and belly in the clear fluid. Blitz used his free hand to rub it in all over his torso. Above him, Exile and Hunter leaned toward each other. Their lips met in another passionate kiss.

Hunter's thrusts became more urgent. He pushed forward quicker and harder as his knot stretched Blitz's sphincter even more. After a very hard thrust, it popped in. The tie caused Hunter's knot to press against Blitz's prostate, setting off the doberman's orgasm. Blitz fired shot after massive shot of thick white doggy cum.

His moans and butt squeezes from his own orgasm caused Exile and Hunter to cum together. After a several large shots down Blitz's throat, Exile slipped his cock from the doberman's muzzle, causing the husky's cum to fly everywhere. It coated his own chest and Blitz's face. Hunter grabbed ahold of Blitz and eased him back beside him, careful not to pull too much. The three cuddled together, still shooting their loads. Blitz and Exile's coat the three doggies, while Hunter's leaked out from Blitz's ass around his knot. It's a good ten minutes before their orgasms subside. Finally spent, Exile's cock slowly retreats back into his sheath.

It's another twenty minutes before Hunter's knot has gone down enough. Blitz gave a t test pull and the retriever's cock slipped out with a wet squelch. The three rested in their afterglow in a pool of their spunk. They slowly drifted off to sleep, pure bliss in their expressions. However, their doze off is interrupted by a knock and grunt at the door.

"Oh dear." Professor Hubert is at the door, a look of shock on his face. The three hyper muscled doggie stare back at Hubert, faces red in embarrassment.

"Um... I guess we've got some explaining to do," Hunter says humbly. He then caught sight of Hubert's crotch. He can just make out the cock shaped bulge straining against the leg.

"Yes- yes, you do." Hubert adjusts his glasses and pants. "Come by the lab when you've had a chance to clean up."

Hubert walked off, shutting the door behind him.

"Well, what'dya know," Hunter said giggling.

"What's that, comrade?" Exile asked curiously.

"I think he likes this." Hunter flexed his arm.

"Big muscle, eh?" Exile chuckled. "Well, small dogs usually do have fantasy about being big boys."

"Think we should tease him a little?" Hunter grinned.

"Nyet," Exile answered. "It would be rotten thing to do."

"Yeah, I guess." The retriever stood up. He offered a hand to his partners, and helped pull them up. "Right now I think we need to get clean and come clean."

The three of them left the room. On the floor by the door was a stack of very large shirts and pants. The three chuckled as they collected them and headed for the gym showers - the only public showers large enough for them to get clean together in. They teased and squeezed as they got clean. Not enough to bring back their arousal, thankfully. After toweling off they were able to squeeze into the new clothes. The clothes may have been loose even on very large people, but it still clung to their new physiques. They went commando since they hadn't been provided any underwear. Probably because Hubert couldn't find any that would fit.

At the lab the three explained what had happened back at the cave. Hubert listened to them intently. The three went over how they came across the goo and the circumstances leading to them ingesting it. After they finished, Hubert went over the results of his test on the goo - what he had been bringing when he found them in Blitz's room.

The goo was comprised of a strangely symbiotic combination of proteins, fatty acid, and other chemicals. Those, along with never before discovered bacteria and RNA type retroviruses, caused their cells to be reconstructed. The bacteria also secreted copious amounts of testosterone, making the reconstruction cause a massive muscle growth. Unfortunately, the original sample broke down after just twelve hours. A cure would not be forthcoming without more.

"I'll need you to come with me," Hubert said as he collected some papers. "You can show me where the pool is." The three nodded and headed out with the Professor.

On the way to the island, Hubert impressed them with his piloting abilities, even landing it in the clearing just a few hundred yards from the cave. It was daylight, but still dark underground. Hubert brought out a few boxes with his testing and collecting materials (including a 55 gallon drum), along with lanterns and flashlights. Hunter and Exile took Hubert to the cave, having Blitz watch the plane.

At the pool, Hubert set up his equipment. He used a vacuum pump and flexible pipe to fill the 55 gallon drum with goo. After sealing it, he had Exile take it back to the plane. He watched the husky lift it, the weight barely anything for him now. Hunter glanced at Hubert as Exile left the gave, a sly grin spread across the retriever's muzzle. He could smell the bloodhound's arousal.

Hubert shook his head to clear it and went back to the pool. He dropped a weighted line into the pool to measure it's depth. It went down to around 10 feet before it hit bottom. After collecting the line back, he and Hunter cleaned and packed up the equipment and headed back to the plane. Back at base, Hubert threw himself into testing while the others headed off to pursue... other interests.

