i pod love part 7: Hate

Story by mydjet on SoFurry

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my cowriter uploaded the un edited version before my mate could edit it but here it is and wow its fucked up

As soon as I stepped off the ramp Reia practically takled me in a hug. Had I not known she was there when I did my first read after waking I would have fallen on my ass. I hugged her back and kissed her gently.

"Come on, lets go home" she said and I was have dragged to my jet. It seemed so long ago that I landed here at Tail's house. I helped Reia into the back seat of the jet and climbed into the front, syncing the jet with my spec ops suit I still wore as I told Lacy to take over and fly us home. Once I got her acknowledgement of understanding and completion on sync as well as the location of my runway, I turned my seat facing Reia and smiled.

"Things are going to start getting a little hectic around here, doubtful that any of us are in danger, but after any mission like this, oni will tend to send someone to check up on me and Tails. Considering we were given two options: Kill him, or turn him over to oni. When he chose to join the unit, that means he is officially dead and receiving oni specialized training, a very tricky thing to do with oni, me and tails need to make sure he isnt found out, and that could be a challenge with a person watching our every move. So for the time being, I think it would be best that you stay home for a while so you don't come under question. We can still be together, just not openly to the people that don't already know, which of right now are only Samantha and Tails, and doubtful they will give you up." I explained, finishing up just as we entered the runway and the tires screeched loudly before we were slow enough to taxi down the rest of the way.

"I understand" Reia said as she hugged me. I held her with me till the canopy hissed open.

I changed into some street clothes and walked her home. As soon as I got home Lacy's voice came over the speakers

"Welcome back boss, everything is set up and I've already synced myself up with your system. Pretty impressive if I may say so, anyway, everything is normal."

I made sure by looking at the system specs that she synced right and hadn't missed anything, devoted a percentage of her processing power to maintaining optimal system performance and defense.

"Merge the two dumb A.I.s down in the hanger and copy this portion of yourself over them so you can don't have to maintain system performance from great distances if I need you on a mission again." I said and gestured to the highlighted section of her code that I had selected for system maintenance and defense.

"Once that is done set the alarm for 8 am. Also, Cho is at Tail's house, if he uses the phone redirect the call to my cell, there are some things I need to tell him before he calls Smokey, however, if he leaves Tail's home, wake me immediately." I took the anti-dream pill and slid underneath the bed covers as I said this.

"Understood boss"

A few silent scans to see if he really was asleep were when I started having fun with his system. I was surprised by his system honestly, it was huge. I did a check and found he had about 79 supercomputers all wired and synced up as one. A total combined processing power of 34 terrahertz. Raided hard drives up to four levels with each level containing an exabyte worth of storage. With the Ram up in the terrabytes and he needed it all, for hosting about half of the entire country with internet. There were several firewalls that even a smart A.I. like myself would have trouble getting through only to be protected by constant scans for any intruding presence. This system contained a plethora of the old human's governmental plans, secret missions they had, plans and blue prints for several life ending weapons never released, chemical and biological blue prints that could wipe out everyone in a 200 mile radius if even just 1 partial of it got out. I even found some old nanites that were already set up to do a physical presence hologram, somehow these nanites were already programed to project me, there were ten other nanite sections on differing floors underneath his home to project other A.I.s as well, including the two he had down in the hanger. Try as I might though, I couldn't resurrect any of the A.I.s from the nanites, each and every single one were missing core codes that would in effect create their personality. They all were created by the same person though, except for the nanites that had my exact coding, they were different in a way I couldn't find. From what I gathered, the code that remained in those nanites showed something impossible for A.I's. They contained a self-repairing code that was even more complex than the entire DNA structure of living people; studying them I found that the nanites in effect were starting to come back alive with my very presence there. I got all the info I could from them before I started using them to project myself. By then though it was time to wake Ruby.

I awoke not by an alarm or by Lacy's voice as I had expected, what had awoken me was the change in angle on my mattress, as if someone were crawling in my bed while I slept, but to my surprise there was no one there. I didn't wait for whatever this was to make a move; I grabbed the gun I kept in the wall and pounced onto the figure pinning them down against the bed arms held together above them and my gun against their head. Or shall I say her head. Underneath me was the naked body of Lacy projected in the form of a black spry looking cat, her tail swishing back and forth underneath me and her bruising against my tail behind me.

"Morning boss, its 8 AM" She said with a wry grin. "Do you like my form, it was the last form used in the nanites I found, only I thought an all-natural look fitted it better"

I sighed and put the gun away, getting off of her simultaneously and saying "Put some clothes on Lacy, shirt and pants will do fine"

She sat up with a pouty look "Your no fun boss" Her lips shimmering as the nanites changed color and layers to form a shirt and jeans

If she only knew the fun I had with that form she used. "Has Cho woken up yet?" I asked

"No, but judging by his biometrics I wouldn't give it more than an hour"

"Good, make some coffee, and play music from file four one three in the bathroom, I'm going to take a shower." Stripping off the remainder of my clothes as I said this "And no you cannot join me"

I lost track of the time after tearing up the oxygen by maritime ended. When I finally came out of it I checked the time, 8:45 and I had yet to wash my fur. By the time I was clean and dressed it was 8:55. By that time Cho had awoken and was making breakfast at Tail's house. After syncing Lacy to my psp I walked out and got in my car, which wasn't used all that much. A metallic blue Chrysler 300 srt8 with dark green alloy rims and drove to Tails home. As I pulled into his driveway, Cho used Tail's phone to call Smokey, Lacy automatically redirected the call to my cell and I answered.

