Morning Wake-up Call

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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Hey everyone. Just something that i kind of had a spur of the moment for. Short one that I thought was fun and am hoping you guys will think is fun to. This is the first first person PoV i'm posting, and i hope if you see any errors you'll tell me about them (really!). Hope you guys like it and if you think it's good or want to give some criticism then tell me below!


I love mornings I thought to myself while eyeing the sleeping lion. His chest rose and fell, showing off his mane with every slow breath. His mane is all over his face and I've always told him I think it acts as a makeshift pillow; which makes him laugh often enough. The fur also tracks down his chest, and makes a trail to his plump sheath, which holds my attention most.

His entire build is nice, big and strong--perfect. I ran a paw over his chest and smiled to myself, a mixture of love and wanting in my chest. After a few mometns the later of those sensations kicked fully in. Tyler could get a morning surprise he so loved today. I peeled the covers back and revealed the naked feline to my eyes.

I smirked to myself and got into my postion between his legs. His cock was peeking out of its sheath and letting me know he wanted to play, whether he knew it or not. I let my tongue trace over it and the barbs seemed to pulse all their own. The sleeping figure groaned and after a few more teasing licks I had my first objective complete--fully aroused lion cock.

Silently congradulating myself I rewarded myself too by sinking down onto his cock, getting Tyler to huff in his sleep. I suckled eagerly on his tip and soon enough I was getting my second objective--tasty lion pre coating my tongue.

"Oh," the sleeping feline purred and pushed up into my muzzle. His cock throbbed eagerly and spurted another healthy serving of pre onto my tongue.

He went still again and I continued to make my moves. With my free paw I began to roll his balls around and with the other I had better plans. Popping my lips off his cock I stuck a finger into my muzzle and got it nice and wet. When I was happy with it I slipped it beneath him to play with that special spot.

I got a lot of special responses with my multitasking, but one of those was not a waking lion. Even when my finger slipped past his defenses and into his hot tunnel he just grumbled a little. I didn't let it bother me though; he's like this sometimes.

I continued sucking on his cock and soon had him rhythmically pushing his hips up to greet my muzzle. I kissed his furry waist every time I took his cock into my eager muzzle, all the while running my finger in circles over his prostate. The bigger feline was completely reactive, and still somehow completely asleep.

He purred happily nonetheless, even if he had no waking thought that I was sucking him off. I felt his cock throb and I knew I'd soon have the treat I'd been waiting for. Using the skill I'd gained from two years of living with him--though four years of amazing dating--I teased his barbs expertly and felt him clenching down around my finger.

I moved my finger in and out of his hole, getting him to groan occasionally, but I know he's enjoying it because his cock is rock hard in my muzzle and throbbed each time I dwelt over that magic spot. Every moment that passed I was getting more and more remunerated for my attention to him; if not in pre on my tongue than in lion musk on my nose.

"G--Greg," Tyler purred and for a moment I thought he had woken up. I glance up at him and see he's still asleep. That left the option that he was dreaming about me; which made me not only happy but all the more eager. I couldn't see him just having a casual dream about me, because I'm pretty sure he's getting all this in his dreamy world too. I pulled on his low hangers and got him to grunt a bit.

As I lapped at his pre I knew he was getting close. Tyler's body reacts the same, whether he's asleep or awake, and right now he's got a certain pattern to his breathing that I've picked up on over the year. Above me he purred happily--letting out a tiny hiss as he did so--and I knew that was the final signal.

I moaned lightly as his cock flared in my muzzle and I sucked all the more eagerly as the first splash of lion cum splattered along my tongue. His hips flexed upwards and I deepthroated the lion as he pushed his load into my gullet. After a few moments his hips fell back down and I dreaded the idea that he was going to sleep through this entire thing.

With his cock still in my muzzle I grumbled a bit and let it slip back from my lips, his barbs tickling my lips as they pulled over them. I moved down to his balls and gave them some quick licks, knowing that would probably get to him.

