Star's Tales Chapter 2: First Day

Story by Chakat_Starpelt on SoFurry

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#2 of Star's Tales

Here is Chapter 2 of Star's tales that gives the details of Star's first day at the Police Academy and the interesting new friends that shi makes there

Star's Tales Chapter 2

Starpelt woke early that morning looking around hir small loft blearily trying to find the source of that loud ringing noise that woke hir from such a peaceful dream. Shi propped hirself up on hir hand paws and rubbed hir eyes to clear them finally able to identify the noise as hir alarm clock. Shi reached over and switched the clock off and stretched. When shi looked at the time shi blinked in confusion, 6:00 am, what in the name of the makers had posessed hir to set hir alarm for such an ungodly hour? It took hir a few moments to remember that this was hir first day at the Police Acadamey. Shi slowly got out of bed grumbling to hirself about the people who set classes for such early morning hours and how little consideration they have for people's sleep. Star padded over to the mirror right beside hir bed and stared into it, and out stared back hir reflection. Shi was about average height for a chakat, 5'4" tall, shi was snow leopard patterned, but hir fur coloring was different hir main fur was Midnight Black instead of gray, the spots that cover hir form are blueish white sort of like stars in the night sky, which is how shi got the name Starpelt, hir belly fur, chest and muzzle are white with small blue spots on them here and there. Shi is a chakat so shi ofcourse has a taur body from the waist up shi had a feline anthro body but from the waist down shi had a feline feral body, which some found odd some found it sexy, to hir it was just who shi was. Shi ran hir fingers through hir shoulder length black hair admiring for a moment the streaks of soft blue that went through it giving hir hair the look as if it were full of falling stars. Shi completed this look with a pair of soft blue eyes, a odd color for a chakat; all in all shi considered hirself to be rather atractive, like all chakats shi was a hermaphrodite, meaning that shi was dual gendered, shi had a sheath that hid hir male shaft, and a pair of testes that were internal hidden from site instead of having a scrotum, and hidden behind hir tail was hir female sex. At the moment shi was between phases just recently coming out of hir male peak which meant that hir heat cycle wasn't that far off.

Shi sighed and turned away from the mirror deciding it was time to get the day started. Shi went into the bathroom and stepped into hir shower turning the water on. This was what took the longest in hir morning routine, not because shi hated showers but because shi had a lot to wash, and a lot to dry off when shi was done. However, finally shi was clean and shi stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel and beginning the long proccess of drying off when shi heard hir comm unit go off. Shi wasn't expecting a call, and shi rarely got any to begin with. Shi wrapped the towel around hir ample chest and walked into hir living room where the Comm was located and pressed the answer button. The face of hir older sister Sapphire showed up on the screen."Sapphire! What a surprise I thought you weren't getting back from your assignment for another two weeks?" Shi exclaimed brightly. Hir sister Sapphire was a very beautiful chakat whose fur was a dark blue that almost looked black in places, with patches of lighter blue that gave hir a almost faceted look that had given hir the name, because shi matched the gemstone that was hir name sake, the only thing that didn't go witht his look was hir long wavey hair with was a rich red. Sapphire worked for Starfleet as a scout and explorer, part of a team that would explore a world and determine if it was worth colonizing or not. Shi had been away for the past 2 months on a exploration mission and wasn't supposed to be home for a couple of weeks

"Hey Star, yeah well we got ahead of schedule and so we got back early, wanna grab a bite to eat with your big sister?" Shi asked with a smirk. Star sighed and shook hir head looking up at the comm with a rueful smile."Sapphire as always you have the worst timing, today is my first day at the Acadamey, so it looks like your on your own for breakfast sis." Shi said with an apologetic smile for hir sister. Sapphire's ears fell slightly as shi heard this."Seriously that's today? Damn, I thought you started next week." Shi sighed and shrugged hir shoulders."Well what are you doing for dinner?" Shi asked. Starpelt smiled at this one though."Me and Fin are going to the Pawpad for dinner, and you are more then welcome to join us." Sapphire's face brightened at the mention of dinner at the Pawpad, which was their favorite resteraunt growing up.

After getting the time set for dinner with hir sister shi disconnected the call and finished drying off. Once shi was dry shi walked back into hir room and put on the shirt that shi had been given to show up in for the orientation, it was a bit tight across hir chest but shi had expected this, shi had a rather large chest and it was hard to find clothes that were comfortable and acomodated hir bust line. Shi sighed and squirmed a bit till the shirt felt relitively comfortable before tying hir hair back into a pony tail. Shi picked up a belt pouch, put hir id and money card inside of it and finally shi was ready. Shi checked hir clock and saw that shi had only taken about thirty minutes to get ready, leaving hir with plenty of time to get to class. Shi walked out the door and locked it behind hir heading down the hall shi took the Elevator down. Once shi was out of the building and in the streets shi padded over to where shi always parked hir PTV, personal transport vehicle, And like always the windshield was covered in ads for street deli's pizza shops and the occasional starbucks add. Shi rolled hir eyes and cleaned it off before heading for class.

