Passion Beneath the Full Moon

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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This was a commission for Jade Styx, and it was a lot of fun to write. Jade Styx usually has rather good ideas, actually.

While, in all honesty, the Road Rovers show (copyrighted to Warner Brothers - I claim no ownership of any of their characters depicted herein) was never really that good, the characters and setting concept were quite interesting to me. In other words, it was one of those shows that could have been truly awesome, but a lack of attention from the creators caused it to not reach its full potential. Lacking the reality, of course, of what was actually done, I will settle for what I can add.

I hope hope that everyone enjoys reading this bit of fanfiction as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Passion Beneath the Full Moon

A Road Rovers Fanfiction

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Commissioned by JadeStyx

Author's Note: All non-original characters are © Warner Brothers. Please see for more information on the Road Rovers and the episodes of their short-lived show. This story is based on the episode "Hair of the Dog that Bit You."

It is said by some theoretical scholars that there are an infinite number of possible worlds, each with an infinite number of possibilities, though some have a greater hold on reality because of their greater likelihood. And this is just for Earth! Every world in the wide expanse of the universe has a similar infinite number of possibilities, waiting to be explored by those with the imagination to do so.

On one of these many worlds of possible outcomes, the mighty canosapien heroes, the Road Rovers, were the defenders of the world from the many forces of evil that sought to disrupt normal life for humans. This ragtag band of humanoid canines were chosen from all across the world by the brilliant scientist Professor William F. Shepherd (whom the Road Rovers know as Master). Their mission: to serve all of humanity. To this end, Shepherd gifted each of his canosapiens with immense powers beyond that of humans, and with an enhanced sense of loyalty to the people of the world at large. The team of the Road Rovers was composed of Hunter, American-born Golden Retriever mix with powers of super speed, which he regarded as secondary to his super loyalty and super friendliness; Colleen, British rough collie with nigh-superhuman martial arts abilities, as well as extensive medical training; Exile, Siberian husky with sight-based powers and low-level superhuman strength, as well as a decent degree of technical expertise; Blitz, German Doberman with deadly claws, snapping jaws, and an ego more powerful than either; Shag, mighty but timid Swiss sheepdog who also acted as the team's heavy weapons expert, carryall (thanks to the seemingly limitless storage capacity of his impossibly thick fur), and chef; and, finally, Muzzle, raving psychopathic Rottweiler kept in reserve (and in a straitjacket!) except at direst need.

On one of their many adventures, these intrepid canine heroes were assaulted by deadly werewolves. This battle should have ended fairly simply, since the Road Rovers were equipped with their usual gamut of high-powered weaponry, besides their super powers, which seemed more than a match for the feral powers and healing capabilities of their lupine enemies. But in their fight with the monsters, Colleen received a minor injury from the cutting claws of one of the werewolves, one which largely escaped the notice of her comrades, and subsequently contracted lycanthropy, the disease that transforms people into werewolves. Not too long after this, she escaped from the company of the Road Rovers and went to join her fellow werewolves, seeking out the Alpha of this lycanthropic pack to become his mate beneath the light of the bright, full moon, when her condition would become permanent.

This is the point at which two possible realities in the milieu of millions separated from each other, each with an equal grip on a place as the "true" or most likely and hence most dominant reality. It was only by the barest of margins that the reality in which the Road Rovers, sans their female member, sought out Confuseus, terrier purveyor of wisdom and annoying rhymes, for a cure to their friend and teammate's condition before it was too late, and then carried out his instructions to the letter, mixing swamp water with the saliva of each werewolf (a feat accomplished through a high-powered tennis ball launcher) to transform them back into their proper forms, just minutes before the full moon reached its apex.

It is the narrowness of the margin by which this reality became the dominant one which led to the persistence of the alternate version of reality. This version of events was somewhat darker, at least at its start, yet was also influenced by the dominant reality, which tended towards a happy ending.


The clearing in the swamp was bright with the light of the full moon, rising so rapidly that Hunter couldn't help but feel shivers of anxiety tear through his body. He was super loyal, one of the yellow-furred canosapien's bundle of super abilities (beyond his super speed, of course, which he'd always felt was secondary to and far less impressive than his other qualities), and the thought that he might not be able to save a friend as dear as Colleen was like the chill of wolfsbane in his veins. This and Hunter's super courage drove him forward, fearlessly, heedlessly into the very heart of the territory of the werewolves. Their scent was all around them, and Hunter could hear the whimpers of Shag at the rear of the group, the fluff-endowed sheepdog almost helpless with his fright, but driven, like the rest of them, by his loyalty and love for their corrupted friend and teammate.

Sooner than any of them had expected, even before the Doberman-morph, Blitz, could voice a complaint, the swamp's underbrush suddenly fell away, and the four Road Rovers stepped out into a clearing surrounding a short hill. All their eyes rose to the top of that hill, where the red eyes of the werewolves were all turned upwards. All their breaths caught in their throats, then, at the sheer, unworldly beauty of the scene as the silver-furred female werewolf leapt lightly to the very top of the hill, throwing her head back in a chill howl that was pure, cold silver beneath the light of the moon.

His eyes hardening with concentration, Hunter forced himself to look away from this scene, and from the large and muscular male werewolf that must be the alpha of this savage, monstrous pack that was approaching were-Colleen from behind, slowly, his red eyes raking up and down her naked back. It was because of her curse, he told himself, that she so willingly turned her tail to the side, her needy whimpers almost more than the American mutt could bear as she waited for her master and her mate to claim her at his leisure.

It wouldn't happen that way!

Thrusting one of his many ballistics-worthy tennis balls down into the swamp water, Hunter rose, winding up in a good baseball pitch, and then slung the ball at Colleen with all his might! Her reflexes only heightened by her change into her new shape, the she-werewolf easily turned her head, catching the ball right in her mouth with only a slight jump. Almost instantly, her body was engulfed in a strange blue light, like that of the moon above them, and she fell to the soft earth of the swamp with a soft whimper, her body twitching as it began to change once more.

