Summer\'s Love

Story by DarknessWolf on SoFurry

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Paige waited patiently sat uncomfortably on the hard chrome seat of the airport terminal. She sat and watched all the other patrons of the large complex, as they rushed about manically in a foray of confusion. She saw families of at least three or four and plenty of couples together walking side by side. There were lots of businessmen on their mobile phones shouting down them as if possessed by an unknown force. Everybody was going somewhere and everyone had somewhere to be. They had no time to just sit and think alone to themselves for a while, taking in the natural beauty of the world around them. They were too busy to do so and therefore missing out on a fundamental part of life. All except Paige that is, she had the time to sit and watch. She was in a tangle of her own thoughts listening to her mind playing the same things over and over. She stared blankly into the thick crowds of over excited people not taking any notice of anyone, but still she watched them. She was waiting for her Summer, her one true Summer.

Many years had passed since they last met and every minute had been like a thousand for Paige, time had seemed to stop. Summer had left her to go adventuring in Africa for a few years, of course Paige was invited but adventuring was not her scene. Paige liked her simply little life and her simple little routines. It was so many years ago that she was in this very terminal and had to wave goodbye to her lost love. Her heart broke that day, even though she would never show it.

Her blue vixen tail swished idly from side to side dusting over the well-polished metal she was sat on. One foot paw tapped lightly on the ground keeping the beat with the unheard drum. Her head rested snuggling into her cupped paws supported by her elbows that balanced precariously on her knees. Her somewhat fluffed blue fur swayed gently from the cool breeze of the air conditioning vent over head. She always wore jeans no matter what the occasion or what the weather was like; it did not mater to her. Although gifted with a slender build, she did not choose to show it off at all and preferred to wear ordinary blouses that hide well her body.

Her legs went numb as the restricted blood flow, caused by her current position, disallowed feeling to them. She leaned back, taking her head from her paws and resting upon the cold back of the seat. She felt a chill rise up her spine as it made contact with the Antarctic metal making her fur stand on end and her body shudder. She winced slightly, trying her best to warm the seat with her own body heat rather than continue sitting forward. Her body quickly acclimatised to this new situation and she wondered why she had made such a fuss in the beginning. She placed her paws into her lap, resting them on the top of her thighs. Finding herself as comfortable as she possible could on such a harsh seating implement, her mind wandered once again drifting back to past memories.

Something in the terminal caught her eye; it was a momentary fling but was enough to capture her full attention. A male wolf, of about her age, sped past her at a surprisingly quick pace when she considered the amount of luggage he was hoisting behind him. She followed his swift movements through the crowds with no more than a slow turning head. Curiosity was not one of her most favoured attributes but at this point she was too far-gone to care. She watched intently as he continued to run, obviously he was either late for something or he was meeting someone. Paige's conclusion was that he was meeting someone; people don't usually carry around large buckets of roses for no good reason. As her curiosity grew, so did the realisation of the inevitable. With that though in her head, it happened quicker than she imagined but it happened none the less. The wolf collided head on with another fur, neither of them were able to dodge the other. They were both sent flying backwards to the ground hitting hard the tough shell like floor of the terminal. Paige found herself wincing as if she was the once to collide into him. Her interest drifted and her blank starring returned as the event that had just unfolded before her, reminded her of how she and Summer first met.

It was another average day, in a very average life, for an average fur. It was Paige's first day at college and of course she was running late. Being such a large college complex, it was easy for a new comer to become lost that was true at least, for Paige. Again, being so large there were well over 1000 students attending this year, only one tenth of that number were new to the college. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was destiny or maybe if she hadn't stopped to tie her shoelaces early, they never would have met. But meet they did and what a meeting it was.

Paige was racing down the hallway of block 2B searching desperately for her Biology class. She was already five minutes late and did not wish to be any later. Running in the hallways has always been looked down upon, be it in a place of learning or anywhere else for that matter. However, ignoring this fact, she threw caution to the wind and sped at top speed. There just wasn't enough time for her to see the other oncoming fur and avoid that oncoming fur. As they crashed hard into each other, books and papers went flying creating havoc of epic proportions. Well it was epic to the two involved anyway. Paige blacked out for a few seconds, disabling her ability to see or hear. She was unable to see past the haze of darkness in front of her eyes, but was determined not to make an enemy on her first day, she had to apologise. Her vision slowly returned and sound became audible once more.

"Hey, I saw what happened are you alright?" A worried sounding voice echoed in her ears. They twitched towards the source and her eyes focused a little more bringing into focus the fur knelt over her. Paige raised a paw to her forehead and touched lightly upon it. She could feel a distinct lump, but nothing to serious or at all noticeable.

