The Risk is the Reward 5

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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#5 of The Risk is the Reward

Jayson is on his fourth day of living with Mistress. What does she have planned for him now?

The Risk is the Reward 5

By Duffin Caprous


The following story contains the following acts:












Forced Piercing

Forced Tattoo


Unseen Sex Act

Disclaimer: This story is of an adult nature and therefore, if you are under 18, you need to not read this. However, if you do choose to not heed my warning, don't let your parents sue me!

Jayson awoke to the sound of the door opening. In the doorway stood Mistress and the bunny immediately whimpered softly. He almost thought he could see her smirk evilly.

"Bitch, you disobeyed me last night. Normally you would have been punished immediately, but I was much too frustrated to do so. That's not the case now, however, so you needn't worry," she said in a level, domineering voice. The otter wore a sensible outfit, just a v-neck shirt and jeans, like she was ready to go out for the day as she walked in and gripped at the bunny's ears.

Jayson cried out and did his best to get to his feet without having the use of his arms, since they were still bound at his sides. He scrambled and finally made it to his feet which met him with a smack to his face. Jayson cried out in pain at the stinging on his cheek. Still holding his ears, she tugged him through the house. He noticed it was about 8 o'clock in the morning. The boy suddenly remembered what one of her friends had said about the abusive punishment she'd dolled out to "Carrion" and he whimpered.

"You see, I am a very fair person, but when my property can't obey simple commands, then we have a problem. You want to cum so badly?" she asked him as he suddenly realized he was being lead to the front yard. He struggled a little bit, pulling away which just drew a growl and a sharp smack to his face again, "You better stop resisting me, you little shit. You're on thin ice as it is."

Opening the door, she lead the bound and naked boy out into the yard. The otteress' yard was wide open. No fences or bushes got in the way to obscure him. He whimpered in fear and embarrassment, especially when he felt his sheath plump a little bit.

"As I was want to cum so bad? Fine, you can cum as many times as you want right here," she told him, leading him to a metal pole stuck into the ground. He looked a little confused, but yelped out as he felt her unbuckle his arms and yank them behind him to wrap around the pole where they were reattached together. She also forced a ring gag into his muzzle, forcing his jaws apart. He could make noise, but not beg to be let out. Jayson blushed intensely, feeling his small bunnyhood slide from that sheath.

Mistress firmly smacked at the boy's hardening bunnyhood, "Look at you, fucking slut. You're hard just thinking of all my neighbors watching you get your rocks off, aren't you?" she asked him, which made him blush intensely. Mistress knelt down at the bunny's side and he held his breath, assuming she was going to give him a blow job. He had no such luck, though, because she lifted a sleeve with what appeared to be button snaps on them. It was slid around his cock. He watched as she attached colored wires to the sleeve and his eyes widened.

"You will be out here for as long as I feel is necessary, slut. By the time you're released, you'll never want to fucking cum again," she said sinisterly, "Oh, and I almost forgot a couple things..." the otteress walked away, leaving Jayson alone. A few moments later, she returned with an A-frame sign board. One the board were the words: Abuse this whore however you like. A few items are included for your assistance. Do not remove its cock sleeve, please. Beside the sign, Mistress placed a box. Jayson couldn't quite see what was in the box, but he had a feeling he wouldn't like them.

Jayson whimpered, feeling completely exposed to the rest of the neighborhood. It was still early that many were only just waking up, but soon the place would get a lot of foot traffic. His dick throbbed in arousal at that thought, which made him blush intensely.

"Oh, yes, and finally, at random intervals, your little pole here will become electrified. It's up to you to decide if you want to take the chance and lean against it. Certainly not enough to seriously harm you, but it will hurt. Enjoy your day," she says, leaving him with those parting words.

Jayson shuddered and whimpered, gingerly touching the metal pole with his bare back. Mercifully, she had not electrified it yet. He suddenly cried out, though, as a jolt of electricity shot through his cock, making it jump. Another came, making him feel like a ring was spinning around his cock. Jayson couldn't help but moan out at the odd sensation. The feeling spiraled up from the base to his tip over and over and then began to pulse for a few minutes before spiraling again.

The bunny bucked against the sleeve a little, blushing deeply as he closed his eyes. The pleasure grew quickly and he yelped out, hips thrusting at the air, as he came hard, spurting a few streams of bunny cum onto the grass below him. He heard someone gasp. His eyes flew open and he saw an elderly panda woman. She looked disgusted and muttered about how shameful Jayson was being before quickly walking away.

Jayson's face burned with shame. The electro sleeve kept going, however, in that same pattern of spirals and pulses. Jayson's dick had little chance to soften as it was worked over. Jayson yelped suddenly as the pole gave him a sharp jolt of electricity. It wasn't pleasurable like the ones around his cock. It hurt. He tried to pull away from the pole only to press his wrists to the pole, receiving another sharp jolt. Jayson broke almost immediately, crying softly at the treatment he was getting. He tried to keep his balance and open his arms wide behind him to keep from touch the pole.

