For Love of Love 12: Sexual Preferences, Part 2

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#11 of For Love of Love

**_There is only one happiness in life,

to love and be loved._**

-George Sand

Oliver tried not to let his dick get hard as Lex's snake-like tongue flicked around its base and up along its length. He managed to utter out something that vaguely sounded like "Lex, no," but either the Digimon didn't hear the protest, or he didn't care enough to stop. Oliver really didn't like the idea of what his Digimon was doing at all. he clenched his eyes as tightly as he could manage to try and close his mind to the reality that he was bein forced into, just as Lex's long muzzle closed itself over his dick and started applying a gentle pressure. He struggled to get away from him, but since Lex was holding his hands by the wrists, there really wasn't anything he could do. Although he held out for as long as he could, eventually he couldn't help himself but moan. Desptie telling himself otherwise a number of times, it actually felt...quite good, not that he would ever admit to anyone else. Lex's tongue felt wonderful, wrapped his the tip of his dick and slowly pulsating with his sucking.

As the tip tightened more and twisted slightly, it almost drew out the semen stored inside him that very instant. It felt so good...he didn't want it to--if he had any control over it, it wouldn't. But he didn't. The texture of his tongue created by that wrapping, combined with the pressure that was being put on, removed, then put back on, made this almost better than his time with Jes. Realizing that he was at all comparing his girlfriend with a man, he mentally slapped himself through the fog of anxious pleasure that was floating through his lower regions.

"Ahh...L-Lex..." he moaned out despite himself as his pleasure reached that point of no return where an orgasm was rapidly approaching and couldn't be stopped by an force of nature. His breathing became irregular, and he desperately tried to hod back any further outbursts of noise, only managing to half-succeed and let out a soft, prolonged moan over time rather than the quick, sporadic loud ones that his body was inclined to create. Just as the first wave of moans subsided, pleasure flooded through him and out of him, finding its way into Lex's mouth and throat despite every protest that he could make.

"Ah..Lex..." he found himself moaning out his name under his breath again. Hopefully that wasn't giving him the wrong idea so he would ever try to do something like this again in the future. "D-don't do that again," he scolded to get the point acros just to make sure.

"Why not?" after removing his mouth from Oliver's dick, he looked up with that always-happy look he seemed to have. Obviously, he didn't have any grasp at all about how abnormal what he had just done was.

Angie's voice started giggling from next to him. Great...she had woken up and heard or saw the whole thing. That was the last thing he needed, to have his Digimon making fun of him by having sex with him for the rest of his life--although he had enjoyed tasting what was between Angie's legs, and he found himself extremely attracted to her, he had no similar feelings for Lex.

"He doesn't know how weird that is, Oliver," she said.

"What's weird?" Lex asked, clearly not getting it.

"Males don't usually do those things with each other. Most don't like it."

Lex simply stared forward into space. It was obvious that he wasn't listening, and that he really was in the dark about why Oliver didn't wan to be getting oral sex from him, as hard as he found that to believe and as many times as he told himself. Angie and Lex started to talk to each other about it, but that was a discussion Oliver didn't feel he really needed to contribute to. Instead, he turned his head to the side away from the two of them and focused on Jes. She didn't seem nearly as menacing as she had when Oliver first saw her. Of course, she was taller then...and wearing armor. And wielding a sword. And she didn't have a bandage covering an injury on her stomach. But it wasn't any of those things. He stared at the two small lines where her eyelids met, trying to figure out what it was that wasn't there any more--other than her sword, armor, perfect health, and consciousness. It was...

Just that moment, something wet closed around his cock, despite the fact that it was still only semi-erect now. He didn't have to turn his head to know that it was Lex -- he could tell just from the tittering laughter that was passing through his mouth and over.

"Lex!" he scolded as silently as he could, not wanting to wake Jes up. Oliver had no doubt that his Digimon had heard him, but he didn't respond or do anything for a few seconds--and what he did do wasn't what he had been expecting. Lex's mouth slid off of his dick, which made him happy for a moment, but then he moved his mouth on top of Oliver's and started to try to make out with him. Oliver resisted as long as he could, holding his mouth tightly shut as that tongue of his started to try and intrude its way into his mouth. As hard as he tried to not let in it, eventually it succeeded, and wiggled its way partially down his throat. He gagged partially from disgust and partially from the fact that there was something halfway down his throat wiggling around and causing some very uncomfortable sensations.

Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, his attention was drawn back to his dick as Lex's hand closed around it and started to move up and down, stimulating him back into a state of unwilling arousal. Angie must have noticed that he wasn't getting a lot of pleasure from the experience, because she seemed to take a little bit of pity on him, rubbing her slightly-cold hands up and down his sides. He tried to tell the rest of his body that everything that felt good was coming from the female Angewomon rather than her male mate. That worked for a few minutes, but that little fantasy kept getting interrupted either by a giggling noise coming from Lex's mouth and entering his throat, or Lex starting to let his other hand wander along Oliver's stomach, the scaly texture of his hand bringing the fact that it wasn't Angie, but her scaly-textured male mate.

Fortunately for him, it wasn't long before he came again. As his fluids seeped into the muzzle of his Digimon, Oliver could almost feel his pride slipping away with it.

* * * * * * *

Jamie wanted everyone else to know that Jean was alright and that she was happier than she was before. He also wanted to see how Jes was doing--he was sure that she was mad at him about something, but she was still his Digimon, and whether she liked it or not, he couldn't help but care about her. Jean was holding his hand as they walked down the hall to see what the others were doing. He opened the door silently, not wanting to wake any of them if they were sleeping.

When he put his head around the corner, he could have lived out the rest of his life without seeing that sight. A naked Lex was on top of his also naked tamer, eagerly making out with him while jacking him off quickly. Angie was off to one side of Oliver, rubbing and stroking his sides. Jamie tried to hold Jean back from seeing anything that she didn't have to, but it was too late. The expression on her face looked like fear mixed with anxiety mixed with fear. From what he knew about Jean so far, he wasn't even sure if she knew what sex was ...

"What are you doing?" Jean asked, her head cocked. Jamie must have been right. Even though he had no way of knowing that this was going on in here, he felt kind of guilty for bringing Jean into this.

Jamie sighed. They didn't seem to have noticed that he was standing there, so he crossed his arms and started tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for them to do something. After what was far too long for his taste, Oliver finally came to some kind of orgasm, spilling cum onto Lex's reptilian hand. Lex quickly cooed, picking up his hand from where it was on Oliver's body and started to suck all of the juices off of his hand, smiling happily through all of it. After doing that, as his head turned while he stood up, he noticed that the two of them had been standing there for a while.

"Hi, Jamie!" he said in between giggles.

"Lex..." he said, elongating the name while trying to formulate something to say to him. "What are you doing?" he finally asked, turning his eyes to Oliver. He probably didn't want to know...maybe it was just that part of his mind was still hoping that they were doing anything but having sex. Oliver had grabbed the blanket Jes was under and pulled it over himself as well with a small amount of amazement. Jes made a small noise that Jamie recognized as an extremely miniaturized version of the one she usually made when she was startled awake, raised her head to look at Oliver...and then put her head back down without making any kind of protest at all. If Jamie had ever done anything like that to her--and he had, once or twice--she would have flayed the skin right off of his body. He didn't understand their relationship at all.

"Just having some fun with my tamer," he giggled.

"Lex!!!" Jes' extremely angry voice came from next to him. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Jes..." Oliver said timidly, returning his pants to where they would hopefully remain undisturbed by Lex for a while.

"What?" she answered from the bed with a number of blankets wrapped around her, a little bit of the hostility still in her voice.

"I need you ... for something ..."

"Huh?" Jes started to say something, but was interrupted as Oliver sat up in bed, picked up Jes' head and upper torso and gave her a long kiss. Jamie couldn't help but watch...he had fantasized about doing that for quite a while, but he had obviously never really had the chance to do anything like that. If I ever did that, he thought, I'd be dead. Or worse. He watched something wiggling underneath Jes' back and wondered what it was for a few moments before realizing that it was her tail wagging, something that he had only seen twice; neither one of them were the numerous times that his brother Tom had tried to do something similar with the Digimon.

"He doesn't look like he enjoyed that..." Jamie said, looking at Lex. Actually, he looked like he had been quite ashamed. His face was quite red, probably from shame, but it was possible it was from the exertion of his recent experience...maybe there was something about Oliver that he didn't know yet. Or, more likely, maybe Lex was just being Lex. The Digimon shrugged, got off the bed, and closed his robe around himself, positively beaming with happiness at his mate. He was so happy, it was ridiculous. Maybe some of that happiness would rub off on Jes and make her a little less grumpy and unpleasant than she usually was.

