Silver's stories, Lost in the woods

Story by LillyOpossum on SoFurry

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Wow, this came out longer than I planed for it to. This was, at the most was going to be a quick little fap thing, but no. It came out as more of a, what haven't I written and what can I write to test myself. Make sure you read the tagging on this one, it has a lot of kinks in it. Anyway, Enjoy and all that. I hope that I got all the tags on this.

The opossum girl sat on the edge of the bed, bent over lacing her boots. She was dressed up to go into the woods, a place that she practically grew up in. She had several of the no harm traps and camera traps in the woods, it was one of her favorite things to do. She stood up and gave a little stretch. She was dressed in a long sleeve shirt and some jeans, on her belt was a sheathed knife, and in her pocket was a flash light. The woods where a safe place, she used the knife to cut up the bait for the trap or if a vine got tangled around her. She walked out the door and pushed it closed, it was still light outside so she wouldn't need her flashlight just yet. The wooded gate squeaked a bit behind her as she closed it and walked through the back yard and to the edge of the woods. She had the path that she would take memorized, having walked it so much, even the under growth showed this. The walk through the woods was uneventful, she did have a few photos on her traps, and nothing in the other traps. She walked up to the tree that she had the last of the camera traps on a tree. She opened the case and pressed a little button on it, mumbling a curse word as she saw that the batteries where dead. She removed the dead ones and replaced them with the fresh ones that she brought. "This one must have been busy." She mumbled holding her flash light up to read the display, seeing that there had indeed been quite a few photos taken. "Wonder what was wondering around here." She said taking the SD card from the trap and putting a new one in. She closed the trap and rearmed it and started the walk back to the house. She took all of three or four steps and froze. She heard something moving around in the brush behind her, with practiced skill she turned and started aiming her flash light where she heard the sound. "The hell was that?" She muttered to herself scanning the brush. "Must have been nothing." She said with a shrug, turning to head back. Only making it a few more steps before she heard the sound again, this time it was closer. Like last time she turned and aimed her light at where she thought the sound came from, this time her right paw coming to rest on the handle of her knife. She thought that it would do some good to have the knife, but she didn't know what she was going to be facing. The sound of rustling started to spread all around her, she started looking around, turning in circles. She drew the knife and held it ready to lash out at whatever was making the sound, hoping in the back of her mind that she wouldn't have to fight anything and could just get away. "Go away." She said, her light coming to rest on two glowing dots in the distance. Whatever it was, it was just far enough away that the beam of the light made it's eyes shine. "Look, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to leave." She said starting to back away, only to hear the rustling behind her. This caused the opossum to turn and aim the light there, finding only thick under brush. She quickly turned back looking to see if the glowing eyes where still there, but they weren't. "Ok it was just my mind messing with me." She said starting to head back out of the woods. She got a few more steps this time before the sounds started, this time louder and closer. She didn't have time to draw her knife before the sound was right on top or her. She didn't have time to scream or start running before she felt something wrap around her muzzle, keeping her from making sounds and cutting off her breathing. She struggled the best that she could against whatever was wrapped around her. It didn't take long, between her lack of air and her struggling before the world around her went dim and then black as she passed out. The sounds of the birds chirping and the cool air nipping at the opossum girl was what slowly brought her back to the land of the living. Slowly she opening her eyes, quickly closing them as the light of the day hurt at first. Once her eyes got used to the light she opened them fully and rubbed them, cleanings her vision. With labored movement she pushed herself up off the ground and into the sitting position. The memories of what happened starting to rush back to her as she looked around and saw that she was in some part of the woods that she didn't recognize. "How did I end up here?" She asked herself out loud as she felt around her body, making sure that she had everything and it was all still in working order. "Well I don't think that I'm hurt." She said as she reached into her pockets. "I wasn't raped or robbed." She said pulling her camera, flash light and the SD card from the trap, she still hade her knife. "I wonder." Something in the back of her mind told her to put the SD card into her camera and see what had her trap going off like it had, and maybe even seeing what had gotten a hold of her and dragged her here. Her eyes went wide as she looked through the photos and saw what was setting the trap off. Right there on the screen was what she ran into. There where several photos of a large white wolf sniffing around and even a few of him walking right up and sniffing at the camera trap. "Holy shit." She mumbled as she saw him and the other, smaller wolfs that made up his pack. "I wonder. The thing that had a hold of me wasn't covered in fur, it was more like a" She stopped trying to think of the right word. "A vine." She kept thinking out loud as she looked through the rest of the photos, seeing just what she didn't want to see. Every few photos she would see this thick green tentacle thing slither through the trees. As she flipped through the last ones, she noticed that she never saw the whole things. Just part of it, conforming her fear that the thing was huge. "Ok I have to get the hell out of here." She said to herself as she switched the SD