Now it was Shag's turn, as Hunter tossed the sheepdog another of the swamp-soaked tennis balls. Tossing his large gun over his shoulder into ready position, Shag took careful aim...and fired! The werewolves were turning then, starting to charge, and closing fast with their supernatural speed and strength. It just made Shag's aim all the more true as they closed the distance, the tennis ball striking one, then bouncing to another on the ricochet, and then another, and another, each of the werewolves falling to the ground just like Colleen, shuddering and groaning at the change going through them once more, their feral shapes being ripped from their bodies in rapid order. Unlike Colleen, however, these other werewolves were human at their base, rather than canosapien. This meant that the change wasn't nearly as time-consuming for them as it was for her, or nearly as tiring. Within mere minutes after they were freed from the grip of lycanthropy, the human sufferers rose to their feet, wobbly at first, but soon starting to regain their senses and balance fully.

There was, however, one loose end that had evaded a completely happy ending. That was the alpha werewolf, standing near the back of his fallen pack, his lips curled back in a snarl of defiance and fury. Clutched in his huge paw was the drenched tennis ball. With a light squeeze, the ball popped and tore. The gleaming red eyes of the alpha werewolf fixed on the Road Rovers, and he dropped to all-fours, starting to stalk towards them, slowly at first, taking their measure just like any alpha male might test the strength of any rival.

"Shag," Hunter said, lifting his energy rifle to a ready position and taking aim at the last werewolf, even as he sensed more than saw Blitz and Exile doing the same on either side, "get the humans out of here. We'll catch up with you back at headquarters after we've gotten Colleen."

"Rife!" barked Shag, taking the opportunity to get out of that potentially deadly situation as soon as it was offered. He might have refused, even as cowardly as he was, if Hunter hadn't given him the job to clear the area of the dazed humans, who would certainly get in the way, and perhaps be reinfected as well. For Hunter, this was a deliberate decision, because he knew that this fight would depend on speed rather than strength. And as much an asset as Shag could be, he just wasn't fast enough to fight this werewolf on its own terms. Worse yet, if he was infected, Hunter had no idea if the other Road Rovers would be able to take the massive sheepdog down.

"Split and catch him in the crossfire, Rovers," Hunter barked out, legs already tensing up, ready to race forward. "Whatever you do, don't let him touch you with his teeth or claws."


"Da, my friend."

The acknowledgement of his teammates was all that Hunter needed, and the next moment he, Blitz, and Exile were rushing forward, guns blazing. But the alpha werewolf hadn't needed even that brief moment...

Her whole body felt stretched out. Groaning softly, Colleen set her hands on the soft earth of the hill and started to rise to all-fours. The rough collie felt the rush of heat to her cheeks as she realized that she was buck naked, her tail promptly curling down around her rump and nethers, even as she rose to a kneeling position, her arms crossing in front of her full breasts. As a dog, of course, such things didn't really matter, and modesty had never really occurred to the proper British female. But as a canosapien, Colleen found that with her more humanlike body had come more humanlike sensibilities, including a strange sense of modesty which she had yet to properly sort out in her mind.

A moment later Colleen heard the sounds of blaster fire from behind her, and promptly turned, her eyes widening as she saw the ensuing melee. It was her friends! They'd come to save her! A flood of memories came back to her, then, memories that the humans who'd been transformed into werewolves would never recall in more than sketchy detail. She'd changed into a werewolf when she'd fallen asleep, her sentient mind fading along with the tame parts of her being, the parts that told her to be a good dog, to do all she could for humanity. Her first impression in that new state had been to quench a primal hunger that came upon her, so hard and fast and heady it had made her slow and stupid. This hunger, of course, hadn't been one for flesh; it had been the lust of her feral heat. She'd tried to seduce Blitz in proper lupine style while the muscular male had been naked in the shower, approaching him in her savage, red-eyed shape, only to have him flee from her, yelping in stark terror. He'd been the first healthy male she'd come across, after all, and while Colleen normally would never have considered such a pairing, in that more primal state, it had seemed like the best possible option to ease the searing heat of her loins.

It was at this moment, as she was collecting all her thoughts, that Colleen realized, to her horror, that she was still in heat. As a canosapien, Professor Shepherd regularly provided Colleen with a birth control implant. The change to her new body, though, seemed to have not only ruined the implant, it had also set her body to making up for lost time. What would her teammates think of her, smelling her like that, a bitch in heat? The thought made Colleen's whole body burn with shame.

The thought of her male teammates made Colleen's wandering mind snap back to the present with full and complete clarity. She looked up at the battle playing out at the base of the hill just as a loud yelp was heard in the clearing. The alpha male didn't even pause as he finished his lunge past Blitz, the Doberman falling to his knees on the ground, clutching the nasty claw cut along his outer thigh.

"Use the tennis ball!" yelled Hunter, tossing another of the soaked-through balls to his German teammate, making sure to lick it himself, just in case, before he tossed it right into Blitz's face, sending the Doberman sprawling back on the ground, momentarily dazed. Hunter had quite an arm on him!

This was all the distraction the werewolf needed as he leapt, feet-first, straight onto Hunter's chest, knocking the yellow-furred male to the ground, swiftly delivering a bite to the canosapien's forearm before hopping lightly back. Hunter grunted in pain as he gripped the bite wound, then looked up right as Exile's huge arms wrapped around the massive alpha werewolf, pulling him up into a mighty bear hug.

Gritting his teeth around a swamp water-soaked tennis ball, the water and his own drool dribbling down onto the shoulder of the werewolf in his grip, Exile's whole body was tensed up, veins starting to stand out on his neck, his arms, and his chest. All of this was soon clearly visible as the werewolf turned in the huskymorph's grip and started to tear at Exile's silver armor, ripping it apart like tissue paper, laying the huge, muscular Russian's body bare from the waist up in mere seconds. Suddenly, though, the werewolf stopped his assault, and merely looked up at Exile's face, grinning like the monster he was.

