A Kitten Pays his Debts

Story by Laporkra on SoFurry

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#1 of Aikidu and Kie

Greetings! Before we get into the meat of my little story I feel I should tell you a bit about it.

I decided to write it on a whim after reading "A Spanking for a Kitten" by seraphls .

The setting was intriguing and the characters entertaining to me, so I went ahead and did a little fan fiction.

I worked closely with the character's creators while writing this over a period of about 3 days.

While I am married to WhiteArcticFox , I have been rather close friends with Seraph for a few years. I repeatedly sent drafts to the two of them for continuity checking and character reference.

According to Seraph, this story likely took place about a year before "A Spanking for a Kitten", and is pretty damn close to canonically correct. The reason I say "damn close" is because the original was based on role playing sessions the creators did a while back, and I was not involved.

WARNING: This story is kind of dark, and contains lots of sex and various fetishes, both implied and acted. If you don't like this sort of thing I highly recommend you not read it, as I am not in the business of listening to complaints, and all complainants will be directed to the heart of the Sun. End of WARNING.

So this out of the way, you should enjoy (or not) the story.

Kiessu (C) Seraph LeSabre

Aikidu Ven (C) Himself

Laporkra (C) Me

Dawn came to house Ven with that annoyingly bright quality of a cloudless spring day. A slight breeze blew through the open window carrying the scent of the herb garden in with it.

Kiessu awoke groggily after the small hairs in his ears were tickled by the breeze. Blinking a few times in the morning glare he stirred from the foot of the bed where he had fallen asleep at his master Aiki's feet.

Last night he had spilled some alchemical powders and had been made to sleep at the foot of the bed without cleaning the leavings from the fur around his spotted butt as punishment. Feeling a bit crusty and embarrassed, Kie slid silently out of bed and over to the bathroom to try and sponge off his fur.

Filling the basin with water as quietly as possible, the kitten sponged at his slightly sore bum, remembering what his place was and the rather rough way his master had treated him last night.

The sound of the wardrobe opening told him he hadn't been quite quiet enough. Kie just stood quietly in the bathroom wondering if he were still in trouble from the evening before.

Aiki didn't enter. The door to the bedroom opened and closed with a well oiled click. Sending a feeling of remorse through the smallish snow leopard.

"I guess I messed up pretty big this time." He muttered nearly silently to himself. He knew full well that the powder he spilled could pay for several replacements for himself if it had been sold at market, and hoped it didn't come to that.

He really did love his master. His saviour. The man who pulled him nearly broken from the wreckage of his former master's home. Beaten severely and raped more than once by the men who had come to collect on debts owed their house.

Since that day the ruin of his life had been rebuilt into a temple of devotion. His body healed, but his mind hadn't. The torture and humiliation he had endured that day had instilled in him a desperate need to please master Aiki, and keep himself in his good graces.

Most often this was just chores and the duties of a harem boy, but when master was upset at him or feeling dominant, he would be treated less tenderly.

Kiessu had come to enjoy some of these things. Pleasing his master was his duty after all, and if master achieved satisfaction, then he would too. It was his life now and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Placing the sponge back on the basin, the spotted servant boy dejectedly set about his day of chores.

First cleaning the kitchen and then setting about laundry, when he noticed a carriage approach the drive. It was a very nice design, functional but with shaded glass for the windows.

The driver's face was covered in a leather fog mask and goggles, meaning that he had come from the city.

Pulling up to the roundabout and parking in front of the fountain, the masked coachman leapt to the cobbles and whisked over to the house door with startling speed and grace, ringing the servant's bell.

Leaving the clothes line, Kiessu hurried around the side of the manor house to greet the man.

"You, boy. Go and fetch your master. Your guest shant wait long and remain in good spirits."

Looking like some sort of large leather insect, Kie opened the door before asking, "Who may I say is calling good sir?"

The masked driver gave a slight derisive snort. "That is not for you to know slave. He is expected."

The servant boy did not like being called a slave, well not outside of the bedchamber, and decided to take his leave of the infuriating man. Seeking out his master in the study.

He often would find himself in some sort of trouble or another upon entering the study while his master was at work on the runes he sold to fund his own studies.

Taking a short breath at the threshold, the young leopard gave the bell on his neck a slight flick as he entered.

Not looking up from his work, Aikidu simply said, "Oh its you. What is it that made you break my command to not enter the study?"

Gulping rather audibly, Kie said "You have a visitor in a black carriage. From the city I believe."

Smiling at the gulp, Aiki responded with a slight note of cheer in his voice. "Excellent! I was waiting for his arrival. Do be polite as you show him in."

Taking off his work glasses and tidying up the desk a bit, master Aiki glanced over just long enough to see that the boy had left.

Kie hurried back to the front door as rapidly as he could. Upon opening it he found himself startled by a large grey wolf stepping from the darkened carriage.

The wild eyes and bizarre coat gave the boy pause. There was only one man who he had knowledge of that dressed in a coat made of rags and travelled in his master's circle, the man they called Laporkra. Regarded as a sort of mad prophet amongst those in the area, many feared him and rightly so if the rumours of cannibalism and necromancy were to be believed. He gave himself the rather disturbing title "God of Meat" and carried himself with a cool arrogance that unnerved both the nobility and common folk alike.

"Ah there you are! About bloody time you showed up boy!" Stepping towards the door with an unnatural gait. "Well is he ready for me or not?" A wild look in his eye and a toothy grin on his face.

"Yes master .... " coming up short on how to address the man before him.

Looking the boy over and circling him, the rag wearing wolf stopped and leaned in to his ear whispering, "You know who I am or you wouldn't have paused." Standing up straight and laughing quietly to something only he heard, he stood in front of Kie, apparently waiting.

"Is something the matter master Laporkra?" He asked with a tremor in his voice.

The grin disappearing from his face and being replaced with a look of restrained emotion. "Nothing is wrong. Though I am not as of yet your master boy. May we continue?"

The last look he dared steal of the visitor's face showed Kie more than he wished he had seen. The eyes were wild and bright, sitting in the most stoic face he had ever seen. Not a muscle twitched, and it unnerved him.

"Y...Yes we can. I apologize for the wait. Right this way if you please." Kiessu then walked towards the study without looking back at the man, feeling his gaze the entire way.

"Master Aikidu, I present Mas.....Sir Laporkra." He spoke clearly as he stepped into the study.

His master stood next to the desk that had been set with glasses and absinthe in the traditional manner, and a vast assortment of runes and other magical sundries. The red crushed velvet vest he wore over the straight sleeved shirt stood out against the rest of the study, keeping Kie's gaze for a moment until he was noticed.

"Kiessu, it is time for you to go. Please close the door on your way out. Now."

The last word was scolding and Kie felt his face grow hot.