cards back and stood up. This was one of the few times that she didn't have her phone on her and she was cursing herself for it. "I have no idea of witch way to go." She murmured to herself as she looked around, seeing nothing but wood lands. "I guess I should just started heading in one direction." Before she started traveling some direction she started breaking a few branches from a tree and arranged them to form the letter L, just a little something that way she would know that she was here if she happened to get turned around. She walked for sometime, hopefully heading in a straight line and to someplace safe, stopping to make a mark on a tree or something so that she could find her way back to where she woke up if need be. "Dear Goddess in paradise how far does this forest go on for?" She asked stopping and leaning against a tree to rest a bit and catch her breath. "This would be so bad if I just had some water." She said licking her lips, her dry tongue not really helping. She sat down with the tree at her back and closed her eyes, letting her mind wonder a bit. "Is that? I think I hear water, or I'm just losing it." She said keeping her eyes closed and swiveling her ears about to listen better. "It is!" She said getting to her feet and starting to follow the sound. She made her way through the forest, the tree cover starting to thin out a bit as she did, soon leading to a small clearing with a stream running through it. Something told the opossum to make her way up stream a bit, and she did. Following the path as it started to slope up hill and soon coming to a little over hang and a water fall. "Thank the Goddess." She said rushing up to the waterfall, her boots splashing in the shallow water as she got close enough to cup her hands and collect water. She stood there and looked at the water a bit, it did look clean, but like anything in the woods looks are deceiving. "Let this be safe." She said drinking the water, thankful that as a opossum she had a strong metabolism and that if there was something wrong with the water, that it wouldn't be in her system for long. She stood there drinking until she had her fill. She found a dry rock on the side of the stream and sat on it, deciding that here would be a better place for a break. She leaned over and started untying her boots and slipping them off, following suit with her socks freeing her paws. She let out a little purr as she put her feet into the cool water of the stream. She sat there for what felt like was a number of hours, mostly just sitting there enjoying the water on her paws, looking around, and even trying to come up with some kind of plane to make it out of the woods. She needed to find some kinda food, an apple tree, wild grape vine, a black berry bush, something that she knew was safe for her to eat off the plant. Something off in the distance caught her eye, right at the edge of the tree line was a small bush with what looked like some kind of berries on it, something that looked a lot like black berries. It didn't take long before curiosity got the better of her and she got up and walked over to it. Once again that voice in the back of her head told her take the contents out of her pockets. She took her flash light, camera and the SD cards out of her pockets and put them into her shoes. She knew that she would have to cross the stream, witch at the shallowest part looked like it would come up to her mid thigh. "Well I guess it would be better to have wet fur and not wet clothes." She said as she stood up and unbuckled her belt and then her pants. Slowly wiggling out of her jeans, just leaving the opossum in her light blue panties and shirt. "And at least it's a warm day." She said as she gathered her things and started crossing the river. She let out a little whimper as she felt the cool water rushing around her legs as she walked, her paws partly slipping and sliding on the slimy river bottom. The crossing was going good, right until she made it just past halfway. The rock that she stepped on shifted in the loose soil of the river and she started falling forward. "Shi." Was all that she was able to get out before she splashed down. Her boots and jeans flying out of her paws as she fell, her boots where lucky and made it to the other side, her jeans on the other hand, not so lucky. "Awww damn." She hissed as she got up and finished crossing to the other side, collecting her jeans along the way. "What did I do to warrant this?" She asked as she walked over to a rock that was out in the sunny clearing and sat her jeans on it. "Hopefully they will be dry by night.....Shit, hopefully I will be out of here by then." She said as she pulled her shirt off and rang it out the best that she could. She stood there in just her bra and panties, thinking for a moment. "I might as well." She said reaching behind her to unhook her bra, freeing her c cup breast, next came her panties. With a little wiggle the blue fabric slid down and left her completely naked. The sight of the naked opossum would greet anyone that would be lucky enough to stumble across her, and what a sight it would be. With her clothes on she was a normal, everyday female opossum, but without her cloths on it was another story. She is a Trans gendered opossum, a male on the way to being a female, meaning that she had the heart and soul of a female, as well as a number of femme features. The only thing that was male on her was her sheath and the male hoods in it. She gave a little shake as she walked over to the bush to get a better look at the berries. She knelled down and looked at one, plucking it from the bush. She turned the little berry over in her paw, sure enough it looked just like a black berry, ripe and everything. "Well here goes." She said popping the little berry in her muzzle and chewed it, the sweet, slightly bitter taste filled her muzzle. "Oh wow." She muttered as she started picking the fruits off the bush and started eating them, purring at the taste. There where more than enough of them to help ease off her hunger, but far from enough of them to fill her up. After eating what the bush had to offer, she got up and wiped her muzzle and started to walk over to the waterfall to get a drink, all the berries that she had eaten made her thirsty. She managed