"Exile!" Hunter yelled, his face showing his fear for his friend's safety as Exile's eyes started to go blank, his jaw going slack, the tennis ball falling to the ground with a soft thud. It was only a moment later before Exile's arms went slack, and the werewolf was free.

As a husky, Hunter realized, Exile must be especially close to wolves. This was actually something he'd admitted before when they'd first met the werewolves and he'd tried to communicate with them. That, in turn, meant that Exile must be especially vulnerable to the corruption that came with a lycanthropic bite. Hunter grit his teeth, waiting for the change to hit them all, even as he felt his own body seizing up, no longer completely under his own control. Instead, he could feel the subtle, feral whispers of a more primal part of himself, something he'd thought was dead and long gone. This part of him spoke almost directly to the mind and will of the alpha werewolf, and it was in this moment of perfect clarity, right before he lost himself to instinct, that Hunter realized what was happening.

The swamp water and his own saliva had saved him and the other Road Rovers, Hunter realized fully. They wouldn't turn into werewolves. At least, not completely. But the full moon was at its apex, and the lycanthropy toxins were coursing through their veins, putting them into the thrall of the one that had created them. They would recover, but it would take time, and until then, they were the slaves of their new alpha, and of the savage lupine instincts that had been waiting so very long beneath the surface of their domestication, and now eagerly leapt forth at this opportunity. Turning his head slightly, Hunter saw Blitz rising to his feet, the Doberman's sharp claws easily rending his armor and tossing it aside, leaving the sleek-muscled male naked in the moonlight. Exile was soon following suit, pushing his pants down his thick-muscled thighs, his tongue lolling out, nostrils working hard, just like Blitz's were.

Colleen was in heat! Hunter's whole body started as this horrific realization struck him, and he tried to crawl away, tried to throw himself into the water rather than do what he knew he would do in the overpowering grip of his instincts and the power of the werewolf that had infected him. But it was all in vain, and soon Hunter was crouched on all-fours, tearing his armor off with frantic desperation. His eyes lifted, meeting Colleen's as she knelt on the side of the hill, watching her friends as their minds were lost to them, leaving only naked instinct behind. Hunter only hoped that she'd understood the look of apology in his eyes, and hoped that he'd read her answering expression of forgiveness correctly. Then it was far past the time for conscious thought, and Hunter rose to his feet, eagerly licking his chops as he advanced on the strong, healthy, fertile female that was so close by, her body so ready for the seed of a virile male. There was no need to compete here with the other three males with him. They were all pack mates, after all, and with a female as fine as this one, there would be enough of her for them all.

She was still too weak. Colleen tried to rise to her feet, tried to get into the old, familiar battle stances that she knew so well, that had been imprinted onto her brain by the morphing process that had made her into a canosapien. Under any other circumstances, it would have been easy; after all, she and the other Road Rovers had been selected because they were more than convenient vessels for their Master's scientific efforts: they were also perfectly suited to accept the enhanced imprinting that gave them their powers. At first, Colleen's power, the martial arts, might seem less impressive compared to those like Hunter, with his super speed, or Exile, with his vision-related powers, or Shag, with super strength and durability, or even Blitz, with his tearing teeth and claws. This initial impression quickly went away once one realized that Colleen's martial abilities were imprinted on her genetic code by the morphing process, that she had a deeper, more instinctive understanding of and ability in the martial arts than even the most dedicated human warrior trained from birth ever could. In any evenly-balanced physical confrontation against the other Road Rovers, one at a time or all at once, Colleen would probably have won. But now, her muscles stretched and worn out from the effort of transformation, her whole body trembling from the needs of her instinctual heat, Colleen knew she didn't stand a chance as she knelt there, watching the four males, her three friends and their new lycanthrope alpha, advance up the hill towards her on all-fours like true animals, all of their eyes glowing the same dull red, their tongues lolling out with lust as they drooled at the scent of her.

The eager males surrounded Colleen, her baby blue eyes wide as she looked up at them, her ears turned down submissively. Why did she have to be so weak? She wasn't a slut. She wasn't! she smelled the heady scents of her teammates, and of their new alpha, Colleen couldn't help but feel her whole body tingle in her deepest parts.

"'untie?" she said in a soft whimper, looking up at the lead Road Rover, the gold-furred male she'd always had such a crush on, always cared the most about. "Please, 'untie, it's not...I'm don't..."

Her words were cut off by a startled squeak as Hunter gripped Colleen's headfur, tilting her head down slightly. Despite herself, the collie's breath caught in her throat at what greeted her view: four truly massive canine cocks, thick and swollen and red, each leaking from their tips. Unlike a proper canid penis, however, each of these shafts before the female's unwillingly lusty eyes was as much a hybrid of canine and human as the rest of their bodies. Ironically, the penis most like that of a proper canid was that of the werewolf, with its slender spearing tip, while those of her fellow Road Rovers were capped with a humanlike, mushroom-shaped glans, swollen and flared.

There was little time to inspect these eager manhoods, however, for even as Colleen realized that she was salivating at the sight of so much ready cock, just in time to feel her shame returning, Hunter gripped her between her ears a little tighter, and then pressed his swollen shaft against Colleen's lips. For a moment she looked up at him, whimpering sweetly, her expression halfway between a pouting plea for mercy and a plea for...something else, what she didn't quite know. But it was only for a moment. The next moment, her lips parted, and her eyes lowered submissively as she allowed the sexy yellow dog's cock to fill her muzzle completely.

Cursing herself internally, wishing that she wasn't so eager, so disgustingly willing, Colleen carefully wrapped her mouth around that wonderful, delicious cock, breathing through her nose as she squeezed her face firmly up against Hunter's groin, taking in his wonderful, dominant, masculine scent. He was forcing her, wasn't he? His hand was on her head, after all, holding her there so tightly. But no, Colleen realized to her shame: he was only holding her, and the tightness of his fingers wasn't a result of him raping her; it was his own natural reaction to Colleen's eagerness in taking his cock to the roots!

