The Lost Tribe

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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An archaeologist goes out into the Amazon in search of a forgotten culture, only to discover far more than he thought possible.

The Lost Tribe Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Herrer

The sound of wildlife in the Amazon rainforest was something of unmatched splendor to Carter as he moved through the wilderness, mindful of roots and branches glistening with the high humidity that saturated everything. His blue eyes gazed upwards at the vast canopy, slivers of afternoon light penetrating the upper levels to nourish the plants below as wild birds moved from tree top to tree top. More than half of the world's rainforest was rooted right here, it was an impressive fact for him... But Carter wasn't a biologist, he was an anthropologist. The mystery that had brought him to Brazil was not one of plants but those of people.

"Be careful here, the ground is unstable. There's been a sink hole I think." Came the voice of Carter's guide, a seventeen year old local boy named Tomás. The Brazilian youth was tall, slender, lithe and fast. Tomás head was wreathed in black curly hair that was just long and shaggy enough that it was starting to remind Carter of a loose afro. Thick, dark eyebrows rose and fell on Tomás' face as he expressed surprise at Carter's bumbling in the wilderness. Hanging from around the boy's neck was an old Portuguese necklace made of silver and some turquoise.

Carter, on the other hand, was used to the vast open stretches of other parts of South America like Peru. Carrying vast packs of tents and equipment had given him broad shoulders, large muscles and quite a bit of stamina... but it made it harder to navigate through the rainforest when following Tomás. Carter was six feet tall, light brown hair cropped short. His tan shirt was pulled tight across his chest by the muscles there. He was used to the dry heat of other regions; the rain forest had caused a sheen of sweat to line his forehead and soak his clothes.

Carter thought back to what had led him to such a mysterious place. When studying caves in Argentina he had found an entire cave chain hidden by rock slides. The excavation had been amazing, rendering paintings like the Cueva de las Manos covered in painted hands. The find had earned fame for him and his team. It was an archeologists dream, learning more about mankind from nine thousand years ago. The research was quite promising, but the paintings had indicated encounters with 'dark ones' on pilgrimages and distant trips. Carter had spent months comparing data and notes with every anthropologist before he concluded that he had stumbled across evidence of a lost tribe of man somewhere in Brazil... and the only place that had not been fully explored was the Amazon.

"So how long have you been going through these parts of the forest?" Carter asked, wiping the sweat from his brow, trying to make conversation.

"Well I have gone through the outer regions quite a few times, but only my grandfather has ventured this far in... but what I lack in experience I make up for in navigation. I will not get you lost." Tomás said with a smile on his face. Carter gave a nod and a smile, following the youth. It seemed so exotic to Carter, the prospect of being a guide. When Carter had been seventeen he'd been buried in books and he stayed that way for much of the next ten years, aside from his ground breaking anthropology trips.

"Do you think that clearing up there is a good place to set up the tent?" Carter asked, the pack on his pack growing rather heavy. Tomás looked around for any signs of local predators in tracks, on branches, all around before he nodded.

"I think you have very good taste sir." Tomás said with a grin. Carter smirked, slinging his bag off of his shoulders so he could get to work setting everything up.


Night had fallen across the rainforest but life had not settled in the slightest. If anything it seemed even more awake. Crickets, frogs, birds, gibbons... The array of life was startling. The rain had eased up but that only made it harder for Carter to sleep. His eyes opened slowly, looking up at the walls of the tent. Carter had always had a bit of trouble falling asleep on field missions. It was one of his strongest weaknesses as an anthropologist... but his ears were picking up other noises that perplexed him... almost like music.

Carter leaned his head back to look through the netting of the tent's opening, listening through the chaos of the forest. He could have sworn it was the sound of drums, but there were no populations this deep into the forest. Sadly, he couldn't hear it anymore... Carter knew he had to be imagining it. He lifted his head just a bit to see how Tomás was sleeping, only to realize that the teenager was panting softly, the boy's sleeping bag rising and falling in a telltale pattern that made Carter blush.

Carter leaned back and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. There was no need to embarrass Tomás, least of all when he wanted them to stay amicable. Carter remained still, trying to focus on the croaking of the frogs. Of all the animal noises, it was the steadiest. He hoped that using the frogs as white noise and ignoring all the rest would help him fall back asleep to dream again of the lost tribe.