"Yes master." He said quickly before pulling the door closed behind him, catching a small snippet of conversation.

The wolf didn't wait for him to leave before he began speaking. "You need not waste your alcohol on me, I see what I have come for and have the sum we agreed upon. Though....." Looking over at the servant boy standing in the doorway, it nearly closed. "Nosey nosey little boy. You do know what curiosity got the cat eh?" The sing song tone in his voice going to a rather sinister tone seamlessly. "Royally fucked."

Kie closed the door with a loud click. Obviously startled by the man's threat. He didn't like this visitor at all from reputation. Now that he had met the man he was absolutely terrified for himself, but more for his master.

What sort of business did he have with master Aiki? And what would it mean for house Ven? Would the reputation of his master be forfeit if this were discovered?

He pondered these questions while he wrestled his curiosity and paced the corridor. Thinking to himself "I'll be punished if I am caught, but I must know if master Aiki will come to harm." Kie crept up on the keyhole of the study door, letting the soft pads of his feet and the fabric of the carpet cover the sound of his eavesdropping.

Peeking in and seeing his master wrap up some small tablets, the large wolf spoke to him. "Here is the coin you require for the runic sundries I commissioned." Then he removed a large ruby ring from a chain around his neck. "And here, is the ring of fallen House Kreel. Old magic and precious materials in exchange for the other arrangement. You will make sure all is ready I assume?"

Putting the ring on his hand and placing the coin purse in the strongbox, Aikidu smiled slightly. "As long as you don't break what is mine, we have a deal. All will be ready at the appointed time." Chuckling to himself a little. "Might learn to be more cautious from this after all."

The large wolf seemed satisfied by this and gruffly spoke. "It is done then. I hope your faith in your man's abilities is not wasted, nor my valuables. I will be seeing you again, and soon."

Turning on his heels and briskly walking towards the door to the study the visitor startled the servant boy with his speed. Causing him to scramble silently towards the edge of the corridor leading to the entrance.

The study door opened just as the cat reached the next hall. Kie thought to himself that he head been seen for a moment as he composed himself. Just then the wolf turned the corner.

Stopping in front of him, he sniffed deeply once and smiled. "You have a wonderful scent you know. Your master must be proud." The last word full of venom, the wolf didn't wait for any sort of response before deftly dodging around the slave boy and making his egress.

Shaken rather greatly by this whole affair, Kiessu didn't hear his master's bell ring the first time. Aikidu shook the bell furiously the second time to summon his personal servant, a little annoyed that he was out of earshot. "That boy had best hurry."

Hearing the annoyed ringing coming from the study Kie set off at a slight run to make up for lost time and to hopefully spare himself further displeasure.

Turning the corner and seeing the small alchemically hardened crystal bell his master kept to summon him jingling in the slender hand of his master protruding from the doorway, made his heart sink again.

He sped up to come into his master's view as quickly as possible. "Apologies master. I was showing your guest out."

Thinking he would see disappointment or anger on his face, Kie was surprised to see a warm smile.

Pushing his glasses back onto his face, Aiki reached out to caress his boy's cheek. "Worry not. You haven't angered me. Now go and start tea. Then come and meet me in the tea parlour, we have something to discuss."

Master Ven closed the study door, his eyes resting on the bright ruby adorning his finger for a long moment before heading off towards the parlour.

Kie however was wondering what they had to discuss. Walking into the kitchen and fetching the kettle from its hook, Kiessu thought that he was in trouble again at first, but remembering his master's warm smile dismissed the idea from his mind.

Filling it with water from the filtered tap and placing it on the runed range, he spoke the command phrase master had taught him to ignite it. "Well I guess I'll find out soon enough."

Trying to banish he distraction from his mind, he opened the cabinet and retrieved from it the tea rack.

Making tea blends for his master was one of his specialities. He enjoyed master Aiki's faith in him, and loved when he got to make the precise and always slightly different blends of herbs, teas, and spices.

Taking the small earthenware bowl out and sifting some shade grown and powdered leaves into the bowl before sifting some mixed citrus zest and a little star anise and cardamom.

Checking the kettle to make sure the water hadn't fully boiled yet, he then got out the china cups and set them on the silk cloth adorned silver serving tray that his master had bought for him after the first time he made tea.

Smiling at the kind gift, he then fetched the kettle and poured the near boiling water into the bowl, before taking out the bamboo whisk and mixing vigorously.

He then carefully poured the tea into the china teapot and fetched the crystal sugar coated stirring sticks and arranged them all on his tray.

Pleased with the arrangement, he hefted the small tray and made his way out and into the hall, heading for the tea parlour.

The door was open, and sun beamed in through the coloured glass windows. The rainbow effect in the room had always made this one of his favourite places in the house.

Aikidu was sitting on a fainting couch next to the indigo window, turning the ring he had just acquired over it the light. "Oh there you are. Pour the tea and have a seat." Patting the end of the short couch for emphasis.

Sitting the tray down on a short table next to the window Kie poured the tea into cups, placing a rock sugar coated stirrer in each, giving it a little swirl before carrying them over and taking his place by his master.

Handing the delicate china cup to Aiki, he sipped his tea quietly. Waiting for the inevitable conversation that he was equal parts apprehensive of and excited for.

His master took a large sip from the cup and stirred the sugary stick rapidly for a moment before saying "Good tea today." and setting the cup on the end table nearby.

"Now, for the matter at hand. You know that the refined powders you spilled last night were very costly, and to that effect I punished you. Correct?"

Looking down into his cup, Kie felt a chill run through him. "Yes. I know that. I..."

At this point his master interjected. "Good! Then we are agreed! I have decided to stop being cross with you and go back to normal. But, You will be doing extra chores to reimburse me. You are my personal servant and slave. On this I will hold no argument. You will do this for me or I'll have to sell you to recoup my losses."

The kitten sat there stunned that his worst fears had come out in so open and relaxed a manner.

Crying a little and his hands trembling, Kie spoke suddenly. "Please master, I'll do anything to stay with you. Please don't send me away."

A wry grin crossed his master's face at the reaction. "Excellent. Then you'll do your chores until you have repaid your debt, in full. Now finish your tea, it will calm your nerves. Then you can get started paying me back."

Relief moved through him like a dam had burst. Kiessu drank his tea slowly, letting it calm him. "I am ready master. What will you have me do?"

Wry grin turning into a full blown smile now he said, "You start here." Unzipping his fly, and then gesturing to the floor. "On your knees boy."

Kie had done this for his master more times than he could remember, but never once had he felt that it was as important as now. He moved from the fainting couch to the floor, setting the fine china cup on the end table. "Yes master. I obey." Not a hint of remorse or fear in his voice. To Kiessu, this was the most important thing he had ever done for his master. His actions were worth something. Something real. For this moment he was a man, with valued skills, and not just a slave to be mistreated by his first master, and at the whims of his current. He had worth now. As he slipped his paw into his master's pants, he beamed with pride.