The shameful, slutty feeling only deepened as Colleen felt her arms, still firmly clasped over her full, beautiful breasts, gripped by two pairs of strong, masculine hands. It was Exile and Blitz! Her eyes so deliciously expressive, like those of a sad puppy, wide and pleading and ever-so-needy, looking up on either side at the lusty males' handsome faces (and even the Doberman, Blitz, looked handsome right then, as, Colleen admitted, without his personality to get in the way, he was actually quite attractive), Colleen didn't resist as they raised her hands, her fingers wrapping of their own accord around those fine, hard shafts of theirs. Shafts that, Colleen knew in her heart of hearts, would all-too-soon be filling her fertile womb with the virile seed of their owners. This thought, the thought of her belly swollen with such a wildly mixed litter of puppies, made Colleen whimper deep in her throat, the vibrations of this expression of desperate need mixed in equal parts with fear and self-loathing making Hunter shudder in her muzzle, a sudden spurt of his precum splashing against the back of her throat. He pulled back slightly as he was still leaking precum so heavily, and Colleen felt herself growing hot all over as she tasted the lovely preseed the beautiful male before her spread onto her tongue. There was so much of it! And...she had to have more!

Still fighting her instincts, but losing, and knowing she was losing, Colleen's whole body suddenly lurched as she felt a pair of powerful hands grip her haunches firmly, lifting them up. As the three males before her knelt, Colleen bent forward at the prompting of these dominant-feeling hands, making an acute triangle with the ground, her breasts now swaying freely. One of those hands went to the base of her tail, making her whimper as it was hiked up, leaving her needy, naked cunny so very exposed. A moment later, a thick lupine muzzle was thrust against her quim, hot breath searing Colleen's sex before an achingly smooth tongue pressed against her heavily-leaking sex. At first it lapped at the swollen lips of her labia. This was just the start, however, as that devilish werewolf's tongue dipped lower, flickering over Colleen's clitoris. Then the werewolf alpha's muzzle tilted a little higher, and Colleen couldn't resist yanking her head back, Hunter's cock escaping her muzzle with a loud pop as she cried out in sweet ecstasy, that deliciously smooth, thick tongue penetrating her swollen folds, plunging deep, deep within her.

The werewolf's fingers rubbing against her clitty, giving her no escape on any front, his tongue now starting to pull back, only to thrust into once more, again, and again, Colleen's whole body tensed and jerked with each motion. It felt too good! Her fingers tensing and pumping the hard shafts of Exile and Blitz harder, faster with her rising arousal, Colleen looked up into Hunter's face, saw how his own cheeks were flushed, his tongue lolling out as he panted, looking like such a very pleased pup. She couldn't resist that look, knowing that she was the one causing it, or the mirrored looks on the faces of her other teammates. Soon to be mates, she realized with another shudder of rising pleasure, right before she eagerly took Hunter's hard cock into her muzzle once more, looking up at him with adoration in her sweet, baby blue eyes. But this was only for a short while, as Colleen realized that, for all her affection for Hunter, she wasn't being fair. Letting the Retriever's penis pop free of her muzzle again, Colleen turned her head to the right, her breath catching in her throat at the sheer size of Exile's huskycock. He was huge! But her hesitation only lasted a moment as she felt the tongue of the werewolf slip free of her tensing cunny, only to move higher up, pressing against her snugly-clenching tailhole, and she quickly wrapped her lips around the full, firm glans of the husky's penis. Mmm, there was so much of him...Colleen's eyes grew heavy-lidded with pleasure as she did her best to take Exile's cock into her muzzle, inch by thick, meaty inch, her tongue carefully exploring the Russian male's deliciously smooth shaft just before she hollowed out her cheeks, and started to bob her head, forward and back, gagging herself slightly on the first full thrust - and still not managing to take all of him! - then pulling back slightly, taking several deep breaths, before she finally plunged her head forward all the way, not stopping until those huge, fluffy-furred balls were squeezed firmly against her chin.

Knowing she had little time, her air cut off in this position, Colleen did her best to make the most of it, looking up at Exile's now-red eyes (how she missed his pretty, ice blue ones) as she quickly pumped her head forward and back, working herself as fast and hard as she could giving him the most pleasure in the least amount of time. Then, with a loud gasp, Colleen was forced to yank her head back, letting Exile's stiff erection bounce in the open air, slick and shining with her saliva and his copious precum. Feeling sorry that it had ended so soon, she dipped her head slightly, enough to give his heavy, white-furred balls several long, slow, tender licks. The moans of the powerfully-built husky were sweet in her ears, and the thought that those swollen orbs were filled with seed that would soon be planted in her ripe belly sent strange, erotic tingles straight to the pit of Colleen's stomach.

Whimpering like the bitch in heat she was - she admitted it to herself at last, holding nothing back, that slutty feeling just enhancing all her pleasure all the more - Colleen's rump tensed as she felt the werewolf behind her tease a clawed fingertip against and then slowly into her sopping wet cunny. Then her rump lifted as he pulled back, and she glanced over her shoulder, shifting her hands at the same time so that she was stroking both Hunter's and Exile's penises, their precum running down onto her fingers. Despite herself, Colleen gulped at the sight of that thick lupine cock, but her instinct held her perfectly still, save for some light trembling, as the werewolf seized the collie's hips in his powerful paws, fitting the pointed tip of his penis against her gushing slit. She only just barely muffled the loud squeal his first, balls-deep thrust tore from her throat by plunging her muzzle down onto Blitz's long, relatively slender dobiecock. She noted briefly that, while Blitz wasn't as well-endowed as either of his comrades, he wasn't puny by any means, filling her muzzle quite nicely.