"Cho" I said

"Is this Smokey?" He asked

"No it's Ruby, I knew you would call Smokey for training, but before you make that decision I need to tell you some things, it will be a long day so me and Tails will discuss this with you here"

"Tails is out cold, Rachel gave him a shot that would knock him out for a day because he was shot and some wolf told Rachel to do so" He replied

"Oh, then we will go somewhere I guess, I'm outside, does Samantha... the wolf, need a ride home?" I asked

A few seconds passed before he said anything "It would be nice she said"

"Ok, I'm outside waiting" I responded.

A few minutes later and Cho comes out the front door followed by Samantha who claims the front seat making Cho sit in the back.

"So what happened in there? Cho you start since you were the first awake" I ask as I'm pulling away from Tail's house

"How did you know I woke up first?" He asked, Samantha didn't say anything but she was curious as to how I knew as well.

"I had Lacy monitor your biometrics and to make sure you didn't leave before I had a chance to talk to you, please proceed" I responded.

Samantha had looked at me when I mentioned Lacy, she was confused and sad. For why I didn't know.

"I was making breakfast when Tail's came in the kitchen, I explained that I wanted to be trained, then Samantha showed up and Tails collapsed due to blood loss."

Samantha chimed in filling the rest "Tails had been shot in the last mission but the spec ops suit he was wearing stopped him from bleeding out, he didn't take it off till this morning, after Rachel revived him I knocked him out cause I am pissed at him"

"Tails has had far worse wounds, believe you me, not just physical but mental as well" I said

"What about you?" Cho said "Where you hurt?"

A few seconds passed as I made up my mind for that question "No, I wasn't hurt" I didn't bother adding in -not physically at least-

The rest of the ride was silent, save for Samantha showing me the way to her house. Once Cho and her had switched seats and she got inside was when I drove off, heading for a cafe.


This guy just didn't shut up. Going on and on about how I need to avoid detection by the foxhound unit, especially Ruby due since he was a telepath. I knew full well the capabilities of the foxhound unit. Not to toot my own horn but I had in a way trained both Ruby and Tails, even go so far as to say Ruby augmentation was a success because of me. Thinking about it made me drown off though, that white hell really made you drift off into your own head. I didn't bother listening to this guy, he had no idea who I was or where I came from. To him I was just another spec ops commander with fifteen or so mindless drones with special skills that followed my command. The only thing that spewed from his fat furry snout that I listened to was a girl named Cream wanting desperately to get Tails. I could use that. Despite what this man thought were my orders, my true one was to capture the A.I. 0000, or Lacy as she was named. There was intel that she was once again in active duty under Ruby's command. There were two people in this world that could control Lacy fully, Ruby was the weaker of the two, I was the stronger.

This guy just wouldn't shut up, and I was fed up with his dreary monotone voice. I probed outward with my mind, toke control of his and metaphorically squeezed, shutting down all his internal organs and gathering all the intel I needed. Once he slumped over I got up, and promptly walked out of his white office, fucker didn't even have any windows. Nowhere in this facility were there windows, I didn't even know if it was above ground, I just knew I had spent the majority of my life in this place. Every inch of it was white. But I was glad, it wasn't the same white as the rooms and it felt good to see a change for once, even if it was just as subtle as a change in the hue of white. In stark contrast the transport jet was pitch black and streamlined for stealth. I took it all in stride but the black seemed magnificent, finally seeing a new color for once. Every one's fur here was bleached white as well so seeing it was like discovering it all over again. This jet didn't have any windows either. It was computer guided so no need for pilots and so on. I was squeezed into the cargo hold that was only big enough to fit me before it started moving. It was pitch black inside this place though, and that was the most scarring incident of my life to this day. I had spent 17 years in a white room, and here I am for the first time in my memory completely surrounded in the exact opposite. I immediately withdrew inside my mind, finding comfort in the familiar. The ride lasted somewhere around 15 hours, but to me, that was nothing and before I knew it, the plane screeched down to a halt in another dreary military base. I was told not to be seen by anyone until I looked and acted like a civilian, so I probed out and took control of the entire base's senses, blocking me from them. I exited the plane and looked around. More colors! I was still indoors so to speak, but now there were several different colors, grays and blacks and even some kind of fluid on the ground that showed thousands of different colors when light reflected off it. It was all so amazing, but I didn't stop to look, I had a mission to complete, and when I completed it, I would be set free once and for all, under the circumstances that I didn't use my power in a notable way.