"Jamie," Jean whispered from his side. "What were they doing?" He immediately blushed. He had never thought about explaining sex to anyone. It never occured to him that something like that would ever come from his mouth. He had certainly never tthought about explaining sex to anyone...especially someone as mature and beautiful as Jean.

"They're having sex," Jamie answered hesitantly.

"I didn't know males could do that with each other," she said with a cock of her head. At least she knew what sex was and he wasn't going to have to go into detail with that. "I didn't think that breeding worked that way," she asked, posing the statement as a question. Jamie blushes slightly.

"It doesn't...well...can we talk about this later?"

"Yes." she answered, giving him one of her understanding smiles. After looking into those beautiful eyes that Jean had for a few moments, he turned to look at Jes, wondering if she was still awake or not. He sighed slightly, feeling like he was abandoning his Digimon in favor of Jean. Maybe that was one of the reasons Jes seemed more mad at him than was customary. He tried to put a relatively happy smile on his face like the one Lex always had, or the one that Jean gave him whenever she seemed happy, and slowly put his hand down on Jes' shoulder, which had been left exposed when Oliver first pulled the blanket over himself and partially off of Jes.

His touch was quickly answered by a very loud, extremely hostile and mean-sounding growl issued from Jes. His eyes quickly half-closed with a mild depression as he took his hand away from Jes. He didn't understand what it was that Oliver had that he didn't. While she was growling at Jamie, Oliver was laying next to her, cuddling her with his arms and quite possibly his legs as well. He didn't understand their relationship at all. He was somewhat jealous of Oliver, though. As mad and generally unpleasant as Jes was, she still had an extremely attractive body, one which he wouldn't mind sliding his hands up and down. Jes probably didn't know about it, but he had seen Jes masturbate a few times, and seen her a few times less. And she was positively wild, even when she wasn't in heat.

When he realized that he was staring at Jes, he blushed and walked away, still feeling slightly jealous of Oliver for being able to get sex from her.

"Is Jes alright...?" he asked to anyone that was listening to him and would respond.

"I'm fi--" she started to answer hostilely, but was interrupted by Lex with a slightly raised voice.

"She's alright," Lex said. "I think she's just a little tired from all of the fun that we were having before." A picture of some kind of massive orgy that Jamie had little doubt actually happened came into his mind, featuring Jes, Oliver, Angie, and Lex all in various positions. He didn't see how Jes would ever enjoy something like that, but then again, she was Jes.

"..." Jamie sighed. "Don't you guys do anything other than eat and have sex?"

"We're just making the most of the moment!" Angie giggled, giving him the same answer that she had given him when he asked her nearly the same question earlier. "You never know when something might happen to the ones that you love!" Jamie started thinking about Jean again. That was basically what they were doing with each other, wasn't it: trying to make the most of the time they had together? He smiled, and after a few more moments went back to his room together, where they spent the rest of the day talking about Jamie's past, since Jean still seemed quite reluctant to talk about her own. Of course, Jamie was more than happy to tell Jean everything about himself, from what it was like growing up in England to what his family was like, how he met Jes and some of the things they did together...

"What was Jes like when you first met her?"

"She tried to attack the bus that I was sitting on..." Jame grinned slightly at the memory.

"Was she hurt badly?" Jean asked, sounding extremely concerned.

"No," Jamie grinned. "The bus took a lot more damage from the fight than she did. Actually," he looked up thoughtfully, thinking about all of the things that that the two of them had been through together. "I've never seen her really hurt until ..." he suddenly stopped, realizing that saying anything else might end up offending Jean.


"... ... yes."

"I'm sorry I hurt her, Jamie. I didn't know that she wasn't like--"

"Shhh," Jamie said, putting is hand over her mouth gently to silence her. "You didn't hurt her," he tried to get that point across again. He wished that she would stop seeing herself as what she used to be rather than what she was now. "That wasn't you, Jean. You didn't know, you just said it yourself." Maybe this time he'd get through to her.


"Yeah?" he moved his hand underneath her muzzle to her chin and started scratching it unconsciously. She cooed softly, and only then he realized what he was doing. On reflex, he stopped, not wanting to put Jean through anything more than she already had, but when he did, her eyes--which must have closed sometime while he was doing that--opened again.