Tyler stirred above me and then settled back down. The small act made me smile and I began to increase the fervor of my licks, not letting his cock have time to relax as I continued my efforts all the while. I pressed firmly with my finger against his prostate and got a groan from him. When I looked up from my spot I saw feline eyes staring down at me and I gave a small welcoming bark.

"Babe?" Tyler grumbled and looked down at me, "What are you doing?"

I grinned slyly and licked his sack again, "What do you think?"

"I'm trying to sl--Ohhh!"

I took his member into my muzzle then and shut-up any arguments. This isn't the first time I've woken him up like this, and it certainly won't be the last. He arched his hips and growled lustfully. Now that he was up, it would be about thirty seconds before he was fully awake--fifteen if I kept this up the entire while.

"Oohh...Greg...Oh, Greg! I'm awake, I'm awake!" Tyler pleaded with me and pushed on my head to get me off his cock.

I growled playfully and suckled along his barbs, making his cock shoot another bit of pre onto my tongue.

"Greg!" Tyler mewed and with that I decided to stop torturing him.

I pulled off and slipped my finger from his pucker. I looked up at him and licked my lips, "Good morning sleepy head,"

" long was I out?"

" already came once if that's what you mean,"

Tyler cocked his head, "Really?" he asked, more amused than disbelieving.

"Oh yeah..." I replied and grinned, "If you kiss me I'm sure you could tell,"

Tyler chuckled a little and gestured with his head. "Well...get up here so I can kiss you Love-puppy,"

My grin increased a lot more as I jumped the lion and locked muzzles with him like I had so often before. His tongue darted into my muzzle and he moaned an affirmation of my dirty deeds, tasting the fruits of my labor that still lingered behind. I laughed a little into the kiss and felt him wrap his arms around me.

Tyler purred again and was stroking over my back while his cock made a wet stain on my gym shorts. He made me groan eagerly when he extended his claws and raked them down my back. We exchanged tongue ties for a few minutes and I felt eager to get back to him by the time we parted. He licked over my lips again and rubbed my back affectionately, "Good morning Greg,"

"Morning Tyler," I replied, my tail wagging like a pup's during Christmas. His paws traveled down my back and over the gym shorts, which made him frown.

"You know I don't like being the only naked guy in bed," Tyler said and played with my rump.

"Sorry babe...why don't we fix that?"

Tyler's paws hooked into my gym shorts and boxers and pulled them both down easily, and I kicked them off, letting them fall off the edge of the bed. We're both fully nude now and he purred happily as he rubbed our hard cocks together.

I growled at the sensation and moved a paw between us, grabbing at his member and making him gasp. After a moment of thinking I decided to stroke us both off with one paw and welcomed my own member into the party. Tyler looked up at me and cocked his head, and I just smiled back before beginning to stroke his cock.


"Want to know something I love about lions?" I asked him, all the while knowing he knew the answer. I gave small thrust into my own paw, stimulating him further, all the while his barbs made my cock jump and leak more.

"W-what?" Tyler asked in good nature as his back arched a bit.

"Their...tenacity," I replied and smiled as his body writhed under my paw. "I could get you off right now...but you'd be ready again in a minute,"

"Ohh...Greegggg," Tyler hissed as he thrust into my paw. I growled at the feeling of those barbs raking over my own member and increased the pressure I held us together with, getting Tyler to groan.

"Come-on me that tenacity..." I told him with a grunt. It really is nice to have a boyfriend you can get off so easily--lion's aren't known for their endurance in sex, but rather in the amount of it they can take. I mean, I think our record is getting him off about thirty times in a day--I really really liked that day.

"Oooh..." Tyler said and bucked up into my paw. He was lost in his own pleasure and soon enough he got to his second orgasm of the morning. His body shook and his cock erupted, spraying his chest, mane, and face with lion cum. When he the waves passed over him I enjoyed the sight of my mate; covered in his own seed.

"You look so hot like that," I told him and meant every bit of it. Seeing him with his own seed plastered to him, there was something about it that got me revved up. Of course it could've just been the fact that in a minute he'd be ready to go at it again; or maybe the fact that I just loved his smile.