Aiki sighed at Kie's touch, then unbuttoned his pants. Sliding down a bit and laying across the arm of the couch. "You know what to do Kie."

The kitten pulled his master's member out, stroking it slightly causing it to rise to attention. "Yes master." His voice coming in shallow breaths against the tip of the soft red cock in his paw before dutifully placing it in his mouth and sucking.

His master moaned softly and lay his head back on the couch, before patting the top of his boy's head.

Kiessu rolled his tongue around the tip of his master's swelling member then went as deep as his throat would allow, breathing hotly around the bright red knot starting to swell in his muzzle.

Palming master's balls, Kiessu fondled them softly, listening for the tell tale moan he longed to hear, not to be disappointed.

Aikidu moaned in response, petting and stroking Kie's hair. His knot was beginning to grow to its full glory. The snow leopard boy had never shown this level of enthusiasm before, and now he was sure that he would come soon.

"Oh gods boy! You are certainly proving your worth today."

The praise was all the encouragement Kiessu needed. He began deep throating his master, taking it all the way to the base.

Groaning loudly and sitting bolt upright, Aikidu grasped his ears tightly in his paws, pulling his head into his crotch forcibly.

Growling as he spoke, Kie's master ordered. "Sit on the couch!"

Kie, using his hands to brace himself, lifted up without losing too much pace as Aiki kept pulling his head down. His jaw and throat becoming sore, Kie dutifully swallowed again and again as his master pinned his head to the corner of the small couch, fucking his face with abandon.

Kiessu's face was streaked with tears and saliva as his master's swollen knot had become too large to safely remove from his muzzle.

"You ready kitten?" he growled through his teeth at the boy.

Kie nodded slightly and swallowed around his masters knotted shaft dutifully as it twitched and emptied its load into his throat.

Collapsing over the top of the fainting couch master Aikidu panted heavily with exertion. Kiessu feeling the still twitching knot lodged in his sore mouth purred loudly with satisfaction, the vibration causing the swollen dick to spasm and shoot a final time.

Master had never before seen fit to knot his face, and Kie sat purring contentedly, enjoying the mild discomfort with no small feeling of pride in his work.

"You have done better than I ever could have imagined Kiessu." Aiki said, still panting and waiting for his knot to subside enough to come free of his lover's face.

A few minutes later, Kie was able to remove the knot gingerly from his aching jaws. Breathing in a few heavy breaths before saying to his master. "Thank you master. I am here to please you." Collapsing into his master's lap as he sat down, nuzzling at the still semi-erect knot. "I love you master."

Aiki stoked the boy's hair idly for a moment before sighing. "You must stop calling me master all the time, it loses its meaning when you do."

Kie nuzzled a moment longer before sitting up and looking at Aikidu. "Then ..... what should I call you? And how will I know when its proper?"

"Well then, you'll know that it is proper to call me 'Master' when we have guests, or I demand it of you. All other times you should call me by my name."

The servant boy smiled softly. "Yes Aikidu."

The fox grinned a little himself now and said, "Aiki will do in most instances. Now for the rest of your duties for the day. I am going to be busy in my study, researching the magics of this ring." Turning his hand over to show Kie. "It is incredibly valuable and full of old magic. So it will require my full attention. So for the rest of this day you will have to do my portion of the chores, and anything else that comes up."

To Kie this wasn't too out of the ordinary. Aiki often forgot about the upkeep of the house when he had research. Though the fact that the ring came from such an unsavoury character bothered him.

"Where should I begin?"

Aikidu spoke as if he had been expecting this. "Finish the list of chores first, then bathe and ready yourself for this evening. Prepare a light meal, and dine with me in your finest harem clothes. Afterwards you will tidy my study and take my inscription materials to the storage locker in the basement. Now if you finish all those things to my liking before it becomes too late, you can join me in bed. Are your tasks understood?"

"Yes master...I mean Aiki. I will begin immediately." Kiessu knew the chores were easy enough to accomplish on his own, and that there were a few pheasant in the refrigerator that a hunter had sold him the previous day for a mending rune. His finest harem attire was slightly puzzling, as his master seldom made him wear them unless he was entertaining one of his more lecherous clients and needed a distraction to get more money from them. The order had seemed a bit like a request, and he was more than happy to dress up for his .... for Aiki.

Aiki had retracted into his sheath enough to fasten his pants. Excusing himself from Kie's presence to retreat to the study and his work.

Kiessu spent the next few hours finishing the laundry, dusting, feeding the house pets, and trying to ignore the flashes and small magical distortions silhouetting the study door.

Retrieving his tray and the rest of the dishes from the parlour, he carried them to the kitchen filling the basin with water and soap to wash up.

Washing his paws in the sink before digging a roasting pan out of the cabinet, he chopped and added the vegetables to the pheasants, before brushing the birds with oil and herbs and placing them into the oven.

He then washed the tea dishes from this afternoon and set out to bathe and ready himself for the evening. Kie was unconcerned with the birds in the oven burning as the protective wards would shut off the heat if too much carbon entered the air. So by his reckoning he had an hour to relax before dinner needed to be served.

Climbing the marble staircase and heading to the master bath, the boy stripped his simple servant's clothes off and tossed them into the hamper, fondly letting his fingers feel the still sticky spot in his panties from his after tea fun. He hadn't said anything to Aiki, but he hadn't been more aroused in his life than he had this afternoon. It wasn't the act itself, though he didn't quite dislike what had happened, but the fact that his master had taken him as an equal. Well, he was still submissive to Aikidu, but he didn't mind that. He never did.

Climbing into the tub that he had filled with hot water and aromatic oils his master had distilled for him, he thought about the times when his master had submitted to him.

It wasn't often but it was something he had grown to look forward to. Rubbing at his scrotum a little and feeling himself more than a little aroused at the prospect of taking Aiki of his own choosing, the boy purred loudly. So loudly in fact that he hadn't heard Aikidu enter the room.

"So, you would seem to be enjoying yourself eh?"

The startled kitten jumped upright with a great deal of water sloshing out onto the floor. "Ah! I d...didn't hear you come in!"

Aiki stood in the doorway. "I know. But I am afraid that I must ask you to refrain from doing that. I wouldn't want you to ruin your evening. I need a fresh shirt, I seemed to have burned the cuffs off of this one. I'll set out your outfit for this evening while I am here."

Kie let his embarrassment pass and busied himself washing his hair. He never pleasured himself much, but being interrupted left him anxious in a rather unfamiliar way.

Draining the claw footed bath, he dried off his fur and hair before sitting at the dressing table in the bedroom.

Aiki had set out his golden hair beads, gilded collar, and arm bangles.