It took me about twenty minutes for my eyes to adjust to the outside world. The sky was dark but it had thousands of tiny little white specs in it, and some kind of half circle floating in the sky that was different shades of gray. It was beautiful, but terrifyingly new to me. After my brief little standing outside I decided I'd better make my way to where they lived and get Lacy and some kid named Cho, therefore completing my fake mission, and my real one. It didn't take long for me to get some civilian clothes from the lockers in the base, nor did it take long at all to get to hijack a jet, taking over the pilot with my mind and instructing him to fly to their island. I got there just as the sun was coming up. I didn't know what time it was, nor did I know how to read honestly. My first time out in the real world, needless to say, I did a little bit of exploring, taking in all the info I could about being a regular civilian from all the people around me. It was all so fascinating, and all so new. I marveled at the sun for a good ten minutes, but it eventually got too bright for me to look at it, but it made everything look new again from the contrasting light cast off that half circular object in the sky. I must have wandered around for a good hour or so before I boarded my mind to locate the familiar touches of Ruby and Tails. Only to find that Tails couldn't be found for a moment, almost like he was dead for a short amount of time. Ruby's however was instantly distinguishable. I knew that mind almost better than I knew my own, he was the second mind to ever content mine in that white hell, and unlike the first, it didn't try to kill me, infect, it helped me. It was changed though, harder, more experienced, and almost radiated a sad confusion, unlike the first time I touched his mind, I didn't stay long enough to establish a connection with his, just long enough to know where he was, and soon, I was on my way in that direction. His mind eventually began moving towards where I had heard Tail's mind. I followed his mind, hoping that I wouldn't have to face both of them.


"I was the first person recruited into the foxhound unit, Tail's and I were old friends and he knew I had a gift for empathy back when we were pups, he knew I could tell when someone was thinking just by looking at them, and when he saw my name on the list he was given by oni, he knew I was the one he needed for the second in command. I don't know the full story of why he picked me, but it worked out perfectly in our training. He was my teacher in most cases, but we still worked perfect as a team. However, my powers weren't strong enough; I could only feel one person at a time before I had to shift my mind to another. So he decided to put me in an experimental program. The same one he went through to gain control over his teknopathic powers. So there I was, not even a teenager yet and knew how to kill a man in five different ways with just one finger, knew how to fly a jet, could pass a sniper course with only a pistol and had the reflexes of a marine panther. I thought nothing could defeat me. I underestimated the training though, in my mind I pictured it as some hardcore advanced physical course that causes me to think critically about the people around me. I was wrong, but I didn't know it till I got to that underground facility, with its white walls, and bleached fur on everyone. I knew I had to do it though, and I couldn't just back down. So they bleached my fur and took me to a room. I don't really know how to describe that room, other than the utter whiteness of it. It was a different white, not blinding, not soothing, not anything but white. I was strapped down had a few needles pushed into my veins and arteries and such. Essentially I could not move an inch, the only thing that moved where my eyes. The first few days in that room was hell. I was being fed a chemical that would keep me awake and looking back on it, there was never really any chance I wanted to go to sleep, I was always wide awake and never wanted to sleep. I would drift off in my own little world though, withdrawn into my head. I could only ever see white with my eyes open, and it eventually got the same way with my eyes closed. That white helped me at first, it served a good backdrop to imagine things from. I didn't know how long I was stuck in that room, unable to move, before I stopped caring about itches on my tail or snout, I stopped caring about my limbs, I stopped caring about everything even my own little world and just let the white of the room take me over. It was pleasant at first, not having to do anything at all, and I eventually let go of everything. I became a solitary floating consciousness, completely unaware of any of my five senses other than the fact that all five radiated whiteness. I got fed up with the white and divulged myself fully into my sixth sense. Boundaries were no longer a problem. To me, there were none, to me, there was nothing but me. I don't know how long I was in that state of consciousness, but it felt like my whole life, I began forgetting my parents, my friends, my knowledge... myself. Seconds in the real world were years to me. I don't know if I can explain what being alone for thousands of years can feel like to anyone, but it was hell. I stopped thinking entirely and just existed, nothing more, nothing less. I was just there, I was both nothing, and something, forgotten in hell. I would have stayed there had something not happened. In a time where it felt like everything was nothing, where I began to accept that I would always be there, my existence broadedned and I felt something. Something new, something I didn't expect. I felt another nothing. Beforehand there was only one thing, one nothing to focus on, yet there was another nothing, needless to say I was curious and probed in towards that other nothing, and I felt the same thing I was going through, it was like looking in a mirror. In a cracked mirror. There I was, stuck in nothingness for thousands of years, but there this other nothing was, stuck there for millions of years. Yet it still fought against it, looking back at myself I knew I had to get out, I knew there was a way out of this hell, I had gotten there somehow, so I shouted, I shouted so much but nothing ever happened. I had to learn everything about myself all over again, but I had to do it from a completely new outlook. When everyone is born, they already know the basic controls to live, they already know how to beat their heart, already know how to move their diaphragm to gain air and so on. They were there with their body from the moment they combined with their essential chromosomes. They had nine months of learning each and every cell as it was being made. Learning something as its being made is the fastest way to learn. However, when you already have something that you weren't there for when it was made, then learning it becomes ten times harder. Nonetheless I delved into the whiteness, I started off with one cell, and once I had learned it, I moved on to another. The entire time I kept in contact with this other nothingness, sharing my learning experiences with it. I never got a response from it till around the time I was learning a new type of cell in the center of them, a smooth muscle cell when something happened, I didn't know what it was at the time, but there was some pulsing that had been constant that I never knew about until it stopped, and once it had stopped, pain surged through me, I didn't know what it was, I just knew I had to get away, the whiteness I was stuck in may have been hell, but this was like having all my cells ripped apart violently. That other nothingness responded during that pain and let me in. I found myself surrounded by different cells than I was used to, almost as if there was something similar but radically different about them. This other thing let me learn his cells, let me mess with them and begin to understand them. It expressed that this was not the first time it had made contact with someone but didn't respond because of the pain, pain that it had experienced before. It was the first time I had felt an emotion since I was brought to the nothingness; I felt fear and responded in kind. I didn't know whose fear it was, mine of this other things fear, but it prompted me to learn quicker, to leave this hell. I retreated and began learning even quicker. Eventually I began to flex whole muscles and found I could move another new thing. I began to decipher the light signals that my eyes received. I began to move more than one muscle at one. Time seemed to slow down once I began moving my physical body, after a while things were taken out of me and I noticed the chemical balance in my body changed drastically. After some time I began to make noise using my throat muscles and the air I breathed. I began to gain my balance back as I began using my tail more and more. I went from walking around my white room on all fours to just two legs. The more I learned the faster I learned, as if I had learned it all before. After what seemed like forever, I was taken from the room, the white was washed from my fur and I was amazed at seeing I was a different color than before. I was taught how to speak, how to walk and how to do everything I knew before, I was given books and began gaining my knowledge back, the entire time I was in that facility I maintained contact with that other nothingness, who me was in a room next to mine. My room was labeled "R" for my name, his room labeled "S" for his name, which was Smith. I own the strength of my empathy, the ability to sense and control more than one person at a time to him, he helped me learn my body, helped me learn the chemical balance and how to control it through my sixth sense. I went into that room thinking that the only way to enhance my ability is to think more critically and try to read more than one person at a time when put in stressing situations, when infect, the way I gained more control was to learn the very fundamental basics of what causes it. Every telepath is different, some can read minds fully, like that telepath that was keeping you prisoner, while others can read emotions and ideas and basic subconscious thought, like myself each with a varying degree of both aspects. Not only that, but in all the studies made of telepaths, the ability comes from a different part of the brain every time, and sometimes it's in parts that are in essence, the most primal part of us as the animals we are."