All the while, that sleeve kept going, but it finally changed up so Jayson couldn't get used to it. The strong pulses felt like they were squeezing Jayson's tip while someone stroked his cock hard up and down. The bunny moaned out loudly into his ring gag and came again, his hips jerking. The intense orgasm made him forget about the pole. He soon remembered as his back touched it, making him yelp in pain.

Tears began to stream down his face in utter humiliation. A few of the neighbors came outside to see what was making the noise, only to find Jayson there trussed up in plain view. Many of them laughed derisively and a few walked closer to apparently get a better look at the bunny's humiliation.

The voltage in the pole stopped and Jayson panted, trying to catch his breath. The sleeve around his small dick was relentless. Even throughout his orgasms, it kept going, but not as strongly. He assumed Mistress was controlling it from some unseen location. A couple of teenagers came around the corner and began to laugh hysterically.

"Holy shit, look at that guy! Why the fuck would he let someone do that?" exclaimed the apparent "leader" of the group, a large wolf.

"I dunno. Maybe he likes being tied up," replied a cheetah walking with them.

They walked over and read the sign, causing the wolf to look in the box, "Haha! Look at all the shit in here..." he said and reached in. He pulled out a can of spray paint.

Jayson's eyes widened as he saw the can, beginning to struggle a little bit. Suddenly, the sleeve changed its pattern again and the bunny moaned out loudly. This, of course, caused the teens to laugh at him.

"Haha, oh fuck, look at him getting off on it!" the cheetah laughed and looked in the box, himself.

The wolf smirked and looked quite sadistic. He waved the can in front of Jayson's face, "Fuck, someone must hate you. You know how tough it is to get this shit out o' fur?" he asked and shook the can vigorously before popping it open. He depressed the plunger and began to draw on the bunny. Jayson whimpered into his gag and struggled.

Once he was done, he tossed the can back into the box and the others looked at what he painted, laughing even harder.

"Oh, my god...I can't believe you did that," said a husky girl who hadn't spoken yet. Jayson couldn't really see what was written. He moaned out and closed his eyes, his hips starting to jerk again. The others laughed at him and Jayson cried out as he came a third time right in front of a bunch of strangers, splattering his cum onto the grass. When he opened his eyes, he was confronted with a picture of himself on the wolf's cell phone. He gasped, seeing that the wolf had used pink spray paint to paint the words I'm a fag and I love cock on his chest and belly.

The kids laughed and the husky girl came up to him, "Aw...he messed up your poor fur...let me help..." she said. Suddenly Jayson felt some drooling onto his head. He looked very confused and moaned out suddenly as the sleeve went back to spiraling over his cock like the first time. He felt whatever it was oozing down his face and suddenly realized it was chocolate syrup. His eyes widened and he whimpered into the ring gag. His cheeks burned with shame and embarrassment, watching as the husky girl started to pour the bottle of chocolate syrup down over his chest and belly. He could feel it drooling down his naked body as yet another intense orgasm hit him suddenly, only a few small spurts of cum making their way out that time. He cried out into the gag and sputtered as the husky girl began to spray a can of whipped cream into his open mouth.

The others laughed at the girl's abuse as she made Jayson into a sundae. After the whipped cream, she took a peeled banana from the wolf and stuffed it forcefully into the gag, laughing.

"See? Isn't that better? Oh, I know!" she said and began to spray whipped cream into Jayson's headfur, making a large mound. The whole time that sleeve continued to torment Jayson. He already wished it would stop.

"Can't forget the other end," he heard one of them say. The girl laughed and nodded before moving behind Jayson. He didn't know what they meant, but suddenly cried out, his noises muffled by the whipped cream and banana stuffed in his mouth with no easy way to swallow it. She had forced the nozzle of the whipped cream into Jayson's tailhole and pressed forward, sending the sweet cream into his ass. Jayson's tailhole suddenly clenched and he moaned out loudly as a sixth climax hit him. This one was noticeably more painful than the others and he winced, face covered in chocolate syrup.

Once the husky had emptied the can into Jayson's ass, she tossed it back in the box. The teens laughed at the degraded and humiliated bunny covered in chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Jayson yelped out as the pole started to jolt him again and he quickly pulled away, this time not going to far, but he started to cry again, which caused some more mocking from the gaggle of teens.

The bunny's jaws were sore from the ring gag holding them open and from him clenching down on it each time he came. Eventually the teens got bored and wandered off, leaving him alone. Jayson panted heavily and whimpered as he felt the chocolate syrup oozing down his face and hardening in the heat of the sun. A couple of Mistress' neighbors wandered over to see the aftermath. Some of them smirked and others looked offended by Jayson. He panted heavily and squeezed his eyes as another orgasm was forced from him, a bit more painful than the last one. He grunted and tried to beg the others gathered to let him out, but he just made muffled noises around the banana stuffed in his gag.

Jayson whimpered and felt the chocolate syrup begin to ooze down over his eyes. He quickly closed them, knowing re-opening them would be a bad idea. He shuddered and gasped as he felt paws pressing to his shoulders, forcing him to his knees. He cried out at the shock from the pole as he hit his knees, but it stopped as the electricity stopped from the pole.