to get a few steps before falling, tripping over something. "Damn." She hissed, rolling over and sitting up to look at what she tripped over. "What is it with me and falling down today?" She asked reaching down to tug the vine from around her ankle. She fiddled with the vine, finding that it was wrapped around a little more than she thought it was. "All right, be that way." She mumbled and used a claw to cut it off. She started getting to her feet, bending over to brush the grass and dust off of her legs. It was then that she felt something wrapping around her leg, the feeling made her jump, thinking that it was a snake or something like that. The area is pretty full of quite a few poisonous snakes. She let out a startled meep as she found that vine was wrapping around her leg. "What the hell?" She whimpered out as she tried to kick her leg, but the moment that she lifted her leg up, the vine seemed to yank, pulling her off balance and bringing her to land on her fur covered butt. "What's going on?" She whimpered out and started trying to pull her leg free, only to find that it was a fruitless task. She let out a loud whimper as she felt herself moving, being pulled. It was then that she rolled onto her belly and started to try and crawl away. She was starting to make a little ground, up until the point another vine came out of the bush and wrapped around her waist. This vine was thicker and stronger, about the size of the opossums tail base. She let out a loud, four letter curse word as she felt the vine lifting her up. Soon other vines started to snake their way out of the bush, wrapping around her other leg and her arms, completely immobilizing her. She was tempted to turn and look down at the bush, but her vivid imagination was telling her it was better to not look at the thing that was about to eat her. She let out a confused meep when she saw another vine wiggling in front of her face. She went to say something, but before she could the vine had pushed it's way into her muzzle, wiggling right along her tongue and pushing into her throat. Her first thought was to bite, and she did, but even her shape teeth had no effect on the vine as it came to a stop. The vine started secreting something sweet tasting, with a scent to match, she could feel the tip oozing the same stuff in the back of her throat. There was something about the taste that was making her want more, making her body want all that she could get. The vines seemed to sense that she was falling into it's trap and relaxed the grip on her wrists, her paws coming to hold the vine that was in her muzzle. The sweet sap was doing more than making her want more, her shafts where starting to grow hard and slip out of their sheath. With her mind focused on the vine that was feeding her, and clouded with a sudden lust she failed to see the two new vines that had joined the fray and where wiggling around her. There first had what looked like a closed flower bud on it, and was dangling right over her hard, and now drooling shafts. Her eyes drifted down just in time to see the bud opening up, revealing something right out of a horror movie, a mouth, a toothless one but a scary sight non the less. She let out a muffled sound as she saw two, long and thin tendrils snaking out of the flower and heading right for her shafts, it was looking like the opossum was going to become a female in a painful way, or that's how her mind played it out. She was wrong, the little tendrils found there way to the tips of her shafts and started to wiggle into them. It felt strange and a little painful at first, but her whimpers soon turned to moans as she watched and felt the flower move in and start suckling on her shafts, and painstakingly making sure not to push the opossum over the edge, but to keep her right there. The other tentacle was busy with something else. This one, like the others was long and tapered, the perfect fit for what it was going to do. She let out a muffled meeping sound as she felt the tip of the tentacle poking at her tail hole, starting to leak something cool and slick against it, her tail started to move up to stop it, but the fast reaction of another tentacle she was stopped. The thin tip of the tentacle started to push it's way into her tail hole, the first of it slid in with little effort, due in part to the small size of the tip and the copious amounts of lube that it was leaking. She felt it wiggling deeper into her, streaching her open and filling her unlike any male could. The tentacles started getting into a rhythm, the one in her muzzle pushing as the one in her tail hole pulled out, and then plunging back into her, the whole time the flower was busy keeping her on the edge, threatening to push her over at any moment. All she could do is just take what the plant gave, listing to the sound of them pushing into her and pulling out. Her belly was staring to swell a bit from the sap that she was getting feed, she was starting to wonder if it was going to stop or if she was going to pop from it. She had no idea how long she was stuck there, getting ravaged by the tentacles, it was all turning into a blur. She was whimpering, her cocks where painfully hard and ready to cum but the tentacles wouldn't let her. Without warning the tentacles in her gave a last, hard thrust into her and she could feel a sudden gush of warm goo. The sudden rush was more than enough to push her over the edge, the flower that was sucking her knew this and seemed to start sucking harder, and drinking her load, witch seemed to come and come. The vines didn't let her go at this point, they stayed firmly planted in her. Unseen by her, was the rather large bulges moving up the tentacles. They where about the size of a chicken's egg, really just a bit smaller. Her eyes went wide as she saw them moving down the vine that was deep in her throat, not really knowing what was happening, but she knew that it was something bad. She started counting them the best that she could, but that was interrupted when she felt the same bulges starting to be pushed into her tail hole. She knew then, that she was being used as a breeder, a living incubator. When the tentacles pulled out and lowered her to the ground, she was stuffed full of the plants seeds. She looked like she