Prologue of "The Twin Stars."

Story by Chakat_Astarot on SoFurry


The prolog of "The Twin Stars"

Name: The Twin Stars

Written by: Chakat Astarot.

Editing collaboration: Chakats Astarot and Windchanneller

Chapter: Prologue

"I have seen many things, I've seen new life and its death, and I've seen it happen over and over. Sadly I've seen the worse destruction of that life, it was when that life was never used...."

Ren, Star dragon

A loud electronic klaxon sounded from the boxy clock which sat next to the head of young man. He was known as Chris an slowly lifted his head with a groan. The morning headache, and a wood that sometimes visits him, some mornings more often then others. Slowly sitting up he sighed, before turning to leave the comforts of the bed on this, his 18th birthday. Despite being his birthday, he knew today would be like all the others. He was going to go to school, after classes he would do his homework, then go through the motions of the rest of the day, before ending it with the respite of slumber before the next day. So he gets started on today's iterations of his routine, starting with a shower that helps calm his morning wood, then getting dressed. Now his clothing is rather generic and gender neutral.

He shoves his hands in his pockets as he stands by the bus stop. Not unlike many other students that stood around near him, chatting away. He was the odd man out of the group, not many wanted to talk to him. Those that were willing to talk to him, couldn't sense the danger around him. He looked over to the others before letting out a soft sigh. His ears rang as the brakes on the bus pulled it to a stop in front of them, bringing with it the start of his new school day. He waited for the others to climb onto the bus first before clambering after them, when he stood next to the seat that he desired in the back, the other students already there quickly fled it.

School pretty much went with out incident, not paying attention to class or nodding off, accepting the homework, and passing in his own, yet he has rather surprisingly good grades for someone with his mindset. Maybe it was because he was a naturally bright student, or maybe the teachers are just tired of him and giving him good grades.

Of course school never goes without incident for him. While sitting in isolation, a group of, what seemed like freshmen, sits down near him. Looking over to the group, they looked like they would make good football players, he being no slouch either, standing 6'5" and roughly 300 pounds of mostly muscle and some fat. While having a chubby look, his belly didn't hang, thus hiding his muscles. Glancing up at them with a frown, they looked back as one of them tilted his head in Chris' direction. Which he responded to by shaking his own, which caused the rest of the group to laugh, as he focused back on his book.

Yet returning to the book to ignore them didn't seem to last long, as he spots a hand creeping towards his mostly untouched food. In a horse voice Chris asked "What hospital do you go to? That way I can sign your cast..." The response coming from the group was a chorused "Ohhhhh..." Then he heard chuckling, as that hand creeps over and pilfers his drink, everything went into slow motion for Chris. First the fork stabs into that thieving hand, then his face getting punched, everything went down hill from there....

"Well Chris. I really try to be lax with you, I've gotten you out of trouble several times already." Said the principle before taking a deep breath and looking out of the window and continuing. "But sending four boys to the hospital, one with a broken jaw, one with a fork in his hand, and...One with a rather deep teeth marks on the side of his face. This was that last straw son, I can't help you out on this one. This time you will have to face the punishment on your own." The principle says in a steady, and loud voice. "Yes sir." Chris responds softly. The principle nods towards the door, and the two police walk in. "Please stand." The fatter one said. Chris does so and right away he puts his hands behind his back as if from experience. The second police officer puts the cold steel cuffs on Chris' wrists and begins, "Christopher Purcell, you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent, if....."

After several long weeks, and much different routine for Chris, he was rather scared, even though he tried his best not to show it. Things only got worse as after a few days in the slammer, as others put it. The parents of the four boys pressed charges for assault and battery. Which he plead guilty to, he was a smart enough to see that he would never win the case.

He said nothing as he listened to the prison cop yell at him. "I am not your mother! I am not your father! I am your keeper! I tell you to do everything... If I tell you to jump, you ask how high! If I tell you to crawl, you crawl! If I tell you to brush the toilet with your tooth brush, then tell you to use that same tooth brush to brush your teeth, then by god you will do it! Got it!?" When Chris says nothing, he continues on with his screaming lecture, before he had them load up in the bus.

Their chains clack and jingle with each step they took, not just him, but also all the prisoners on that bus, they locked them away in separate cages like dogs, dogs that are ready to jump out, and rip each others throats out using tooth and claw, and Chris was shoved between them all, He was placed in the back, like always, he was always placed into the back of everything, he hears knocking on his cage, he looks up with his hollowed eyes, and right into the grinning prisoner. "Hello there deary, your going to be fun in the showers." Which Chris leans in close and said in a flat, dead voice. "And it will be fun to watch you get transferred over to the female prison system."

The bus started to get moving, and that's when silence fell, almost as if someone came around and cut every-one's voice strings. People would open their mouth to say something, but nothing came out. All that could be heard was the 'voice' of the bus, the roar of the engine, that is at-least for the first few hours. When suddenly there was a screech of brakes and tires, then the sound of metal giving to metal, the bus was cut, cages ripped, but that wasn't the only thing... Chris grabs his seat as he could feel the bus start to roll, he shouts. "Hang on to something!" And that, was the last thing he could remember from his old life.