"Here, let me help clean you up," a male said. Jayson wasn't sure what he was talking about, but suddenly he whimpered as a hot liquid splattered down against his face. The smell was obvious. The guy was peeing on him. Jayson didn't think he could blush any more than he was but, but it happened. The bunny tried to turn his head. The sleeve suddenly got more intense, the pulsing feeling like it was rippling from the base to the tip, milking him. Jayson's hips jerked and writhed as the urine splashed on his face. Jayson cried out loudly to the gathered group as he came yet again, nothing coming out of his cock.

Soon enough, the stream ended and Jayson felt the urine mixing with the chocolate syrup, making quite a disgusting combination. He could hear a few snickers and whimpered in embarrassment. Still unable to open his eyes, he could just hear people walking away and coming up to look at him. Jayson moaned out once again, but it was much more pained as another dry orgasm was forced from him, the pain growing. Jayson shook his head quickly and cried out, trying to beg anyone to let him go.

The bunny felt something suddenly hit him and splatter. It happened again and again, each time feeling something oozing down his body. He quickly realized others were throwing eggs at him. Finally, an egg was smacked down onto his head and he felt the egg oozing down his face, leaving him sobbing there in public in front of a bunch of people.

The sleeve racked up its intensity and Jayson bucked, but it then suddenly stopped, leaving him right on the edge of a painful climax. He anticipated yet another orgasm, but it never came. His paws were then released, the cuffs still around his wrists. She also removed the ring gag and took the sleeve from his cock, which immediately shrunk back into his sheath.

"You're done for now. Follow me so you can get hosed off," he heard Mistress say. A wave of relief washed over him and he got up shakily and and reached up to wipe the gunk from his eyes. He opened them hesitantly and quickly following the otteress into the back yard. He was told to stand in the middle of the yard. He yipped and felt the freezing cold water hit him from the hose as she sprayed him down.

After a few minutes of freezing cold water, Jayson was more or less cleaned off. Apparently Mistress had not wanted his coat completely ruined as the "spray paint" came off with the hose-off. Jayson guessed it had been a water soluble paint of some sort. He was shivering, but stood in place until she told him what to do. Still sniffling, he felt Mistress put a large fluffy towel around his shoulders.

"Now you see what happens when you disobey, don't you?" she asked, her voice a little bit softer. It actually made the bunny feel good to hear her speaking in a kinder tone.

"Y-yes, Mistress..." he replies softly without even thinking. This drew a soft pat to his head in reward to making the correct response.

The otteress allowed Jayson to dry himself off and lead him back into the house. Glancing to the clock, he noticed the time was only 9 o'clock. He had only been outside for an hour. It has seemed like it was all day that he'd been bound in the front yard. Jayson was lead into the house and up the stairs to the girly bedroom from the previous day.

"I will be choosing your outfit for you today, bitch," Mistress said simply and went into the closet. She searched through the clothing and finally pulled out an outfit, laying it on the bed. Jayson's eyes widened as he saw the quite slutty-looking outfit. A pink spaghetti-strapped belly shirt with the word "Slut" in glitter along with a short black miniskirt lie on the bed. She also tossed a pair of pink thong panties onto the bed and spoke, "Put them on. I needn't remind you you're still on thin ice."

Jayson whimpered softly and approached the bed. He knew he was still in trouble with the otter and quickly dressed, feeling almost as naked as he already was.

"Wh...where are we go--" Jayson began to ask, but was cut off as her paw firmly smacked his muzzle.

"Shut up. You know better than to speak unless I tell you to. You're really asking for it," she said with a warning growl.

Jayson cowered, but was at least glad she didn't make him put that chastity device back on. Despite that, understandably, Jayson had no thoughts of wanting to get hard or cum any time soon. The bunny was lead to the bathroom where Mistress made him put on lipstick and make-up, drawing a bright blush to his cheeks. The final touch was a neon pink leather collar which the otter locked around his neck with a padlock. With that complete, Jayson was left looking extremely girly and was lead out to her SUV.

Wordlessly, Mistress began to drive. After a few minutes, she did speak, "You've been with me for four days now. I know your parents will return in three. In that time, you will become my little bitch girl and will know the proper way to service me and anyone else I tell you to whether you want to or not."

Jayson shrunk in his seat with a soft whimper. That was the first time she'd really declared that she intended to force him to stay in her company.

"B...but...but, my parents--" he started to say and flinched as her paw swiped out. He whimpered when it didn't hit him. The anticipation was bad enough.

He suddenly realized they were pulling into his driveway. He sat up and whimpered softly. Without another word, she got out and pulled him out of the car. Jayson tried to move as quickly as he could, not wanting any neighbors to see him dressed up like a girl.

Once inside, Mistress lead him upstairs to his room. He realized she must have gone through the house since she knew exactly where it was. She approached the closet and tsked to herself, "Look at this...what kind of girl wears clothes like this? Take these trash bags and put everything in this closet into them right now."