The alpha male wasn't the patient sort. In fact, he wasn't gentle at all. The moment his knot bumped against Colleen's pussy lips, his balls slapping her inner thighs at the apex of that first thrust, the huge male paused for a few short seconds, shifting his hips, repositioning himself slightly. Then, once he was in the proper position for claiming a hot, willing bitch, his hips started to thrust like a jackhammer, giving it to Coleen good and hard and fast and rough! This made Colleen cry out again, this time around her muzzleful of plump dobiedong, before she started to bob and pump her head in time with the eager thrusts of the powerful male behind her.

How long she was suspended there, pinned in pleasure between these four males kneeling all around her, Colleen didn't know and couldn't guess. Could she even have puppies by this wolflike creature whose hips slapped her upturned, taut rump faster even than any quadruped dog she'd even seen mount a bitch? Ngh, as heavy as his balls felt, though, as they impacted with her pubis, their fur getting nicely soaked by her copious juices, Colleen didn't doubt that she'd find out in only a matter of months. But she was hardly so caught up by passion that she was neglecting her teammates by any means. Colleen was dutiful, even if she weren't almost horny out of her mind right then. And her dear friends deserved only the very best. While the werewolf gripped her hips, plowing her female channel to the depths, Colleen quickly turned her head this way and that, greedily gulping down first one cock and then another, her hands moving to continue giving pleasure to the two cocks she was forced to leave out in the cold. It was an easy rhythm to fall into, and Colleen welcomed it eagerly.

It was at the moment that Colleen had just shifted her full oral attention back to Hunter's perfect prick (and oh! how Colleen was looking forward to seeing the beautiful babies he would give her) that she felt the werewolf start to pick up the pace, his deep, feral growling starting to build in volume and tension. He was close...and, truth be told, so was Colleen and the other Road Rovers. She could feel their rising pleasure, could feel the spurts of precum heralding their imminent eruptions pattering on her face and neck.

No sense in holding back now.

Rising up slightly, so that she could better thrust back at her lupine alpha, her rounded buns bumping against his hips with equal enthusiasm to his own, her inner walls visibly clenching along with her tiny pink tailhole, Colleen looked up at Hunter once more, straight into his eyes. She could see the red glow of the werewolf's control there still, right in the center of his pupils, but that evil light had receded, and now she could see more of the sweet, soulful brown that normally colored his eyes. Even in the throes of this powerful possession, Hunter was still super kind, his strong hands never once losing their gentleness as he rubbed Colleen's head and shoulders, paying her sweet, loving attentions. This just made her tail wag, and as soon as that happened, the werewolf gave a loud grunt of startled pleasure, the added stimulation suddenly too much for him as he jerked his hips forward with a short, especially forceful lunge, his knot popping inside of Colleen and quickly swelling up, locking him inside of her. Too much for all of them, Colleen realized as she felt a sudden spike of pleasure jolt through her the moment she felt the first splash of hot werewolf cum against her cervix, setting off a host of inner contractions that made her want to howl along with the wolf who was filling her up to the brim with his cum. But she didn't have time for that, not for what she wanted, as she plunged her muzzle downward, eyes up at Hunter's face, watching his expression as she eagerly bobbed her head, her hands feeling the first warning tremors in Exile and Blitz's balls as their cocks twitched, and then pulsed, shooting thick ropes of their cum over her face and shoulders and, as she tilted them downward, over her breasts as well, the color almost matching the snowy white of her underbelly fur. It was only a moment later that Hunter also gave a soft gasp, his plump cockhead cradled on Colleen's tonguetip, right at the moment when he started to gush his cum right over her tongue and down her greedily gulping throat. Colleen made sure to tighten her lips into a seal, to ensure that not a single drop of that sweet, precious fluid was wasted. Her whole world reeled in orgasmic pleasure as the four males surrounding her tilted their heads back, sending a sweet, clear howl to the full silver moon above, each of them sharing in that moment of perfect, total bliss.

Finally, after many long minutes, Colleen released her grip on Exile and Blitz, letting the two males seat themselves, panting, their chests heaving, on the grass nearby. Hunter pulled back as well, crouching down on his haunches, just looking at Colleen with an adorably goofy look on his face, obviously the most pleased pup in the entire world, that expression all it took to cement Colleen's love for the golden retriever, heightening her hope that he would give her the most pups of them all. She felt the werewolf's leg brush the fur of her lower back as he turned himself, until soon he was facing away from her, his hard, muscled buns pressed flush with her own, his tail draped over her back. In this position, Colleen could feel him still pumping cum into her, still filling her fertile womb up with so very much faux-lupine seed. Knowing that she could be like this for a while, Colleen heaved a long, relaxed sigh of afterglow, and settled her chin on her forearms, leaving her rump hiked high in the air, keeping herself pressed against the werewolf until he'd finished.

This position didn't last, however, for not long after Colleen had gotten herself comfortable, her ears perked up to attention, and she quickly rose back to all-fours, making the werewolf give a rather un-alphalike whimper at the pressure this put on his knot, milking another harder spurt of his cum into her. Hunter had recovered, it seemed, and he crawled towards Colleen on all-fours as well, like a true dog, and she wanted to present herself to the canosapien she loved properly. Even with those points of red light still present in his eyes, she could see the love and affection he had for her, and then could feel it as he cupped her chin ever-so-gently, then kissed her, his lips pressing against hers light and sweet. Before she knew it, he was kissing her everywhere, on her lips, her cheeks, her forehead, her neck, and she couldn't resist him, didn't want to even if she'd been able, even as Hunter cleaned her up with his mouth. His tongue arched out, and Colleen made sure to arch her back, thrusting her chest forward as she lifted herself a little closer to a kneeling position, moaning loudly as Hunter's smooth tongue lathed over her full, buoyant breasts. The tip flicked her perfect, pink nipples one by one, and this coupled with the thick prick still spreading her open made Colleen cry out as another, smaller orgasm shivered through her body. This orgasm was extended as Hunter lovingly suckled on first one and then the other of her breasts, taking his time, stroking and then tenderly palpating the one his muzzle wasn't lavishing oral attention upon, catching her delicious pink nipple between his finger and thumb to deliver a squeeze and twist and tug that slowly increased until it was almost painful, before Hunter would switch sides, closing his muzzle over Colleen's other nipple to deliver slow, tender suckling, using her whimpers and moans as indicators of how he was doing.