Kiessu brushed his medium length black hair out and began to do a series of small braids on the right half of his face, ending each in a beautifully carved cylindrical bead. He then slid one of his bangles up over his bicep and the other sat loosely on his wrist. Finally coming to the most important piece of his outfit, the gilded leather and gold collar. It had a soft boiled leather inner edge with gold stitching and etched plates on the main collar, and a series of links each ending in a small gold medallion with a sun design that jingled when he moved.

His hands drifted to the bare spot on the front where the leash ring had been. Aiki had removed it after he had stopped refusing to pleasure him, as a measure of faith. He never put the collar on without touching the spot and remembering that his master trusted him not to run and that he had come to enjoy his duties as well.

Kie stood up in front of the waist length mirror, nude except his baubles. After giving himself a good looking over and brushing out his fur, Kiessu walked over to the bed and saw what his master had laid out for him. A pale blue skirt made of a silky translucent material hung from a gold link belt lay across the end of the bed, and nothing else.

The boy smiled when he saw it. It had been the first thing Aiki had bought for him after bringing him home. They had fought for months over his place as not just a normal slave, but that he would be a harem slave. Kie had been treated harshly by his former master, that was fact, but the men who slaughtered his house had brutalized him to the point that the idea of sex was repugnant and terrifying. This skirt had been tossed around more than once, but at the end of the day, after all the shouting was done, Aikidu had never forced himself on him.

This and the fact that Aiki had never hurt him without cause led him to wear the skirt to bed one evening. The same night he gave into his master for the first time. It held a special place in his heart.

Wrapping the gold chain around his slender hips, the leopard smoothed out the slinky fabric along his thighs. Turning once again to the mirror, Kie thought to himself he certainly looked the part of a harem boy now.

He fetched himself a pair of soft leather sandals with semiprecious stones worked into the upper parts and headed down to the kitchen to serve dinner.

At the top of the marble stairs he smelled the birds roasting in the oven, and it made his mouth water. Grabbing a banister for balance he hurried himself down the stairs and down the corridor to the kitchen.

Kie was nearly ravenous now, as he hadn't eaten since, well... since his master had fed him at tea. So the snow leopard was urgently trying to ready the meal for two he had made.

Grabbing his mitts and pulling the roasting pan from the oven, Kie set it on the range top and hurried to get his serving plates and cart.

Wheeling it over he finished by moving the birds to a serving dish and grabbing his favourite plates from the cupboard and a pair of crystal glasses for Aiki's favourite wine.

Kiessu Pushed his cart up to the door to the adjoined dining room before opening the door and entering.

He found Aikidu there, sitting in the overstuffed velvet chair at the head of the table, a bottle of wine and a corkscrew waiting in front of him.

"That smells glorious Kiessu. I had thought that you had forgotten them in the oven again and I would go hungry."

Kie chuckled at this before saying, "The wards you placed in the oven make sure I waste no more food. I am rather sure you haven't forgotten."

Aiki rolled up the sleeves on his high collared navy shirt and laughed freely. "Yes indeed. I had not forgotten. I just don't want you to grow complacent. They may fail if you overuse them you know."

Kie placed a plate in front of Aiki and then in his place to the right of his master. He then carved off several pieces of roast pheasant and arranged them with the vegetables before uncorking Aiki's wine and pouring the sweet red liquid into the crystal glasses.

While the boy was doing this, Aikidu was quietly regarding his servant. A look of admiration on his face covering his grin at the plot he had hatched. "Please Kiessu, sit and join me. Though I would ask that you not make yourself over full. You may find the rest of your evening's activities to be less pleasant if you do."

Kie had already taken his seat and was about to take a large bite of roasted fowl when he paused. "Master..." Interjecting at this point the fox said "Aiki, please."

Putting his fork down and starting over. "Aiki, I have been wanting to ask you about that. Why am I dressed this way simply to tidy the study and place a few things downstairs? It just seems out of character."

Aikidu's ear flicked once. "Kie, is it not my place to choose how you repay me? It was a task I set forth for you, and if I wished you to do it in your fetching harem outfit or in a blacksmith's apron, that is my choice. Just remember that. You will do everything you are told until I tell you your debt is nullified. Understood?"

Kiessu hadn't meant insult with his question, but just clarification. "Yes master Aikidu, I will do as I'm told until you say my debt is erased. I meant no slight, and beg your forgiveness."

Aiki slammed his fist on the table in order to startle the boy. "Damn it! Did I say you had insulted me? I simply meant for you to earn back what you lost. You needn't act a slave at all times in our home. Only when circumstance or I require it of you. I am allowing you to earn back the gold that any other slave owner would either kill you over or sell you to try and recoup losses. Now stop sniffling and have some wine and meat before your meal cools."

Kie hadn't realized he was crying and that his nose had a slight run until Aiki had pointed it out. So he carefully dried his nose and tears on a napkin and had some of his wine.

Kie never drank alcohol before coming to his master's house, and rarely since. So on his very empty stomach, it made his head swim.

They spent the rest of the meal eating in silence, Aiki occasionally refilling Kie's glass and never his own. By Kie's reckoning he had had about half a bottle by the time aiki had finished with his meal.

"Master.....Aiki, I believe I am mildly incapacitated from your generosity." the boy said sluggishly standing up and attempting to tidy the table.

Aiki touched the boy's bangled wrist at this and softly intoned, "Let me. You should rest a spell before you tidy the study. Just don't procrastinate too much, or I fear you'll not like the consequences."

Kie didn't know what consequences those were but he did feel he needed to sit a spell and gain his bearings. So he went to the parlour to lay on the fainting couch that still smelled of his sweat from this afternoon.

Kiessu thought of the afternoon's events and what fun he had to come this evening, drifting unknowingly off to sleep.

When he awoke it was dark out, and there was folded card on his chest. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes a little, letting them adjust, he used his excellent night vision to read the calligraphy on the small rectangle.

It simply said, "Finish your chores. -Aiki"

Now Kiessu felt both relieved and a little bit upset with himself for passing out when there was something he should be doing, but he decided that it would be a waste of time fretting about it. He also regretted that he had to work in his finest clothing, and didn't have time to change out of them and back if he wanted to be there for Aiki before he fell asleep reading.

Wiping a little drool from his chin, Kie headed towards the study.

When he arrived he found the door open and the interior a bit messy. Bits of paper and blasted clay tablet lay about the runic table that Aiki used for reading dangerous wards and auras on the magical objects he acquired. The state of this area of the study seemed to imply that whatever he had been working on was rather volatile.

He fetched the broom from the corner of the room where it was always kept and lit a touch lamp before sweeping up.

After finding one of Aiki's cufflinks imbedded in a chair leg, he placed it on the desk next to the quill and ink where he was sure to see it.