Jayson's eyes widened, "W...what?" he asked in surprise, looking at the box of trash bags the otter held, "But...but..."

Like lightning, the otteress was upon the bunny. He paw gripped his scruff roughly as her paw came down upon his ass once, twice, thrice, four times in rapid succession. Jayson wailed as she didn't hold back an inch. She growled into his ear, "I've just about had it with you, you little fucking shit. Put your god damn clothes in these bags right fucking now, you hear me?"

Jayson could only nod in fear and pain. Mistress shoved him forward holding the bags. The boy sniffled and whimpered as he slowly took shirts and pants off of hangers in his closet and stuffed them into the large black trash bags. He shook, unsure of what she was planning to do with them.

The otteress stood there watching him with a cold look on her face. She was certainly unhappy with his obedience, but he was starting to get there. She was starting to get the impression the little bunny liked being hit, though, deep down. Eventually the closet was empty and Jayson went about emptying his drawers, too. Once finished, he stood there with his head hung.

"Good. Now, take them out to my car," she growled. Jayson quickly did as he was told, taking several trips to get his clothes into the back of the car. He came back and just stood in the doorway.

The otteress simply pushed past him, casually ordering him to follow her. He did so, albeit a little reluctantly. Once back in the car, he shuddered and glanced back, seeing the four bags of clothes that he'd been wearing for years. She began driving again.

"You are not a male anymore, bitch. You need to get that through your head and I'm going to help you with that," she says simply. Jayson's eyes widened. He had pretty much assumed up to now that it was merely a game she was playing. It wasn't long until they reached a local homeless shelter.

Jayson blinked and quickly looked to the otteress. He opened his mouth to speak, but her paw quickly back-handed him before he could, "Take the bags in there and tell them you want to donate them."

The bunny shook with humiliation and embarrassment, "Pl...please, Mistress, I--"

Another growl from the otter rocked Jayson as her paw gripped his muzzle tightly. She squeezed harshly, wrenching him toward her, "If you don't get those bags in there right now, this morning is going to seem like a walk in the fucking park. We have a lot to fucking stuff do today and I don't have time to smack you around every time you disobey me, so each time you do, I will tack on more severe punishments for later. Now, you've earned yourself a nice cock piercing."

Jayson shook with fear as she held him so painfully. His eyes widened as she spoke and told him his disobedience meant she was going to force him to have a cock piercing.

", please,, I'm sorr--" another wrench to his muzzle and a smack to the back of his head came.

"I'm done playing with you and I'm done giving you chances. Now you're getting a tattoo across your chest denoting how much of a fucking slut you are. Ready to do what I fucking tell you?" she asked.

Jayson's eyes widened and he began to cry softly, nodding in defeat. She held the grip a little longer before releasing it to push him away. He got out of the car and solemnly took the large plastic bags out of the car to take them into the homeless shelter. The people behind the desk were extremely grateful for the generous gift and thanked him profusely. Jayson did his best to speak in a girly voice, trying to act as if he wanted to give them away.

He left quickly and got back into the car, breaking down to cry openly in front of the otteress. She simply pulled out of the parking lot and wordlessly drove away, not doing anything to comfort the slowly breaking bunny. He sobbed into his paws, smearing his make-up without much care.

"It didn't have to be this way. If you'd been a good little girl and obeyed me from the beginning, I wouldn't have had to do this, but you've left me no choice. Now I break you down to mold you into what I want," she told him as she drove along.

"But...but, parents are going to...I mean, w-what will I wear?" he asked through tears.

"I don't fucking care. You wear what I tell you and give you. I don't really care what reason you give them," she replied coldly.

They drove and Jayson didn't really know where the otteress was headed. He would occasionally let out soft whimpers. Suddenly, her phone rang and she picked it up.

"Yes. Oh, hi there, yes we're on our way. Oh, I'm certain she's ready to be a good girl," she replied and glanced over with a warning glare to Jayson, "We'll be there in five."

She hung up the phone and continued driving until they pulled into a parking lot of a fairly nice-looking house. They drove up to the garage door and the otteress turned off the car before getting out of it.

Jayson was terrified as to what was going to happen next and he gasped as the door on his side opened up and he was yanked out by his head fur. She didn't seem to care if any of the neighbors saw her dragging out a boy dressed in girly clothing.

He soon heard a soft, almost growling voice in his ear, "I swear to god, if you aren't best behaved little bitch for me in there...everything so far will seem like a cakewalk."

The boy's humiliation was furthered as he heard a clip and realized she had clips a leash to his collar. He stumbles forward, apparently taking too long for her liking. They approached the front door and rang the bell. The door opened, revealing a middle-aged ferret in a tuxedo who spoke in a rather British accent, "Mmm...yes?" he asked, eyes narrowed a little bit as he looked toward the sluttilsh-dressed Jayson. His blush grew more by the second.

"I'm here to see Master Tobin," the otteress said as she stood there holding his leash. The butler gave out a soft sigh and bid them to come inside to a room with a couple couches. The otteress sat down and Jayson was about to do the same, but he remembered her words from the car and swallowed, deciding to try and get on her good side, so the bunny got on his knees beside her on the floor. He rested his paws at his side, more so to keep the very short skirt down so no one could see his panties.