Tyler looked at me and grinned, "I'm not a sex toy you know..."

"I know," I replied. "But you are the hottest, sexiest, smartest, most amazing lion ever,"

"You just like my tenacity don't you?" Tyler asked with a snort.

"I doubt you can complain," I replied him and stroke over his member, getting hiss of pleasure from him. "And that's just a part of why I like you,"

Tyler smiled at me and looked at my own cock, "Do I get a treat for being so good?"

"A treat?" I asked and then rolled my eyes, "Forget that...what makes you think you've been good?"

Tyler frowned playfully and gave me his best pleading look, "Please? Mr. Wolf, I have been a good lion--I swear,"

I chuckled and conceded, "'ve been a very good lion,"

Tyler grinned then and licked his lips, "I know,"

"So...what do you want for your treat?" I asked and noticed his eyes were on my own member.

"Well...morning cock would be a great way to start the day," Tyler told me and looked over at the clock, "And I don't have to be in for my shift till eight today..."

I smirked at him and nodded. If we gave him twenty minutes to get there, and a thirty minute preparation time then we still had twenty minutes of sex--not as much as I would've liked but you can't have forever. I moved off of him and let him get his legs up in the air, where they soon rested on my shoulders. My member was already nice and slick from his own cum.

"Oooh," Tyler let out as I slipped into him, and I gave a mutual groan of pleasure. I kept going till I had buried all I could, and where my knot was knocking on his pucker. He smiled at me and let his legs slip down from my shoulders and wrap possessively around my waist, while his tail winded around my own tail. Those are common and I've constantly told him how I like it when our bodies are like this--so close and intertwined.

My body was still completely free to move, despite the minor fact that the lion had basically bound himself to me. He always leaves my hips with the most freedom, so I can really get into him for both our pleasure. I leaned down and pressed our lips together, giving him a kiss he could dream about till we both got back home from work; where I'd give paint his neck and face with lighter ones throughout our time together--rinse and repeat. The signal was subtle, but it was ours. Tyler just gently squeezed around my wiast with his hips and gives me the room we both want.

I pulled out slowly and then pushed back in just as slowly. The reward was a happy moan into my muzzle from the lion, who I began to kiss with a bit of romance. I made work of drilling my hips into his rump, working over his prostate in ways only I was allowed. Without wasting a moment we had together I began slowly pushing and pulling my cock from his tailstar, getting signs of enjoyment all the while.

Tyler's tongue pulled on my own and he gladly suckled on my wet appendage, making me moan into his muzzle. His morning breath wasn't too terrible, in fact, since moving in two years ago I don't even notice it. I let him play with my tongue while I got to play with his rump, both of us fully aware of our exchange.

When Tyler let his paw cup my cheek I gave the appropriate moan that said 'I love you too' in our own special way. He accepted that moan and pulled me closer with his free paw, meshing my chest together with his sticky one. The analog clock ticked away, and it made a metronome of sorts, with every two clicks signaling a time to push or pull myself back into the lion. The tight confines of Tyler's tunnel were making my cock leak and give happy throbs, making our session more smooth as time flowed.


That moan was followed by Tyler beginning to suckle with more fervor on my tongue and his tunnel clenching down around my cock. To respond to him I thrust quicker into him, making his purr increase a few hertz, and a few decibels too. The claws in his paw pricked at my back and his entire body told the story for me.

The smell of a fresh load of lion cum filled the room after his very first shaking realease, the watery fluid being deposited between his chest and mine. He mewed in pleasure up into my muzzle, arching his back a little and forcing me to hit those new spots in him that just made him louder. Eventually his claws retracted and he settled back down, but his purr was unmistakably more intense--a compliment to me.

Tyler is easy to get off paws free, at least till he's around the tenth load range, at which he's much more like me and every other non-feline fur out there. It's what made him an amazing bottom, but just as amazing a top too. I gave him my most breathtaking tongue maneuvers and pulled back wetly from out kiss, allowing the combined saliva to remain on his glistening lips.