seven or more months pregnant. Her first reaction was to run, and that's what she did, only stopping to grab her shoes, shirt and jeans. She didn't bother trying to make sure that she kept heading in the same direction that she started heading that morning, she just wanted to get the hell away from that plant. She ran and ran, pushing through the brush and stuff that was in her way, finally stopping when she ran out of breath. She fell to her knees panting when she did stop, her body may have stopped but her mind was racing. Filled with the thoughts of what just happened, how she was raped by some kind plant, and then pumped full of it seeds. She started trembling at the thought of them in her, not knowing if they would kill her or not, but in the situation her mind was playing out a terrible scene of her falling over dead and the plant tentacles growing out of her body, or worse being ripped apart alive. "I have to get these things out of me." She said finally catching her breath. "But how am I going to them out of my belly?" She asked herself, knowing the answer in the back of her head, just not wanting to acknowledge it. She slowly got to her feet and looked around, taking a moment to think. She had started mentally preparing for the task that was ahead of her, but the more she thought about it, the more her mind hazed up. Her thoughts changing, she found it harder to think clear, it was like something was controlling her, willing her to move, to walk forward, to start digging. She did, she start digging a hole and not knowing why she was doing it. Soon she had a shallow hole, a small trench big enough to plant a number of seeds. Still, without thinking she turned and aimed her rump over the hole and lifted her tail nice and high. She let out a grunt and a moan as she started pushing, feeling the seeds in her starting to move, making there way to the earth through her. There was a trickle of the plants goo leaking from her tail hole, soon the green shelled seed was starting to push out, with a little grunt and a last push the seed popped out followed by a trickle of goo. She stayed there, pushing out seed after seed, hearing them falling into the pile and then the splash of the goo. Once she finally finished planting the seeds and letting the last of the plant's goo leak out, she proceeded to cover them and stand up. She turned to look at the freshly moved soil, her hand came up to push her sheath back and aiming her cocks and starting to pee, letting her pee splatter and soak into the soil, watering the growing seeds. As she finished peeing she snapped back to her senses. Everything rushing back to her, digging the hole, the strange pleasure that she got form the feeling of the eggs and the plant's goo being pushed out of her tail hole. All of this reminder her that she still had the load of seeds in her belly and only one way to get them out. She knew that it was going to be a nice, or a pretty thing, but it had to be done. She got down on her hands and knees, taking a deep breath as she brought a paw up to her muzzle. She closed her eyes and pushed her finger down her throat, the effect was almost instant. She feel forward onto her hands and knees coughing and gagging as she tried to bring the seeds up, only succeeding in spiting up a bit of the sap. She tried this another time or two, only to find that it was a fruitless task. "What am I going to do?" She asked herself as she got up and wiped the side of her muzzle. "I'm just going to have to get out of here quicker and get to a hospital." She said walking over to her clothes and started to get dressed, her clothes mostly dry but damp enough to make them stick. "Well I guess that I messed up the plane to head in one direction." She said with a shrug as she looked around. "Well, might as well pick a way and go." She said, pulling her knife and walking over to a tree and carving the words, 'Lilly was here' with the date under it. Once again the opossum girl started walking, heading in a direction that she hoped would lead her home, or at least out of the woods. Once again, she had no real way of telling how far she had traveled or how much time passed, she could try and guess by changes in landscape, or by the position of the sun. The surroundings had changed a bit as she traveled, returning to something like right before she found the stream. With each passing step deeper into the woods, the opossum's mind was starting to get that hazy feeling, the same one that came over her when she started digging and laying the eggs. Once again she was guided by some unseen forces to a small plot of soft earth. Falling to her knees, she started to dig like last time, almost the exact same shape as the first one, a small, semi shallow trench. Her glazed over eyes looked over her handy work, making sure that everything was in place before lurching forward, he hands coming to rest on the sides of the hole. Her large muzzle opened wide, droll starting to drip from her tongue as she stayed like that. The force that was controller had take over completely, and was about to help her do what she was going to do but failed. The first of the seeds started moving up, her body starting to push it and the others out. Her droll becoming mixed with the goo that the plant had pumped her full of as the first one reached the top and fell right over and out of the opossum's gaping maw, it was a times like this that one would be happy to have a mouth that can be opened so wide. Like with the other lay, she would bring up a seed and let it fall into the pit to join the others, followed with a splash of the goo. This went on with out the opossum knowing about it, until her body pushed out the last of the seeds and gave a heave as she brought up and spat out a last splash of the plants goo. Without warning, everything was clear for the opossum again. She looked down and saw the pile of seeds in front of her, her eyes went wide as she looked at them all, partly in shock and horror and partly amazed that she had that many of the seeds in her. She was tempted to reach out and take one, but in the end, she decided to just burry them and try not to think about them. She quickly covered them and got to her feet, brushing off the dirt from her knees. "I swear that I'm not meant to