Morning had come with a refreshing coolness to it, one of the few respites the rainforest offered to those staying within its borders. Carter had woken up just before dawn and had eaten his breakfast bar and sipped at his instant tea outside of the tent, taking in the surroundings. Tomás still seemed quite tired from his activities of the previous night. Carter sighed gently and stood up, stretching yet again.

The twenty seven year old wandered from camp slowly, keeping track of where it was in relation to his wanderings... when he started to hear the sounds of a waterfall. Carter's eyes widened a bit in surprise. He hadn't realized they were even close to a river. A grin crossed his face as he realized he could use the waterfall as a marker to get back to camp, letting him explore without getting lost or having to wake up Tomás.

Carter moved through the trees faster, navigating over and under the obstacles, narrowing in on the sound. His grinned gently, his day's growth of stubble seeming darker than it was in the morning light. Carter pushed aside several wide fronds form the plants and came to a stop. He had done it... Before Carter stood the first possible evidence of his lost tribe.

In the midst of the forest sat a stone construct reaching almost eight feet high. Ancient stone blocks had been carved and placed out, forming a wide raised platform from which a natural water spring poured water. The water cascaded out of the one side of the rectangle that was lower than the rest, falling in a sheet into a wider basin that ran all the way around the edges. Moss had grown up onto the edges of the fountain but hadn't seemed to enter the pool.

"Tomás!" Carter explained, turning to run back to camp, "Tomás, you have to see-" Carter was interrupted as the ground gave way beneath him. Carter slipped through mud and dirt, falling between thick tree roots. He landed abruptly in water, a current tumbling him along. Carter held tight to what little air he had in his lungs, the air quickly becoming nothing more than carbon dioxide. He was getting dizzy, suffocating. His body was slammed against the walls of the tunnel and he gasped in surprise, taking water into his lungs. He struggled and moved, becoming weaker and weaker... until there was nothing but darkness.

The timeless infinity of the darkness remained until throbbing, aching pain and pressure replaced it. Carter felt his longs forced full with air once more, stirring the water in them until his body began a chain reaction to rid himself of it. Carter felt heat, pressure and hair against his lips but the imperative to clear his lungs was too strong. He doubled over and began coughing, sputtering, getting the water from his mouth. He retched and coughed for some time before all that was left was panting. He heaved his chest up and down, breathing deep, finally reaching to brush his lips before turning toward his savior.

"Thank goo-" Carter stopped, looking at the one that had saved him in disbelief. His savior was not Tomás, nor was it any lost traveler. Carter's savior was a member of the lost tribe. Before the explorer was a beastly sort of man. He was crouched down with wide calloused feet with patchy bits of hair. His legs were veritable forests on their own, covered in fur. He was wearing a loin cloth of some sort of brown leather, the shorn fuzz left on it seeming quite soft and weathered... although it failed to hide the being's ample manhood which hung down at least eleven inches soft.

The man's abdominals were obscured in a nest of black hair complimenting his olive skin, two thick nipples barely visible out of the dense black hair that covered his chest almost like fur. Likewise a long, curly black beard hung from his face, brushing his collarbone. The hair on his head was a mix of shag and curly as well, leaving a protruding cave-man like brow ridge, sunken eyes and a wide nose. Dark bone circles had been placed in his ears like gauge earrings and he was almost hunched over with muscle, his shoulders broader than any human Carter had ever seen.

"Goo... Ta Goo." The man replied, trying his hand at Carter's language. Carter was stunned by the man's presence, his appearance, and the fact that this being had saved his life. Not only was he probably part of the missing tribe, he seemed to be the missing link that so many scientists thirsted for. His stance was simian, his arms longer than they should have been... and huge. Carter looked at the huge hands, knuckles furry and arms in sleeves of hair.

"Goo!" The beast tried one last time before he gave up and gave a dissatisfied grunt. He reached out with his huge hands and lifted Carter up, slinging him over one shoulder. Carter's face fell into the patches of hair on the tribesman's back, sweat coating his face. He coughed and groaned, the musky scent penetrating his senses. Carter felt more like a child than a doctoral candidate as he was carried along the path. He tried to move but this caused his savior only to clamp down tighter on him.

"Thank you for saving me, I would have died without you... Although you can put me down if you like." Carter said, trying to curry some understanding. The tribesman ignored Carter, finding his words useless. Carter gave up on escape, deciding to focus more on orientation. He spotted the river he had been found at sitting thirty feet below a jagged muddy root bound cliff. It was no wonder there had been sink holes, this recently diverted river must have been eating away at the ground beneath their camp. Carter studied the river before he saw water pouring out of the cliff upstream.