"Ouch," was all she could reply through a clouded mind. She heard the voice giggle, but she could tell it wasn't a cruel laugh directed to make fun of her. With everything how and where it should be, Paige was finally able to fully focus on the fur that was being so kind to her. She thought she had actually died in the collision and was now waking up in heaven. To look upon her face was like looking upon the face of an angel. Beauty was certainly in the eye of this beholder. Paige looked upon her with quiet awe her mind reeling, her mouth speechless. Her newfound friend was a very attractive looking lioness. Her sandy coloured coat reflected the light of the sun perfectly in an ambient soft orange. Even though Paige was still led on the floor she could tell that this girl was at least a head higher than her, although her ears will make up for this lack in height. She could see her ample rounded chest, struggling to be contained by her low v-neck t-shirt. Similarly, she noticed the tight fit of her mini skirt that showed off her wonderful curves. Although Paige could not deny her feeling about this girl, she was unsure if she should be having them.

"Here, let me help you up," she said sweetly, extending a paw. Paige blinked a couple of times in disbelief, she was unable to speak and do at the same time. She calmly placed a paw in hers and felt herself being lifted up off the ground. She found herself stood in the upright position without realising it. The girl dusted off both her arms at the same time, Paige could see that she was just using this as a good excuse to feel her and look her over. She opened her mouth to speak but no words were formed from her idle tongue. The other girl noticed her predicament and decided to help her out.

"Its customary in this situation for people to announce their names," she smiled, fighting back another giggle. It took a while for what she just said to register in Paige's brain and in that time she just stared blankly.

"Well I'm Summer, nice to meet you, now who might you be?" She asked politely presenting Paige with her paw again. It all came back to her now, after a few minutes of memory loss and slight concussion, things started to make sense.

"I'm Paige, its nice to meet you to," she answered a little meekly, taking her paw once more and giving it a gentle shake. Having extended her right arm to shake, she noticed that the time was 9:15 and she was now fifteen minutes late for her first lesson of the term. It was just then, that it was like Summer had read her mind.

"Listen, I would stay longer but I've really got to get to Biology class, I'm already late," She said with a sense of urgency in her voice. She would have expected one so beautiful to be a prissy snob that didn't give a damn about college work.

"Wait a second, did you say Biology class?" Paige questioned, not quite sure she heard correctly.

"Yeah why, do you have it as well?" Summer said with a gleaming look of hope.

"Yep, but I'm not really sure where it is," she looked a little worried and bit her bottom lip anxiously. Summer smiled and laughed finding it quite funny. Paige looked at her with a cocked head and a confused expression obviously not with her on the joke.

"Well if you direct your gaze away from me and towards your right, you will see a door with the word Biology written on it," Summer calmed down a little but was still giggling profusely. Paige did as she was told and turned her attention to her right. Indeed, the door was clearly labelled Biology in large black lettering, the only way it could have been any more obvious is if the window was bifocal. Paige's ears blushed and lowered slightly, the redness of her cheeks did well to show up against their blue covering. However, she couldn't help laugh as well at her own naivety. The two smiled at each other and held hands as they entered the room.

'Flight 231 now boarding,' the loud speaker announced, rousing Paige from her thoughts. She had not noticed that half an hour had passed and Summer's flight from Africa should have landed ten minutes ago. Considering the unreliability of flight times, Paige decided it best to check on the screens to see if it had been delayed. She begrudged getting up from her now nice and cosy placing on her seat, but some things are more important than ones comfort. She rose from her seat stretching her limbs outwards, closing her eyes and yawning. After being sat in one place for over an hour now, it felt good to stretch her arms and legs. Feeling everything loosened up, she was ready to go. She disliked crowds, which was unfortunate as she was about to have to pass through one. She sighed, looking at the sheer number of other furs and humans mingling together in a ball of confusion.

"Here we go I guess," she sighed again, reassuring herself it was better to get it over with. It was only a few metres to the other side of the crowd, but a few metres was enough for her. She not only hated having to be rude by pushing her way through, but she also hated it when someone was a little bit over villous and pushed her a little to hard. The first step was always the easiest in this case; it was when you got further in that things became more difficult. She pushed her way through a few people being knocked from side to side herself as she got deeper inwards. She used her paws and arms to create a conned bulldozer shape to move as swiftly as possible. It seemed to work quite effectively, as she passed through with relative ease. She reached the other side, no worse for wear and only a little frazzled.

The escalator to the top level was just in front of her and was unbelievably quite empty. She stood at the base of the acceding stairway and waited for a while, wanting to choose the right step. She thought to herself curiously and asked herself why people choose a step and don't just go for it. The thought passed her by as she stepped onto a ridged metal stair. It was a free and easy ride up to the top as she slowly moved upwards, just on a funny angle. After the ten-second-thrill ride that was the terminal escalator, it was the simply task of finding the nearest television screen with Summer's flight number on. A stacked 3x3 television screen caught her eye and she moved towards it. When she was up close enough, she started to read the list of place names and their adjoining flight times.

"Ah flight 331 and it's delayed... of course it's delayed, its always delayed," she sighed deeply, feeling the loss of her Summer even stronger now. She had waited for years and the thought of waiting one more second was almost unbearable. With nothing better to do, other than sit and wait, Paige decided to return to the bench at which she previously sat. But that meant going back through the crowds and with the recent disappointment, she just couldn't face doing that. She rested on the railing and looked over the lower floor of the terminal. Her foot paw tapped, more impatiently this time, on the smooth ground. Her eyes drifted lazily about and her tail swished with a mind of its own. Her gaze fixated on a young couple sat around a fountain that spurted a trail of crystal clear water. She smiled subconsciously, the two furs connected in a hug, then they moved even closer to join in a kiss. It was only a short kiss, no more than a peck on the lips, but it was enough to trigger another one of Paige's memories. Her first kiss with anyone and it just so happened to be with Summer.