Before long, Colleen felt the hands of her other friends on her body, Exile reaching beneath to stroke her tight, trim belly, while Blitz worked his fingers into her shoulders and down the column of her back, feeling the supple muscles beneath her beautiful red and white fur. While Hunter continued to lavish affection on her breasts, Exile began to kiss his way down Colleen's tummy, and Blitz started to do the same with her back, nibbling lightly on her tailbase, making her whimper as he caught a tiny muzzlefull of loose skin and suckled on it. Moments later, Blitz's hands were prizing Colleen's rumpcheeks apart, having to work a bit against the tension of her body that all this pleasure was giving her, while Exile's hot breath was steaming against Colleen's clitty, right below where she was still being spread so wide by that thick wolfknot. Their tongues slid forward at almost the same time, and Colleen gave a sweet, moaning cry as she felt the the Doberman taking his slow, sweet time licking the taut, smooth muscles of her firm bottom, even as Exile's tongue flickered against her clitoris. Her inner walls gave a shuddering convulsion, and the werewolf gave a sharp yelp at the additional stimulation, before he suddenly jerked forward, his knot somehow popping free, too drained for him to be able to sustain its hardness despite himself. Almost immediately after this, Exile pressed his muzzle eagerly against Colleen's now-freed cunny, slurping and suckling eagerly on her flushed, well-stretched sex, while Blitz's tongue began to wriggle against her clenching tailhole, rimming her out with slow, steady strokes. Both canosapiens' efforts quickly picked up in speed to match that of their leader as Colleen began to squirm in their paws, eyes closing in sweet bliss.

Completely at the mercy of these three males with whom she'd worked as packmates for so long, and had grown to regard as friends, each in their own unique way, Colleen didn't resist as she was lifted up by Hunter into a full kneeling position, Exile's and Blitz's tongues slipping almost straight up into her quickly-clenching cunny and tight tailhole, before she was then leaned back still further, the golden retriever lying her back on the soft grass of the moonlit hilltop. Her husky and Doberman friends moved each to a side, kneeling there, watching, as Hunter covered Colleen, his muzzle meeting hers in a kiss that left Colleen's world reeling with lusty intoxication. She needed him so bad now!

"Please, 'untie," she begged in precious tones, looking up at Hunter with wide, puppyish eyes as he broke the kiss. "Don't make me wait for it. I'll beg if I have to."

Hunter smiled down at her, the red in his brown eyes almost faded now, and Colleen somehow knew that he'd never do anything to hurt her. But she didn't want him to be gentle with her, didn't want sweet romance. He was always too nice! Instead of letting Hunter take his time, like he so obviously intended by the way he carefully worked his hips, setting the plump, heavily-leaking tip of his glans against her desperately flushed labia, Colleen grabbed his hips with her hands, her legs wrapping around the retriever's tight buns, and pulled him down into her with an exultant cry of orgasm, her back arching, head falling back almost parallel to the ground, tongue lolling out in ecstatic ecstasy as Hunter's beautiful penis filled Colleen up to that point her body recognized as just right. He'd always been meant to be where he was, buried to the hilt inside of her, ready to give her his cum, so that the beautiful male above her could give Colleen even more beautiful puppies. She'd never felt a sense of more perfect fulfillment as she had at that moment.

Then Hunter started to move his hips, and Colleen's entire world faded into a haze of pleasure.

Howling, thrashing, bucking like a wild beast, Colleen's normally reserved façade vanished completely as Hunter gave her what she wanted - what she needed - not holding himself back any more. Her fingers raked his furry back, her toes arching as she tightened her leglock on his rump, keeping him from having any chance of pulling out, her whole body jerking and convulsing with shocks of pleasure coming in wave after wave after wave. She could feel his body moving over her, feel his balls slapping against her tailhole with each downward thrust, and didn't hold herself back from lifting her head, her tongue catching his as it dangled down with his heavy panting, before their lips met once more in a deep, desperately passionate kiss. It felt like a string of firecrackers going off in her belly, jerking Colleen's whole being, shaking her to the core. It was too much! It could never possibly be enough!

"Colleen," Hunter gasped out, his wonderful voice the music Colleen never wanted to stop hearing, "Colleen, you're so...I can't...I'm going to..."

"I want it, 'untie," she panted in his ear, before suckling on the very tip. "I want your puppies more than anything else in the whole world. Cum inside me. Make me yours."

Reaching her hands back, Colleen gently cupped and then started to stroke Hunter's wonderfully full-feeling balls. A finger slid up, and Colleen gently teased it against her wonderful alpha male's tailhole. Instantly, Hunter's head jerked forward, and he buried his face in Colleen's shoulder, only barely muffling the loud grunts that were dragged from him as his hips started to thrust in short, powerful strokes, pounding Colleen good and hard and rough. The first splash of his thick cum inside of her was all it took to make Colleen's whole world fade into a flash of white, then dull to red and finally fade to black spots dancing before her eyes, like the afterimage of a flashbulb. Her legs stayed tight around him, so that even if Hunter had wanted to pull out, he couldn't: Colleen wanted every last drop that the golden-furred male could give her. And she wasn't disappointed in the least: Hunter gave her a lot.