"That's it, that has to be where I came out..." He said. The tribesman ignored him still and carried him out of sight of his destination. The path was perilous but Carter realized just how well adapted this being was to his environment despite being so big. His hands grabbed trees and let him swing his weight around obstacles. His feet gripped like a primate to give him better purchase, and the hair kept insects from getting to most of his skin. It was a brilliant evolution for the region that had existed for so long even through ice ages.

Time seemed to slip by. It already looked like early afternoon again. He had been lost half a day already. No doubt Tomás would be looking for him or getting help. Carter realized what a mistake he had made, but it was a glorious mistake... as long as he managed not to loose his sense of direction. As they ventured further into the forest, Carter started to notice markers to help guide him... man made markers. More moss covered alters dotted the land between the trees. Ever so often he'd see smaller fountains, but then he heart more grunts. Carter slipped his hand down to the tribesman's back and pushed up, trying to see around. It was hard to see over the tribesman's shoulders so soon Carter relaxed, hanging down, seeing instead beneath his arm.

The village was vast with shelters built out of carved sticks and palm fronds... Oddly the shelters were at least fifteen feet off the ground and almost twice as wide. It wasn't common for tribes to build every home so much taller than the people because it was a waste of resources and energy. Still, the mysteries could wait. There was so much to see. Ceramic pottery, stone tools, the population. Teenagers sat around a fire cooking some sort of animal from the forest. They too had the exaggerated brow ridge and hair covered bodies. Even the one Carter guessed to be fourteen years old had a thick mustache and a tuft of hair hanging from his chin to his adam's apple.

Carter tried to soak in every sight, every sound... before an odd fact started dawning on him. There weren't any women outside. Carter started wondering if they were inside the shelters but as members of the tribe moved in and out he saw none... none in the entire camp. Every member was a male. Carter decided it had to mean that the women were on a hunt or gathering or trading. Then again, if the stories of the Amazons had been of tribes of all women, were there then equal tribes of all men? Before Carter could think any further he was suddenly dropped onto a bed of moss. Carter groaned suddenly, rolling onto his back before sitting up.

One of the members of the tribe walked over, streaks of grey in his black hair. He ran a hand through his beard as he looked at Carter before he grunted to the others, jutting his lower jaw out. The one that had rescued Carter grunted back, swaying his long arm back towards the river before he put his hands over his throat and then pushed out into the air mimicking pushing the lungs. Then he reenacted Carter's mysterious return to life. Another of the tribe crouched down, reaching out. He traced his fingers over the stubble that Carter had forgotten to shave before grunting and then bleating out, pointing to it for the others to see.

"Yes, you're right... I don't have as much as you do." He said. The one examining him reached out, running his fingers over Carter's forehead. Carter subjected himself to the examination, hoping that when the time came and roles were reversed that the native population would let him do the same. The elder let out a deep grunting cry, beating on his chest. The others of the tribe soon came to gather around. The elder began to retell the story of Carter being found and saved, how browless and clean shaven he was. Then the elder gestured to the food, mimicking eating and dancing. There seemed to be countless ceramic bowls of some thick stew around, other bowls full of what seemed to be pigments. Their placement seemed to be temporary, indicating they were there for some sort of coming event.

With another beat of his chest the tribe dispersed, save for the one that had examine him and the elder. The elder hit his chest with a fist before pointing to one of the shelters. The younger tribesman pulled Carter to his feet, leading him off. The woven door to the shelter was opened and Carter was practically pushed in, tumbling over the edge of large stones until he fell onto an even softer bed of moss. Carter gave a warry smile to the tribesman.

"So, um, what now?" Carter asked, giving a shrug. The tribesman stuck his head out and rested his head on it for a moment. Carter nodded, "A nap, alright... After all that I could use a nap." Carter said. He hated to miss out on the opportunity to learn but his body ached, his muscles ached and the bed did feel rather soft. Carter stretched out on the moss bed, letting his head lay down... and slowly he fell into a deep sleep that he didn't even realize his body had been craving.


Drums... once more the drums entered Carter's dreaming. His eyes opened with a start, but this time the drums didn't go away. If anything, they were far more rhythmic than the anthropologist had expected, intermixed with a deep resonating chant from the tribe. Carter pushed himself up from the moss bed, crawling slowly over to the doorway of the hut. Gently Carter eased the door open just enough to see out of the hut.

