Little Red - part six

Story by SnufflesMcFox on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Don't usually do this, however, this deserves one a disclaimer. This does get violent at the end of this section, so be aware when you read it if you're feeling a bit queasy. Anywho, enjoy!

While Emily had been a contrary spitfire for some time after the meeting Marquis had, had and he had worried he would have to begin rough discipline, but her attitude soon petered out again, and she became the perfect little slave. He fell into a content rhythm of life, enjoying his whore's and greedily awaiting the child growing inside his beautiful little slaves stomach. She was growing round as the months passed, and though she was occasional snappish, it was to be expected.

The days grew cold and short, and he grew restless, knowing that soon, she would finally give birth, but she wasn't giving it up yet. It had been months since he'd impregnated her, but then, human women had a longer gestation period then the wolves, so he had to be as patient as possible, even if it drove him mad.

As the days grew colder and the snow began layering the ground, the girl grew more homesick. Holidays were coming, where gifts were given and the food was brilliant. There would be a dance in the town hall, where she would be teasing the boys and having a glorious time. She sighed as she stared out the window into the December twilight, her expression downcast and her fingers drumming absently on her heavily swollen stomach. Her chin rested heavily in her other hand, her elbow on the sill of the window she stared out of. Homesickness was making her moodier, as well as the knowledge that she was broken.

Though she hated to admit it, she knew that he'd sexually broken her. She hounded for his cock, begged for it as he held her down and teased her, and just the thought of it made her wet. He knew that she had finally given up, knew it before she had, and he used her more and more, even as she grew heavy from his child. Nearly eight months with him had been what it had taken for her to concede to the low blow of slavery, but that didn't make the ache for home any easier to bear.

With a sigh, she watched the proceedings below, taking in the scene of wolves walking about with fewer slaves. The winter was too cold to be dragging their fur-less slaves about without being heavily clothed. Even inside and by the fire, she could feel the cold eating away at her as she sat by the window, and knew she would soon have to move to keep from catching a chill.

Before she felt the need to move away though, she heard the soft sound of her door opening, and didn't need to turn to see who it was. His heady scent preceded him, not bad, but now wintery, like cold air and evergreen forests, as well as raw earth. It was actually a rather attractive scent and got her blood boiling, not that she told him that.

Not that she needed to.

Though she didn't turn, he didn't call to her or touch her, but stood back on the other side of the room from her and watched as she stared at the street below. They stayed like that for some time, him watching her and her watching the road, a hush over the room as if it was a spell that was delicate and could break if either of them so much as shifted. But the hush couldn't last forever, and his patience eventually gave, his long legs taking him to her side in only a few strides. His clawed paw gently wrapped around her slender arm as he spoke, giving a gentle but firm tug, "Come to bed. You need to rest soon."

Ah, soon, but not yet. A small shiver dashed down her spine, but she bit her lower lip to suppress it. There was no denying him though, and after a long moment, she finally slipped from the sill and stood, her legs nearly giving out on her after the while of disuse. He gave her a moment to get her legs in working condition again before gently leading her from the somewhat bare room she was in, down the hall and in the biggest room, the one at the very end of the hall. The door was open and waited, and the bed was grand, situated in the very middle. There was glass on one wall, a long panel, and another on the ceiling so he could amuse himself watching while he took his slaves. It had been embarrassing at first, but she grew accustomed to it, and now got a thrill from sneaking peaks as he took her.

He urged her in front of him with his paws, moving his claws down her sides when she was in place, then up, over the swell of her stomach. "I'm growing impatient with this child... I want it here, how much longer must I wait?"

Emily frowned slightly, facing the mirror in which she locked eyes with the wolf behind her. "Humans are pregnant for nine months. I still have almost two months left, Master." This brought a frown to his face and a growl vibrated through his chest, into her back.

