Jason's corruption.

Story by Beowulf1990 on SoFurry

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This story is a free commission for Zalrex. First time I did any sort of transformation thing...or commision for that matter, I hope it turned out good.

Comments and criticisms are encouraged!

Jason Campbell was something of an outsider. He'd call himself a lone wolf, others called him a freak. He wasn't very tall or very strong and he did far too well in school. The 16 year old dressed neatly, usually wearing a buttoned up shirt and plain trousers. He had shoulder-length black hair and blue eyes. He wore glasses, he'd worn braces up until just a year ago. He adored reading. All in all, he was the perfect target for bullies. So on this rainy Friday evening he found himself, once again, being pushed back and forth between a bunch of jocks.

"What's the matter shitface? Aren't you having a good time?" Seth asked him while pushing him to the ground. Seth was captain of the basketball team and the resident lead bully. Jason cried out when he hit the ground.

"Oh, did I hurt you? Are you going to cry now? Cry for you mommy?" The bullies laughed loudly.

"Bah, come on Seth let's go, if we get to that party early the first beer's free remember?", one of the other jocks said.

Seth shrugged "Sure man, this faggot can wait. Let's go!" The group walked away casually, laughing and hooting.

Jason groaned and got back on his feet. He straightened his glasses and collected his books from the ground, where the bullies had scattered them. On the Origin of Species had a page torn out, he saw. "Brutes and morons, the lot of them. Just wait, when they're working in a fast food place, I'll be buying and selling their asses." He said bitterly. "Just you wait."

He winced when the back his hand brushed against the ground, a bloody scrape from his fall. He shrugged it off and headed towards the library. The town library was his biggest joy in life. It was an old building and had a large collection of books on science, philosophy, history and all of his favourite subjects. He'd been going there ever since he was old enough to read. While his classmates were busy drinking and partying, he like to sit down with an old book and read the words of writers that died decades or even centuries ago.

He climbed the old stone stairs and pulled open the old wooden door, creaking as he entered. He was welcomed by dim, warm light and the smell of paper and ink. He inhaled deeply, feeling the tension melt off of him. "Home sweet home." he said, smiling. These wooden racks of books felt more like home than his actual house.

He walked over to the librarian's desk. "Good evening mister Harris." The old man looked up from his copy of Dracula and smiled. "Young Jason, good to see you lad. Here to return your books?"

Jason nodded and piled them up on the desk. "I'm terribly sorry about that loose page sir, I didn't mean to."

Harris shook his head "No need to apologise Jason, I know you'd never damage a book if it weren't an accident. I'll have it fixed, don't worry. Do you want some new books? I was about to close up."

Jason's look of disappointment made the man continue "Ehm...of course, if you like, I could just give you the keys. Just make sure to lock up when you're done."

Jason smiled broadly "Really? Thanks mister Harris, I won't be too long, I promise."

"You take as long as you like young man! There aren't enough young people that care about these books anymore. It warms my heart to see how much you love them." He handed Jason a bunch of keys. "Make sure to lock the windows and the basement as well!" He got up and walked towards the door.

Jason promised he would and said goodnight. The old man replied in kind and closed the door behind him.

Jason took in a deep breath, savouring the musty smells of the library. "I can finally get cracking on that Chemistry book!" He half ran towards the science racks and pulled out a book describing practical applications of organic Chemistry, one of his favourite subjects. He settled down at an old wooden table and lost himself in the reactions, talking to himself as he tried to figure it all out.

Unbeknownst to the young man, he was not alone.

Observing Jason from the shadows was a regular looking man. He had short black hair and looked to be around 40 years old, perhaps a bit younger. He wore a small set of glasses on his nose. The general impression was that this was a learned man, maybe a professor of sorts. He smiled a curious smile as he listed to Jason's efforts to come to grips with a particularly difficult reaction.

Jason startled when the man spoke up. "Not quite young man. Oh, excuse me! I didn't mean to frighten you!" The man walked up beside Jason. "I do apologise, it was just that I couldn't help but overhear you, I'm something of a chemist myself you see. May I sit?"

Jason nodded. "Sure...I thought I was alone in here, mister Harris already left."

The man smiled as he sit down. "Oh he's a good friend of mine, I have my own key to the place. My name is Ferren Stokeworth, pleasure to meet you." They shook hands. Jason noticed the man's hand was unusually hot.

"I'm Jason Campbell"

"Pleasure to meet you Jason. Now if I might make a suggestion about that reaction you're looking at, you need to keep this group here in mind." He pointed at a nitro group. "That's what stabilises the molecule in this conformation you see?"

Jason slanted his head. "Of course, I missed that. Thank you"

They continued to discuss chemistry for a while, Jason became quite impressed by the older man's knowledge on the subject. Before long, their conversation had drifted onto other subjects. Jason was thrilled to have an intelligent conversation, something his classmates could never provide. Ferren eventually came to ask how the young man ended up with a tear in his sleeve.

