Timmy (Chapter 3)

Story by Timmythewolf on SoFurry

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Sean admits he's in love with Timmy. But when he tries to come out to his parents it all goes horribly wrong. What will happen? Read now.

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Chapter three.

This is not the last one. There will be more. I believe I have improved a great deal since the first chapter. Please give me more tips so I can be better! Remember I'm not a native speaker (or writer) so it is difficult for me.

Recap. My jaw dropped open. I was shocked. Did he like me? The thought was interrupted by Sean saying goodnight. Whatever. I couldn't sleep anymore.


Still the 20th of September 2003,

It was six in the morning. I haven't really slept. I looked all night at the shadowy glow of Sean's body. There was a beam of light entering the room through the slightly open crimson curtains. I was sweating. I had been pleasuring myself quietly during the night. All the cum made my fur sticky. I heard the front door slam shut. My dad has long working hours. I usually don't see him in the weekends. Sean stretched himself, wriggled a bit and kicked his sheets away. I was surprised by what I saw. He had gotten out of his underwear and was now completely naked. His cock throbbing out of his sheath. I gasped. I looked at it. It was quite large, about an inch larger than mine. I wondered what he was dreaming of. As I felt my own cock growing, I decided to take a shower before he woke up.

I walked across the hallway into the bathroom. I got rid of my pj's and started the shower. I got under it. I adjusted the temperature until it was hot. I quickly rinsed my fur and got out. I grabbed a towel and dried myself. I bound the towel around my waist and walked to my room. Sean was still sleeping. I got to my dresser and put the towel on top of it. I opened it and took my dark blue Tommy Hilfiger boxers out. I walked to my desk and looked at the thermometer. It was a hot day. So I took my black Bermuda shorts and a tight white shirt. It was my favorite shirt because you could see my well built form clearly. As I was finished I sat on my bed. I looked at Sean. His boner had worn down slightly. He probably noticed me because he started to wake up. ''-yawn- What time is it?'' He asked, clearly not noticing the state he was in. I looked on the clock. ''Uhm, it's a quarter to seven.'' I replied. He looked at me. ''AM?'' He asked in disbelief. ''Yes.'' I said back. He noticed his half hard cock. ''Oh, shit.'' He said as he grabbed his sheets to cover it up.

I laughed. ''There's no need to cover it up. I've already gotten a good look at it a few minutes ago.'' He fidgeted. ''Oh, crap. Well I need to get dressed anyway.'' He dumped the sheets. The blush on his face was clearly visible through his stunning white fur. He walked to his briefs and quickly put them on. He stopped and looked at me. I smiled. ''I-Is mine... You know... Small?'' He stuttered. He was blushing madly, clearly embarrassed. ''W-Well, No, yours is... Larger than mine.'' I said. He looked at his crotch, the shape of his cock was clearly visible through his underwear. Still blushing he ran downstairs. Before I could ask him why he came back up with his bag. He put on some clothes. When he was done, we walked back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and made pancakes. I was really good at making pancakes. I gave Sean a plate and got myself one as well. We sat down in the living room. I focused my gaze on him. ''What happened to your briefs anyway.'' I asked as I took another bite of my pancake without looking away. ''Ehm... I kinda like to sleep naked.'' He said. His blush came back again. ''No need to blush. I don't care how you sleep.'' I said. He blushed even more at this. That day we went outside to the pool in the back yard and held a Back to the future marathon. I loved that movie. It felt like the day flew by in just a couple of seconds.

''Hey, I have got to tell you something.'' Sean said as he stood up from the sofa. I got up as well. ''Do!'' I said. He blushed again. ''Well, I don't know how to tell you this.'' He said. I looked at him. ''Last night, you know with that dream, and yesterday afternoon with the kiss. I think I really liked it.'' He said. He started pacing around the room. He stopped in his tracks and looked straight at the ground. ''I think I'm gay too.'' He said. I walked to him. ''So you won't freak out when I kiss you again?'' I asked while getting closer to him. ''I don't know.'' He said and leaned in closer. I did as well and put my lips on his. This time, he didn't pull away. I held his head and we just kissed. This was my first real kiss. I know I've kissed him before but that wasn't real. It's only real if the feeling is mutual. This was most definitley real. As we were kissing I looked into my future knowing it would be a lot brighter now.

Sean pulled away. ''Does this mean that we're together?'' I went airborne at the thought. I nodded. ''Like you're my boyfriend?'' He asked. I nodded again. ''I like that.'' He said and gave me another kiss. He is a great kisser. He broke away again. ''But what about school? What do we tell them?'' He asked. I held his paws. ''We'll just tell them. Be ourselves.'' I said. ''But what if we get bullied?'' He asked. He looked scared. ''Then we'll beat them up.'' I said as I gave him a hug. He laughed. We had a romantic dinner (french fries in the snack bar around the block) and I walked him home. Right outside his house we stopped. ''Right, what about mom and dad?'' He asked. ''Tell them, they're okay with me being gay right?'' I said as I gave him a kiss. ''Yeah, they don't know about you.'' He said. ''And my dad is kinda weird with this sort of stuff.'' He said as he grew uncomfortable. ''You're their son, I'm sure they'll understand.'' I said. He hesitated. ''Tell you what. You go and tell them, I'll wait here. If he freaks, we'll run away.'' I said as I gave him a pat on the back. I wished him good luck and he went inside.