His paws moved down from her stomach to her crotch, cupping her through her dress and grinding into her. The sight of her grimacing in need as he touched her, her eyes flickering closed and her cheeks flushing, it drove him mad with want, his cod hardening in its sheath. He loved having his slaves thoroughly broken, bent to do as he wanted, when he wanted. Not that it would bring his pup any faster, but having to wait was a good of reason as any to have his fun.

"Unacceptable." He snarled in her ear, before pulling away from her and prowling around to stand in front of her. "Take off your clothes. Now."

It wasn't as if she could help how long she was pregnant for, yet he was determined to punish her anyway. She let out a shaky breath and began stripping as commanded, shedding her clothes under his watchful eye. Even though it wasn't a strip show, he still quite obviously enjoyed it, his erection poking from his sheath as her clothes were piled on the floor at her feet. Once naked, he stepped up to her, using his hands to push her somewhat forcefully back to the bed, where he made her collapse onto her back. With her being so petite, and him being so strong and large, he easily muscled her into position, moving her and closing the shackles that were chained to the bed to each of her appendages, one after another.

Naked, with her legs spread, he began a slow, steady lashing to her nipples with his tongue, and they quickly hardened under the attention, bringing a shuddering breath from her that wasn't quite what he wanted. One of his paws moved to her sex, which was already wet and warm with need which was a start, though he wanted more. His claw raked her clit, bringing a satisfying whimper from her, making her strain towards him. Much better.

It only took a moment for Emily to recognize the look on his face as he swirled his claw around her clit. "Good girl. Now that you're nice and wet, how about a show, hm?" He stood from the bed then and went to the bell pull that hung beside the door, giving the cord a tug. He looked back at his captive, who was watching him with nearly annoyed eyes, which made him grin wolfishly. "I never said how soon you would sleep, love."

A good came in a minute later, dressed as all the other maids, though this was one of the girls he used as a toy when it pleased him, or when he couldn't use his little Emily. She was pretty, a brunette with large breasts and decently sized hips, slightly out of proportion, though still lovely. "Sir." She murmured in a pretty voice, only to gasp softly as he grabbed her by her hair and dragged her body against his, kissing her roughly. Immediately, she began kissing him deeply, letting his tongue invade her mouth, a good, submissive slave that would jump when asked.

At the bed, Emily squirmed, having known that this was going to happen, having seen it in his eyes. He didn't do it often, especially not with her as pregnant as she was, but he always got that look...that darkening and mischievous look. She knew that there was no point in trying not to watch, not to let him torture her as he took one of his other servants. That would simply lead to them fucking practically on top of her, or her not gaining release at all. There had been days where he made her lay in her own lust all night, waiting, only to not be relieved at all again that week. Now, she had to watch as his paws moved to the girls breasts, groping until her nipples perked through the fabric of her top, then one paw moving down to her crotch.

Her sex was hot and ready, her legs parted by the shackles to show her need as well as keeping her from closing them tight enough to give her the friction to get off. She panted softly, but couldn't drown out the sound of the servant moaning in pleasure as his paw ground against her crotch. In what seemed to be a blink of the eye, the girls clothes were off, and he had her pinned to the wall, her legs up around his waist, but still he didn't enter her. Emily could see his cod poking from his sheath in preparation, but as usual, he was happy to endure the wait if it meant torturing his girls.

He continued to grope her as he rubbed against her sex, knowing that this was driving his little mate on the bed mad. He could smell her lust, even over the girl before him that he was about to take. Ah, that was part of what he loved about her; that constant alluring scent that just grew more intense as her arousal intensified. Though he could have thoroughly enjoyed teasing both women all night, he knew that his Little Red needed to get to bed at some point that night. With a snarl of lust, he finally rammed his cock home, slamming his cock deep inside of her to the very base. It felt wonderful to have a warm sex enveloping him, and he remained where he was as she choked and adjusted, her body spasming slightly. This was something he couldn't do to the girl on the bed, not with her as pregnant as she was, and not without risking the child.