It was a very similar scenario as the one in the terminal, just without the airport. In the very centre of the college there was a large patch of green, at least two or three acres wide. It was a communal area for the students to spend their free time in. Many used it as a place to socialise, some used it as a different place to study and some just used it to relax in. Being that it was a nice day to be outside, most of the students took advantage of the weather and chose to be outside for their free periods.

In the six months that had passed, Paige and Summer's friendship and gone from strength to strength. They had grown so close; neither of them could bear to be apart for more than a few hours. They had feelings for each other that went beyond a good friendship. Paige felt safe and secure around Summer, she glowed confidence that had rubbed off onto Paige. Summer loved being with Paige, as she was so innocent and she always felt as if she was being honest with her. Paige felt a lot of love for her friend but she didn't know the feeling was mutual. Both of them were too embarrassed to say anything to the other, for fear of breaking their special and unique bond.

Paige was sat alone, around the large fountain that was situated on the left hand side of the green. She had quite a few friends but preferred to just sit alone with her thoughts sometimes. She rested back against the fountains edge, with her arms splayed out over it. She had her eyes closed and was content in lying back slightly, soaking up the warming rays of the sun. She dipped a finger into the cool refreshing water, swirling it around and making a small circular pattern. She murred quietly to herself, she often did when she was relaxing alone.

"Hey Paige, how's it going?" she heard the familiar voice of Summer calling. She opened one eye lazily to meet Summer's; she was standing just in front of her with her paws at her sides.

"Pretty well thanks, just taking the time to relax off a hard days work," she smiled opening her other eye.

"I noticed!" She giggled loudly making Paige laugh along with her. Summer took a seat next to Paige and looked out across the wide-open greenery in front of her. Paige noticed something was wrong with her, she looked almost sad. It was very unusual not to see Summer smiling as she always was. Something was definitely up; Summer let a small sigh escape when she thought she wasn't being watched. Paige flicked an ear nervously, but also curiously. She leaned forward a little tilting her head and trying to get Summer's attention. She achieved it well, Summer seemed to come out of some sort of trance, almost like waking up. She jumped slightly as she saw Paige looking at her with a smile. Summer forced a smile, but she was not fooling anyone. It does not take a genius to understand simply emotions, like sadness.

"What's wrong Summer?" She asked, a little timidly but kept a strong sounding voice to show support for her friend. Summer seemed reluctant; she fidgeted in her seat and grabbed at her paws.

"Well... there's this someone who I like, you know really like, but... I just don't know how to put my feelings across," she spilled what was on her mind. Paige felt her heart sink into a pit of despair as if it had just been consumed by the devil. The one she secretly loved was slipping through her fingers, if only she had made a move sooner. However, Summer was her friend, her best friend, the one she cared about above all others. Anything she could do to help and support her friend was love enough. She gulped down her feelings and tried to think hard of some encouraging words. Paige was not the best fur to talk to about love and relationships, but she would try her hardest.

"Um firstly, I would make a start by actually telling this person what your feelings and if they react in a nice way then maybe things can progress from there," Paige tried to fit a smile into her sentence. It was almost impossible for her to contain the beast within her soul that screamed 'I love you!' and wanted to release its bound fury. Luckily, one of her strongest and most favourite attributes is loyalty. She was fully loyal to her friend and would not see her hurt by anyone, especially herself. There was an awkward moment of silence, Summer seemed to be thinking extremely hard about something. Paige could not put her finger on it. It was like she was contemplating something that was tied to a large amount of emotion.

The truly most unexpected thing happened that very next second. Summer made one swift motion of her head towards Paige and kissed her softly on the lips. It was over in a flash, it was almost like it never happened. Summer blushed a deep red, shying away from Paige and hiding in shame. Paige was stunned, never had she thought anything that simple could feel so good. But was it right, was it right for her to be feeling this way about another girl. Was it right for her to have enjoyed that kiss more than anything she had ever experienced in her life previous to it. A confliction and multitude of feelings ran through her had all at once. Her mind became a blur of information, each telling her a different thing about what to do next and how to act.

"I-I'm sorry Paige... I just... I love you," Summer managed to say as she burned a fiery red colour. Summer felt like such a jackass and couldn't stop a single tear dripping down her muzzle. Paige was all she wanted and she felt a strong empty sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. A little piece of her was slowly dieing inside, she just screwed up a perfect friendship and couldn't bear to be without her. Summer stood up, judging by the look of shock and confusion on Paige's face, she figured she really needed to leave her alone for a while. She stepped forward to walk away but felt a tugging on her arm. She turned around in quick surprise; Paige was gripping onto her wrist. Paige was still not looking at her only thinking deeply, but she knew if she didn't seize this chance now... it may never come again. Summer continued to look at her with a slightly odd expression; she did not understand why she was holding her back when Paige was clearly uninterested. She felt her arm being pulled downwards, it was a motion she understood to be 'sit down.' Obeying, Summer took her place next to her friend who was still in shock.