Kie then opened the ornate case that held all of the powders and bases used in making magic rune inks, and started returning the loose ones from the desk to their proper places. Then after boxing up the blank spell beads, he stacked them in a small crate to take downstairs.

Looking around one last time before turning off the lamp and scooping up the crate and component case, he headed to the basement.

When he got to the large, wrought iron banded oak door, he set the materials down and worked the stiff mechanism until it opened with a resounding "clack" noise that echoed off the stone walls of the stairway.

Opening the heavy door took effort for the small boy, as it outweighed him by a considerable amount. Picking up the materials and starting down the thick plank steps, Kie started thinking about how Aiki used to tease him that it had once been a dungeon, and how the description of a dungeon and this basement turned storage area could easily be interchanged.

At the bottom of the steps there was a light switch that turned on the single bulb that poorly lit the darkened area he now stood in.

Hitting the switch to the on position with his elbow, he continued on towards the safe where the more valuable materials were stored, and began working the combination.

Swinging the metal door open, he placed the blanks and case in their respective places and then swung the door closed, giving the dial a spin to reset the combination and pulling the open lever to make sure it was locked.

Right as the handle clicked, letting him know it wasn't going to open, he heard the heavy door at the top of the steps slam shut, a mere instant before the light went out.

Gasping loudly and hearing it echo Kiessu felt around in the dark, trembling and looking for the switch.

Kie wasn't fond of the dark in the best of times but this sudden turn of events filled him with dread, dread turning to cold terror when he heard the deep and menacing laugh echo off the walls all around him.

Shrieking loudly, Kie spun about and floundered over the crate he had brought with him, falling on his backside with a small amount of pain. "W..who the hell are you?"

The words had just finished echoing when the reply came, seemingly close by. "Hello kitten. You do remember when I told you I wasn't your master yet? Well guess what, I am now."

The voice made Kie's blood run cold. "You aren't my master! Aiki is, and he'll come ..."

A stinging slap across his face cut off the rest of that thought. "He'll do no such thing you little bitch! You see he sold your pretty little ass to me."

Kiessu felt the hot place on his face where he had been struck and instinctively backed into the wall. "He wouldn't! You lie! Why would he sell me to you?" He shouted while feeling around for something to defend himself.

"You see there is the funny part. When you called me master today I thought of all the fun I could have with your soft little body, and when I asked about you, your dear master Aikidu said that he reclaimed you from death and hadn't paid anything at all! So I offered to buy you. And you know what, he said you had cost him a great deal of money with your clumsiness, so I traded that ring for you. That's right little kitten, this whole thing is your fault."

Kie was shocked and appalled and hurt all at the same time. How could Aiki do this to him? And why had he been so nice to him today if he planned to sell him?

All these thoughts running through his head were cut short by the the feeling of something large moving very nearby.

He tried to scamper out of the way and to the corner of the room, but ran straight into Laporkra.

He still couldn't see but could feel that he was at least partially nude, but any attempts to take advantage of this new information were tragically cut shore when he was hoisted off the ground in a bear hug from behind.

"Look at what I caught. Something sweet to fuck and beat. Now let's get a good look at you all prettied up like your master promised me you'd be."

The grip lightening a little as the big man hit the light switch gave Keissu just enough leverage to slip free and start to climb the stairs, but not before a large paw gripped his ankle like a vice.

"You aren't getting away from me that easily. I had to kill an entire house of magicians for that ring and I will get my money's worth out of you." Growling the last words caused the terrified slave boy to look at his attacker. The face was one of pure sadistic glee, not unlike a child pulling the legs off an insect. Wrinkled lips showed sharp teeth and the threat of what was to come.

Kiessu had frozen now, unable to do much more than silently cry as the beast grabbed him around the waist and hauled him back down the stairs.

Tossing Kie unceremoniously into a pile of bed clothes that had been put down here for next winter, Laporkra stood over top of the boy. "You are fucking gorgeous all trussed up like that! I do believe you're in for a long night." he said taking of his patchwork coat and tossing it over an empty wine rack.

Kie was still crying silently, unsure if he even could escape the mad wolf who had him trapped.

He did instinctively try to cover himself with a musty blanket but this proved to be an error in judgement.

Moving with startling speed for such a large man, the angry wolf grabbed the cowering snow leopard boy by the arm and pulled him out from under the blanket.

Kie tried to hit his would be rapist but to no avail, and for his trouble he got his arm twisted up behind his back resulting in white hot pain in his shoulder as the beast fell on top of him, pinning the boys muzzle to the blankets and stone floor beneath. "That is quite enough of that! You feel that bitch? That pain in your shoulder there? That is nothing compared to what will happen if you try that again."

Using his mass and the arm lock to hold Kie still, the man on top of him used his free hand to remove his belt and start binding his wrists together with stiff leather.

"You. Are. Mine." he snarled, each word an entire statement. "And the sooner you start acting like it the better off you'll be."

Standing up over the kitten, he lifted the boy to a sitting position. Kie had a very up close and personal view of the man's sheath now and the red flesh poking out of the end of it.

Kie thought to himself that this sick bastard liked hurting him, and that he'd never get to see Aiki again, and this filled him with resolve. He determined right then and there that if he was going to die in this basement to this lying bastard, then he wouldn't give him the satisfaction of having broken his will.

"I'm not yours, I am Aiki's!" he said defiantly, looking into the man's cold hard eyes.

The self titled "God of Meat" scoffed loudly. "Is that a fact? Here, let me be clearer"

He grabbed the boy by his hair and pulled him sharply forward onto the stone floor, face first.

Kiessu tried to wright himself but with his wrists still bound had great difficulty even getting his knees under himself.

A foot on his shoulder shoved him over onto his side with a sharp pain in Kie's head from bouncing off the floor suddenly.

"Stay there bitch. I've got something for you that will put you in your place."

The grey monster standing over him reached down to his sheath and gripped it firmly with one paw and used the other to take hold of his semi hard member.

Kiessu had no idea what was coming. He simply thought that the wolf had grown tired of hurting him and wanted to fuck now, but he was wrong. The wolf let loose with a stream of hot piss, hitting the prone kitten in his face and open mouth.

Kie sputtered and spit out what he hadn't swallowed of the hot salty liquid, as he felt the stream go across his shoulders and down his back. Gasping for air as the wolf returned the stream to his face, stinging his eyes mildly with the runoff from his forehead.

Laporkra, walked over to his coat and took something from the pocket before stepping back and flicking it into the puddle of cooling piss Kie was lying in. It was a folded card. It simply said, "Do as you're told Kie." It wasn't signed, it didn't need to be. Kiessu recognized the calligraphy and stationary. Now Kie knew what was meant by "Everything he was told, until the debt was nullified. And what his master had allowed for him to earn his keep."

Kiessu sputtered and gasped, looking one last time on the yellowing card next to his face before sitting up. "O...okay m..master Laporkra. I'll do as you wish."

