
Story by Seigi on SoFurry

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#2 of Incest Stuff

"Andrew. Mathew. Time to get up." Hearing their mother beyond the closed bedroom door, Mathew and Andrew both froze, their eyes meeting, horrified at what might happen if she opened the door to see them like this. Andrew nearly let a moan slip from his mouth as he felt his brother bring his head up and let his rigid cock fell from his warm wet mouth; Andrew's shaft hitting his stomach with a lewd wet smack.

Added to his shaft rubbing against his soft light brown belly fur, Andrew gasped as his brother's furred digit was suddenly pulled out of his anal ring, causing it to clench tight from the hasty retreat.

Mathew staggered out of bed as he turned on his heel and rushed to the door. His heart almost beating out of his chest as he saw the golden-colored door knob slowly turn and the door begin to push open. Time around Matt seemed to almost come to a stand still as his legs carried him further from his sibling and closer to his mother; not even realizing it, he had stopped the door from opening and was face to face with his mom.

Just a half inch wide opening showed him how close she was to finding out her sons' secret they had kept from her and her husband.

"Oh, Matt; you're up. Didn't realize you were awake so soon." Pausing, she looked curiously at her son noticing how he panted in catching his breath, but in a way like he was trying to not let her see it.

"Are you okay?" Trying to nudge the door further open, she was puzzled to find resistance as Matt tried to keep it where it was. Not only that but he seemed a bit shaky for some reason, but what she didn't know was Mathew's sudden awareness to the cold air around his naked crotch and hard member being pressed against the door.

"Honey, let me in so I can have a look at you. You look like you were frightened half to death!"

"No, it's okay," Matt started as he brought a webbed paw up to stop his mother. "I'm fine. Really. I just had a bit of a nightmare; that's it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Mom, I'm sure."

"Alright," Giving up on getting inside she went back to the reason why she was there in the first place. "Well I wanted to tell you and your brother than your father and I are going out before you two head off. We had something for you two before you boys leave."

A soft groan from inside the room caught both their attentions. (Mathew felt his heart almost stop beating right then and there!)

"What was that?"

Matt hesitated for the briefest of moments as he tried to think of something to get his mother away from the door.

"It was Andrew. He's been feeling a dinner so I got him some medicine." Sensing something was the matter, Mathew's mother pushed her head through the crack, opening the door as well from the maneuver taking her son off guard, and spotted Andrew on the bed.

'We're so dead, we're so dead, we're so dead, 'raced through Mathew's mind over and over as he slowly turned his head to face his brother. Surprised by the sight on the bed he let out the gulp of air he hadn't known he had been holding in.

Andrew lay in the purple-covered bed, covered completely and on his side. "Hey sweetie, you up? Are you okay?"

"Yeah Mom, I'm fine. I am feeling a little better." Andrew replied, his voice hushed but still had a recognizable nervous undertone to it.

"That's good to hear. I'll go let your father know you're feeling a bit under the weather." Both brothers let out a heavy sigh of relief when their mom pulled her head away from the door. Mathew thanking his lucky stars that she hadn't even noticed he was in his birthday suit. Neither made any movement until they could hear her footsteps disappear which signaled that she had just stepped onto the soft carpet in the living room.

As soon as her footsteps couldn't be heard anymore, Mathew shot a glare at his brother that made Andrew lower the small rounded ears on his head and look down to avoid Matt's gaze. Ever since they could remember they'd been able to talk to one another without any real vocal communication, but through the slightest facial movements and almost being able to tell just what the other was thinking.

It was no different here and Andrew easily understood what his brother was "saying" to him: "What the FUCK was that about?!"

"I-I'm sorry, Matt," Andrew stammered, still trying to avoid his twin's gaze. "It's just that y-you got me so close...and when the sheet rubbed against me...I thought I was gonna shoot! I barely kept myself from cumming, but I couldn't stop myself from moaning like that..."

Shaking his head, Matt started to walk over to one of the dozen boxes that were in the room stacked up against the wall nearest his brother's side of the bed and rummaged through it. Pulling out two sets of clothes, Mathew tossed a set onto his brother's lap.

"Whatever. Let's just get dressed before Mom comes back." He was still a tad bit shaky from what happened. Yeah, he could count the number of times something like this had happened on both his hands, but this time was the closest they've come to getting caught in the act. And getting caught was one thing they definitely didn't want to happen.

"Wait, you're not going to finish what you started?" Andrew started to protest; his brother, in response, straightened up as he pulled on his pants and had began to leisurely walk over to the bed. Crawling over to his older (only by 14 minutes) brother with an almost predator-like movement, Mathew placed his left hand onto his brother's chest and pushed him gently down onto his back. Bringing his head down to a mere half inch away from his brother's muzzle, Matt grinned cheekily as he watched a tinted blush grow on the insides of his bro's ears.

"You really want to get off, huh?"

Andrew nodded slowly as he stared into the two pools of cyan blue that matched his own eye color.

"Well then." Mathew began to seat himself back into an upright position.

"You'll just have to wait till later then, now won't you?" Just as the words hit his ears Andrew watched his sibling slide off the bed, grab a pale colored shirt, and slip it over his head as he walked to the door.

"And don't you dare get off until then." The firm sternness in his voice made a cold shiver run down Andrew's spine, making him shudder. He had learned his lesson the first time when his brother said that. He didn't know it at the time but Matt had scrounged up the money to buy a sex toy and decided to use it on him when he fell asleep after getting off to a porn video. He ended up waking up the next day to find a chastity belt on his sheath and Matt didn't take it off until a month full of torturous teasing had gone by.

Following his brother, Andrew quickly dressed himself and stepped out of their bedroom. As they made their way into the living room their father, Max, rounded the corner as he left the kitchen. He was dressed simply in a bright lime green bathrobe that covered his beer belly and somewhat out-of-shape figure, and it stood out against his profound dark brown fur, Max barely had time to look up before stopping abruptly to keep from bumping into his sons'.

Max spoke quietly in a deep voice as his gaze fell upon Mathew and Andrew. "I see you both are up; that's good. I asked your mother to get something from the garage so we can talk alone."

Both brothers glanced at each other momentarily before meeting their father's unbroken gaze once more. Mathew was the first to speak up to break the silence that started to fall between the three. "Ummm...okay. Why did you want to speak to us?"

Max straightened out his posture, his large tail swaying gently behind him. "I know all about your little secret."

you guys wanted a squeal to so here it is~

please leave a comment on what you thought of the story or if you have any advise for me to improve my work. Seriously I'd love to improve. It be awesome to improve owo

and if you wanna see more of these two otter brothers say so (^o^)/