There was a period of time where Colleen felt herself drifting, fading into the sweet warmth of Hunter's embrace. It didn't help that she was a little tired - after all, transforming into a werewolf and then back wasn't exactly the most relaxing of activities, and that was even when it didn't take place right in the middle of your bedtime. Add the exquisite pleasure of mating with the one that she'd been lusting after ever since she'd become a Road Rover, and finding it everything she'd hoped for and more, and Colleen could be forgiven a little nap. Only a little one, though, as a light touch stroked across the soft, lightly fluffy fur of her flank soon roused Colleen back to consciousness.

Lifting herself so that she was sitting, Colleen looked around to get her bearings once more. The full moon was far past its apex, and judging by its light, there were perhaps two hours left of good, proper moonlight. Not far off, the werewolf lay on his side, looking at Colleen with a slightly wary, fairly tired expression: she'd proven more woman than he could easily handle. Next to Colleen lay Hunter, his pure brown eyes opened slightly, his expression adorably sleepy. His cheeks were flushed, eyes heavy, his hand having been wrapped around her hips while she had taken her nap, holding her close to his strong, warm body to ward off the chill of the night. She must have been quite the sight, Colleen realized with a heavy blush of her own, lying there on her side, curled up against Hunter, his cock still inside of her right up until she'd fallen asleep. It was a scene halfway between adorable and erotic, partaking of each sentiment with equal interest.

That led Colleen to the reason for her sudden awakening: the two other members of her pack, their cocks still hard and standing ready for service. It had been Blitz that had touched her, his hand surprising gentle despite his seemingly brash, boastful nature. Colleen supposed that meant, while he was less patient than Exile, kneeling nearby with his cock standing at full attention thrust straight out from his hips at a right angle in open invitation, the Doberman did have the first makings of a decent lover. Truthfully, as Colleen thought of how she must have been tormenting these poor boys with her nudity and the scent and sounds of sex so close to them, without letting them get any relief after their first orgasms of the night, she felt quite ashamed of herself. They'd been very good to her, and deserved better treatment.

"Lie back, Exile," said Colleen, crawling over to the patiently waiting husky, her eyes flicking up to his beautiful ice blue eyes (only a hint of red at their centers now, the lycanthropic influence fading with the moon's light). "You've been such a good, patient boy (unlike some I could name, but won't); you deserve a proper treat."

Ignoring the softly pleading whimper this drew from Blitz, Colleen's eyes dropped to that massive pink huskycock as Exile did as he was told, his legs bent slightly at the knee to give Colleen a chance to rest her rump against his legs as she settled herself into place. This was exactly what the collie proceeded to do, straddling Exile's hips, stroking her fingertips along the surface of his thick, heavy shaft as she looked down at it in awe.

"C'or," said Colleen, shaking her head as she started to caress Exile, feeling the sheer size of him against her hand as she gave him a few experimental strokes. "How did I even fit this in my muzzle before?" Then she looked up at Exile's blushing face (he was such a sweet guy, actually, even with his mind partially not his own), giving him a smile she knew was so terribly naughty, perhaps even slutty if Colleen didn't gauge it right, didn't hold herself back from that final precipice. "I've got a much better place to put it anyway," she added with a teasing wink, lifting herself up Exile's body, deliberately grinding her soaking labia against his cock as it lay across his belly, getting the entire length nice and slick with her juices.

Knowing it was a cruel thing to do, especially after all the waiting she'd put him through already, and yet unable to force herself to simply take the awaiting plunge right away without a little mental buildup, Colleen took her time there for a good while, stroking her swollen quim up and down Exile's raging erection, getting the entire length delightfully soaked. She could feel the thick, steel-hard pink flesh between her legs throbbing, could see the tension on Exile's face as he continued the fight to keep being a good dog, to resist the impulse to just grab the teasing bitch on top of him and give her just what she deserved.

"Poor puppy," cooed Colleen, bending down to kiss Exile on the underside of his strong muzzle. "I'm sorry for being such a bad girl. But I'll make it up to you, I promise." As she said this, Colleen dipped her muzzle even more to kiss the husky's well-formed belly, then the base of his ribcage, and then up his broad, muscular chest, softened only by the fluffy white fur of his canine breed. As she kissed him, Colleen also slid her legs forward, doing a slow slide up her friend's body until, quite suddenly, she passed the tip of his penis, and gave a quiet "eep!" of surprise as Exile's heavy cock popped up without her weight atop it, bumping her in the tailbase.

The moment of truth, Colleen realized with a slight shudder, had finally arrived. Could she handle something quite as monumental as this husky stiffy? Well, it was a bit late for those sorts of musings, she supposed. After all the teasing and waiting she'd put poor Exile through, he deserved to at least get her best college try. Taking a deep breath, Colleen lifted herself up, her hands reaching down to grip the base of that smooth pink length, holding it pointed straight up while she settled herself into place right on the tip. Feeling the plump, heavily-leaking, mushroom-shaped glans slowly parting her folds, Colleen paused for a moment, steeling herself finally. Then she started to press herself down, a puppyish whimper forced from her throat as she felt herself stretching open.

"Exile," she gasped out, her cheeks heavily flushed, teeth grit. "Oh Exile, you're bloomin' big!"

Forcing herself to control her breathing, Colleen felt herself starting to lose herself in the motions as she pressed down a few inches, then paused to gather her wits, then pressed down a little more, letting gravity do as much of the work as her own toned body. Then, almost before she realized it was happening, she felt Exile's balls squeezing against her rump, even as she felt his swollen cockhead squeezing against the gates of her cervix. It fit! Just barely, but she'd taken every last inch of him!

Panting heavily, her eyes squeezed tightly shut, Colleen started to lift herself up a few inches, then slid back down, getting the feel for this new position, this new feeling of such intense and complete fullness. A little more on the next lift, and more on the next, her head bent forward as she set herself to the task like a plowhorse in harness. It felt good, that much she couldn't deny. But it was also such a strain on her body, pushing her to the limits of her endurance, her flexibility, of her strength to manage this Siberian monster. Exile must be the best dog in the world, Colleen realized: he hadn't forced her at all, even though the way she was squeezing down on him must be driving him crazy. So encouraged, Colleen started to move a bit faster, breathing harder as she made herself stretch to handle her husky friend. With a soft grunt she plunked herself down all the way, and then started to grind her hips, rolling her rump against Exile's groin, her juices leaking down onto his heavy balls.