A year after I was put in that room I was given back to Tail's and we again learned our basic military skills. It seemed every other week a new person was introduced to me as joining the team I was a part of. In total, there were six of us, the last one of us that died was Nita, of whom which Tail's was in love with. I lost my previous A.I. whom sacrificed herself to save Tail's and me from an airship. I wasn't without injury though and spent the better part of a week in a coma and the rest of the month bed ridden, turns out, egg man was on that ship but had escaped once his ship started falling, three days later he died in some experiment, or so I was told."

Cho seemed taken aback from what I had shared with him just now.

"No doubt your training will be just as hard as mine, however, I don't know exactly what they are going to do to you. Tails never fully discussed his augmentation and by his account most of my augmentation was the same as his. So I intended to have try and talk Tails to explain what had happened to him, instead you got my version. Do you still want to join the fox hound unit despite what I just told you?"

He seemed to stare off into space as if thinking before he replied

"Yes.. I want to be a part of your unit, but I have one question. How long were you kept in that room?"

"I was there for a full year, in the room alone, combined with the basic and advanced combat training I got before and after that room, it took a year and a half before I was combat ready, and even then it took quite some time to get used to my new abilities."

"I still want to join you.. I have nothing left really, I don't even know my parents" Cho sounded almost withdrawn, as if he thought of his parents often, I refrained from reading him though to find out. There would be time for that after his augmentation. A minute later I pulled my phone out and dialed a number.

"Who is this, unless you are government personal then please take this number off your call li..." a deep voice answered

"Relax Smokey, it is Ruby, second in command of the foxhound unit"

"Star, new York, tango" He replied, waiting for the proper countersigns that signaled it as me

"Texas, city, and mango" I said a moment later

"Speak your business Ruby"

"I'm sure you're aware of the mission in which Tails and I were previously given. Gave the mission personally I heard"

At the sound of Tail's name his voice tensed up "Indeed I did, I had heard your mission was successful, am I mistaken?"

"It was successful, as I'm sure you're aware, we were to give Cho to ONI, or execute him."

"ONI has not received him if that is what you're asking.. Did you kill him?" He asked

"To ONI's reports we did, however, he remains alive and is in fact sitting across from me at this very moment, unbound and in full control of his mind and body. He has in fact opted to join the foxhound unit"

"And you want me to train him like I did all the others from your team" he finished my sentence for me


"We will extract him in 24 hours, is there anything else Ruby?" He asked

"No, I'll see you in 24 hours" as I hung up, I looked over at Cho, who was staring off outside as if troubled

"What is it Cho?" It took him several minutes to respond

"I kind of wanted to leave today being as I can't go back to Tail's house, I have nowhere to stay for the night"

"You can stay at my home for the night

An odd voice came from behind me, it was both recognizable, but I had never heard it before, what I recognized in it was not its tone, or its pitch, but its emotion behind it, or really, lack thereof. I reached out tentatively dreading the confirmation of the person I knew behind me, Smith and he said

"Or you can spend the night in the place you were supposed to be delivered too"

I gestured at the seat next to me "Let's be civil Smith, let us avoid the violence in this crowded area please, do not fret, you will have your chance, I would just like to talk to you while I give everyone else some meaningless emotion to leave"

"It's only polite I guess" He replied in a soft voice, at that he turned his attention to Cho

"So you are the one who is so important enough to grant my release.. Cho I believe you name is called"

Cho only nodded, never taking his eyes off the table, he felt helpless, like he knew Smith was bad news for him and that he knew he could not escape, even with my help.