"I didn't know you felt that way," Paige finally spoke, her voice no more than a weak whisper. So much emotion was passing through her, so much love and so much confusion. She turned towards Summer, she had a curious expression across her face.

"I have always felt that way about you Paige... I've just never had the courage to tell you, I thought it would break our friendship... that was the last thing I wanted," It was a great unburden to finally unload what she had been carrying for 6 months. She still felt terrible and very embarrassed to put her friend in such a situation. She waited for the obvious answer, but it never came. In its stead came the warm smile of Paige. Summer's face lit up and her heart fluttered at the happiness in Paige's expression.

"I love you to Summer," she said softly, leaning towards her so she could say it into her ear. They closed their eyes and joined in another kiss. This one lasted much longer and was much more passionate than the earlier peck. Both of them wanted it, both of them loved each other and both of them never wanted the kiss to end.

"Erm excuse me miss, I was just wondering where the check in desk is?" A man said from her side, tapping her shoulder lightly. Paige jumped yipping slightly; she was deep in thought and was quite startled with this sudden waking to the real world. She turned to face the man with a look of discontent. He was obviously not of this country and even more obviously, he was a tourist returning home. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with white shorts and a pair of plastic sandals. He was quite a short man and maybe a little bit plumper than ordinary men, but he was not over weight.

"Oh sorry I was miles away," she sort of chuckled, brushing back some fringe out of her eyes.

"The check in desk, do you know where it is?" he repeated himself but didn't seemed to be annoyed or in any great hurry.

"Yeah, just down the escalator there and turn right, you can't miss it," she spoke clearly, making sure he understood her correctly.

"Thanks very much, bye," he walked off in the direction she pointed to. She watched him leave and followed his movement for a while, just to make sure he was going the right way. When he was out of sight, Paige looked down at her watch. Her daydreams consumed more time than she realised, another thirty minutes had passed in her reminiscing. She turned her attention to the television screens. She looked closely at them, reading all the names and times. She got to flight 331and scanned the information.

"Flight 331 landed... its landed!" she shouted out a lot louder and more excitedly than she intended. A couple of people and furs that were in her immediate vicinity stopped and gave her a funny look. She didn't care what they thought, she was going to see her again, her Summer, her love. Her tail swished around frantically and her ears were as straight as nails. She zoomed towards the escalator knocking threw a few people on her way. She had forgotten all about the colliding incident earlier and frankly, she didn't care about that either. She did not wait for the escalator to descend by itself, she simply ran down it ignoring the other users. There was no need to pass through the crowd again, as the doors exiting into the main terminal were just to her left. She jumped the last few steps herself, using the side to swing around. She ran towards the large glass doors at full speed dodging a couple of other airport users. She skidded to a halt, sliding along the floor. She was an only about 12 metres from the exit doors and had a perfect view of whoever was coning out.

The excitement bubbled inside her waiting to explode in a torrent of sugar-fuelled bliss. She fidgeted around in her position, although excited she also felt nervous. I mean, she hadn't seen her in a year, what if she didn't feel that way about her anymore or she had changed. Those awful thoughts were quickly pushed aside and the pleasant ones replaced them. Watching her tail it must have seemed like she was trying to take off. She froze, the first passengers started to come through the screen doors. They came in two's and three's and first, no more than a few at a time. She watched, becoming increasingly anxious as every businessman, family or couple that passed through the doors brought her one person closer to Summer. The stream of people and furs thickened, the crowd became denser and denser. Paige swayed from side to side trying to see past the mountain of people that blocked her view. She was knocked back a few times by the oncoming mass. The crowd started to thin out to three at a time, then two at a time, then just a few stragglers. Paige looked on worriedly; all the passengers had come through those doors, all except Summer. Her ears flatten against her head, disappointment and confusion settled into her mind burrowing deep into her thoughts. Today was not going to be another let down in her life, this was a time for rejoicing.

The screen doors opened one last time, the sun from the other side shone its light over this new figure, making them glow like some holy entity. Paige blinked and shielded her eyes from the light with a paw.

It was the moment she had been waiting for, this moment for all those years had been the driving force of her life. The sun disappeared behind a blackened cloud, revealing the entity to be the one Paige wanted. She was glued to the spot, looking upon her again was almost too much for her love struck heart. All she could hear was its rhythmical beating, thumping like a drum. Summer had come. She was in a similar state as Paige, frozen in shock. They stared at each other across the 12-metre gap of the terminal between them. Summer had been thousands of miles away and virtually unreachable. But now this is where she stood, a tiny gap separated the two lovers. Neither of them could take in the full reality of the situation, it was too surreal.