Jason looked down at his arm. "I hadn't noticed, must have happened when..." his voice trailed off.

Ferren raised an eyebrow. "Jason?"

Jason averted his eyes slightly. "Must have been the bullies, they were tossing me around after school today." He had no idea why he was telling a stranger any of that, something about the man gave him an aura of trust and authority.

Ferren placed a hand on Jason's shoulder. "My dear boy, that's awful! How long has this been going on?"

Jason shrugged "For ever really. They pick on me because I'm not a moron like the rest of them." He felt a rush of anger. "I wish they'd all just drop dead and leave me alone!"

Ferren moved his hand to the young man's chin and made him look at him. "You don't have to put up with them you know, I could help you get rid of them If you like."

Jason looked into the older man's eyes. They were an unusually reddish colour. He felt himself relax at the sight. "You can? How?"

Ferren smiled warmly. "Knowledge is power Jason and I know more than you could possibly imagine." His finger stroked past the young man's chin. "I'd be happy to help you, if you can help me."

Jason shivered when that warm finger touched him. He blushed and his voice cracked a bit. "H-help you?...How could I do that?"

Ferren planted a light kiss on his cheek. "Give yourself to me Jason. Be mine body and soul and I will give you more power than you ever dreamed of."

Jason melted, staring into those red eyes. His breathing grew heavier. He felt dizzy and warm, his head swimming. "Give...myself to you?"

Ferren brought his face closer to Jason's, almost kissing him. "Be mine Jason! And you'll have your revenge on those bullies and so much more.'

Jason opened his mouth slightly. He reached forward, their lips brushed against each other. Jason groaned as the other's tongue reached into his mouth. He'd never felt like this, he wasn't even usually into guys. The logical side of his brain told him that it was nonsense, but he believed every word of it. He couldn't help himself, he pushed up against Ferren and wrapped his arm around the man's neck. His mouth seemed like it was on fire, Ferren's burning hot saliva mixed with his.

The older man broke free from the kiss. "Good boy. You won't regret it." he stroked Jason's hair.

Jason felt an itch on his ear. When he reached up to scratch it however, he felt what could only be fur, densely packed soft fur. His heart skipped a beat and he gasped. "What's happening to me?!"

Ferren grabbed his chin again and looked him in the eyes, he calmed down immediately. "Don't be afraid Jason, it won't hurt a bit. You'll be better off, trust me."

They kissed again, longer this time. Jason opened his eyes when something tickled his cheeks, he looked up into a black furry face, a ferret, the whiskers had been tickling him. He startled, until those familiar red eyes, now burning brightly calmed him down again. He looked over the new Ferren in fascination. The now naked anthro ferret was a tall and slim creature, elegant even. The black fur was immaculate and covered a layer of toned muscle. A prominent sheath was clearly visible, as were the two large orbs beneath it.

"Do you like what you see Jason? Soon you'll be like me, strong and fast. You'll be magnificent."

Jason looked down at his han...his paws. His mouth dropped open as he saw fur sprouting up all over his changing body. His shirt felt too small all of a sudden, his torso grew longer. He felt strong, powerful. A drug-like rush washed over him, he stumbled off his chair and fell to the ground.

Ferren laughed softly. "It can be difficult at first, I know. You'll get used to your new body. But first, we must complete your transformation."

The demonic ferret lowered himself over the squirming half-ferret. His black claws tore into the confining clothing and tore them to shreds. "There, that should be more comfortable."

Jason was pinned down by Ferren's weight, he felt the demon's hot breath in his face. His muscles were still growing and shifting, not causing pain, but certainly not comfortable. "How much...longer?" He managed to ask.

Ferren smiled. "Just as long as it takes me to complete the ritual." The demon grinned as his inflating member slid out of it's sheath.

Jason felt the flesh brush against his leg and looked down. The red meat looked smooth and slick. His eyes widened when he realised what was to come. He felt like he should be scared, but all he felt was the heat rolling through him and a sudden lust. His, still mostly human, member raised up and brushed against the ferret's underside.

Ferren smiled. "You're eager aren't you? Good! That will make this next part easier on you."

Jason closed his eyes when he felt the hot demon cock rubbing against his virgin entrance, spreading slick pre. He screamed out loud when the demon suddenly thrust into him, he felt like he was going to split apart. Ferren immediately started thrusting in and out, his body ground against Jason's cock with every stroke. He clamped his arms around the ferret.

Despite the initial pain, Jason moved his hips to meet Ferren's thrusts. The rough mating soon gave him more pleasure, his prostate being massaged by the ferret's large cock and his own member being ground between their bodies. Ferren's claws held on to his shoulders as the demon picked up even more speed, driving home like an animal.