~Sean's point of view~

I had never been so nervous in my life. I walked through the front door. I went inside. My parents were sitting in the kitchen. Dad reading a book and mom doing the dishes. I greeted them. ''Hi guys.'' I said. ''You're late Sean. What have you been up to?'' Dad asked removing his gaze from his book. I ignored his question. ''Could you come into the living room? I have something important to tell you.'' I said and directed my finger in the direction of the living room. I went in first and looked outside. Tim was right there. He waved at me. I pointed at the tree. I wasn't sure if he would be seen but it was best to be careful. He got the message and got behind it. Now I could only see part of his head. My parents walked in. We all sat down on the couch. ''What is it?'' Mom asked. She looked agitated. ''It's about me and Sean'' I said hoping they would get the message. ''Then what is it about you two?'' Dad said.

He was getting a bit edgy. ''He's gay.'' I said. Hoping they would react neutrally. They didn't. ''And how long did you know that?'' My dad asked while biting his lip in anger. ''Uhm, since the first day of school.'' I said. ''WHAT!?! And why are you friends with this faggot then?'' He raised his voice. ''Well, he's really nice and friendly.'' I said. I almost cried knowing he wouldn't accept us. ''No faggot is nice and friendly. All they want to do is fuck you in the ass and jizz all over you!'' He said. I saw his white fur turning bright red with anger. A tear ran across my face. ''He's not like that. I know that. All those stories about gay people you told me are wrong. He's the kindest person I have ever met and I love him.'' I didn't realize what I said until I said it. Dad looked like he was about to explode. ''Are you a fag?'' He asked me quietly but he was filled with anger. ''Yes, I am gay, dad. And you can't change that!'' I shouted at him. He snapped and punched me in the stomach. ''The next one's in your face. Are you a fag?'' He held my shirt in his paw and raised his fist. ''I prefer gay. It sounds friendlier.'' I said. Big mistake. He punched me in my muzzle. I looked at mom. She just sat there looking mad at me. I got another blow to the head. Then to the stomach. I heard a loud bang which drew the attention of my parents for a moment. Tim was trying to break the glass. Dad gave me another punch. Then Tim picked up a brick and threw it through the glass inside. We all got covered in glass. My dad took advantage of this and grabbed a shard. He cut into my shoulder. I yelped. Before I knew it Tim got in and punched my dad. He picked me up. I lay on his shoulders. I was dizzy. Tim jumped out the window followed by dad. Despite me slowing him down we still were a bit faster. ''Can you walk?'' He huffed as he ran further. I nodded. ''Okay, can you run?'' He asked again. I nodded. He put me on the ground and I needed to find my balance. I heard my dad screaming as he got closer. ''Come on!'' Tim said as he took my hand and ran away together. After a terrible thirty minute walk, we reached his house. Dad had given up. We got inside and he guided me to the couch. I lay down.

~Timmy's point of view~

Sean was a mess. He was covered in bruises and blood. I went to get some ice. I gave it to Sean. He thanked me. He coughed up some blood. His nose was bleeding badly as well. He put the bag on his head. I sat next to him. ''Does it hurt anywhere else?'' I asked. He looked hurt. ''Yeah, my shoulder hurts like hell.'' He said. I took the bag of ice from him and took his blood stained shirt off. He was bleeding quite badly from his shoulder. I could also notice claw wounds on his abs. ''Jesus!'' I exclaimed and threw his shirt in the corner. I grabbed a clean cloth from the kitchen cabinet and tried to stop the bleeding. The front door opened. I heard my dad come in whistling. Thank god he was home early. I looked up. ''Dad! Come in here, quick.'' I yelled. Soon he stormed into the living room. He looked at Sean, then panicked. ''What the fuck happened?'' He asked. ''He got beaten up.'' I said pushing the cloth on his wound. ''How bad is it?'' He asked whilst pushing a cloth on the wounds on his stomach. Sean whined. ''He can still walk.'' I said. ''We'd better get him to the hospital.'' Dad said as he took his car keys. Sean took my shoulder to get upright and I supported him to the car. Sean and I got in the back. Dad turned the key and the engine roared to life. He sped off the driveway and with squeaking tires he took the first turn. The hospital was only two miles away and with my dad's driving style, we got there rather quickly. We ran through the main entrance and went to the desk. We had to fill out a form. We gave Sean to the nurses and went into the waiting room. Dad looked at me. ''What happened to him?'' He asked as he picked out his seat. ''He got beaten up by his dad, after telling him he was gay.'' I said and looked down to the ground. It was all my fault, I forced him into it. ''But, that's terrible. Why would someone do that to their own son?'' He asked. I didn't respond. A tear rolled from my eye and dripped on the floor. Dad gave me a friendly hug. And tried to comfort me. I started crying.