The move was simultaneous, both had a rush of excitement that spurred them into action. Summer carelessly threw aside her bags, sending them sliding across the floor and she ran towards her Paige. Paige threw open her arms and ran towards her Summer. Paige leapt into her arms and was lifted about a foot off the ground. They hugged affectionately and excitedly, no words needed to be exchanged. Summer put Paige down back onto the floor, but still continued to hold her tightly. They laughed playfully, finally being reunited once more and sharing in the warmth provided by the other. They pulled back slightly out of the closeness of the hug, but still with their arms linked. They looked deeply into each others eyes with joyous smiles. Paige gave Summer a questioning look that seemed to ask her permission. Summer just rolled her eyes still wearing a smile; she did not need to ask permission. Both their expressions turned to ones of passion and tenderness. They closed their eyes and joined in a kiss. It was such a wonderful feeling kissing ones lover again after being starved of such attention for so long. Their lips waved along each other like the ocean, making a snaking pattern. Paige probed at Summer's mouth with her tongue flicking lightly at her lips. Summer opened up, allowing her own tongue to pass sneakily alongside Paige's. They tasted at each other's flavours, enjoying the roughness of the others tongue. Summer broke the kiss almost like breaking a spell. Paige was overwhelmed and nearly passed out with pleasure overload.

"You better slow down love bug, we've got all night," Summer whispered seductively into Paige's ear. The feel of her breath on her neck made her gasp and shudder slightly. They held each other at arms length with warm smiles and flushed faces.

"And the next night and the next and the rest of our natural born lives," Paige giggled excitedly, unable to calm down from her high. Summer let out a long satisfied sigh, she was overjoyed to be back again and in the arms of Paige.

"Its been to long, far too long," she sighed again. Paige nodded in agreement, she then looked over at the bags Summer had thrown aside. Summer turned around as well and saw her lost luggage. They made a confirming smile and walked over to collect them.

"So anything for me?" Paige asked cheekily, knowing that she must have had plenty of time to do shopping. She tried to open up the plastic bag she had collected but Summer snatched it away before she could see what was inside.

"Naughty girl, you're just gonna have to wait unitl tonight," she grinned tauntingly wiggling a scolding finger. Paige mock scowled at her, giving a little 'hmph' as she did.

"Lets get moving then, the sooner we leave the sooner I can get you home," Paige giggled squeezing at Summer's paw, which she had recently taken into hers. They walked across the terminal floor very close to each other and side-by-side. They were together again and happy to share in the others love.

It wasn't the longest car journey ever made, but when you're with the one you love, time can seem endless. They got back to Paige' semi-detached house around 8 O'clock. The sun had just started to show signs of disappearance, it was set low in the sky but not low enough to peak behind the horizon. Naturally, the earth was bathed in a glow of beautiful orange that covered all the areas where shadow was non-existent. Paige parked the car in her driveway, which was more a patterned crazy paving walkway but she used it as a parking space. They disembarked the car, taking whatever luggage they could handle with them. Paige did have two bedrooms, but she really only needed one for now. Summer threw down her bags onto the hallway floor and exhaled deeply. Paige was a little less violent with the bags and just placed them down. Summer turned to Paige, who was creeping up behind her. She laughed at her attempt and rewarded it with a hug.

"Its so good to be back," Summer sighed into Paige's shoulder.

"Its so good to have you back," Paige sounded a little more serious than usual. They stayed in that close position for a while, just reflecting on their past together. They also reflected on, how life was without the other. Even though Summer had been touring Africa, she didn't enjoy it as much as she enjoyed the feel of her lover. Paige rubbed a paw up her back and nuzzled at her neck, purring quietly all the time. Summer joined in the purr with her own tune and used a paw to brush at Paige's tail. She swished it playfully about, giving her a run for her money. They smiled and giggled a little, embracing each other tighter. Paige pulled away and looked into the eyes of her beloved.

"I need you Summer, I've needed you for too long," her sentimental heart was drawn out into words, as she said them with more passion and desire than she could have ever thought imaginable. Summer pulled her in and kissed her. Their combined love increased the magnitude of the kiss, making it even more pleasurable. Summer broke off and her mind drifted for a moment.

"You have me, you will always have me, and I never want us to be apart again," her voice was chocked, as if she was about to cry but no tears were produced. No more words were needed, Paige simply took her by the paw. Without her noticing, Summer managed to sneak the bag with Paige's special present in past her and hide it behind her back. Summer followed behind Paige up the stairs and into the master bedroom. It was not huge, but it was at least adequately sized for this type of housing. It was a very standard looking room, with a desk and a pine wardrobe. The one distinguishing feature it did have was the Queen sized bed that had four large wooden posts at each corner.

Paige dived onto the bed face first, bouncing as she hit the springy mattress. This gave Summer the opportunity to hide her gift. Paige rolled onto her back, with her legs slightly parted and her paws bent over in a submissive way. She put on her cutest face and smile, with her tongue slightly protruding her lips. Summer looked over at her and was warmed by Paige's seductively sweet attempts to turn her on. Summer smiled as she walked over to her, waving her hips in a sexy fashion. She climbed onto the bed and over Paige, using her arms and legs to keep herself supported. As she brought her head slowly up Paige's body, she used a paw to undo her blouse buttons. Her muzzle reached its target and they joined in yet another passionate kiss. The buttons were undone quickly but the blouse not removed and merely pushed aside. Summer kneaded Paige's breast, cupping it in her paw then making small circles over the nipple with her thumb. Paige gasped lightly through their joined mouths as her excitement and pleasure grew.