"There must be some reason you are here, you cannot expect me to think that ONI sent you to check up on Tails and me, regardless of Cho's secrecy or not. It was even in the report that Tails had given me about you, that you were never to be released and was signed by Tails who had a personal encounter with you at some point, said you were too dangerous to be released into the general public, so I ask, why are you here Smith?" I asked in a firm voice, people in the cafe already packing up and leaving due my forced overuse of emotion planting.

"I wasn't paying attention to my handler, so I honestly don't know what the on record mission is, but I do know that ONI has the ability to revive the dead, and never found Cho's body at the base you cleared out"

"I knew this, as well as Tail's, we are not stupid enough to leave that bad of a slight on our heads when we are ordered to kill someone yet decide they need stay alive, that base was supposed to be destroyed by the unfinished p-cracker that Cho was building" I responded

"The un-finished p-cracker is just that Ruby, un-finished, it did little more damage than a hand grenade when it exploded, most of it is still in working order, there just needs to be a few things added, of which Cho is the main component among other things in the foxhound's possession" He was leaning back against the chair relaxed

"That however, is not my primary mission, my primary mission involves capturing you Ruby, not for your abilities more or less, but for what's inside your head, do you know what's in your head Ruby, did Tails ever tell you?"

"That is not going to work Smith, I know more about the foxhound unit and its abilities than Tails does, if you bothered with any Intel, you would have seen that throughout the years the foxhound unit existed, I was the 'librarian' keeping everyone's powers, everyone's AI's, and everyone's secrets" I replied, most of the people in the cafe now having left.

"Is that so Ruby? I know otherwise, and if Intel is right, so does Cho" Smith smiled when Cho looked up at me, a guilty feeling emanating from him as he stammered out

"Back when you and Tail's rescued me, I had a device that can read people's minds, and Tails had hidden away, knowledge of some kind of chip he planted in your brain while you were in a coma from the mission in which Nita died, he took her power and put it in a microchip, it was to enhance your abilities, to make you heal faster, both mentally and physically, but above all else, it was supposed to make you forget her, make you forget Lacy for you own good"

It felt as if I was punched in the stomach, the table was quiet for the rest of the time it took for the people to leave, when the cafe was empty save for Cho, Smith, and me. I didn't bother to fight Smith as he overpowered me with his mind, and I just collapsed against the floor, and slipped into unconsciousness as I heard Cho being dragged away.

When I woke up, it was dark outside, I checked the time. 9pm, and the cafe was just as empty as it was several hours ago when I gave the everyone bad emotions about the place and made them forget of my existence. I sat up slowly and pulled out my psp, checking to see if Lacy was still in her hidden file. She was. I may have lost the first Lacy, but I knew damn well I wasn't going to lose this one, no matter how much Tails wanted me to forget her existence. I found my car a block away and drove home in silence. I needed to find out if what Smith said was true, I needed to get all the info on ONI so I could at least try to get Cho back despite it being a suicide mission, to enter the ONI base alone, which I was going to do, I didn't need Tails, and in the six years I had been in the foxhound unit, I was only ever injured twice, and never captured. It would take all of my skill, and a great deal of Intel. I knew this is what Smith wanted me to do, it's the sole reason he didn't take me along with Cho, and he knew I would come to him. So I connected Lacy to the main system and proceeded to pull up everything about ONI in my massive database of info. Starting with how Tails was trained.


I decide to skip a student aid class for a smoke and to think about how this unit needs more members I go into memories of training and the unreal horrors I lived through and what I made those kids go through I close my eyes deep in thought.

After a while a shadow passes in front of my closed lids. I open them up to see a black panther dressed in black jeans and a black shirt making him seem like the apidmiey of darkness. He smiles and says you know smoking will kill you.

I look at him and say so will getting too much sun but I don't see people running from it.

He chuckles a little and says true... u mind if I bum a smoke...

I get up and pass him my smokes and lighter and say tails

He shakes my hand and says smith

He lights up and says you have another bad habit tails... or should I call u general...

I look at him and say aren't we a bit too young to be a spook?

He replies aren't we a bit too young to upset a secret organization that controls whole continents?

I look at him and I say I did the mission why is oni pissed now?

We said give him to us or kill him... you did neither

I look him in the eyes and say where he is?

We have him... don't worry he is being trained properly... not like all those in your unit we're... and me...

I look at him slightly surprised that that Intel got leaked

He stares into my eyes and says and we aren't going to augment him like you did ruby...