The moon had risen high in his absence, the familiar sounds of a night in the Amazon returning to his senses. Carter felt even worse for leaving Tomás to worry... but he was learning so very much every second he was here. The tribesman had gathered around the roaring fire, chanting and drumming. The tan pigment that had been in the barrels had been spread in a v shape around their eyes and down to the bridge of their noses. They had also ringed their mouths with the light coloring. They had... also gotten rid of their loincloths, standing completely naked.

A short distance from the hut the elder stood on a raised wooden platform, looking over the rest of his tribe. Large leafs and fronds were tied to the base to give it the illusion of being more than just a wooden platform, although the back corner seemed to have a larger gap, enough for someone to squeeze through. Carter practically drooled at his opportunity. He dropped down low to the ground, leaving the confines of the shelter.

Crouched, the anthropologist crossed the distance between the hut and the platform, navigating behind barrels to stay out of sight. It was imperative that he study the tribe without his interference to see what this ceremony truly represented. Carter heaved a breath of relief when he finally made it behind the platform, obscured from sight. He rose up and turned sideways, squeezing through the gap into the base of the platform. He had to keep his head a bit bent since it wasn't quite as tall as he was, but it was the perfect spot... He could peek out from between the leaf covering without being seen.

The music was well practiced, held constant by all of them... But it seemed that the pattern of dancing was quite different. There was a steady pattern most held but then seemingly at random an individual would start rocking back and forth and the others would turn to watch him. The tribesman that had rescued Carter was among the first to start the new pattern. As he stood, rocking back and forth his tan body glistened in the firelight, his curly black hair and beard seeming so primal. The patches of fur all over his body seemed so dark and intense.

Carter watched the rocking, almost mesmerized by the swaying of so much muscle, those long members between their legs swinging back and forth. These people were the epitome of what male was. Just as Carter made that observation, it seemed as if the entire tribe reached the same conclusion. In unison the entire tribe reached out, wrapping one big meaty hand around their shafts... and then the other. They began to stroke slowly, building up momentum. Those rocking back and forth were the only ones to thrust their hands faster, panting and groaning.

Another kind of groaning came from the platform above Carter as the elder was apparently stroking himself off, jerking and rocking, panting. Carter looked up through the bars of the platform, watching the elder. He had neglected to keep an eye on him, neglected to realize he was one of the rocking bodies. His face had been coated in a black pigment in contrast with the rest of the tribe. His cock had been covered as well... and as he jerked off the pigment spread to his hands. Carter gazed up at the elder, mystified.

The moonlight shone off of the elder's body hair, making it seem to grow lighter... the patches of grey hair were almost silver. His long beard seemed to have been brushed out, hanging all the way past his nipples. The elder took one large hand off of his cock, letting out a low grunt. His other hand was so large that it covered the cock from base to tip. Carter blinked, how had he been able to have both hands on it a moment before? The groaning of the platform soon grew worse and as Carter watched, the Elder's feet spread out on the wooden beams.

"Oh my god..." Carter whispered in shock, realizing what was going on. It wasn't a play of the light, it wasn't a trick of some drug. The elder was changing. The rocking of his body continued, shifting his weight to his toes and then to his heal. Each shift in weight spread his feet wider. To his sides one large hand hung in place, swaying as his left hand vigorously worked at his long shaft. The black pigment had coated it, making it stand out against the lighter patches of hair on the elder... but that discoloration was spreading. Streaks of grey spread to the black, fading to a crisp white. His beard was white, his hair was white, the hair from his pits and his chest... Soon he was covered in soft white hair.

Slowly the hair covering the elder lost its natural curliness, the hair starting to seem far more smooth. His huge black cock was highly visible against the white fur... as that was more of what it was. Carter watched in astonishment as the hair spread to cover every inch of his body. It even worked up from his beard, becoming short black hairs where the pigment was as opposed to the longer white fur everywhere else.

In the midst of the spreading fur, the elder's ears darkened to a soft fleshy black color, shifting and stretching into short points, both ears tilting back just a bit as an animal's might have been shaped. The elder lifted his head to the moon and let out a great roar. Even from below Carter was able to watch his face contort as he roared, his nose flattening out, his mouth pushing forward, the brow ridge getting more prominent. It was a terrifying mix of animal and man.