Summer continued to toy with her now erected nipple and pinched it between her thumb and index finger. Paige felt Summer's lips leave hers and she was finally able to let out a long moan of intense pleasure. Summer kissed down her white furred neck, leaving a trail of slightly matted fur. Paige watched intently as Summer reached her cleavage and rolled her tongue up the side reaching her pert nipple. She made circles around it with her sandpaper tongue wetting her creamy fur and making Paige tilt her head back. Summer opened her mouth to take it in and she sucked on it. Both of them could physically feel their own arousal growing and the damp patch on their crotches grew rapidly.

Not wanting to leave Summer without any attention, she slid a paw across her clothed belly and down to her jeans. She unclasped her imitation leather belt, but could not remove it fully. Paige's paw could now sneak inside her jeans and panties, making its way to Summer's starved slit. With only the one finger, she ran it down Summer's lips parting them slightly. Summer momentarily broke off from her nipple play and let a moan escape her muzzle. Paige shuddered at the feel of hot breath over her sensitive breast. Still with one finger, Paige toyed with the very moist opening. She slipped inside her, but only for a second, it was more an accident than an intention. This one swift movement made Summer beg for more. Paige could feel the immense amount of heat coming from Summer's delicate flower. She did not give in to her pleading whimpers and only continued to stroke, making Summer writhe and tingle all over. She bit down hard, but playfully, on Paige's nipple in punishment. Paige jumped and yipped in pain at the unexpected bite. Summer's eyes drifted up towards Paige's face, who was giving her a 'bad girl' sort of look. An evil grin over took her expression as she decided to torture her further. Paige used her middle finger to flick at Summer's clit. She teased it and toyed with it, not allowing her to build enough pleasure to fully climax. Her breathing came in a mixture of tortured gasps and pleasured whimpers.

Summer could not bear the cruelty of her lover any longer. She moved abruptly from her bent over position and knelt upright. Paige removed her paw from Summer's trousers, using her finger to excite her one last time. Summer shuffled herself up Paige's stomach and chest. She positioned her groin directly over Paige's muzzle, giving her a sly grin. Paige returned it with an equally sly grin of her own. Paige undid the buttons to Summer's jeans and pulled them down past the bend in her knees and all the way to her ankles. The scent of Summer's arousal drove her wild, as she took deep inward breaths inhaling her. Summer looked down at her with a smile of pure joy and love.

Paige lifted her head up so she could lick at Summer's expanded slit. She moved her rough tongue upwards, tasting her tangy juices and making Summer shudder. She gasped, as Paige unexpectedly stuck the full length of her tongue down her passage. The feeling of its rough surface against her inner walls was bliss. Summer found herself with her head tilted right back and paws gripping at the bed sheets. A sudden increase in Summer's juices made Paige work twice as hard and twice as fast to keep up. She continued to lap her tongue inside and out in quick darting motions, keeping a steady rhythm. Pleasured coursed through Summer's body, like the blood in her veins. It came in shock waves, hitting her with an increasing amount of force. Her moans became gasps as most of her air was fuelling her building orgasm. Paige purposefully, moved her tongue along a rougher spot inside Summer. For the first time in what was a while now, one of them spoke.

"Oh god Paige... ohhhh yes, fuck me!..." She screamed out, ripping holes in the bed sheets with her gripping claws. She had an intense and powerful climax, turning her moans and gasps into a silent scream of pure ecstasy. Summer collapsed sideways, hitting Paige's soft pillows with a quiet thump. Her breathing came in struggled whimpers, as her lungs tried to re-oxygenate her body. Paige used a paw to clean off the mess from around her lips and face. She enjoyed the taste of her lover' produce and licked her fingers clean. She sat up and crawled over to Summer on her knees. She was concentrating fully on getting her breathing back to normality. She had her eyes tightly closed and did not realise Paige was over her until, she felt breath against her cheek. Summer opened one eye weakly so she could look upon her mate.

"Did you enjoy that sweetness?" Paige asked with a smile. Obviously, she knew what the answer was going to be and so did not need one, but she felt like saying something. Summer opened her other eye just as weakly as the other. Her breathing had steadied itself, but she needed a few more minutes before she was fully able to continue. Paige used that time to remove the rest of her clothes and throw them aside. Then she removed Summer's clothes and threw them aside as well. She liked seeing Summer in such a submissive state as she was usually the one to take control. She kissed her softly a few times on the cheek, wetting her fur slightly. Summer turned her head so she could kiss Paige properly on the lips. They stayed like that for a while, each with their eyes closed and each just enjoying the simplicity of the kiss.