Hubert was quite enthralled with his lab work. He had all his equipment working overtime to find out more about the goo and if he can reverse the changes it caused. After several hours of work it was clear to him how this substance could be used for the benefit of mankind; rebuilding muscle after traumatic accidents. And of course for other health benefits like reducing obesity. Some of the chemicals in the goo burned off fat and built muscle. And then there were the bodybuilders.

This sent a thrill down Hubert's spine. His own body was a bit stocky. He had a bit of a belly from lack of exercise. Having always been somewhat nerdy, he had a thing for muscly guys. And now with Hunter and the others all big and beefier than normal he had been having a difficult time keeping himself focused. He suspected that Hunter was aware now of his turn-on as well. Luckily he had a lot of work to keep his mind of pleasurable pursuits at the moment.

However, with that slight faltering of focus, he failed to notice some goo on his gloves as he collected up another sample to run through the mass-spectrometer,. He divided the sample into smaller tubes and put them in the centrifuge. After turning it on, he wiped his chin with his glove. As he took them off he licked at his face, tasting some of the sample transferred from the glove.

At the back of his mind he realized his costly mistake. But by then it was already to late. The urge overtook him and de dunked his head in the drum and began to drink. The taste somehow overpowered all his sense. With his belly full, he finally was able to withdraw. As he licked the remnants from his muzzle fear, and arousal, slowly crept into his mind. He was going to end up like his teammates if he didn't find a way to reverse it in - he did the calculations in his head of how long between the others ingesting and then changing - twelve hours.

Whether it was the excited thrill of becoming a musclebound hunk or just the goo, Hubert's pants tented insistently. With no real way to make it go down, the bloodhound unfastened his pants and stroked himself. It was real quick for him to bring himself to orgasm. He used a two hand combo of knot squeezing and foreskin rubbing to cum in just over a minute. He used a sample cup to collect his load.

After filling it to near brimming his orgasm tapered off. It was definitely the hardest he'd ever cum in his life and he was sure that the orange slime had something to do with it. His mind was set and he started on finding a way to stop and/or reverse the muscle growth. He worked feverishly for the next several hours. He identified nearly every component of the goo. But after six hours, fatigue finally set in. As he looked over papers his eyes began to close. Try as he might to snap awake, sleepiness won and he dozed off at his desk.

Hubert snapped awake, a line of drool attached to the desk. He felt very sore and rubbed at his aching muscles. Then his cock began to slipped from it's sheath. He remembered the others telling a similar set of events before their growth began in earnest. He looked at the clock on the wall. Six hours, gone. Realizing he doesn't have much time, he called Hunter to have him bring the others with him to the lab. He then sets up some video equipment. No sense letting this go to waste, scientifically of course.

He finished setting up as Hunter and the others arrived. He related the circumstances of the past half day to them. Just as he finished, his transformation began. Hubert's lab clothes became all to tight, finally exploding into ribbons as the initial bulging begins. Veins pop out and he falls on all fours as his legs and feet stretch and bulk up, becoming nearly as large as Exile's tree trunk legs. His butt rippled and expanded into perfect bubbliness.

The changes progressed to his torso. His belly became taut, but he kept his gut. His back beefed up and lengthened as his chest puffs out. His pectorals expanded outwards into thick slabs. His nipples perked.

His arms then began their expansion. Veins bloated as his biceps bulged and his forearms bulked. His hands grew as his arms lengthened. His thick sausage fingers flexed with power.

Finally the growth focused on his groin. He rolled to his side and watched as his cock and balls pulsed with veins and quickly ballooned out. With his cock as long and thick as his forearms, a knot the size of a soccer ball, and watermelon balls his changes slow to a stop. He panted, catching his breath as the Rovers stared on in amazement, and arousal. They had not actually witnessed each other grow, and watching Hubert's changes turned them on.

Finally, Hubert stretched out a thick arm. "Little help here?" The others helped him up.

He looked at himself in wonderment. He touched and rubbed every sinewy bulk. As he brushed against his nipples, he shuddered and a shot of pre erupted from his cock. He rubbed over his belly. He had a nice muscle gut. He was a bit disappointed he didn't get a nice washboard belly, but this was still sexy.


Hunter and the others stood back again as Hubert quickly gathered up some measuring tools. Every brush against his nipples brought another shot of pre but that didn't slow him down. He even strapped a clipboard to his cock to keep it within easy use as he measured each and every muscle. Finally finished with his measurements, he had only one thing left to do. He unstrapped the clipboard from his cock and rolled in an empty 55 gallon drum.

His two hands wouldn't fit all the way around his shaft, but that didn't matter. He began to masturbate over the drum. He alternated between shaft stroking and knot squeezing. It still took several minutes of this before he finally came. And he came, hard. Shot after thick shot filled the drum. He continued to stroke and squeeze, milking himself as best he could. Finally after a good five minutes his flow began to ebb; another two before it was down to a trickle.

