Rainy Day Fun

Story by The Lumine Virus on SoFurry

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Rainy day fun

It was nine in the evening as looked out of my window from my bed with my legs tucked against my chest and my muzzle burried inbetween my kneese. A thunder storm was passing and the rain batted against my window. I never liked the rain, it always reminded me of my most depressing memory that I try to hide from everyone including myself. With a sigh and laid down flat on my back and tried to fall asleep but the sound of a thunder clash made me jump from my bed and onto the floor with a thud.

"Oooow!" I screamed and got back up, I hadnt noticed till now but i was wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts that showed off my girlish thighs. I never really was a body builder but I did keep a shape, almost hourglass like bit still a little thick at my hips. Shaking my head from the thoughts I made my way to and down the hall of my home. As I reached the end of the hall I notcied that my mate Yuukan was asleep in his bed, out like a light. Watching him sleep always brought a smile to my face. Getting a idea I tip toed into his room closing the door behind me.

As I closed the door behind me Yuukan stirred in his sleep, turning over his beautiful face uncoverd itself, his sleeping form was so peacful that it brought peace to my own soul. Continuing my sneaking I tip toed over to his bed, lifting the sheets and sliding in comfertably against him, my head resting against his chest while I coverd myself. My body warmed up from his own body temperature, just the feeling of his fur against mine was enough to make me murr with pleasure. My paw glided down his side and rested on his waist while my other went to stroke his chest. I felt so safe in his grasp when suddenly his ars wrapped around e and his muzzle was ontop of of mine, his beautiful blue eyes stared down into my gold ones as he wisperd into my ear

"Scared again of the thunder my love? Its ok, I'm here." His paw pads ran along side my back and my bare chest pressed against his own, he barely had anything on him which surprised me since i knew he liked to sleep in the nude I leaned up and connected my muzzle with his, he pushed back with his own as he took me into a loving kiss. It only lasted for a second or two before we pulled away.

"You know just how to calm me dont you?" I said as my tail curled up from the excitment I was feeling.

"My lips are always the answer. Arent they?" He gently wisperd but he let out a surprise yip as y paw found its way to his barely clothed butt and squeezed it.

"This cute thing here is another way as well" I teased with a slight wink at the end. He smirked as he knew what i was saying before he pulled me ontop of him and began to kiss around my neck. "Mabye we can have a bit of rainy day fun, eh katsu?" I answerd that question by slipping off what i had and throwing it onto the floor.

"This is the best rainy day ever..." Was the final thing I said. The rest of the day the bed shook and the walls were banged on, the giggled of love making filled the halls. On the couch my cousin Iris who had decided to stay the night with us was trying to block out the noise of our love making by jamming the pillow against her fox ears.

"Gods cant they go one minute without yiffing the hell out of another pair of sheets?..."

Rainy Day Fun

# Rainy day fun It was nine in the evening as looked out of my window from my bed with my legs tucked against my chest and my muzzle burried inbetween my kneese. A thunder storm was passing and the rain batted against my window. I never liked the...

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