As he rested, buried inside of the girl, Emily whimpered in need, feeling her juices sliding down from her sex to the bed. She wanted so badly to have him inside of her instead of the other girl, relieving the cravings that grew more powerful as her pregnancy went farther along. With the help of his breaking her, she was able to grow immediately wanting, a curse in this situation, though it usual was a relief when he demanded it without preamble and without caring to wait for her to be ready. Now however, as she watched him slowly pull back, his cod dripping the other girls juices, only to slam back in when he was out to his was agony.

Marquis bit his slaves neck as he took her at a steady pace, not fast, but not slow either, a pace to give Emily a good view of his balls slapping against the other girl. He enjoyed the feel of her slit around him, warm and delicious, only made better by the sound of his mate whimpering in the background. When he finally took her, she would be wonderfully wet, just like he wanted. He couldn't help it, he started pounding the girl harder, his cock hammering into her at a rough pace. A snarl of pleasure from him mingled with her cry, but he quickly cut that off with a rough bite on her throat, able to feel her clenching around his cod.

He could have broken her neck. He could have killed her then, he could practically taste her blood as his tongue slid over her skin, his fangs sinking more firmly into her flesh, nearly drawing blood. Though instinct reared its head, demanding him to taste, it wasn't accepted in the social circles he roamed. In lower places, yes, but not in the upper class society where he was. Ah, sometimes he wished he wished he was part of those lower class vermin so he could indulge like he wanted. Instead, he hammered her harder, his knot swelling and popping in and out of her, and snarling viciously and letting himself go, completely disregarding his slaves comfort. His abuse didn't hurt her in fact, it pushed her straight into a screaming orgasm that he quickly silenced with a shift of his jaws to cut off her oxygen. Her body writhed between his and the walls, pushing him to his own orgasm. His balls clenched tight, but he kept his knot outside of her, not wanting to be connected to her. The less time he spent buries with his knot being stimulated inside of her, the faster he could get on to fucking his main meal of the night, who was gasping and whimpering on the bed beside him.

It was all Emily could do to not simply burst into tears as she was forced to wait. She was desperate, but she knew that begging would get her nowhere as he needed time to recover. All she could do was whimper and struggle, desperate to feel anything inside of her, any form of friction between her legs to get her off. Her body was exhausted with the wait, frantic to be taken, and hoping that he would recover before she died from the wait.

What she didn't know was that the gods were seeming to conspire against her, as a moment later, a young, burly male guard burst into the room, looking concerned, but not enough to wait until he was invited in. "Lord, an issue has arisen that requires your oversight down in the slums. A fight has broken out between two of the houses, and we've contained it, but you will need to see firsthand. It was quite the conflict, and the Alphas will need to hear." With that he was gone, letting him get ready to be escorted out. It was expected for him to immediately obey and come for his duties, and though it would anger him, he had duties to attend to.

Oh, and did it anger him. He snarled in fury, but knew that there was no getting out of his duties. After a moment of frustration, he pulled out of his slave and set her down, looking back at the bed. Emily lay bound and obviously extremely aroused, her body strained with desperation, but he knew he didn't have time. He went to her quickly and dropped a kiss on her lips, brushing a lock of black hair from her pale face. "The girl will take care of you and free you when you're finished. If she displeases you, tell me." He looked back at the used girl still leaning against the wall before sighing and going to his wardrobe. Though he wanted to stay, wanted to relieve the torment on her face from her need, but as soon as he was dressed, he left. There was nothing he could do, he couldn't recover fast enough to pleasure her, but his servant would do what was needed.

Marquis let the room as the girl moved to the bed, feeling cheated out of his pleasure. It was his job, his place in the pack society that they had. As expected, the guard was waiting by the door for him to escort him to the conflict. The guard's presence wasn't for protection, he was bigger than many of his kin, but it was a show of his rank. With a nod of his head, the guard opened the door and they went out, moving with Marquis slightly ahead, only in part because of his longer legs, though mostly because of status.