Dragging a wooden chair from the far wall back with him, the wolf was smiling as he sat down.

"Was that so hard?" He said firmly, kicking the pants loose from his ankle. "I asked you a question bitch." he spat as he reached out with one massive paw and grabbed Kie by the throat, pulling him closer.

A stream of fresh tears ran down his face as he tensed his neck and coughed out a weak. "No....master."

Leaning over and holding Kiessu's eyes in his he smiled. "Well I am, so how about you get my dick nice and wet."

He released his grip suddenly, and used his other paw to make sure Kie didn't fall over.

"Easy there kitten. Do a good job and I might even let you come."

The grinning wolf was entirely nude now, and dwarfed the wooden chair he sat on. He slid his hips forward slightly causing the chair to creak in protest and offer Kie his bright red cock.

Kie regarded it for a moment. Even in the dim light he could see the web work of veins under the surface, and the size of it was immense by comparison to his own and still larger than Aiki's besides. The tip was slightly flared and topped with a hefty steel ring, seamless and glinting in the minimal light.

Kiessu slid forward on his knees until he was looking straight down at the large wolf dick held steady for him by its owner's paw. He looked up once more into the man's eyes with a pleading look on his face before lowering his head to touch it with the tip of his nose, giving a little lick.

The taste wasn't unpleasant, and though he smelled musk, it wasn't foul either. For this he was thankful, but the most surprising feature to Kie was the heat of the thing. It felt hotter than any knot he had ever touched.

He didn't get long to ponder these things thought as a heavy paw clouted him in the side of the head. "Hey! Get started would you?" He barely had time to part his lips before the paw that struck him moved to the back of his head and pushed down as he lifted his hips and phallus upwards in a bucking motion.

The sudden throating gagged the boy a bit, and he coughed as his head was pulled up by the hair firmly but not overly painfully. He felt the wolf's grip shift on his head. Kie gasped in some air before the predicted thrust and pull that brought his throat to meet cock once again.

The slave boy knew how to do what was expected of him now and thought that he'd better comply before Laporkra got it in his head to be any rougher with him.

The kitten used his slender neck to bob at the dick shoved in his mouth, licking as he came to the tip before going as deeply as possible, swallowing around the meat in his throat.

The wolf moaned slightly when he swallowed, relaxing his grip a little on Kie's head and rubbing an ear between his fingers. "Good little bitch. Now Purr for me."

Kiessu knew that this was coming. It was a well known fact that the ability to purr was directly related to how disproportionate the number of feline harem slaves was. It was something he had learned from another boy when he was very young and had been sent to "stable" with the other harem slaves of his previous master. He knew it felt amazing, and maybe this could work to his advantage.

Breathing in heavily around the tip with a loud and lewd slurp, Kiessu curled his tongue around the shaft and went to the base, nosing the paw out of the way with a gentle twisting motion that elicited a deep rumble from Laporkra's chest. He then started purring as loudly as he could muster.

It really wasn't that hard to do, he had been taught to act aroused by the others as part of his training. He just needed to breathe through his nose and purr until he couldn't stand it any longer.

The big wolf was obviously enjoying the vibrations going through his shaft, and when Kie swallowed a few times around it, his knot started to balloon out.

Laporkra pushed the kitten's head back off his knot and stood up slowly as to not lose his purring plaything's connection with his throbbing member. The chair he was sitting in tipped over when he stood fully upright and grabbed Kiessu's ears, fucking his throat roughly a few times until the boy gagged loudly around his flesh.

"That's wet enough little kitten." he said, picking Kiessu up by his shoulders and setting him on his feet. He then slid a paw up under his chin and forced his tongue down his throat roughly.

"Mmm you taste sweet my little fuck meat. Let us see how the rest of you tastes."

He then pushed Kie over into the musty blankets and sheets he had made into a makeshift "rape bed" for this occasion.

The boy fell over with a thump, looking up at the looming wolf expectantly.

Laporkra flipped him over on his chest, and then lifted his butt into the air by his waist.

Kie had tucked his tail flat to his bum, and gave an astonished little mew when it was lifted out of the way and the wolf manhandling him gave his tailhole a long stroke with his tongue.

"Oh kitten, you taste good." he said with a rumbling murr, before licking and probing with his long muscular tongue.

The slave boy had never had this done to him before, and caught himself purring at the attention.

The wolf stopped briefly from his oral assault on Kie's hole to taunt him. "Sounds like you like this. Let's see how much eh?"

Laporkra forced both paws between his thighs and pulled them apart. He then reached up and felt the barbs of Kiessu's pink kittenhood poking out oh his sheath. "This much huh? Well I guess I'll allow it. You suck knot better than most."

Embarrassed at his arousal, Kie mewed and squirmed. This only spurred the wolf on. He took to stroking the boy's shaft while licking his tailhole.

Kiessu wished he could stop, wished Laporkra would stop, wanted more than anything to be with Aiki right now. "Aiki..." he thought, "He wants me to do this, he sold me to this man, and I need to do this. If its for Aiki, I can enjoy this."

The slave boy relented to his station, his role to play, and he moaned loudly.

The wolf was delighted to hear this. "That's what I like to hear. Good little bitch. I think you're ready for this" he said grabbing and shaking his engorged phallus where Kie could see it from between his own legs.

Laporkra stopped licking the boys ass and slowly pulled his pink cock backwards, then forced Kie's legs back together, pinning his dick so it was pointing straight down from the boy's tailhole that was still glistening with saliva. The big grey wolf licked the kitten's penis from barbed tip to base of silky nut sack before he stood up on his knees, positioning his hips behind Kiessu's.

Kie took a deep breath in anticipation of his tailhole stretching, but he instead felt the cool metal of the wolf's piercing brush over the surface. The sensation made him pucker a bit.

"Breathing in like that makes me think you want this big wolf dick in your ass. You do want it, don't you?"

Kie hesitated only a moment before mewing and nodding his head into the stale smelling blanket.

Laporkra bounced the flared tip of his cock and the ring on Kie's asshole a few times. "Then you better beg for it now shouldn't you?"

He didn't want to beg. He had been humiliated before, but this made him feel dirty. Kiessu knew that he had to, and he realized that he did want to be fucked now. Swallowing his shattered pride, the kitten moaned softly and said to the big wolf looming to penetrate, "P...please fuck me-AHHH!"

Laporkra hadn't waited for him to finish his plea before shoving his thick cock far into the unready harem boy.

Kie moaned and cried out in pain as he writhed, trying to get away from the cock buried in him, to get a brief moment of respite from the stinging in his stretching tailhole, but this was to no avail. When Kiessu wriggled and tried to pull away, the wolf caught him by the neck, choking him and lifting him straight up over his hips, reclining backwards a little and spreading Kie's legs in the process. The kitten's pink shaft sprang free and flung a small rope of precome through the air. The wolf's breath on his neck and voice in his ear warning him against further escape attempts.