My leg twitches as I realize that he is a psychic

I get up and start to leave

He says if you leave now oni will count this as you and the fox hound unit not being able to be controlled and they like control... a lot

I give him the one fingered salute and keep walking off

He leans on the ac unit and says are u sure u want to do this?... what about the girls?

I stop and start tensing up I turn around and say I swear to god if you attack any of them I will kill you and berry oni in so many bodies that even they don't know what to do

He shrugs and says I have no control of what they do... I am just here for the money

I leave the roof rite then and there


As soon as he leaves the roof I put out the cigarette and pull out a little ear piece and say patch me through to the director...

The director's voice comes through and says smith I thought I told u to go thru ur handler

But he was an ass hole

He was my brother in law

O..... sorry for your loss then

What do you need smith?

I need the whole spec ops team... fox hound didn't go with the plan as predicted

Are they enemies?

No but in this game you know there are no neutral players especially one that big.

True... you got what u want and smith just take care of them

Yes sir call back later with an update

I hang up and pull out a camel and start smoking it

This is going to be a blast getting these two


I start walking the girls back to my house to hide them for a bit when I notice a wolf following us I sigh and say to Samantha please take Reia to the house I will be right there in a bit

She looks at me and says you're coming with

I kiss her and say I love u... if u need help tell Rachel code red

I smile a sad smile as we hug and whisper walk don't run walk

She pulls away and we go our sepriot ways

As soon as I get away I put in an ear piece and say Rachel u up?

Her voice chimes thru and says yes tails

I go into combat mode and say I have at least one person following

She says no you have 20. 19 of them have stealth units they are closing in.

I continue walking and say fight or flight?

She says I suggest flight these are well trained troops using tactics close to fox hound hunter tactics

I frown and say roger going dark

I turn off my entire tech and take off towards the big city.

Just as I get to the next intersection I see another wolf walking towards me I stop and look at him and I see a shimmer dart past him I instantly turn to the fence on my right and start hoping fences

I dart into the 10 th house nice looking family. I get back on the road and keep on sprinting to the city.

When I get in I put back in my ear piece and yell Rachel u got cameras

She chiuyme sin and says Powers out for the city these guys are well organized you are alone till I can get a drone up

How long

About an hour

Shit tries to keep on tracking me

Her gargled voice comes thru the head set you... asking... up... ay...gin

I yank it off and throw it on the ground and keep running

I take a turn down an alley and look behind me as soon as all of my pursuers enter it a black armored truck pulls up and blocks it

While another one backs into it

My eyes dart to a fire escape I scramble up it and head to the roof all of them following

When I get to the roof I look behind me and know I can't make the gap so I run to the other edges looking for an escape

I get to the last corner and realized I'm trapped I reach into my pocket and grab a collapsible baton and get into a classic fox hound stance

They all get up and slowly and circle me

It was a short fight

The first 3 came at me with batons

I swept them low and they all fall down gripping there thighs

One falls down face first and throws his baton in the air I run towards it jumping off his bent over form to catch it in midair when I land I break my fall with the batons hitting with all my weight and landing on one of my attackers chest I swing out making the loose group back up I get into a lose foxtail stance I watch as they start to circle around when I notice a week spot I swing out again and yell STOP!!!

They stop and look at me I spin the batons around so the handles are facing out and I say "its ben fun and all but I gotten fly" I throw the batons at the weak spot and take off in that direction. Just as I clear the roof I feel a steal cable wrap around my leg and a sudden shock my face meets brick fast

*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* THIS IS WHERE SHIT GETS FUCKED UP!!! *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*

My scream echoes out across the room, I can't hold it in anymore. I'm too panicked to worry about my dignity, too afraid to care that he's chuckling at my cries. I lash out wildly, landing a fist solidly against his cheek, I'm free. I run, blindly rushing anywhere out of his reach. A hand catches round my ankle; I have the good sense to raise my hands to protect my face as I fall to the cement floor with a smack that knocks the air from my lungs. I'm only mildly aware I've hit my head on the floor; too dazed to know how badly I'm hurt. I force air into my lungs only to release it in a scream as I'm dragged backwards- nails fails to find purchase on the cement.

I feel my nails snapping, down into the nail bed, and the metallic tang of my blood fills the air. I kick like a wild horse at the hand on my ankle, knowing my heavy boots must be at least hurting the man.

"Stay still, fucking faggot!" He yells, taking both my ankles and yanking.

My shirt catches on the floor and lifts allowing the skin on my stomach and chest to scrap across the cement. I reach out with my mind but I hear nothing- not even a cell phone in the room, no way to call for help.

A hear a door open and for a moment I have hope that I'll be saves. "Ten, if you allow him to claw at the ground like that and he breaks his fingers- it'll be your neck next." The voice is that of another man, cold and uncaring.

The man called Ten lifts me from the floor, taking both my hands in one of his. He's so much bigger- a liger I have no hope against him. He holds my hands tight; too tight and I cry out in pain. His free hand starts to pull at my belt; I draw my knees up in response and kick him in the gut. I don't know if my kick even hurt him, it was like kicking a brick wall and my legs ache from the displaced force. He manages to pull my belt free my pants sag around my hips.