Ferren grunted above him "Get ready for your gift Jason, here it comes!"

The demon gave one last thrust and buried himself to the hilt, his ball tensed up and pumped his corrupting seed deep into his new plaything. Jason squirmed under him as a new wave of transformation wracked his body. This time it did hurt, his bones snapped and rearranged to mould his body. He yelped and bit his teeth.

As Ferren puled out, he looked down on his creation. A perfect example of a brown ferret, Jason looked up to him with soft, red eyes. His tapered member lay flat against his stomach, throbbing with need. A trickle of cum dripped out of the young demon's gaping tailhole.

"On your knees servant, bow for your new master."

Jason scampered to his knees, not one cell in his brain thinking of refusing. He bowed as deep as he could. His throbbing cock begged him for release. "Master..."

Ferren smiled. "Good boy, you will be a nice pet I think. And maybe one day you will have your freedom. For now however, you will have your reward. I promised you vengeance and you will have it."

The next day at about midnight, Seth was leaning against his car, a Taurus, in the parking lot. In one hand he held a beer, in the other his girlfriend Beth. Seth and Beth, how adorable. They were surrounded by the other jocks and their girls.

Jason observed them from the shadows. Just to think that mere hours ago he was a snivelling little nerd too afraid to even look at these people. Now, thanks to his master, he could finally stand up to his bullies. He used a simple spell to place an illusion over himself, making him look like his old self again. Magic was surprisingly easy, once you knew how it worked. He rolled his new muscles and trotted out into the light.

The first jock to spot him tapped Seth on the shoulder, causing him to look up.

"Well well, look who we have here! It's the little faggot again. Come to get another lesson bitch? Or do you just want to suck my dick?" His friends laughed heartily at the insults.

Jason smiled slightly. "No actually, I came over here to teach YOU a lesson." a chorus of "ooh" was the result.

Seth laughed loudly "You teach ME a lesson? Who the hell do you think you are fag? I was going to be nice, but now I just have to kick your ass again little bitch." He started to take off his sports jacket.

Jason walked forward calmly into the group, the others circled around them, hooting and howling. Seth looked him over, a touch of apprehension in his eyes at seeing his confidence. The bully lunged out to grab him by the neck. Jason stepped aside, fast as lightning and used his leg to trip the bully. Seth fell to the ground flailing, making his friends burst into laughter.

"Come on Seth, you going to get beat by that fag? Get him man!"

Seth got back up, clearly angry now, and charged Jason head on. Jason growled deeply and leapt forward, planting his paws onto Seth's shoulders and slamming him down to the ground with ease. He dropped his illusionary disguise and snapped his jaws in front of the bully's face. Seth screamed in terror, much like the others.

None of the others stayed around to watch, instead they ran every which way in pure panic, trying to escape from the monster in front of them.

Jason lifted up the jock with one arm and bent him forcefully over the hood of his car.Taking his throbbing cock, still pent up from the night before, Jason positioned himself at Seth's entrance. "Now for your lesson Seth, Try not to enjoy it too much."

He didn't waste any time and instantly pushed in deep, his slick cock felt amazingly snug in the bully's tight virgin entrance. His claws left scratch marks on his back. Seth simply whimpered, too shocked to do anything else.

Behind him, his master had strolled into the scene. The black demon chuckled. "Very nice Jason, savour your revenge! No need to rush this."

Ferren stepped behind his servant and wrapped his strong arms around him. His engorged cock pressed against Jason's tailhole and slipped in easily. "Let me share your pleasure, my servant." He pushed forwards powerfully, forcing Jason to hilt Seth. Jason threw his head back, the double sensations being almost too much for him.

His master withdrew somewhat. "Fuck him for me Jason. Fill him with your seed."

Jason started thrusting slowly. Every time he pulled out of Seth, he pushed back onto his master's throbbing member. He groaned loudly and picked up the pace. Soon Seth was bouncing back and forth under his assault, yelping in shock and pain, which only drove Jason to thrust harder still.

Ferren smiled "Good...drive into him. Breed him. Make him yours."

The continued assault on both ends triggered his orgasm quickly. Jason picked up speed until he was frantically bouncing back and forth, desperate for release. He felt his furred balls pull up slightly, his cock pulsed powerfully. He shot his victim full of cum, roaring as he did. He produced so much seed that some of it spurted out from their joining and dribbled down Seth's leg. The jock had seemingly drifted off into complete shock.

Ferren grinned and thrust into his servant, spilling his own seed deep inside of him. As he slipped out, he allowed Jason to do the same.

The older demon examined Seth, completely out of it. "I think you probably wiped his mind clean, slave. Well done. I've had enough of this world for now, let's head home. You'll like it there I think."

Jason nodded numbly. "Yes master. Home."

They disappeared into the shadows.