He felt a soft pat to his head and blushed as he realized it was a praising gesture from the otteress. He blushed even more to realize it was really starting to make him feel good when she praised him. Soon enough, the bunny heard a door open and his eyes widened to see Master Tobin as he walked in. Tobin was a large wolf who was probably around 40 years old, his fur beginning to grey. The wolf had to be about 6'10" or so and was wearing a blue business suit.

Mistress got up as he walked over and they embraced. Jayson gasped as the wolf stepped in front of him, the male's crotch right in his face as the two hugged and kissed in a friendly manner. He mffed suddenly, feeling a paw press his muzzle firmly against the wolf's crotch, making him blush intensely.

He hear the otteress' voice, "From now on, this is how you will greet my friends, slut. That or you can kiss their feet. I know how much you love feet."

The bunny pulled back quickly as the paw drew away, the strong masculine musk still in his nose. He felt a sharp smack to the back of his head.

"Answer me," she said in a warning voice.

"Yes...yes, Mistress!" he replies quickly, blushing brightly as he chanced a glance up to the old wolf.

"Good girl. Now, greet my friend," she ordered, expecting him to not need assistance this time, making him blush brightly.

I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, was what he was forcing through his mind as he leaned forward, his nose pressed to the wolf's package. He started to nuzzle it affectionately, trying to be a good boy, er...girl. Soon, a bigger paw pressed to the back of his head and Jayson realized it was the wolf. He mffed and shivered as the wolf began to scritch the back of his ears, but kept the bunny's face pressed firmly to his crotch.

"So, this is it, huh?" the wolf asked in a deep voice.

Jayson's mistress replied softly, "Yeah, I know...needs a lot of work."

The wolf chuckled, "True, but you love a challenge. Plus, it means I get to work it over a little bit too, eh?"

The otteress laughed softly, Jayson still pressed to the musky crotch. The wolf's scent was intoxicating and it made the bunny whimper softly. Against his will, and without realizing it, the bunny's skirt began to tent.

His head was pulled back as the whimper came out and the wolf gave a soft chuckle, "Oh, I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget how irresistible to little sluts. I bet you're dying to suck that cock, aren't you?"

Jayson's eyes widened at the question and he quickly looks back toward Mistress, who prompted whacked him on the back of the head.

"Don't look at me! Answer his question, slut. And you address him as Sir!" the otteress said in a tone that wasn't one of annoyance at having to tell him something obvious. It was more a tone of education.

The bunny whimpered softly. Of course he didn't want to do that. He wasn't gay! He didn't like guys. But...he knew Mistress would be furious if he said no. So, what else could he do? Jayson let out another little whimper, pressing his muzzle against to the wolf's crotch.

", Sir...I...I would love to s...s-s-suck your...c-cock..." he forced out, cheeks blushing intensely.

The wolf chuckled and reached down to unzip his trousers. He reached in and fished out a thick grey sheath which flopped into Jayson's view before the wolf mashed his face against it.

"Good girl. Now, don't you dare get any cum on my pants or on the floor. Benson just cleaned," the wolf said to Jayson.

The bunny blushed deeply as his face was pressed to the warm sheath and for some reason, he couldn't hold in a soft moan. His muzzle slid down, tongue sliding over the tip of the sheath, the wolf quickly starting to get hard. He felt another paw pat his head, realizing it was Mistress again, praising him.

She walked around as the wolf pulled Jayson's head back. The bunny looked confused and looks upward to see the wolf slowly stroking himself, pulling that sheath back to expose the dark red wolf cock, "You sure you deserve this dick, slut?"

Jayson blushed intensely, unable to keep from staring at the thick seven inches of dick in front of his face. He began to whimper and sniffle a little bit at the question.

"N...n-no, Sir," he spit out, finally. Why would he say that? He had no idea.

The old wolf chuckled softly and glance to the otteress before looking back to Jayson, "Perhaps not, but I haven't gotten off all week and you're the only thing here, so you're lucky. Suck it," he said with a soft growl.

Jayson's cheeks burned with humiliation, especially upon hearing the wolf was allowing him to blow him, basically out of pity, "Th...thank you, Sir..." slipped out of his muzzle as he leaned forward. Did I just thank him for letting me suck his cock?! The bunny thought to himself. But, soon that didn't matter because his lips nudged the tip and spread apart, sliding down the first few inches. He tasted that strong scent directly and it made him whimper like a girl. He gasped feeling something nudge under his skirt to tap at his hard little cock in the thong.

"Mmm...look at that, slut. Got a stiffy for Master Tobin's cock, huh? Didn't you swear to me that you were a little lesbian the other day, huh? Didn't like boys at all? I better make sure you don't try to rub one out on Master Tobin's floor," he hears the otteress say to him, making him whimper in humiliation. He gasped around the cock as she wrenched his arms behind him and he heard the ratcheting metal of handcuffs locked his paws behind himself. He sucked on the wolf's cock, starting to bob his head with obvious inexperience, but he had more after the night of cock-sucking he had last night. He tastes pre as it leaked into his mouth and Tobin's paw pressed to his head again as he groaned out.