I can't think of what to do as he starts on my pants, pulling the button free of its catch and pulling the zipper down roughly. He stops for a moment, I struggle harder trying to free himself. He responds by tightening his grip on my hands, I can feel how close the bones are to breaking it's like my hands are on fire.

I remember the other man's words about my fingers; "You're going to break my writs." I gasp out.

A look of confusion comes over his large face, but the pressure lets up just enough for the blood to rush into my fingers. And then his hand is back to its work, pulling my clothes off. My pants can't make it past my boots but he doesn't seem to mind; a moment later my underwear joins my pants around my ankles.

He lowers both of us to the ground, releasing my hands so he can turn me to face the floor. I try to turn back, but his body is pushing me down. I can hear him freeing himself and I know I'm out of time and ideas.

"D-don't..." My voice fails me; it's as weak and helpless as I truly am.

He laughs. My stomach turns, I feel as if I'll be sick, and the thought does cross my mind that being sick might turn him off. But I hold back, he'd probably only laugh at me.

My hips are lifted from the floor, I scream with all my might and attempt to free myself from him. My head bounces off the cement floor as his fist connects with the back of my head. I'm dazed from the blow; I can't force my eyes to see straight. I feel disconnected from my body but I can still feel a burning pain as the man violates me, I groan from the pain but I can't find the strength to force my body to move away. He waits no time in setting a brutal rhythm that's sending pain tearing through my body, I feel as if I'll break in half if he keeps this up but I know I won't be that lucky.

I cry out as his paw fists in my hair, yanking back. "What happened to all those pretty noises you were making?" He growls. "Don't tell me you're already broken." He trusts harder with the last word and I scream from the pain. "That's a good boy."

I try to hold back the screams but their pouring out, slowly becoming sobs. And then what I had hoped would never happens does. Something worse than the pain- pleasure. He knows he's found it to, he chuckles and trusts against that spot.

I suddenly find the will to fight against him again. I wiggle as best as I can, his hand releases my hair. I gasp as that hand finds a new spot. He gives my length a firm squeeze.

"NO!" I snarl, thrashing as hard as I can. But my fighting doesn't seem to faze him in the slightest.

I'm panting both from the struggle and the pleasure the brut above me is racking me with. The pain slowly starts to vanish under waves of bliss; it becomes hard to fight as I start to drown under those waves. I hear a noise that isn't a scream escape me lips, I'm mortified by my own actions. I close my eyes and try to keep my mouth closed as he trusts against the bundle of nervous inside me, his hand working me just as horridly.

His hand is sure and steady as if I'm not fighting him. I can feel the pleasure building, coiling in a knot low in my stomach. His trusts are becoming erratic and shallow, his hand moves faster and my whole body shakes. I clench my jaw shut to hold back a moan. The knot is growing tighter, threatening to come undone and with another trust it bursts. White stars dance in front of my eyes as he gives a few more shallow trusts and spills himself inside me. I shudder in disgust at the feeling, desperately hoping that he will move off of me soon.

He's panting in my ear and I can feel tears burning my eyes. It seems like a lifetime before he moves his limp manhood sliding out with a sickening 'pop'.

"Bathrooms through the door on the left get yourself cleaned up. Clean clothes will be waiting for you." He speaks as if nothing had happened.

I sit up just enough to see him leave the room, as soon as the door closes behind him my tears fall shamelessly. More tears than I knew I had in me.

*+*++*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ BUT WAIT, THERESH MORE!!!! *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+

I wake up to a bright light and the feel of dried blood in my fur I look up and see a chain coming from my wrist going all the way up past the hanging light I look down to see that I'm hanging an inch off the floor completely naked

I grumble to myself sum ones mad at me

I close my eyes and try to find some form of tech nearby. I shortly realize I am completely alone...

I swing around to try to get a view of my surroundings just a standard where house... explains why I have no gag...

The main bay door starts to rumble open a black Humvee and an black charger role in.

The charger roles up in front of me

The limo tint window roles down flooding the bay with Franco un-American by nofx

A familiar black panther sticks his head out and says mockingly "what's hanging tails?"

"Funny smith very funny"

He smiles and says I just wanted you to know that chow has been broken... and I found the perfect way to get rid of both you and ruby.

"What did you do with ruby?

"Let's just say if you two ever meet again he will be pissed at you but you already know you deserve it."

My ears flatten against my skull as I realize how I failed everyone"

He smiles and says "that's the extent of the good news you will have for the rest of your problem short life"

I sigh in defeat knowing that at least for now I'm cooked.

He smiles knowing he has won and waves good by as he leaves leaving me with the hummer and whatever horrors are inside.

The hummer pulls so close to me I have to raise my legs to not hit the mirror.

Once I lower my legs the door swings open the corner of it slamming into my stomach I feel my arms dislocate as I swing violently

Once I am done coughing and regaining my breath a very frailer bunny raises my chin from my chest and says hello my... toy...

I close my eyes to calm myself down knowing I can get out.

"Has my foxy been bad?"

I don't answer.

She reaches into the hummer and hits my ribs with a baseball bat

I start coughing trying to regain my breath

She uses the end of the bat to raise my chin and says" Answer me..."