"Boy, I thought you learned your lesson about resisting me. Now you're gonna get it rough."

Laporkra pulled Kie all the way down his shaft, holding him at the base while he reached his hand around front, pulling up the blue material and leaving it at the bottom of the bright pink erection so that it was uncovered. Kie himself kept the back of it from harms by lifting his tail up and over one of the wolf's broad shoulders. The rest of the material flowed down the outside of his thighs like a waterfall.

Kiessu writhed on the burning heat of the wolf's knot, trying to stretch out his ass enough to comfortably take it. Crying out a little when the wolf fucking him started to pull him up by the neck.

"Even your little whines are fucking cute boy." He said cupping the kitten's balls in his paw and fondling them as he fucked the boy.

Kiessu moaned loudly as he felt the hard lump of the steel ring grind on his prostate and the hot sensation of having a cock filling him. "Pl..please fuck me." the boy moaned out as the wolf thrust his length rapidly in and out of his ass.

Laporka pulled him down onto his shaft, letting the slowly ballooning knot pop into Kie's tailhole, getting a loud moan from the boy. "What do you think is going to happen to you? But I tell you, your enthusiasm has earned you a reach around."

Releasing the hard fucked slave's sack, he wrapped his paw around the fleshy barbed cock that had been wetly slapping on Kiessu's belly.

Still holding his grip on the kittens neck, he kept up his relentless assault on the boys tailhole. Kiessu was as much fucking the wolf's paw as he was riding his shaft at this point.

With each rise and fall on the thick wolf dick he got a little "pop" feeling from his tailhole as he took and released the knot.

Laporkra was grunting and growling with effort and pleasure each and every time the knot went in and came free, and Kiessu rocking his hips was making it all the better for him. With a loud murr he pulled the boy down against his knot, finding the exact point before it would go in, keeping the boy as stretched as possible. "Kitten, this isn't going to keep coming out you know. You want my knot in your ass?"

Kie cried out sharply in pain for a moment, not hesitating to answer. "Please, please fucking knot me!"

The wolf began a low rumbling growl as he slid Kie all the way up his shaft until the tip was barely inside. Then, with his growl rising in timber, he let go of the little slave boy's neck, instead taking him by the shoulder and pulling him down steadily while forcing his steely cock up into him. When he got to the knot his growl became a vicious sounding snarl. Kiessu cried out it a mix of ecstatic pain and pleasure. The small leopard thought he was going to break for a moment before he felt the sublime fullness and intense heat of Laporkra's massive knot inside him.

With a fresh stream of tears rolling down his cheeks, Kie leaned backwards onto the big wolf's chest, moaning and purring. He rocked his hips a bit, feeling an appreciative rumble from Laporkra's core.

"Keep rocking like that boy and I'll fill your little kitten ass."

Kiessu feeling a bit overwhelmed, seemed oblivious to the danger he was in as he rather coyly said, "I could rock more if I could use my arms master." Intoning the last word with as much honey as his gasping, purring voice would allow.

Still stroking Kie's kittenhood with one hand, he let go of his shoulder and started undoing the belt. "Well little kitty, it isn't as if you are going anywhere." Thrusting his hips for full effect.

Kie shot a string of precome onto the blankets and moaned like a girl before turning his head to the wolf and saying, "You say that like I want to go anywhere."

His arms sprung free, Kie was surprised when Laporkra took the belt and loosely looped it around his neck as he fell forward onto his hands and knees.

"Hey! What's this?" he spat incredulously.

"A handle kitten, now rock that pretty little ass of yours on my knot. I want to see it stretch you."

Kie didn't have to be told twice. He no longer cared to hide his pleasure at this "new master's" prowess. With the belt looped loosely around his throat and the wolfs big paw holding it short to the back of his head, he started to gyrate rhythmically. Laporkra moaned and murred in approval, his stroking on the boys cock matching his enthusiasm.

Kiessu didn't take very long to feel that urgent sensation that told him he was going to come.

He sat straight up and looked over his shoulder into the face of the wolf who knotted his toned little ass and said with as much ecstasy as he could convey, "I'm...I'm going to come. Please let me come."

Laporkra was moaning loudly when the boy leaned back, and his words set off a fire in his eyes. "You can come.....after I do this." He then clamped his teeth on the crook of the kitten's neck in a firm but gentle manner and growled to match the purring the kitten was doing while sliding his paw up to catch the come that shot from the little slave's pulsing cock.

Kiessu was crying and panting when Laporkra smeared his own seed all over his muzzle and jammed a few slick claws into his mouth. Kie sucked them clean greedily, purring and moaning softly.

The wolf let go his bite on the kitten's neck and rumbled out, "I'm not finished, keep going."

Kiessu yelped a little when the wolf rocked his hips without warning. Kie gave him a pleading look, seeing only a grin in return.

"Don't worry kitten, I'm close so it shouldn't take much."

Kiessu got down onto his hands and knees, seeing a glob of his own semen fall to the blanket.

"As you wish." he said slightly out of breath.

Purring loudly he began to rock his hips in a circular motion, adding a few forward bumps in for good measure. He could feel the wolfs knot pressing the edges of his sore tailhole as he rotated his hips. However the ring rubbing his prostate was causing his knobby pink cock to shoot a final desperate rope onto the padding.

Just as Kie had become rock hard again the wolf growled urgently and shifted under the boy.

Laporkra grabbed him by the waist and pulled firmly upwards. The kitten bit his lip in a moan as he felt the swollen knot pulling at his tight little fuckhole. The fleshy bulb pulsed in his rear, forcing his prostate upward into that steel crown atop the wolf's dick. The wolf gave another firm tug and the kitten came halfway to orgasm again from the sensation of it squeezing from his rear, and the feeling of the rest of his hot shaft sliding quickly out to leave him to feel empty inside.

He knee walked over to Kiessu's flushed face and prone form pulling furiously at his gleaming red member. The only thought on Kie's mind before the first ropes shot out onto his face was, "How did I fit that big thing inside me?"

Laporkra howled and shot six or seven long thick ropes of heavy seed onto the kitten's face.

Kiessu was covered in come. He graciously had opened his mouth after the first rope and had caught a great deal of it inside. He swirled this on his tongue taking in the flavour before slowly pushing it out his mouth onto his face.

Kiessu propped himself on his elbows and began sucking the last of the semen from the wolf's swollen and pulsing member.

The wolf reached down and stroked the boy's head as he bobbed and licked his knot clean. The kitten gave an approving mew and purred loudly as he licked the last from the centre of his shiny ring.

"Do you like how it tastes?" he said, bopping the kitten on the nose with his cock.