"That's a girl...suck that dick...come on, get it all...I know you can do /that/ much," the wolf said in his deep voice as the paw began to pull Jayson's muzzle further down that cock. The tip hit the back of his throat and he coughed, trying to pull back as he gagged, "No, no...come on, bitch..." the wolf growled and thrust forward, forcing that tip down the bunny's throat. Jayson's eyes shot open as he gagged around the fat wolfhood pushing down his throat. His whimpers were instantly cut off around the wolf as his nose mashed against the coarse crotchfur. His throat swallowed instinctively around the wolf, which made the bigger male groan again.

"Mmm...see, this is why I bring my toys to you. Sure, I could choke them on my strap-ons, but it's just not the same," he heard the otteress say.

The wolf chuckled a bit, both paw pressed to the back of the bunny's head as he ground his hips against the girlyboy's face, "Very true. They don't get to feel the thick throbbing down there while I show them who is in control."

", I know you won't outright kill them."

The bunny couldn't really hear what they were saying. He was panicking, the bunny pulling at the cuffs keeping his paws behind his back. The bunny's cock throbbed hard under his skirt, the wolf apparently taking pity on the bunny before he tugged him back off that cock, saliva drooling down the boy's face. He only got about half a breath in before Tobin forced it all back into his mouth and started to roughly fuck the bunny's throat. He gagged again and made lewd slurping sounds, but the wolf kept the long dick down his throat.

His world was completely about the wolf fucking his mouth relentlessly. He couldn't make a sound and couldn't pull away from the strong grip. The wolf's dick throbbing in his muzzle, the fat knot mashing against his lips over and over again. His lungs burned and the bunny's eyes began to roll back a little bit from the lack of air. He barely noticed as the wolf's fingers and claws dig into his head as he slammed forward and growled, thick loads over cum shooting directly down into his belly. He certainly didn't notice being shoved roughly off of the wolf's dick to fall to the floor, since he was already unconscious.

Jayson awoke sometime later. He had no idea how long he'd been asleep, but he made soft little groaning noises and soon two sets of footsteps approached. As he woke more, he began to realize something wasn't right. He was still on his back, but he couldn't lift his arms or legs. The bunny pulled at them and tried to turn his head, but he couldn't do that either. He let out a fearful whimper and soon felt a paw stroking his chest. It was then, that he realized he was completely naked.

" a good girl," he heard Mistress say. She leaned down over him as he lay on a flat table, "Master Tobin is a piercing specialist as well as a wonderful tattoo artist. should thank me because I didn't force you to be awake for the tattoo."

Jayson's eyes widened as he heard her say that. Tattoo? He had thought she was joking! It was then that he felt the pain on his chest, which made him whimper more. He could only turn his eyes to look at the otteress and when he tried to talk, he realized he had a ball gag in his mouth.

"Now, hush, girl. You were very good to Master Tobin. He said it's been awhile since he came like that, so I'm going to give you a treat and a choice. First, the choice. I'm going to let you choose the style of your piercing," she said as she reached down to unbuckle the gag, "Now, I'm warning you, slut. No sniveling or pleading for me to give you one. If I hear any whining, I'm going to have him pierce your sheath shut, you got it?"

Jayson couldn't really nod with his head bound down in that way, but he could make a 'Mmm hmm' sound through the gag. She unbuckled the gag and set it aside.

"Good slut. Now, do you want a ring? Or a barbell? Keep in mind, I've got chastity devices for both styles, so don't worry your pretty little head about that.

The bunny shivered on the table, holding in a whimper that wanted to come out. He looked up as the otteress held up two styles, finally replying softly, "A...r-ring, please, Mistress."

She smiled a little bit and patted the bunny's cheek softly, "You're being a very good girl," she said and nodded, presumably, to the wolf. The otteress suddenly climbed up onto the table and he realized she wasn't wearing her jeans anymore, "You've been such a good girl, I'm going to give you a distraction. You're going to eat me out, girl."

Jayson's eyes widened as he glanced to her with his eyes. He'd never done anything like that before. The bunny had never even kissed a girl before. Of course...he'd seen plenty of porn.

She grinned and crawled backward, facing toward Jayson's dick. Apparently she wanted to watch the wolf put more holed in his dick.

"Why can't you find girls with bigger clits? I'm gonna have to use tweezers to get it in," he heard the wolf say. It was an old joke, but it was still extremely humiliating to hear. He didn't have time to dwell on it, though, as the otteress sat on Jayson's face. He mffed and blushes rightly, his lips pressing to a girl's sex for the first time. It certainly was a distraction. He felt paws touching his sheath and pulling it back.

"Get to work, slut," the otteress growled out a little bit, "You're seen porn. I know you're too pathetic to have touched a girl before, but you know what to do."