"Don't stop...that felt nice." He blushed, but quickly started what he was doing again. He couldn't think of anything in the world that he'd rather be doing at that moment. A special warm feeling welled up within him, thinking about how happy Jean seemed to not have to live the life that she had before. His own eyes closed a few moments after starting to rub her chin again, savoring the feeling that was welling up inside his chest.

Needless to say, it came as quite a surprise when he felt Jean's scaled muzzle press underneath his nose and kissed him. He blushed, stopped stroking Jean's chin and moved his hand to the back of her head and neck, pulling it against him gently.

"Oh, Jamie..." she said, a new tone of smittenness in her voice once the two of them finally separated their mouths from one another. Jamie gently eased her head back down to the bed and started hugging and kissing her again. At least half an hour passed between them as they gave themselves fully to one another. His hands passed to a different place on her robes, slowly moving themselves onto her waist. When they finally broke away from one another again, Jean had a very anxious look about her, although she still had her arms wrapped around his neck.

"...what's wrong, Jean? Was that too much?" He quickly started blaming himself for going too far with someone that was in a very vulnerable state and deserved better than being taken advantage of like this.

"No," she answered before he could go far enough down that train of thought to make him remove his hands from her waist. "I know I've said it before, but this is all new to me ... but I like it," by now, she was blushing as much as he was, but neither one of them seemed to know what to say. "That massage thing...can you do it to me again?"

Jamie nodded quickly. He had taken that job because it paid well and because it was close to home; it had never occurred to him that he could get it to use girls to like him...although he liked to think that Jean would have liked him anyway.

"You'll have to take this off, though..." he pointed at the robes she was wearing. Hesitation took its place on her face again, making her eyes slant off to the side slightly, and Jamie to feel another pang of guilt. "You don't have to if you don't want to, Jean..."

"No," she seemed like she was regaining her confidence, smiling back at him. "It's alright. Just promise you'll be gentle...I've never done anything like this before."

"Me neither...I mean, been...I mean, I've done lots of massages before, but never with someone..." he hesitated a little bit himself, not sure what he wanted to say to Jean. "who wasn't a human..." he giggled a little. "At least, not while they were conscious..."

He tried to make conversation with Jean about the time that he had given Jes a massage, only dimly aware of the fact that Jean had taken off her robe and lain down on her stomach naked. "...she was really mad afterwards..." he grinned a little bit to himself as he moved his fingers in small, tight circles along the sides of her arms. "...after that, she got mad almost every time I touched her. That probably explains why she was so hostile to me today..."

"Oooo, Jamie..." his mind was brought back to the moment at hand by a long cooing noise coming from Jean. She must have really liked what he was doing, which happened to be the small of her back just above where her tail met her body--the same place he had touched before that seemed to cause so much grief to her. Her opinion of him seemed to have really changed in the past twenty-four hours.

He repositioned himself in a position farther back where he could do her calfs when he saw something he probably shouldn't have in between Jean's legs, just underneath her tail. He probably wouldn't even have noticed if it wasn't such a brighter shade of blue than the rest of her body. He couldn't help but stare for a few moments at her entrance...other than the fact that it was surrounded by scales and was the color of the sky on a spring afternoon, it looked just like a real one.

"Why'd you stop? Is it over?" Jean asked, obviously completely unaware that he was staring at the most intimate and private part of her body.

"N-no..." he answered timidly and quickly began massaging her calves. Her legs spread slightly, making the small movement he had made to get Jean's entrance out of his sight pointless. He blushed...she was so innocent, she didn't even really know what she was doing...

It was difficult to keep doing something sexual with Jean out of his mind as he ran his hands up and down her legs and feet. She had the most interesting feet...they were kind of talon-like, and had claws that could certainly do some damage to human skin. He was certainly glad that she was on his side.


He looked up reflexively where her head was, and ended up being quite surprised and embarrassed when he saw that Jean had turned over and that he was now looking at the other parts of Jean's body that he probably shouldn't have seen at this point.

"What, Jean?" his concentration was taking a beating as he tried to look exclusively at her eyes. It became more difficult with each passing second.

"At the whole life consisted of fighting, learning how to fight better, or teaching someone else how to fight better. I never got to experience any of the other things that the other Digimon that lived there did. I could always look out my window and see mates walking up and down the streets holding each other's hands or in each other's arms..." Jamie almost immediately pictured himself doing those things with Jean, half-drowning out what she was saying. "I...I guess what I'm saying is that I wouldn't mind doing those things with you. I, um..." her white face turned a deep red.