Kiessu smiled at the man now, and without any modesty or hesitation said, "Yes master I do." before suddenly throating his member to the knot.

Laporkra shuddered with pleasure, lifting the boy's face up by his chin to meet his gaze. "Well then Kiessu, your master has one request. Do not clean yourself until after your owner sees you like this."

Kie blinked twice in rapid succession.

"You mean I'm not your slave?" A wave of cool relief washing over him.

The big wolf was retrieving his pants and coat from where he left them.

"I only purchased you for a little fun tonight. Your master remains Aikidu. Though I do reckon that you are happy with such news."

Kiessu had his suspicions about this. The beating had been a good show, and was certainly convincing for a short while, but Kie had been beaten nearly to death by men far less physically imposing than Laporkra. That and the fact that someone that truly wanted to hurt him would have regarded his pain less when they knotted him.

"It wasn't all bad." He said sticking his tongue out at him.

The big grey wolf just chuckled and said, "Oh really now? What gave me away?"

Kiessu stood up from the pile of blankets and handed the wolf his belt.

"Oh you know, you were far too gentle to be a real rapist. That and you kept asking me if I were ready."

Laporkra looked amused but defeated.

"Well I guess I need to work on my acting then. I did get to have my fun though, so I guess we're even."

Kie smiled wide, face still coated in seed. "Oh no, you've taught me quite a bit. Would you be leaving, or should I ready one of the guest rooms?"

Fastening his belt and shrugging on his patchwork coat, Laporkra said, "Its alright, I can let myself out. You should attend your master."

The kitten straightened his blue skirt out and walked up the stairs before he heard Laporkra say from below him, "You are really going to meet him like that?"

Kiessu giggled and responded with, "Of course I am! My master commanded it, and I shouldn't disobey."

Aikidu had been sitting in the hall for a great deal of time. Hoping that all went as planned and he wouldn't be forced to rescue his lover.

Hearing Kie's voice at the top of the stairs made his heart give a little jump, and he walked over and unbolted the basement door, swinging it open.

"Hello master!" came Kie's voice from the second step.

Aiki was shocked at the boy's appearance. His fur was matted and damp, his face covered in copious amounts of semen, and he could see the ligature marks around his wrists and neck.

"Good lord Kie, what did he do to you?"

Kiessu saw Aiki's concern, and it warmed him. "Oh nothing much master, just what he paid for. I thought you knew what was going to happen to me?"

The words stung Aiki visibly, but he let them pass. The boy had done what he asked, and he was saying what was on his mind openly. That, if anything, was proof that the boy had learned a lesson.

"Did he hurt you too badly Kie? I have some restorative runes here..."

Kiessu interjecting here said, "Oh no master, I earned this. And I would prefer to feel the soreness as a reminder of a job well done."

Laporkra had come upstairs as they talked, and nodded to Aiki as he turned towards the door.

Aiki shot him a glare briefly, and Kie saw it.

"Don't be cross with him Aiki. He only did what you asked him to do. It really wasn't too unpleasant you know."

Aiki pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and made to clean of Kie's face. Kie however caught his paw. "Please don't. I will bathe shortly. Now, if I may, I want to ask why you had that man menace and, well to put it simply, violate me?"

Kiessu had walked towards the marble staircase, and Aiki hurried to catch up. He felt more than a little guilty now, but he did feel a great deal of pride in the boy. He now felt that honesty was the only right course to follow.

Reaching out and grabbing the banister, Aiki began with a sigh. "I wanted to teach you a lesson in life. That even though you are a slave, you are a person. I feel that you had become blind in your devotion to me and that was saddening. You see, I didn't come to the house that night to call on your master, I came to steal you in the chaos. I was far too late, and it nearly cost you your life."

They had come to the upper floor and Kiessu paused to smile at Aiki. "Please continue master Aikidu. I think you have been wanting to tell me this for a long time. I also fear that I was deaf to your attempts to tell me sooner."

Aiki nodded and followed at Kie's side.

"I tried to spoil you, to make you feel loved. And though I desired you as my harem boy, I wanted you to grow to be my lover. You seemed to at least be content for a while, but by treating you like my child, I think that I did you a disservice. I overlooked all the things you did out of my love, and only mildly punished you. But I fear that you had forgotten a slave's place. Not all are as forgiving as I, and that is why I bargained with Laporkra to act out my plan. You needed a rather harsh reminder of what others would do to you, and legally be absolved of due to your caste, if you offended them or damaged their property. I can't lose you Kie, and I needed to be sure you'd act appropriately and stay safe."

They crossed through the bedroom and into the master bath, where Aiki began running hot water, adding oils and such before disrobing.

Kie carefully removed his baubles, cleaning them of stray wolf seed as Aiki continued.

"I also wanted you to have worth. Self worth rather. By telling you you could earn back what you lost me. I thought I'd make you feel valuable. In the months you have lived here, the only times you ever showed any desire of anything is when you fought against me bedding you. I admit it frustrated me, and to that end I tried to ply you with threats and gifts. When you consented to me all those nights ago I was elated. I wanted your body so badly I put my life in danger. You do know stealing a slave, even from a dead man, is punishable by death, correct?"

Kie undid the gold chains at his waist, letting the skirt fall with a clatter to the tile floor as Aiki turned off the water.

"No I didn't. Aiki, you can stop explaining now. I love you, and I don't care that I was just bartered to a wolf. You have risked your life every time we have had guests. You have dismissed me damaging more of your property than anyone has right. And you felt so strongly on this that you would go to such lengths to teach me the error of my ways says that you love me too. So lets stop this now. I would like to wash this wolf piss out of my hair. Though not until I do this."

Kiessu pounced on Aiki from across the room, wrapping his nimble frame, holding him still.

The little slave boy had a warm smile on his face. "I think this is a fitting punishment for you."

Kie then passionately kissed Aiki, still covered in wolf semen and piss. After a long moment he let his lips come free.

Aiki had seed smeared on his muzzle, and Kie laughed at the shocked look on his face before giving a little lick and cleaning some of it off.

"Let us enjoy a bath shall we master?"

The two climbed in and spent a great deal of time cleaning each other.

That night Kie rested well, and Aiki next to him felt relieved. Relieved that Kie had taken to the horrible lesson he had forced on the boy without hating him. He was also happy. Laporkra had been a wild card, but Kiessu had seemed to take a shine to the man. The strange wolf had left a card by the front door thanking him for the honour of teaching the boy. Though it heavily implied that he would wish to do so again at the earliest opportunity.

The ring he had acquired from the wolf turned out to be more valuable than he had thought. And the proceeds of its sale went on to fund an appeal to the Minister of Slavery to obtain a valid licence and abolish the previous one. He hung this licence in a gold frame in their bedroom where Kiessu could see it every single day.


For now.