"That was a nice kiss," Tyler spoke with a pleasant smile, one of someone still enjoying an orgasm-related bliss. His fur was a bit more soiled, with two loads in it, and a decent amount of sweat.

" was,"

Tyler just purred happily as I continued to take him in a slow rhythm. I let out a small moan and my cock throbbed in his tunnel. He looked over at the clock and then back to me, "Sorry Love-pup...we don't have too much longer...if I'm going to be out of here for work,"

I cocked my head and noticed that twelve of our precious minutes had been spent with our muzzles attatched. I frowned and let out a disapproving whine.

"Sorry Love...but how about this weekend, just you and me?" Tyler asked, putting his voice in that way that could make me feel like everything is fine.

"OK..." I told him, hating to know we'd be rushing our session now. Part of what makes us so perfect for one another in bed--which we both agree on--is our pace. While most furs want it hot, rough, and quick me and Tyler wanted it differently. I enjoyed the slow, leisurely pace of our sex--with those hot, rough nights usually being when we just can't wait to get each other home.

I yelped in a surprised manner as I was pulled down to Tyler. He grinned at me and rolled us over so he was on top, sitting happily on my also happy cock. He patted my chest as if to answer the inquisitive look I was giving him. " weren't exactly giving me morning cock without moving," he told me with a chuklish purr.

I smiled back at him and felt him begin riding me. Unlike our normal pace Tyler knew the perfect one to go with our time constraint. I was soon panting lightly as he eagerly planted himself on me, only to rise up and come back down. We both had sweaty furs by then, and I was trying my best to keep a rational mind with the pleasure my brain was getting. I'm not sure how long our time lasted--just that it was somewhere between seven o' two and seven ten that morning.

"Mmmm--Yeah, there we go," Tyler purred at some point, perfectly timed with my own approaching climax.

"Ohhh...Tyyy!" I whined out and felt my cock begging for release. I wished there was time for a tie, because those always bring about the best feelings--for both of us he told me. I grind my hips against his rump and feel the howl building up in my chest. I reached out and began to fervently stroke his cock, getting him over the edge in just two small strokes; right as I was cumming too.

Tyler gasped and moaned at the sensation. I felt him digging himself back onto my cock, trying to get me in all the way--though he restrained from allowing the knot to pop in. His tunnel clenched down on my cock, and I knew it was just as good for him as it was for me. He continued the desperate motions of pushing back on my own pleasure raddled cock, making sure his pleasure didn't diminish either; from outside or from within.

My cock throbbed in the lion's rump that was planted on it; giving away its potent seed to the happy feline. I allowed a howl to escape my throat and out my muzzle, not caring for how the neighbors would react. As I pumped up into my lover I felt his own cum splattering into my fur, coating the underside of my thrown back muzzle, down my neck, and on my chest. The watery feline cum only increased the sensations because of how the smell hit me.

Soon enough Tyler fell down onto my chest and our muzzles quickly met while eager tongues loved one another; speaking a language neither of us could quite know how we spoke. That warm afterglow feeling filled my body, mostly in my stomach, as I was sure it was doing in my lion too.

I fought Tyler as he attempted to pull from my muzzle, giving him a pleading whine as he pulled away. My love for mornings was only matched by the depression that they signified our soon to be depature from one another for eight hours five days out of seven.

Tyler sat up and stroked through my chest, rubbing his cum into my fur, "How about you go get the coffee brewing for us Love-pup and I'll start a shower for us,"

That made me smile a bit and I nodded, "OK..." I replied.

Tyler got up off my cock, a little of my seed glistening on it and some of it in a river down his crack and balls. He turned back around to face me and leaned down, giving me a quick peck on the lips, "I love you Greg,"

I snuffled a little and sat up, "I love you too Ty..."

Tyler smiled at me and nodded towards the kitchen, "Sooner you get that coffee brewing sooner you can join me," he said with a smirk and turned back around, holding his tail high enough for me to know it was intentional.

I really do love mornings I thought with a smirk and got up to prepare our morning coffee.