"I wouldn't mind doing those things with you, either, Jean...." he answered, her nakedness almost no longer a factor for him. He was too consumed by the feeling of love that was spreading throughout his body. He climbed onto the bed next to her and put his right arm around her, giving her a hug. She felt so...warm...

"Jamie...I know there are other things that Digimon do with their mates...I don't know much about them--we aren't supposed know anything about that sort of thing--but I know that it's supposed to feel good. Is that what this is?"

"Um..." Jamie hesitated for a moment. She was obviously talking about sex, but he didn't want to push her into doing anything sexual if she didn't really want to, and it didn't seem like she really even knew what sex was. "Kind of." Jean was obviously an adult; how was it possible that she could know literally nothing about sex? It just seemed impossible.

"I think I saw something like it once..." Jean climbed on top of him and sat on his stomach just above his crotch, leaning forward and putting her hands on his chest. Jamie was too entranced by Jean's body straddling him to answer any of the questions that she was asking him. He didn't want to feel guilty about taking advantage of her, but it was obvious that she seemed interested in doing something...

He struck a compromise with himself, getting her onto her back and moving his hand down from her breasts to her stomach. She issued a small cooing noise in response. "Are you sure you want me to do this, Jean? It's very personal..."

"I w-want that," she answered slowly. "I want you to be personal with me." She was sounding more and more insistent over time, but there was still a considerable amount of uncertainty in her voice.

"A-alright. If you're sure..." he let his hand travel the remaining distance to her crotch, where he started exploring as gently as he could. Watching Jean's expression very intently, he was ready to stop whenever she showed any signs of discomfort. Jamie liked the way that the feeling of her scales changed as he got closer and closer to her entrance. The ones on her stomach were large and hard, but as he got closer to her crotch, they became softer, smaller, and more malleable. Considering the way that she reacted when he rubbed there, they were also more sensitive.

When he finally reached that special place in between her legs, she twitched slightly, prompting him to stop abruptly. She hesitated again, but soon grew insistent that she wanted this, so he started again, rubbing around her labia with his middle and index finger. Fluid from within Jean started making its way onto his fingers through her labia. Along with the cooing sounds she was producing almost constantly now, he was confident that she was enjoying this.

"Oooo..." she tilted her head to one side and closed her eyes. "This feels even better than what you were doing before," she said quietly. Jamie blushed, continuing to rub in between her legs at the same speed. Her legs spread apart and she started to wiggle against his hand. He didn't want her to have to work to get any pleasure her first time doing this, so he compensated and started moving his fingers around faster. She moaned softly in response, settling back down into her lying position.

His middle finger went in next, as slowly as he could. As it went past her labia and entered Jean, she gasped loudly and drew her knees up. Again, he stopped for a moment, unsure of whether that reaction meant she was enjoying the treatment or not. A bashful, yet pronounced "K-keep going told her that she was, and he was all too happy to oblige, giving her exactly what she seemed to want.

Once his finger was inside her, he braced his hand against her crotch and started moving it back and forth on a quest to deliver as much pleasure as it could generate. As he hooked its finger on the way out, she shuddered more than usual and grabbed the sides of the small, narrow hotel-room bed.

Seeing how much she liked that, he kept doing it. The enjoyment that he was getting out of it was more out of seeing that Jean was happy rather than from the fact that this was the first time that he had ever been with a naked girl before.

Through Jean's cooing noises and occasional moan, he heard his name a few times independent of any requests, which made him almost as happy as the part about making Jean happy.

"Mmm...ahhhooohh, Jamieee..." as she said his name one last time, her body gave another extremely pronounced shudder, she moaned loudly, then fell limply back into her original position. Was that what a female orgasm was like? The closes thing he had to compare it to was what Jes did when she was alone in the shower, but he could hardly compare the noises the two of them made. Jes usually sounded...angry. Maybe it was because they were different species. Anyway, it didn't matter. She seemed pleased.

Happy that Jean was happy, he got underneath the top blanket and pulled Jean underneath with him. He closed his eyes and kissed her, ending up with his lips against the tip of her nose. He giggled and got as close to her as he possibly could, even though it was hot and he was still wearing clothes. That didn't matter.

All that mattered was Jean.