Jayson blushes intensely, his tongue sliding from between his lips to touch against the otter's pussy. The taste was unusual and slightly sweet. He let out a soft moan, his tongue sliding along those folds, which drew a soft moan from Mistress. This urged the bunny on and he licks along her folds. He couldn't do much other than that, with his head latched in place, but he shuddered and licks over her pussy as well as he could. The otter moaned out softly.

"Hehe, may need training, but I gotta admit, you picked one with a good mouth, yeah?" the wolf said as he prepared and marked the bunny's cock.

The otter moaned out a little more, "Oh, he...he's a natural..." which made Jayson swell with pride. Mistress writhed down against Jayson's muzzle as his tongue pushed against her entrance. From his position, he could get it into her a little, but his tongue wasn't all that long. Jayson suddenly felt a sharpness in his cock as the needle was pushed through and the wolf threaded the ring in as well. It didn't hurt as much as the bunny expected it to, oddly enough. Of course, it could be due to his first pussy licking going on at the same time.

To his dismay, the otteress got up off the table and hopped off to inspect the new piercing more closely. He couldn't see what was happening, but he could hear what they were saying.

" did a very good job as always, Tobin..." the otteress said.

"Why, thank, how about my payment?" he asked in reply and let out a soft groan soon afterward.

"Mmm...I think we could arrange that, especially with my slut getting me all worked up..."

Jayson's eyes widened as he heard the two begin to kiss. He tried to look around, but he was still strapped down to the table. He let out a soft whimper as he heard the otteress gasp, sounding like she had fallen onto a couch. A loud moan from the both of them filled the bunny's ears and he blushed brightly.

"Uhn...oh god, Tobin...fuck me..." he heard Mistress moan, which made Jayson start to get hard. He winced in pain from the fresh piercing and it quickly went back down. Quite effective chastity, he thought.

Soon enough, he heard the lewd slurping sound of cock stuffing pussy, a pussy his muzzle had just recently been licking. He heard then kissing again as they fucked just out of his vision, which made him whimper in humiliation that they didn't even care to untie him or go to another room. He wasn't important enough for those considerations.

"Oh fuck...fuck, you're...I'm gonna...UHN I'm cumming!" the wolf growled out. Mistress moaned along with him.

"Yes, too, right there, don't...don't stop, Ahhhn!" the otter wailed out, both cumming pretty close together, apparently. The rabbit was breathing heavily as the two moaned and kissed together. It was only a few minutes before he heard them walk back over toward him on the table. He gasped as he felt the table begin to tilt backward. Instead of him being flat, he was starting to tilt upside down. He panicked, but the bonds held him easily in place. He barely moved.

He saw the otteress behind the big wolf, her paw grasping the base of that familiar dick. He was a perfect eye level with it and he blushed intensely as she spoke, "Come on, slut. Clean it."

Tobin leaned forward, paws pressing to the table as he nudged his dick against the bunny's mouth. Jayson could see cum coating it and likely Mistress' juices. He reluctantly opened his mouth and Tobin groaned as he shoved it into the boy's mouth. Jayson sucked and licked around that cock, lewdly slurping the cum and femme honey from it.

He eventually pulled back, the old wolf certainly not looking to cum for a third time. Mistress took the wolf's place as Tobin reset the table to be level again. She climbs up onto the table and grinned, noticing Jayson since from the pain of the piercing, "Aw...poor slut. Yeah, it'll be a little bit before you'll want to get hard. Lucky for me, it'll give you plenty of time to continue your training. Now...ask to clean your mistress."

Jayson swallowed and blushed deeply. She wanted him to clean the wolf's cum from her! He caught a growing warning look from her and let out a soft whimper, "M...may I please...please...clean Master Tobin's...c-c-cum from your...puss...pussy, Mistress?" he asked in his soft girlish voice.

The otter reached down to unbuckle the strap holding his head down before she gripped his headfur and tugged it up, mashing his face against her pussy. He blushed brightly and shuddered as his face was instantly coating in wolf cum and Mistress' juices. His tongue pressed forward and he looked rather grossed out as he tasted the wolf's cum inside of her. The female on top of him pushed it to ooze over the boy's tongue. He knew he was supposed to swallow it and did so obediently. The otter, too, wasn't looking to become aroused again and once she was clean, she pulled back, chuckling to see the bunny's face smeared with spunk. He paw came down to wipe it all over Jayson's facefur.

Jayson was unbuckled and he got up shakily, looking down to see the silver ring pierced through his cock, but it was hidden by his sheath. He also saw the large white bandage covering his chest which hid the tattoo he'd been forced to get. How would be ever hide this from his parents?!

The bunny was told to get dressed and he watched as wolf and otter kissed again. The otteress moaned suddenly as Tobin pushed a finger up into her pussy, chuckling before they broke the embrace. She playfully hit his chest, muttering about how he was being a dirty old man.

Once dressed, Master Tobin led them toward the door and they got back in the SUV, driving back to Mistress' place. As they drove, her paw reached over to scritch the back of Jayson's neck.

"I think you're learning. I was very proud of you today, slut. Keep it up and eventually, you'll be rewarded more often, you'll get to participate with my friends, and you'll even get a name," she said to him.