Claws burst from the elder's toes and hands, his palms a deep dark black against the white of his fur. With a startling surge blood pooled into the elder's black cock, letting it stretch out and grow, veins lining the length of the obsidian colored manhood. Once more both giant hands wrapped around it, thrusting up and down the length that had to at least measure two and a half feet long. Carter was frozen in shock, in fear. He was standing beneath a yeti... A mythical creature in the midst of the Amazon.

"Ta goo..." Came a moan from outside. Carter slowly turned around, looking out at the dancers in the ring. The ones that had started rocking back and forth were starting to change as well, albeit slower. Their hands had grown, their feet, their cocks. The hair on their bodies glistened, seeming twice as dense as before. Carter looked back up at the elder, wondering if they would all become such beasts.

As Carter looked up, the elder moaned deeply. His furry ball sack tugged up, his cock pulsed and he let out a deep, resonating purr as a jet of thick, feral cum arced up from his cock before splattering on the platform. It poured over the wooden beams, falling in a shower that splattered across Carter's face. Carter spat out the salty liquid, trying to wipe it from his skin. The sensation was enough to shake him from his stance. He had to get out of there, had to escape before they ate him... or something worse.

Carter squeezed out of the gap in the platform, sneaking past the barrels and the huts, making his way to the outer ring of the village. He looped around carefully in the dark, tripping and falling a few times. He knew they wouldn't forget him forever, he couldn't wait for anything. Even outside the village he could hear the groans and moans of the tribe growing more and more animal.

Adrenaline had never been something the anthropologist experienced an excess of. There were of course times when he got a rush from a find, a surge from a potent encounter with someone special... but never anything like this. Time seemed to stand still as Carter ran for his life. He left the village behind, passing the stone markers. In a few short minutes he made it to the river. He looked up and down the banks before he jogged up, finding a fallen tree to crawl across most of the way. Standing at the snapped trunk in the midst of the river, he looked over to the roots on the cliff and trusted in faith. Carter pushed off, grabbing a hold of the roots before he began to hoist himself up. Climbing was something he had excelled at.

Hand by hand Carter pulled himself up the cliff, his feet finding holds in the roots wherever they could. He was panting gently, but not from the exertion. If anything it seemed the adrenaline was making it easier than ever for Carter to climb. He was panting because the images of the village were replaying in his mind. The lost tribe, the missing link... They actually were able to slip back and forth between humanoid and simian... Was it possible that bigfoot was from the same genetic background? Carter groaned as his groin rubbed against several roots, swelling from the attention.

"Not now..." Carter begged his own body as he managed to slide up onto even ground. He stood up and looked around, hearing the spring fountain in the distance. Carter began to move, keeping quick to avoid any sinkholes and wind up right back where he started. The leaves above him rustled as more creatures moved through the branches, startled by the human running beneath them. Carter lunged under vines and over stumps, hopping from stone to stone. He was making fantastic time... and at last he saw the tent up ahead.

"Tomás!" He called out, feet pounding as he ran across the camp, worrying that his assistant would no longer be there. "Tomás, we have to get out of here!" Carter shouted. He threw the entrance of the tent open and climbed inside, having to kneel to get through the entrance. To Carter's surprise Tomás was not only standing in the tent facing the back... but he was jerking off again. Carter was furious although with how hard his own cock had gotten he couldn't blame the kid. "Tomás, we have to get out of here!" Carter exclaimed.

Tomás turned around, grunting and moaning, huge hands working on a cock that was growing an inch in his hand every time he pumped it. It seemed to be at least eighteen inches long. His forehead was misshapen, the bones above his eyes pushed out into a swollen brow ridge. His face as covered in a short bushy beard and one impossibly large hand tugged on a swollen nipple, brushing against chest hair that was starting to emerge. Seeing Carter, Tomás let out another deep moan and his cock let loose, spraying more cum onto the face of his employer.

Carter didn't even bother trying to get the sperm wiped off this time, climbing out as fast as he had entered. His escape was short lived as he slammed into black furry legs. A huge hand came down and grabbed Carter by the shoulder, lifting him up off the ground. Another black yeti grabbed the tent, ripping it out of the ground to reveal Tomás. The destroyer of the tent grunted, pointing back to the village. Tomás nodded in agreement and began to follow, his right hand never leaving his cock, his eyes never leaving Carter where he was held in the grasp of one of the tribesmen.