"Are you ready to continue?" Paige asked with a hint of seriousness. Summer smirked and propelled herself upwards. Paige yipped at this surprise attack and found herself pinned in position on her back by Summer's arms and legs. Summer gave a wicked smile and licked up Paige's cheek, clumping her fur in a cute little bundle. Paige looked slightly worried at the ferocity of Summer's movement and she whimpered lightly. Summer noted Paige's predicament and comforted her with a simple smile. It was enough to reassure Paige and she smiled back.

"I'll take good care of you, just stay still... I've got something you're really going to like," Summer whispered softly into Paige's ear, making it twitch madly. She watched curiously as Summer slid off her body, releasing her from her powerful embrace. Not wanting to spoil Summer's fun, she opted out of moving prior to her instruction. Her inquisitiveness grew rapidly, as the lioness was leant over thumbing around in a bag that had just seemingly appeared out of nowhere. The first item she withdrew was a blindfold. Its black velvety features seemed to say the word 'darkness' out loud.

"Do you trust me sweety?" Summer questioned with a serious look, making sure to be honest. Paige didn't need to think, she had given her very soul to her lover. She would trust Summer with her with her life if need be. Paige simply nodded with a smile. Summer swished her tail about excitedly. Paige turned herself right around, so she could rest comfortably on the pillows at the top of her bed. Summer straddled her waist shifting her bottom and getting herself comfortable. She placed the strap of the blindfold carefully over Paige's head and slipped it down over her eyes. For Paige, everything went black. All light disappeared and she had to rely on her sensitive ears to tell her what was going on. She heard the rustling of the bag again, as Summer was taking more items from it. She felt a little bit helpless not being able to see but her thoughts were brought to the fact that Summer would never do anything to her, other than lover her.

"Now just say stop if you want me to, okay?" She heard Summer speak from above. She nodded again.

Seconds after her nod, Paige felt something wrap around her left arm. She felt it being lifted up and pressed against a hard wooden feeling post. Her arm was slowly attached to the (now apparent) bedpost and tied into position. Her second arm was next and it to was fixed against a bedpost. She could feel her legs being parted and pulled right to full stretch. She felt overly self-conscious at having her privates exposed like this. Her legs, like her arms, were firmly fastened to the posts at the end of the bed. The knots weren't uncomfortable and nor were they too tight, but they ensured that she had no way of escape. Paige started to breath more heavily; it was all a bit overwhelming for her. She struggled uncontrollably trying to escape her bonds. She tried to say something but it came as more whimpers than proper words.

"Shhhh calm down love bug, calm down you're alright," Summer sounded very placid and placed a paw gently on Paige's stomach. Paige was reassured by Summer's kind words and warm touch. She started to regulate her frantic breathing and stopped fighting against the velvet bonds.

"There you go sweety," Summer cooed. She moved her paw to Paige's cheeked and stroked its soft fluffy texture. Paige was again breathing normally, although still a little freaked out.

"I'm okay, I just don't like being so helpless," she admitted flattening her ears. Summer just smiled down at her vixen in response. She kissed her on the forehead making Paige murr quietly and a smile creep across her muzzle.

"Do you want to continue?" Summer asked, fully prepared to let Paige go and not force this upon her. Paige thought longer and more seriously this time, before she answered.

"Yes," she answered whole-heartedly at no more than the level of a whisper. She felt Summer kiss her on the lips and she returned it with as much passion. Summer broke away with a smile, she decided to warm Paige up to this new idea of hers, before she went in with the big guns. She trailed her paws down over Paige's breasts and belly fur, as she worked her way down. When she reached her intended destination, she blew lightly on Paige's sensitive lips. She shuddered and squirmed a little, feeling the tingling sensation coursing throughout her nether regions. Paige knew what Summer was going to do next, but having the blindfold on made the waiting unbearable. Summer withdrew her tongue from her muzzle and placed it on Paige's clit. This one simple movement was enough to make Paige gasp. She rolled her tongue over and around the little nub, teasing it playfully. This got a good response from Paige as she arched her back and writhed in pleasure.

It was pay back time for Summer. She did no more than tease and torture her for a while, just flicking the tip of her tongue over her most sensitive area's. Paige squirmed even more under these tortuous licks. Summer would stop sometimes, letting Paige come down from her near orgasm. Paige begged for release and the pleading did not fall on death ears. Summer figured she'd had enough waiting and chose to ease her suffering. She brought a free paw up to Paige's clit, which replaced her tongue. She rubbed over her clit whilst sticking her tongue into Paige's moist folds. She rubbed, licked and flicked to her hearts content, lapping up any and all of Paige's cum. It was quite unexpected and sudden for Paige; she had not experienced such a powerful orgasm in so many years, she had forgot just what a real one felt like. It was like a rapid explosion in her loins, that caused a torrent of fluid to come rushing out of her. Summer was hard paced to keep up with the flow and was taking in mouthfuls at a time of sweet gooey liquid. Paige was screaming the air out of her lungs and even when they were empty, she continued to scream. It was so intense, so beautiful and so needed. Paige collapsed back down to the mattress from her arched position; the bonds around her arms were the only things keeping them up.

She had to admit, having absolutely no idea or control over Summer's actions heightened her sexual experience dramatically, although it would have been just as good without them.