Colleen's eyes finally snapped open at this moment, looking down at Exile, at the look of pure, puppyish bliss on his cute face. But she hadn't opened her eyes because of that. The collie had come to greater awareness of her surroundings when she'd felt another set of hands on her hips. Blitz! She'd forgotten completely about him! He, however, must have been going through at least as much erotic torture as Exile, if not more, since he wasn't even allowed to participate. Now he'd decided that he was going to join in.

"B-blitz, wait," Colleen gasped out as she looked back at the lustily-grinning face of her German teammate, her voice small, weak-sounding even to herself, her body too caught up in accommodating to Exile for her to be able to do much else. "I don't know if I can...AH!"

Her head snapped back suddenly, Colleen's cry to the gradually sinking moon loud and long, part pain but mostly passion as she was suddenly stuffed beyond anything she'd ever thought she could handle, Blitz's thick malehood plunging into her well-stretched pussy, spreading her open all the more. Before Colleen could adjust to this completely, could get control of her own body, Exile's huge hands grabbed her hips and outer thighs just below where Blitz was holding her, and started to take an active part in the unfolding events. He apparently thought that Colleen had decided not to hold anything back any more, and so he saw no reason to resist his natural urges any longer.

Not bothering any longer to hold back her cries, Colleen howled, yowled, moaned, and yelped, her whole body overloading on endorphins and the pleasure of complete and total surrender. As Exile rose, Blitz leaned back, and soon both males were holding Colleen between them, making her the meat in a juicy threesome sandwich. Her toes arched as the overtaxed colliegirl came despite herself, again and again and again, her body tensing and thrashing, strongly at first, and then with steadily-increasing weakness, until soon she was reduced to a mass of quivering fur and pleasure-riven flesh. It was too much! Too much for anyone. And when it became too much for the males pressing upon her from each side as well, all three of them turned their heads upwards, howling in unison to the starry night sky, as Colleen felt her inner walls flooded with load after load of steaming, fertile cum.

The last few hours of the night passed in a haze for Colleen. She was more a creature of instinct than reason, and even as the curse of lycanthropic control faded from her three teammates after their initial orgasms inside of her cunny, she didn't put the brakes on their own primal instincts. Instead, she encouraged them, let them dominate everything. They were animals, and there was nothing to be ashamed of. Flashes of the night broke through at times; the werewolf rutting her up against a tree; bouncing on Hunter's cock as he lay back; giving blowjobs to Exile and Blitz at the same time. Most of all, she remembered lying on top of Hunter, feeling his wonderful penis deep inside of her, while she somehow managed to take Exile's cock to the roots, using all her martial arts training to control her breathing, while she felt Blitz slowly squeezing his beautiful German member into her tensing tailhole. She'd never had anal sex before, but for all his eagerness from before, Blitz was actually quite gentle about it as he broke in Colleen's last virginity. It felt good, actually, once she got over the initial stretching and burning sensation, and Colleen promised herself, after this, she'd have to try it with Hunter, if he was willing. Maybe even with Exile, though the thought made Colleen pause, knowing Exile's immense size.

All good things, of course, come to an end. So it was with that night, as the moon sank and the sun gradually rose over the tree line. Colleen's eyes fluttered open at the first kiss of the sun on her cheek, and she smiled to herself, feeling so safe and warm with the bodies of her packmates pressed all around. And...what was this? Smooth skin? Oh! It was the human form of the werewolf from last night!

Colleen looked the human male over, and smiled to herself as she noted his features. He was a redhead, and had a beard. Hard to kiss, but rather fun to lick, especially if Colleen used the more canine parts of her brain. His body was sturdy, barrel-chested, and quite muscular. No wonder he'd given them all such a hard time before. Glancing down, Colleen blushed a bit (for her sense of modesty was gradually returning after the debauchery of last night, now that the moment had passed), noticing that he wasn't smaller in the least from his lycanthropic form, though the shape had changed somewhat, making him thicker all along his length, rather than just at the base, where his knot would be. Curious, since she hadn't really seen many naked humans, Colleen gave the human penis and dangling sac beneath an experimental caress. Smiling to herself as this elicited an almost immediate reaction, the colliegirl lowered her head and started to lick at the rapidly-stiffening length of hard humancock. It was rather different in taste from her canosapien comrades, certainly different from how he'd tasted last night, but not at all unpleasant. Actually, she could get used to the taste...

"I see the lassie's found herself a bone," came a soft Scottish brogue, the accent mostly covered up by careful practice, but still peeking through, like the sun dappling the forest floor around them.

Momentarily abashed, Colleen looked up, blushing even more heavily.

"I'm sorry," she said hurriedly. "I didn't meant to..."

The face of the human, though, reassured her with its broad smile, which he soon followed with a gentle scritch between her ears, making Colleen's tail wag.

"A lovely lassie like yourself has no cause to apologize for such loving attentions," he chuckled, just to make sure she didn't misunderstand. "Especially," he added with a wink, "not if ye intended on continuing them."

Tail wagging all the more eagerly, Colleen set her hands on the human man's chest, and easily rose, straddling his hips.

"I'll do you one better," she said with a toothy grin, even as she rose into position, whimpering at the feeling of renewed fullness when she squeezed that fine length of hard manhood into her body. She felt the change in relationship between her and her teammates, knew that there was something far different than she'd ever had before between them. This man, unwittingly or not, was the cause of this change, and Colleen felt it only proper to reward him in the best way she knew how.

"For the power of the pack," Colleen breathed out, her eyes rolling back into her head as her first orgasm of what would surely be a great many rolled through her sensitive body.