Carter had assumed his trip back to the camp was in record time but the furry beasts that had come to get him made it look like he had run a marathon with a broken leg. The trees moved so fast they were practically blurs. With a leap the beasts arched over the river, landing roughly. Carter watched as Tomás landed, his feet having grown quite large, the hair spreading all over his chest and arms. As they resumed running there was a groan and Tomás' shirt burst, the fabric falling in tatters to the ground.

Carter saw the stone markers pass by again, they were moments from the village. The shaking, the vibration... It was all so much. He blushed as his own manhood rubbed against the beast's arm, rock hard. The whole forest seemed rank with musk. Carter licked his lips, not even realizing he was doing it. The group of tribesman slowed down as the fire crackled. Carter cringed as the hands closed around his waist and he was hoisted up at least twenty feet in the air, showed off to the tribe as a prize.

Many more of the tribe had turned into the big hairy beasts, the Elder moving among them all. He slammed both fists to his chest before pointing at Carter and then the moss bed he had been first dropped into. Carter licked at his lips again before realizing that he had never bothered to wipe Tomás' cum from his face. He groaned in shock that he had made such an oversight. He looked around in surprise as he was lowered to the ground once more, the moss bed soft beneath him. The elder grunted several times before the transformed yeti's backed up away from Carter. Those undergoing the change moved forward, Tomás among them.

"Tha Goodnosss!" One of the furry beasts declared and at once the writhing mass of beasts began to thrust their hands around their cocks, working back and forth. They were coated in smeared precum, curly bushes moist with sweat and musk. Carter looked around for a way to escape but there wasn't enough room between any of their legs. He gasped as he felt a hot splatter land on his shirt, then another on his leg. He grunted and moaned deeper as his cock got almost painfully hard. The pressure was building, the pants seeming almost constricting.

Carter reached down, sliding the button from his pants, the zipper being undone merely by his bulge pressing against it. The underwear was swollen tight against his package, constricting. Carter grunted hard as he reached down to try and get it off, his grunt only causing those around him to repeat it. Carter tugged on the cotton, trying to tear it. Another hot splatter of cum from those around him landed right on the exposed white material, soaking through it until he could see his hard, veined cock throbbing beneath. After one more tug the material tore and Carter's hard cock practically shot out like a spring, bobbing in the air.

With the manhood wagging in his face, Carter's instincts were far too strong to ignore it. He curled his fingers around his length, starting to thrust up and down. It felt better than anything he had ever experienced. Carter moaned deeply, panting, lifting his hips up to thrust against an invisible lover. The cock started to stretch longer and thicker with each thrust, as if his hand was stretching it. Carter looked up to watch Tomás change, his shoulders hunching with muscle, his arms stretching well past his hips. Tomás' chest barreled out, muscles rippling beneath the skin as he grew almost a foot at a time.

But watching Tomás change did not scare Carter... it turned him on. Carter jerked off more wildly than before, howling out in bliss. More wads of cum splashed all over him. Carter's head throbbed as his forehead pushed out, his hair growing longer. His pecs began to swell, his nipples pushing against the shirt so tight that the seam began to pop. A tearing sound came as his shoulders stretched wide enough to break the string holding the fabric, more tearing came as Carter's biceps and triceps grew bigger than the sleeves. His shirt practically exploded from him, revealing the hairy skin beneath.

The stubble pushed out from Carter's cheeks and grew thicker, becoming a short and bushy beard in seconds. Brown hair exploded from Carter's chest before it spread out, circling his nipples, dropping down his chest and across his stomach, even moving up to meet with his beard. A thick nest of curly brown hair emerged around Carter's two foot long cock, his balls covered in the downy fur. He kept jerking off furiously, looking up to see eight yeti's working their cocks around him. He would be the last to change, the newest member of the tribe.

Carter grunted deeply as he felt his teeth change in his mouth, his tongue swell up. The forest became clearer and easier to see around him... as did his nose as it grew flat before him. Tingles covered his body as the last of his fur pushed in, his pants exploding from his legs. His entire body throbbed and it looked as if the village was shrinking... but it was quite the opposite, he was growing as large as his clansmen.

School, anthropology, research. It all was a forgotten relic of the past... though he had an awareness of the many poor child apes out there that lacked hair and sex... a problem the tribe was very sad about, but ready to help out with. Deep howls came from around the camp and Carter joined in, raising his head to the moon, his huge mouth releasing the beastly noise as his cock and those of all those around him spasmed, pulsing as thick cum sprayed out, coating everyone and everything around. It would be an incredible night of celebration.