Later after ariving at the Acadamey Star was sitting on a taur bench in the middle of a crowd of other rookies and prospective cops. Shi was looking around, ofcourse a good most of the people here were male, surprisingly there were very few humans in this class, but the few there were seemed comfortable enough around furs, and from the way one of them was eyeing her neighbor maybe a bit more then just comfortable in some cases. Sitting next to Star was a mouse fur, a female, small petite and incredibly cute. She had white fur with suprisingly raven black hair, cropped short around her large mouse ears. When she turned to look at Star her eyes were a deep green color."Hey there I'm Mary, Mary Banner." She said holding out a hand for Star to shake. Star grinned and leaned forward surprising Mary by giving her a hug in greeting."I'm Chakat Starpelt, daughter of Blizzardpaw and Snowpelt." Shi said giving the usual chakat introduction. Star smiled as shi leaned forward to talk to Mary."So what made a cute little mouse like you decide to become a cop?" shi asked curiously. Mary's ears pinked slightly as she giggled and looked at the chakat with a friendly smile."Well to be honest I grew up watching cop shows on tv and I always wanted to be like those detectives that solved crimes." She said with a shrug."What about you?"

Star sighed as shi shook hir head."Well my reason isn't as simple as that, I lost my sire to a violent riot when I was young, when I started to grow up I decided that I wanted to protect others from that kind of thing." Shi said with a smile and a blush."I know it's kinda cliché like I want to be a super hero or something but that's just how I feel." Shi said with a bashful grin. Mary shook her head and smiled at the chakat."Not at all I think that is a great reason to want to join." At this moment the instructor who was giving the orientation, a tall well muscled bull morph, walked in. They all listened as he spoke of the reasons that they were becoming police officers, their duty both to the people and to the city. Shi had expected the speech after all it was what shi would have said in his place. When he started to divide the room up into classes shi was both suriprised and happy to find that hir class would include the mouse, Mary, next to hir. Schedules and bunk assignments were passed around to all of them, Shi would be staying at hir own loft since shi lived in the city and didn't require lodgings. The day was eventful for both Starpelt and Marry, after orientation they were sent off towards the fields behind the campus for physical training. This was where Starpelt noticed for the first time that hir class included another taur, not a chakat like hirself, but a Wolftaur, a male wolftaur. Shi hadn't expected to meet a Wolftaur here, most wolftaurs were tribal, prefering to live in forests traveling and hunting in packs setting up villages away from the cities.

Starpelt watched the wolftaur before he finally noticed hir scrutiny and came over to hir while they were waiting on the instructor to show up, He gave Mary a very predatory stare but the stare was completely ruined when he snickered. The wolftaur actually towered over both of them, he was powerfully built yet seemed to move with practiced grace, he had a mischivious face, bright copper colored eyes seeming to always be scanning for some kind of trouble to cause. His for was silvery grey except for his belly and chest fur, along the bottom of his muzzle and a patch around his right eye, which were all snowy white . He smiled down at Star and Mary."Sorry bout the look but some mouse fur's get all scared when a wolf looks at them like they are food." He said and rubbed the fur along the back of his neck.

Mary just smirked having not given an inch at his look and when he walked over to them. "Oh I have had worse then you glare at me." She said reaching up to poke him in his belly. The wolftaur laughed at her and turned his attention to Star. He walked closer to hir and gave hir a friendly smile though he did lean close to take in hir scent, shi was closer to hir female phase at the moment so shi had a rather feminine scent . "And you are very beautiful." He said to hir."I'm Krano." He said opening his arms to give hir a hug, shi guessed he was taking advantage of the fact that chakats loved to give greeting hugs, but shi didn't mind, shi leaned forward and hugged the large wolftaur tightly."I'm Chakat Starpelt daughter of Blizzardpaw and Snowpelt." Shi said with a purr admiring him. He grinned and leaned in close and licked hir cheek."Hmmmm well you ceartinly are cute." He said, at that moment though there was a loud whistle that brought all of them to attention, the instructor had arrived.

The instructor was a female leopard morph, she was wearing a tight tee that showed off her lithe toned figure and a pair of loose jogging pants. She had long auburn hair that was tied back in a tight pony tail. Her eyes were a soft hazel color giving her a very beautiful but also very powerful look. She quickly called them to Order."Alright everyone mingle on your own time, I am your Physical Training instructor, which means that it is my job to ride your tails till you hate me with every fiber of your being, that being said I don't give a damn how any of you feel about me." She said giving them all a stern glare meeting everyone's gaze."My job isn't to be popular my job is to train you all to go out on those streets and to be able to take everything they throw at you, that being said if any of you have a problem with this you can get the hell out of my Yard right now." She waited several moments but no one moved. She gave a satisfied nod befor going on."Okay then let's get the training started."

Between meeting two new friends, one of whom was a wolftaur and seemed to have a thing for hir, and the drill instructor from hell Trainer it was an interesting first day for Starpelt and it was only just getting started. As shi watched Krano doing laps close by hir, keeping close to hir, shi thought that hir time at the Acadamey might be more fun then shi thought it would be.

To be continued.......