45 minutes later.

Sean was finally released. He had some stitches in his shoulder and stomach. As he walked out I ran to him and gave him a hug. I cried my heart out. ''I'm so sorry I forced you into it. Please, Please don't be mad, I thought he would understand it but he didn't and now we're all covered in blood.'' I whined in one sentence. As I gasped for breath I thought he would be extremely mad. So I was surprised when he wasn't. ''It's not your fault. My parents never really did anything for me. I was all on myself from age six. I doubt if they knew that they had a son at all.'' He gave me a kiss. I was relieved. Grateful he wasn't mad. I looked at his shoulder. ''How long are you gonna have those stitches?'' The doctor did a real good job. ''Ten days for the shoulder. My belly didn't need any. They'll heal without them.'' He said. He looked at the ground and a tear ran down. ''But now I have nowhere to go. And all my stuff is still there.'' He said. Dad walked up to us. ''So you guys are a couple, huh?'' He said looking at us thoroughly. ''Yes.'' I said. Sean just blushed. Dad smiled. ''Don't worry Sean, I'll get your stuff. You can stay with us.'' He said and gave us both a hug. ''Christ it's almost midnight. Alright, let's not wait any longer, let's get your stuff.'' He said as we walked towards the exit. We got back in the car and drove off to Sean's house.

As we got closer, we saw Sean's dad covering the hole where used to be glass with plastic. Dad raised an eyebrow. We pulled over at the side of the road where no one could see us. ''So, what do I need to get?'' I asked as he looked to Sean. Sean thought for a moment. ''There's a bag in my room. If you put my clothes and laptop in there, then get my school books. Bookcase, middle shelf. Oh, and also my wallet which is in the kitchen cabinet. And, that's about it.'' He said. My dad and I nodded and the two of us walked to the house. ''Right, let me talk to Mr. Thingy and then you slip in he said as he steadily paced to the small house. Get the stuff and come back with it.'' He said determined. ''But what about Mrs. Thingy?'' I said. Dad stopped in his tracks. It appeared as if he didn't took that into account. ''Use force if necessary.'' He said and started walking again. I grinned. ''Why can't you just arrest them for child abuse?'' I asked. He didn't look away from the house. ''Because then I have to call it in, and then the lab guys come to take evidence like DNA samples. I don't want them to find your DNA.'' He said. Fair enough. Neither did I. He walked to the front door as I slipped around the back. I opened the bright white back door which was unlocked as usual. I sneaked into the kitchen and opened some of the cabinets. I quickly found his wallet and quickly turned around to head upstairs. As I quietly passed the living room I saw his parents and my dad having a heavy argument. I quietly walked up the stairs and went from the corridor into his room. His room was large and white. Just like every other room in the house. As I opened his closet, I saw that he wasn't very organized. Everything was put on one massive pile. I found some bags under his bed, along with what appeared to be a worn out piece of paper. I picked up the paper and sat down on his desk chair. As I saw what was on there I damn nearly fell over.

It was a drawing of me. It looked fairly accurate. I was naked and posing in a sexual way. My eyes stretched wide as soon as I saw the date on the bottom right corner. Timmy, By: Sean Lewis, 25th of August 2003. No way, that was the first day of school. Sean sure is a fantastic drawer. As I put the drawing into my pocket and his clothes in the bag, I went looking for his laptop. I soon found it. It was a brand new MacBook Pro. It was turned on. I couldn't resist and took a look. There were mostly text files for school projects but the pictures he takes on a regular basis were on there too. Nothing interesting. So I took the computer and put it in the bag. That was now more than full. I couldn't get the zipper closed. No big deal. I got the other bag and decided to put his school books in it. I walked closer to the bookcase across the bright white room, my paws pacing steadily on the white carpet. As I arrived I had a look, I found all sorts of books. They were all randomly put in. As I tried finding the books I was scared to death as I felt a paw on my shoulder. I quickly looked around to see who it was and was relieved to see my dad there. ''How did you get in?'' I asked while turning back to the bookcase. ''I floored them, of course.'' We laughed. I found the books in the bookcase, all on different shelves. I got the two bags and we quickly walked out of the room, into the small, white corridor. We ran downstairs and quickly got out of the front door. As we ran towards the car on the illuminated street, I lost my balance and nearly fell over. I corrected myself and quickly reached the car. I opened the trunk and put the bags in there. I closed it and walked around to get in the back seat. ''I only have like the coolest dad ever.'' I said. As I looked at Sean I could tell he thought the same. My dad laughed and started the engine. We drove of to our house. Everything was going to be all well from now on.