That was always something he admired in the humans, the way they didn't have ranks as his kind did. They had ranks, yes, but in a different way. His people were all subordinate to the alphas, and then to whoever could beat you in a fight. Anyone could choose to challenge the Alpha's at any time, thought it would be foolish to try, as no one could beat the two most powerful wolves in the territory, at least not at the time. Rank was measured by fighting, though it was generally more civilized than it seemed. At least, in the upper districts anyway.

Where they were going was were the violent wolves breed and grew, where the ones that were too mentally weak to challenge their status, but were strong enough physically to attack one another. The women were as hard as the men, and they fought for everything. Skirmishes were an everyday occurrence, but they rarely warranted the attention of the Alphas. Something must have set off the fight that was unusual, or else he wouldn't have to report back, as was his duty, when real rivalries began. With the city being populated by wolves, even as, well, tame as they were, there was conflict that needed the Alpha's attention, meaning that there needed to be a liaison, being him.

It wasn't his favorite job, but it kept him informed, and it gave him status in the community that he had fought for since he was a pup. His own pups would follow in in his footsteps, starting with the one his klittle slave was currently carrying. That thought brought a small smirk to his muzzle, knowing that soon, his pup would arrive, and he would be able to get on to the next one. She would carry many of his sons and daughters.

His thoughts were interrupted by the guard clearing his throat and nodding pointedly ahead towards the gathering of torches and sniping wolves who circled around snarling and snapping gathering in the middle. Guards were already breaking up the circle, beating the wolves that refused to leave. He growled softly and stepped forward, bodily grabbing one of the wolves and half throwing it out of the way as he went towards the middle.

What was in the center of the conflict was a mangled, naked slave, dead in a pool of her own blood. She was stick-thin, her eyes glassy, though she couldn't have been there long if the scavengers hadn't had her yet. While she might have been pretty at some point, she was now torn and broken, one arm almost completely severed at the elbow. What wasn't bloody and ragged was bruised. Blood still dripped from the corner of her mouth as she lay strewn where she had been brutally murdered. The sight wasn't common, though it wasn't unheard of in these parts either. Violence was routine in these lower parts of the city, though the slaves that were killed weren't usually so heartlessly destroyed.

Standing on either side of the girl were wolves, three on each side, and all bristling with fury, all bloody and ready to spring. It wasn't hard to understand what had happened, and he didn't need to listen to the spat accusations that began flying the moment the guard made their way in to break it up. The girl was a slave one of the families had captured recently, and the other claimed that she had been trying to escape. Their attack had been just they had every right to do what they wanted to the girl. When her owner realized what was happening, they came out, and she was killed in the fight that followed.

She never had a chance, even if she hadn't been trying to escape. Slaves roaming around unprotected were free game to these people, and she was simply one of the casualties. It was off-putting, but not abnormal. The reason he was needed was to inform the Alpha's that there was a dispute that could escalate into a clan warn in their city.

Sometimes he hated his job. He used his slaves, yes, but he loved them in his own way, and didn't care to see what fate they could have endured if he hadn't taken them himself. They were all beautiful, and as humans, they were fragile. To die in a rage-fueled battle between wolves was a terrible fate, and he wished it on no one.

With a shake of his head, he turned away, having seen enough. The guards were attempting to beat sense back into the two clans, though it would only do so much good. They had to be shaken by the Alpha's, and he doubted anything less would stop the inevitable fight that was looming. Always a fight looming.

He moved away from the dead girl and the greedy mongrels that had killed her, heading back to his home. The report would wait until the morning, but for now, he was going to go home and lay in bed with the mother of his pup. When she eventually fell asleep, he would lay his paw on her round stomach as he often did, and he would fight sleep until he felt that promising movement of a strong, healthy child inside of her. She didn't know he did that, he waited to feel, but he did. It let him sleep easy, and after the sight of the mangled girl in the street...

His paw ran through his rumpled fur, and he turned his muzzle up to the snow that fell steadily from the sky, carpeting the ground. It would have been a beautiful night, but he simply couldn't bring himself to enjoy it as such. Soon, things would change, and his pup would be there. Soon, he would be a father.