Last week, the bunny never would have considered those to be "rewards", but today...he felt so proud to hear that, it made him blush. Once they arrived, she pulled into the garage and Jayson quickly got out of the car. He rushed around to open Mistress' door for her. She looked genuinely surprised by that and smiled.

"Well, well, look at you," she said and stepped out before closing her door. She ruffled his headfur, "I think you need another treat, hmm? Come, it's time to eat."

She lead the bunny inside and at the mention of food, he realized he hadn't had anything to eat that day. He was suddenly stopped and Mistress cleared her throat. He looked confused and once again, he saw that annoyed look from her, but it softened slightly.

"You were good today, so I won't yell. We haven't gone over the rules yet, so tonight is as good a time as any and we'll test how good you are at following standing orders, slut. You already know the rule about greeting my friends. Secondly, sluts don't wear clothes in my house unless I specifically tell you to," she said to him.

Jayson blushed a bit and stood there, apparently waiting for her to continue, but he earned a smack to the back of his head, "What are you waiting for?!"

The bunny let out a whimper and pulled off his shirt and swallowed nervously as he unzipped the skirt, letting it fall to the floor. As he went for the thong, she grinned a little.

"Keep that on, slut," she said and nodded to the clothes on the floor, "Now...I'm going to trust you to go up to your room an nicely put those away and come right back down here. You've gotten me in a good mood, don't ruin it."

Jayson quickly bent over to pick up the clothes and nodded quickly, "Yes, Mistress," he replies and rushed out to go up to his room. He hesitantly went into the girly room and bit his lip, putting his clothes away. He thought for a moment about how he was so easily obeying the otteress now. Why was he doing what she wanted and why in the world did it make him feel good when she was pleased with him?

"Slut!" he heard her yell out suddenly and he quickly went back down the stairs, shaken from his reverie, "I said come right back down here."

He whimpered softly, "S-sorry, Mistress..." he says, looking down. He noticed that she had brought out the metal bowl and set it on the floor near the table. In the bowl was some chicken. She sat down at the table, the bowl right at her feet. He could see she was also eating chicken. Apparently his reward was to eat what she was having.

"Here you go, girl," she said and tapped the bowl with her toe. He blushes brightly, unable to keep from looking at her footpaws as he crawled over under the table. Leaning down, the starving bunny started to eat.

"Now, rule number three. And pay attention, cunt, because once I tell you these rules, I expect you to recite them and know them without me having to tell you, got it?" the otter said before taking a bite of chicken.

"Y-yes, Mistress," the boy replied in the girly voice. He was getting better at it by now, rarely forgetting to speak in that way.

"Good girl," she said, lifting her footpaw to rub the back of his head, "Rule three, of course, is that you may not cum or even get hard unless I tell you to. You know full well what happens when you break /that/ rule, don't you?"

Jayson blushed deeply and nodded as he ate the chicken, Mistress's foot still resting on his head.

"Number four, you are a girl. You will correct anyone who addresses you as anything else, got it?" the otter continued, eating some more food. Jayson nodded with a soft whimper. So far, these were all things he knew already.

"Now, you already know the next rule since you were a good girl and did it on your own. Your place is on the floor unless told otherwise. You never sit on the couch or at the table unless I say otherwise. We'll work on your posture later. And, finally, I of course reserve the right to add any other standing orders and you will obey them and remember them."

The bunny shivered and blushed as he ate the chicken from the bowl on the floor, being told rules he had to remember or risk being punished. Once dinner was finished, the otteress got up.

"Clean the dishes and them come into the living room, girl," she said, apparently beginning to trust the lapine enough to not run away. Indeed, the boy was on his way to being completely broken down. Plus, she knew where he lived. Where could he go? He set about the task of cleaning the dishes and soon came in to see Mistress watching TV. She lifted her feet from the floor and pointed under them with a simple order of, "Kneel."

Jayson blushed brightly as he crawled over underneath the otter's feet and shuddered as he felt her rest them on his back, using him as a footstool. A couple hours went by, the bunny forced to stay on all fours, being treated like furniture. Eventually, the otteress yawned and got up, "Time for bed, slut, come on," she said, reaching down to yank the bunny along by the collar. He whimpered as she led him to the closet. He'd obviously hoped he'd gotten past that.

"Quit your whining, slut, and get in there. One good day doesn't negate how much you've resisted me so far. You keep having good days and you might get upgraded to the cage in my bedroom," she said kicking the bunny hard in the add to get him into the closet. As the door slammed shut and locked from the outside, he was left in pitch dark except for the sliver of light that came from under the door. As the house went black, though, that light went away as well and Jayson could only curl up on the mattress pathetically. He'd lost track of how many days, but he thought it had been four days since Mistress had kidnapped him. After the day he'd had, he fell asleep, exhausted.


Wow, I finally got this out. It was one of those chapters that originally went somewhere completely different, but I realized it was working for me, so I had to figure out a new direction. It's also sort of two chapters put together, but I didn't feel they were long enough separated, so I put them together. Let me know what you thought!