go in a straight line." She said looking around, trying to get an idea of the way that she came, but she didn't remember walking here. "Oh well, I guess that one way is as good as the others." She said as she started walking again, heading right past the seeds that she just 'laid.' Once again she set off in some random direction, hoping that it would lead her to safety of some kind. She walked and walked for hours on end, right until the sun was starting to dip low. It was getting late and it would be night soon and she knew that she needed to get some place that she could have more of a cover than the trees. By the grace of the Goddess that she lovingly followed, or luck one, she found a small cave. It wasn't deep, or big and in the fading light she could see to the end of it, and see that it was empty. "Well that solves one issues." She said walking up the edge of it. "I still need food, water, and now that it's getting night, fire." She mumbled as she kicked her shoes off at the mouth of the cave and turned to look at the small clearing. Just in the distance, she saw something that made her mouth water, an apple tree. She started running to it, but stopped short, remembering what happened with the black berry bush. With knife in paw she walked up to it and looked around it to make sure that there was nothing to it. Finding it safe, she did what her breed did the best and that was climb the tree, once there she plucked four apples. With the food part of her troubles done, she got down out of the tree and rushed off to put them with her boots. Another quick look around the small clearing, she saw just what she would need to make fire. The old and dried out wood from a fallen tree. She walked over to it and started snapping off the branches, gathering them in her paws and then collecting a mass off dead leaves from the ground, true to her opossum nature. Now she wasn't a real outdoor type of girl, but she did know enough to be able to at the least make a fire. She started by making a little bed of leaves, and then started stacking the sticks in a tee pee over the leaves. Then came the fun part, witch would be a lot easier if she had her flit with her, but for some reason she didn't think that she would need it when she went out to check her traps. She used her knife to shape the branches that she was going to use, and then set about trying to get that little spark of an ember going. She sat there on the cold cave floor for some time before finally getting it to work and getting the fire going. "You know, I might just be able to make it out of here." She said smiling and warming her paws. "Well, just so long as I don't run into anything like that plant thing again." She said getting up and walking to her boots and apples to gather them up and return to the fire. "Well This is a good time to get something in me." She said as she sat by the fire snacking on the big, juicy apples. The apple's juice wasn't enough to completely quench her thirst, but it was more than enough to help her out there. With a full belly and a roaring fire, she let out a yawn, the food, the warm fire and the night was starting to get the better of her. She didn't really want to have to sleep on the hard floor, but she had no choice but to. Curling up and using her arm and tail the best that she could and soon started nodding off, and soon falling to sleep. There was no way for her to tell how long that she had been laying there sleeping, but it was starting to get interrupted by the feeling of something brushing against her leg. With out thinking or open her eyes she used her tail to bat what ever it was away, just thinking that it was a bug or some small animal. She kept feeling it rubbing against her legs, like always she brushed it away, noticing that it was starting to move closer up her leg. Finally having her fill of the thing bugging her and interrupting what little sleep that she was getting. She sat up and looked around, the sight of what was brushing against her terrified the poor opossum girl. With out thinking she started scooting back, just trying to get away from the large snake that was slithering next to her, doing this pushed her unbuttoned jeans down a bit. "Oh please go the other way." She said, her back hitting the side of the cave, leaving her no place to go. "I didn't mean to barge into your house." She said sitting there watching it, hoping that it would go back into the cave, but much to her dismay it kept slithering right to her. The more into the light that it came, the more of it she saw. She was amazed at how big it was, at this point it was as big as she was tall, a good six feet. She closed her eyes and drew up, hiding her face in her knees, praying that the snake would just go away. She wasn't so lucky, she let out a loud meep and jumped to her feet the moment that she felt the snakes forked tongue touching her rump. The snake seemed to smell something on the opossum, something that it liked. She went to take a step back, but within seconds the snake was curling around her other leg and starting to make its way up her. "Oh Goddess help me, get off." She hissed at it, the snake paying the hissing opossum no mind, it soon wrapping around her, its tail hanging between her legs. "It figures that I would get the one snake that didn't bite." She said, suddenly freezing as she felt something cool and wet pressing at her rump. "No." She said reaching back to feel the snakes hard cocks jutting from it's slit and teasing her tail hole. "What is it with the things in this forest and sex?" She asked trying to get the snake off of her. It was about then that she smelled it, a sweet scent, the plants scent. The plant's scent seemed to be close to that of an animal in heat. She didn't have much time to think after that before she felt the snake moving with unnatural skill and starting to push both of it's shafts into her tail hole. She let out a little grunt and meep as she felt them pushing in, she was thankful that she was still a little lose form the pounding and filling the plant had giving her that morning. The feeling of the cold blooded reptile's cocks pumping into her was something alien to her, she was used to getting it from two cocks at once, having dated a opossum boy for the longest time. It