I stop coughing and say "cream stops this you don't want to..."

She hits me again I feel the cracking of a rib as I start gasping for air

"That's not the rite answer now tell me or you are never walking again"

I close my eyes and say "no"

She grabs a whip and says "lieng and not speaking properly have you lost all of your training my pet?"

My mind flashes back as I quickly "say no mistress sorry mistress"

She grins and says "ok so you want me to hurt you then"

She lays it on the hood of the hummer and grabs knife set

"No mistress"

She sets it down too and says "more lieng I am going to have fun"

She grabs a Taser and other objects to make electricity pass through me

She then grabs a strange device that looks like a tezla coile she sets it down and says I bet you want to know what this is don't you?

I nod

She says this little gift oni gave me you will find out soon what it does

She turns it on and... Nothing happens

I look around confused while she takes out her cellphone

I instantly try to access it and I emideatly feal an indescribable pain

When I finally stop yelling She taps the device and says it keeps you from using your gift... turns it back on you and amplyfies it so you can't take apart the toys now duse my fox want to play?

I can only phant and shake my head no

She grabs my hair and pulls my head painfully back as she says silence is compliance as she puts the tazer to my neck

I wake back up to a splash of a watter bottle on my face as she says congratulation your heart didn't stop.... thow you do have a lot of electrical burns on you now.

She guzzles the rest down as she says well no more shocky shocky for u so what hurt the worst neck balls tip of head kidney or tails

"Tip of head mistriss I awncer while phanting"

She smiles and says good now I think you earn a reward

She rubs me untill I am hard then as I start to involantarly moan she stops and slips a cock ring on my shaft

She smiles and says "you should of stayed quiet

My penis painfully throbs as she gets the next torture ready

She grabs a larg wand with a cord attached to the end of it out of the hummer and says now we see what kindof torture I can give you she turns it on and pressis it to the head of my cock as I feel an intence allmost painfull vibraition I start moaning as I start to edge she smiles and turns it off and grabs duck tape and tapes it so that it is pressing hard on the head of my cock

She turns it on and says guess what you won't be able to do for a long time

She starts teasing it with her fingers

I just moan and moan in responce

She then starts teasing the head as I start moaning mistriss it hurts please let me cum

She grabs a little shocker and starts shocking the head over and over again makeing me scream while she says "if you cum you will cum when I want you to and where I want you to is that understood?.

I manage to scream yess mistriss sory mistriss

She stops shocking me and says good pet she looks down and sees I am leaking a masive amount of pre

She says aww my pet made a mess she goes down and starts gently licking the head of my cock as I moan even louder

After what felt like a eternity of torture she finaly turns off the wand letting me relax a bit as she takes off the cock ring

She grabs the whip and says do you want to cum?

I phant yes mistriss

She turns it on high and starts counting down from 5

I try to cum but I dident have enough time...

She turns it off and says bad pet that's 5 lashes...

She goes behind me and says count them off

She hits me twice realy hard and I say two

She grabs the small shocker and puts it to my tail hole and says what comes first one or two

She turnis it on for 5 seconds strait

When I finally stop screaming she whips me 5 times really fast. And I manage to say a number each time really fast and loud

She says 10 seconds and turns on the wand on high without warning

I am caught completely off guard and don't make it again

Aww didn't make it again... time for 10 lashes

50 she turns on my only hope for salvation and watches my pre covered cock up close

I blow a massive load as she goes to turn it off completely coating the underside of her arm

When I am done riding my orgasm she licks her arm clean then says because of the mess you are getting whipped for the 50 still

I sigh in defeat she grabs a small case out of the hummer and turns it on it hums as she goes behinde me while I wonder what the hell it is for

She suddenly starts whipping me I mess up on 25 and she holds the shocker to my abused tail hole as I scream in pain for 50 seconds.

She then starts over... when she is finally finished she rips off the duct tape violently and gives me a minute to catch my breath she goes back behind me and says after we count these we can do the last torture for the day for you she digs her nails into each slash on my back making me scream out the number each time... she wipes her bloody paw on my stomach and says wow 302 and you didn't pass out... good job

I breathily phant thank you mistress

She says though I noticed my mark is gone we will have to make a new one now won't we

She gets me hard again and puts the cock ring all the way at the base she then whispers in my ear how much do you love your precious wolf?

With all my soul mistress

"Then it's time to crush your soul

She grabs welder's gloves out of her hummer and opens the box to reveal a glowing red branding iron that says her name she waves it in front of my face and says I know some where you can't cut she gushers down to my rock hard cock...

I pod love part 6

I pod love part 6 I wake up early with her arm wrapped around me... So tempting to stay here with her...but alas I have to get ready for the mission... I gently lift her arm and replace my body with a pillow as I get out of bed... I walk down...

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i pod love part 5

IPod love part 5 I shoot up out of my sleep feeling something wet on my face and a strange noise... Without thinking I do a combat role out of bed without even making a noise or disturbing the bed. I reach into my night stand and pull out my d...

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i pod love part4

At the end of that day, Ruby found himself in Barnes and Noble, one of his favorite places to be other than the video game store. He often wandered there on days when he had been to stressed to focus his mind outward at things he passed or where he...

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