The others had stripped themselves out of their borrowed clothes, erections bobbing. They moved back towards the spent bloodhound. They look and see he'd gotten the drum at least a third full. Hubert looked on in pride as the others surround him. They gave him a big muscly hug, then started more erotic play. Hunter rubbed the hound's chest, paying special attention to his nipples. Hubert groaned and wagged his tail at the contact. His pre began to squirt in earnest again. Exile went after Hubert's belly, licking and nipping at it, while Blitz kneaded the hound's bubble butt.

With all the rubbing and licking, Hubert suggested that they should move to the hazmat showers, for cleanliness purposes. They continued to play with the hound as they entered and activated the showers. The hot water was not enough to put a damper on their activities. The four licked and sucked on each others muscly forms. Blitz laid on his back as Hubert licked down the doberman's abs, coming to his cock. The hound straddled Blitz's face, giving the doberman full access to his shaft as he stuffed Blitz's into his mouth.

As those two sixty-nined, Hunter spread the hound's ass and pressed his cock against his entrance. Exile, in turn, lifted Blitz's butt and positioned his cock similarly. Simultaneously, they slowly began to press in to each ass. This caused Hubert and Blitz to moan on each others cock as they suck down the pre each is making. As the tops finally slipped in, all four shuddered.

Just, Wow!

Water poured off of them as they start off slowly, working up into a nice rhythm. At the end of each in thrust. Hunter and Exile gave a bit of a push, their knots opening Hubert and Blitz up a little more each time. This went faster and faster, their big balls firmly slapping against the asses they're pounding. Finally both Hunter and Exile gave a hard thrust, popping and tying Hubert and Blitz, respectively. This set off a chain reaction of orgasm, starting in Blitz. The dobie unloaded his cum down Hubert's eager maw. As Blitz squeezed his butt in orgasm, this set off Exile. Hot husky jizz filled the bottom dobie's bowels. The shudders Blitz made as he was filled with Exile's loads sent Hubert over the edge. His orgasm set of Hunter's in the same way as Exile. As Hubert's clenched, Hunter jizzed.

Hubert and Blitz slipped from their sixty-nine to prevent choking. Their loads sprayed everywhere, only to be washed away by the showers. Exile and Hunter pulled their respective bottoms close. Cum leaked from their asses as the knots didn't provide a good plug. Slowly their orgasms faded to a trickle, then were spent.

A good half hour later, and Hunter and Exile's knots had deflated enough for Hubert and Blitz to pull off, each with a wet schlorp. The four cuddled a bit in the afterglow, letting the cum dribble from the butts and their cocks retreated into plump sheaths. Finally, the four stood and grab some body wash. There's some more grab assing as they cleaned up, but nothing too stimulating.

Finally clean and dried, the four exited the showers. Exile turned to Hubert and asked if he'd ever find a way to reverse their conditions.

"Possibly," Hubert replied. "But now do you even want one?" Hubert gave the husky a wink.

Exile shook his head. "Nyet. I am guessing it is the same for all my comrades here." Hunter and Blitz both nodded.

Hubert went to his workstation and pulled some folders from his drawers, being careful not to smash the wooden desk. "I was wondering if you'd all be interested in do some further 'tests'?" Hubert handed the folders to the trio. They looked through them, at first wide eyed, but then with dirty smiles.

"Kinky!" Hunter grinned.

"Ya!" Blitz agreed.

"I'm thinking we are having more that one Weird Boy here," Exile said with a wink. Blitz stuck his tongue out at Exile.

"Well," Hubert coyly answered. "A scientist has to have his hobbies." The hound gave the three a shit eating grin.

The four of them laughed boomingly. As they calmed down, Hubert remembered his video camera equipment. He looked back at it and saw it was still recording.

"Umm, if you boys wouldn't mind," Hubert asked shyly, "could you boys give some poses for the camera?"

Hunter and the others smiled. "No problem. As long as you join us." Hunter and Exile each squeezed a cheek of Hubert's butt as they walked towards the camera.

Pose Off

The boys stood in front of the camera, giving it their all. Hunter and Exile showed off one arm each as their other arms were wrapped lovingly around each other. Blitz posed showing off his back and beautiful bubble butt. Hubert showed of his pectorals and belly. As they posed, their erections came back in full force.

After a good fifteen minutes of posing, Hubert went and shut off his camera and pulled out the memory card. He placed the card in a lock box and rejoined the others as they headed out.

"So," Hunter asked. "About these tests?" Hubert grinned as the retriever squeezed his and Exile's butts.