was the long, pointed, and rather pleasantly tapered shafts of the snake that was new to her. The weight of the snake was soon getting the better of her, and she fell to her hands and knees, still getting rutted by the snake. She was starting to moan as she felt the shafts sliding in and out of her, leaking pre into her. All of this was causing her shafts to spring to life and start drooling pre. She knew that this was so wrong, but it just felt right. There was something about the wild animal just taking her and breeding her like she was it's to do so. She let out a moan as she was starting to get close to cumming, but it soon turned to a whimper as she felt the snake give a last hard thrust or two and she felt him starting to pump his load into her. She purred as she felt it pumping into her, she was surprised that a snake could make a load like that, she could feel it starting to leak out around her tail hole. Her hand reached under her and started pumping at her shafts as she felt the snake just keeping him self in her. She soon let out a moan as she started spraying her seed onto her belly and shirt as well as the cave floor under her. The snake must have taken the sound of her moaning and getting off as some kind of threat, and without hesitating it bite down on her shoulder. The opossum let out howl of pain and hissed as the snake let go and started slithering off. She sat back on her knees holding her shoulder, the world around her starting to get fuzzy and dark. The thought, well at least I got off one last time before I died, did cross her mind as her world went darker and she slumped forward, held up with her hands. It wasn't but a matter of seconds after that before she face planted on the floor. She wasn't dead, it seemed that the snakes venom wasn't deadly, but it was just strong enough to knock her out. She let out whimper as she started coming around again, a strange feeling in her rump being the main factor. With a sleepy mind she slowly got up onto her hands and knees realizing that she had fell asleep with her rump in the air. As she woke up more the feeling in her rump drew her attention, looking back her eyes went wide at what she saw. A snake larger than the one that raped her the night before was slithering off to the back of the cave rather fast, as if something scared it off. She didn't know why it was in such a rush to get away, but she didn't care. She went to sit back on her knees and then get up, but the feeling of something bumping her butt and then a growl stopped her. Fearfully she looked back, she saw what it was, a rather large feral wolf, gray and black with a white patch or two. Her mind jumping into over drive as she watched it sniffing her back end, the wolf found a scent that he liked and without warning his broad tongue lashed out and started lapping over her used tail hole, cleaning up the mess that the snakes made. It was another alien sensation at first but it was just as pleasurable, her shafts starting to grow as she was rimmed by the wild animal. Just as she was starting to get used to the odd feeling of the broad tongue lapping over her tail hole and sometimes reaching down to her balls, the wolf stopped. Thinking that he was done with her, Lilly went to try and stand up, only to feel the weight of the wolf come crashing down on her back. She let out a panicked whimper as she felt his paws wrapping around her waist and something hard and drooling pre jabbing at her rump. It took the wolf a few tries to hit his mark, but the moment that the hard cock found her warm hole, he was pounding away. The opossum let out a loud moan as she felt the cock sinking into her in one shot, there was some pain at first but it was soon over come by the pleasure of the male humping hard and fast. The wolf wasn't as long as some of the males that she had been with but he had just the right amount of thickness to fill the opossum. It didn't take long for the wolf's knot to form and start slamming against her ring, wanting in. Her paw reached back and started stroking over her shafts, she knew that it wouldn't take much for her to get off, and by the way the wolf's thrusting had become, it wouldn't take much for him to get off. Without any kind of warning she felt the male give a hard, body jarring thrust as he forced his knot into her, it swelling and locking them together. The feeling of the knot swelling and putting pressure against her prostate, it caused her to let out a moan as she started cumming again. She purred quietly as she felt the male giving a few shallow thrusts as he came, adding his hot seed to that of the snakes that was filling her. She let out a meep and a small moan as she felt the male moving and turning butt to butt with her, tugging on the tie. All she could do is stay there and let the male fill her to the point of her belly swelling a bit from the massive loads that she had been pumped full of. She let out a sigh as she felt the wolf's knot pop out and then him starting to walk off, his cock slipping out with a wet, slurping sound, she shivered a bit as she felt a dribble of cum leaking out. She let out another sigh as she carefully took her pants the res of the way and walked over to a tree near the cave. "Ok, I have got to get out of her today, I don't know if I can or even want to try and make it in this place another night." She said as she kneeled down and started pushing out the cum from the animals, shivering and purring a bit at the feeling of the warm seed trickling out. There was something about the feeling of sticky seed leaking out that she licked. "I wonder if anyone has started looking for me." She asked as she stayed there and started peeing, marking the grass as her's. "Shi....No bad wolf." She hissed a bit as she felt the wolf's nose poking at her tail end, and the his tongue licking at her messy hole. Of course the male didn't listen, he stayed there as she peed and made sure to clean her. She let out a sigh as she finished and stood up and started putting her jeans on, the whole time she watched the wolf. She didn't say anything as she walked back to the cave and grabbed her boots, not bothering to put them on, she started walking again, in what she hopped was the right way. The whole walk she could hear the wolf following