Paige couldn't breath, her lungs seemed to be stopping air from passing inwards and she blacked out. It was too much for one orgasm starved body to handle.

Paige gasped rapidly, taking in a large gulp of air. Panic overtook her body and she hyperventilated choking on the air that was now passing uncomfortably down her windpipe.

"You had me worried you naughty vixen, you were out for at least 5 minutes," the comforting voice of her lover soothed her. Events started to come back to her now and things started to make more sense.

"It's just been so long... that was..." Paige managed to whisper through a dry and hoarse throat.

"It's not over yet love bug," she chuckled to herself excitedly, knowing what the final present in her magic bag was. Paige was almost completely exhausted, the only thing keeping her going was the need for another release. One was not enough. She was still tied to the bedposts, so she was still unable to move and the blindfold was also still on. She heard rustling once more and she suspected something was up. The anticipation and her sex drive, royally throttled the need to stop and just sleep. Her whole body tingled as Summer caressed her belly fur, making small circular patterns.

Then something new happened, again something she hadn't felt in a long time. An odd pressure was applied to her outer lips, as an object of some sort pressed against them. She could feel them being parted wider and wider. The object pushed deeper inside her and her cunt muscles started to react to this new intruder. She could feel it slip further inside stretching her to her maximum limit. She groaned loudly at the feel of being penetrated. She estimated at least six inches passing into her before it stopped. Summer removed the blindfold from Paige's head and she blinked rapidly. After being in total darkness for such a long time, the light was irritating distracting her from the pleasure down below, but only for a moment.

She lifted her head upwards off her pillow so she could see just what Summer had been up to. She blinked a few times again, but not because of the lighting situation. Summer was holding a 14-inch, purple, double-headed dildo (that was at least 3 inches thick) in her paws. Not exactly the most exciting of items but when she considered the sheer size of the monstrous beast, she was quite amazed. The look of shock told Summer everything she needed to know. She knew that Paige and herself were going to love this special gift.

"Well I hope you enjoy this, because it was a bitch to get it through airport security," Summer laughed, but with a hint of truth behind her words.

"Th-thought it was uhhh... night stick did they," she tried to laugh through gasps and whimpers, as Summer inserted a further 2 inches. Summer chuckled again, sliding the dildo most of the way out so only the head was still within Paige.

"I think this is something we can both enjoy," she grinned down at her smiling vixen. With that said, Summer positioned herself so she too could share the present. They interlocked their legs together, one on top the other and one underneath the other, with the purple monstrosity held firmly between them. They both inserted one end of the toy into their awaiting flowers. They gradually moved down on it closing the gap between their groins. As each inch brought them closer together, the moans between them became far more intense. They locked their fingers together, holding each other steady. It was also handy having something to squeeze onto. Only an inch was between them and touching. It was a little bit of a struggle building up enough force to push the final bit inside. This was shown by the wincing expressions on their faces. Paige's face was flushed red from all the physical exertion. They clenched onto the others paw, gritting their teeth together and forced the last inch inside. Their pussy lips connected and they could feel a tingling sensation on their outer lips. They led there for a while, just warming up to such a large intruder, coupled with the fact that neither of them had been penetrated, so lovingly, for years.

They both agreed with a simple nod, that the time to go for it all was now. They pulled back off each other slowly, not wanting to do any damage. When only a little bit of dildo remained inside each of them, they pushed back down, allowing the purple member to slide more freely. They repeated this slow process a few times, not only to work out a good rhythm, but also to get used to it. There simultaneous actions of slamming into one another, burying the dildo completely, brought about much pain but also pleasure. As the passage of the toy became easier, the speed at which they humped increased. There was a wet slapping slop sound each time their genitals collided forcefully. Paige gasped and moaned, holding on tight to Summer's paw. Summer herself was in a similar predicament. They slammed into each other with all their remaining energy. Their inner walls gripped even more tightly around the tool, increasing the pain, but in turn, increasing the intense pleasure.

Both of them could feel a pressure building rapidly at the pit of there stomachs. They both had their eyes firmly closed, wincing in sheer exhaustion. One final collide brought about the end of the evening. Paige and Summer climaxed together, gripping at the others paws. They moaned out loud, releasing the burning fire within and feeling such immense pleasure. Paige was almost split open by the force she was applying to the overly large invader. She collapsed, bringing Summer down with her. Paige was absolutely exhausted, she could not stay awake a second longer. Summer crawled out of their interlocking position and slid the dildo carefully from her own pussy, then Paige's. She threw it aside and it landed on the floor with a loud thump. Summer fell beside Paige, who had all but given up fighting the overwhelming temptation to sleep. She cuddled up as close as she could to her vixen lover. She felt the softness of her fur and the warmth that the other provided.

"I love you..." Paige whispered sleepily, her eyelids closing over again and consciousnesses slipping away into a world of dreams.

"I love you too sweetheart..." Summer replied in the same whisper. Her eyelids to closed over signally sleep and rest. They stayed in that same huddled position all through the night and slept peacefully.

They were happy, they were together, and they were in love.