her, she brushed it off, thinking and hoping that it would see that she wasn't going to 'play' with him. She would let out a miffed grunt as she started having a little more trouble moving through the woods that seemed to be getting thicker. "Ok wolfie, go home, you can't come with me." She said as she turned and looked at the wolf, who was just sitting there watching her, tongue lolling out cutely. "Awwww, so cute." She said reaching out to let him smell her hand. "If your following me cause you think your going to get to play again your wrong." She said smiling as he licked her paw and she started to pet him. "You know it sucks that you can't help me get out of the woods." She said watching the wolf tilting his head as she spoke. "Take me home, and I will let you live with me." She said jokingly, knowing full well that the wolf didn't know what she was saying. The wolf let out a bark and started to move ahead of the opossum, stopping and turning back to face her and bark again. She knew that he was trying to tell her something but she wasn't sure what it was, but she did know that it wanted her to follow him. She started to follow the wolf, doing her best to keep up as they moved through the brush, the wolf was having a far easier time making it through the brush than her. He would run a head of her a bit and then sit and wait for her to catch up, then he would be off again. This went on for some time, the wolf leading the way and the opossum following, not knowing if the wolf was leading her to a way out of the woods, deeper into the woods, or possibly to her death. Finally after following the wolf for some time he lead her out of the thick brush packed woods and into a large clearing. She took a moment to catch her breath and look around, still totally unsure of where she was in the woods. The clearing was a large open place, along the far edge was a stream full of clear water flowing through it, at the top of the small hill there is a large mouth of a shallow cave, then around the rest of the area, more woods. "I guess that this is better than having to fight my way through the thick woods." She said with a shrug and started walking to the stream, the wolf not follower her at this point, but going part of the way up the hill and stopping to wait. "I will follow you in a moment, I want to get some water." She said panting a bit and getting on her knees and dipping her paws into the water to gather some for a drink, purring at the feeling of the nice cool water. She got up after drinking her fill of the water, looking around to see the wolf was still sitting there waiting for her to follow him. Something in the back of her mind told her not to, that the wolf could be leading her to her end, but at this point she didn't care, she was starting to think that she wasn't going to get out of the woods, and at least of she was eaten by wolves that she wouldn't have to suffer through starving to death. "I'm coming boy." She said trekking up the hill, the moment she got close the wolf bolted up the hill into the cave. "I guess you want to take a brake and rest here." She said smiling and walking up to the mouth of the cave, a sudden growling sound caused her to stop and tense up. "Oh shit." She whimpered out as she saw what made the sound. A large white wolf came walking out of the cave, his piercing blue eyes starring right into the opossum girl's eyes. The sight of the wolf was a lot to take in, she had seem many wolves in her life, online, on TV and even in zoos but this one was unlike any of the ones that she had seen. The biggest thing about him was his size, his eyes where level with her chest. He was joined on by two other wolves, one being the smaller one that had lead her here. It hit her, the wolf had brought her hear for the pack to eat her. "No, don't." She said wanting to turn and run, knowing that she would be killed faster. "I'm not good, I taste bad." She said starting to shake a bit. As if he knew she was scared the one wolf came up to her and nudged her hand, seeming to show her that they didn't want to eat her. "I'll do anything, as long as you don't eat me." She said letting him smell and lick her paw. They all seemed to get what she meant when she said that, the smaller one's nose went form her hand to her crotch and gave it a little nudge. "What? Do you want to play?" She asked, relieved that she wasn't going to be eaten, but nervures about the wolves, namely the size of the biggest one, she could only imagine how big he was. The little woof that the male gave answered her question, and nervously she got ready, knowing that doing this was better than getting torn apart by some wolves. First came her shirt and bra, the smaller wolves' tails where wagging, the large one was just silently watching the opossum girl undressing, making it a little harder for her to undress. Next came her pants and panties, giving her little wiggle as she slid them down and off, tossing them onto the pile of her other clothes. At this point the wolves' tails where all wagging, even the biggest one. Without saying anything to them or the wolves barking they moved about. The one that lead her here started licking at her sheath, making her moan and wiggle a bit as the cocks in side the sheath started to stir to life. The other wolf, a medium sized all most solid grey, walked behind her and nudged the girl's tail up and started lapping away at her tail hole, covering it and the area around it in slick wolf slobber. She was caught between the wolves and their broad tongues, she was wiggling and moaning. Her shafts now hard and starting to drool pre. The wolves stopped, the grey one laying down on his back, his shaft poking from it's sheath. She smiled a bit, knowing what he wanted and she was going to give it to him. She let out a little purr as she startled the male, her hand reaching back and stroking the red, hard cock, taking some time to make sure the cock was good and covered in the wolf's spurting pre. She let out a moan as she slowly lowered herself onto the cock, feeling the pointed tip of the cock sliding in and starting to stretch her open as she took more and more. After taking a moment to get used to the cock in her she started ridding it, letting out moans as she felt it hitting all of the right spots. With out warning the other small wolf came up and quickly jumped up and wrapped his paws around the opossum and started prodding at her stuffed hole with his cock. It took a few ties but he soon found his mark and slipped into her tail hole, joining his pack mate's. This caused her to let out a loud and lusty moan as she felt so full. It wasn't long before the two had a rhythm going that had her moaning and panting. She watched the large white male walk up to her, and just a bit past her, giving her perfect access to his cock. She was a bit surprised at the sight of the cock, Only about half of it was poking out of the male's sheath and it was bigger than the two male's that where having there way with her no. As surprised as she was, she was to lost in the lust of the moment to care. With out thinking she reached up and started rubbing the cock, pushing the sheath back past the slowly swelling knot, purring as she felt pre shooting out of the cock, splashing her cheek. The male's strong scent was only making her want more and more, and that's what she was going to get. She leaned in and started to lick and suckle at the tip of the alpha's tip, feeling and tasting the pre as it hit her tongue and was greedily swallowed. It didn't take long for the two smaller wolves to reach their peek, the feeling of the opossum's tight hole around, and their cocks rubbing together, sent them over the edge. Without even tying into her, they where pumping gush after gush of cum into her, to the point that it was starting to leak out. She let out a moan into the cock she was sucking as she felt the hot seed in her, the two wolves in her just stayed there for a bit cumming, until the big one gave a soft growl, this must have been the signal to leave. They pulled out, and scampered off into the cave, leaving their alpha and his new toy. Without any kind of sound of notion between the two, she stopped sucking the male's cock and got into the position to be the alpha's bitch. He came right over and let out a throaty growl as he clambered onto her back and starting to move his hips about, his pre spurting tip jabbing around. With a few shots it soon found its mark and with a strong thrust, the wolf sank his cock into her, only stopping when the swollen knot hit her ring. The huge cock pushing in so fast and so deep made the girl moan in a sweet mix of pain and pleasure. The alpha wasted not time, pumping into his new bitch with speed that only a wolf could. She could feel the male's knot pounding into her, the feeling was pushing her closer and closer to the edge. The two kept the mating up for sometime, the woods filling with the sounds of sloppy love making, the wet sounds of the alpha's cock slamming into the opossums well used and well filled hole, the sound of the opossum moaning as she gets closer and closer to blowing her load, and the two of them panting loudly. The two of them soon hitting their peeks, the girl reaching back as she felt the male slamming into her hard, her paws grabbing and squeezing the knot hard. This set the male off, with a might howl he started pumping his tick and copious seed into his little bitch. The opossum girl was so close to cumming that all it would take is a touch, but the moment that she reached for her cock she heard a growl, not wanting to risk anything she just let the male finish filling her, her cocks twitching rock hard and ready to blow. As the male's flow slowed and to a stop, a sliver-white wolf padded up and let out a happy little sound. The alpha pulled out of the opossum with a wet slurping sound and a trickle of cum, but what was left stayed in the opossum, where she wanted it. She sat back on her knees and went to take care of herself, but like the last time the sound of the male growling stopped her. "What is it? I let you use me, can't I get off to?" She asked looking up at the wolf and then getting to her feet. Before she could say anything the alpha turned his head and started to lap at her shafts, causing her to shiver and moan. The wolf made sure to cover her shafts well, stopping when he saw that she was getting to close to cumming. By the time that the wolf stopped licking her completely, she was panting and whimpering a bit. At this point the opossum was ready to pounce and fuck anything, and the sight that greeted her. The alpha's mate had turned away and was presenting her slit to the opossum. There was no need for words between them, she walked up to the alpha's mate and started pressing her shaft into her slit. Taking her time and letting her get used to the feeling of her cocks in her, even though she had the feeling she didn't need to given how big her mate was. It didn't take long before she was pounding into the bitch as fast as her hips would let her, the sight of her licking and cleaning her mate's cock of cum. It didn't take long before she let out a loud moan that would rival the wolf's howls, and started pumping her seed into the wolfess. "Mmmmh that was good." She panted out and slowly pulled her shafts from her lover, and started walking over to her cloths and started getting dressed. "I don't guess you know how to get me back home, do you?" She said as she got dressed and ready to head back out, she was half tempted to stay where she was. She let out a little meep as she felt something nudge her side, turning to see it was the alpha's mate and she was doing like the other wolf when he wanted her to follow. The opossum nodded and started following her. The feral wolf kept walking through the woods, the opossum right behind her, enjoying the sight of the wolf's cum leaking slit. It didn't take long before she was back in the woods that she knew, it was then that she realized the path that she took, that she would be able to go back. The wolf stopped at the edge of the woods, the opossum coming to stop next to her. "Thank you." She said smiling and reaching her hand out to pet the wolf. "I will come back to visit you all some time." She said giving her a little wink as the wolf licked her paw. Leaning in she kissed the wolf on the nose, "you don't know how much you helped." She said warmly and started the rest of the way home, she was ready for a shower, some food and a good rest.

Pages-12 Lines-539 Words-9,779 Characters-50,458