The day before Valentines.

Story by Sagisou on SoFurry

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This is a commission I worked on for Roberick, it took me some time to get it done and I'm not really fully satisfied with it. However, as something I have done, and being allowed to, I'm sharing it with sofurry.

The night before Valentine's Day was, for lack of a better word, assaulted by lovers and hopeless romantics. It was a festival which people like him usually spent alone. No flower, no chocolate, no greeting card, and no lover. It had been like that for a few good years. In any case, he wasn't concerned, neither bothered with that fact. Life moved on, and he had other things on his mind; buying everything from his list was one. After double checking it, trying to read and understand the handwritting, he memorized some of the groceries he should get before the shops closed for the night and put his hand down.

In a crowd he would have easily stood out through his height alone, but he also had a stocky build; crocodiles weren't very common either. He closed his hand, squeezing the list as he pulled it back into his pocket. There were couples everywhere, holding hands and walking close to one another. Many flower stalls were selling roses to passers by and each one had a small queue. Two dragons stood infront of one such stall, one of them laughed and shook his head, declining a girl's attempts to sell him a rose to give to his boyfriend. They turned, beginning to walk away.

"Oh hey, Sagi!" The yellow dragon called out after noticing the croc. "How goes, man?"

He gave no reaction at first, slowly raising his hand from a pocket and offering his friend a handshake.

"Just doin' some grocery shoppin'. Yerself? Hangin' out with yer boy?" He asked, though it was pretty obvious - especially since he had been observing them a few seconds ago.

"Well... yeah. I don't think I have properly introduced you two yet. Tharronis, this is Sagisou."

"Nice to meet you." Said the blue dragon in question, reaching out a hand.

"Likewise." He said, taking the offered hand and shaking it. "Sorry to cut this short, but I'll leave you two lovebirds to yerselves. I need to hurry up and get this shopping done."

Both dragons nodded and waved their goodbyes, turning to walk away. Sagisou and his friend could see each other whenever they wanted to, it wasn't like they rarely had the opportunity. It had been years since their last encounter, either. All it'd take them was a phone call.

It didn't make him jealous to know that his friend settled with someone, though. He was, if anything, disappointed - yes disappointed was the right word - with the fact that he once had to chance to be that someone.

He turned into the grocer shop. It was a little family business run by a kind, old southern couple. The lioness usually ran the counter and the lynx cleaned the aisles, sorting the shelves in the process. They hadn't gone to the effort of adorning the place with hearts and banners like the other shops. However, they still had a festive item displayed: a heart shaped cake. The box was red and had a photo of what the cake looked like printed across it. Such pictures usually made the confectionary seem better than it actually was; cakes like these were mass produced in factories. Nothing special.

Shopping basket full, Sagisou approached the counter and began passing his goods to the lioness. She grabbed each item began working out the total on the cash register whilst he bagged them. Once done the crocodile making pulled out the money and handed it to the lioness, who smiled.

"Thank you, and have a good day." The feline said after giving back the change.

Sagisou grabbed his bags and left the shop with a grateful nod, making his way down the street once more. The stalls were still busy as ever, though one caught his eye, as it only held one item - another cake. The phoenix behind the stall gave the crocodile a wave.

"Hey, hey, big guy!" The slim avian called out, placing a taloned hand on top of the box.

He turned his head to look over at the street vendor.

"Wanna buy a Valentine's cake? Last one I have left!" It was probably a lie, the avian grinned happly at him none-the-less. "It's $17,99 but since it's the last one, I will let you have it for only $15."

"No thanks." Saigsou replied.

"Really? I don't see you carrying one with you, and tomorrow is Valentines! I'm sure it would be a nice gift for your special someone."

The crocodile let out a sigh and for some reason, he turned and made his way over to the stall. "What is the cake made of?"

"It's made of strawberry-flavored jello, vanilla and meringue. I designed it myself, take a look." Carefully, the black feathered phoenix opened the top of the box to show a typically heart shaped cake with red candies adorning the borders, and completely covered in the white meringue.

"Looks good, but I don't really have much o' a sweet tooth."

"You are kidding me, right? With all those teeth at least one must be sweet!" The avian's eyes fell apon the crocodile's ring finger. Sagisou saw a glint in his eye. "Don't have anyone to share it with?"

Sagisou opened his large snout to speak, but he was quickly silenced when the bird spoke up again.

"Say, how about you take this cake off my hands and we go to your place to try it?" The phoenix said seductively.

It was a bit soon to jump straight into that straight forward offer, but he had a weakness for the avian variety. Besides, all things considered, the bird wasn't too bad looking. The dyed crimson hair might have mislead many people to think that the phoenix was female, even the slightly feminine mannerisms would confuse people, but he wasn't fooled.

"Fifteen ye said?" With that, he put his shopping down on the ground and grabbed his wallet.

The phoenix grabbed the money and tucked it in a small like purse that he carried with him, then lifted up the box to his client. "Alright, thanks! Let me pick everything up and we can be on our way. My name is Roberick, by the way."

When Sagisou grabbed the box, he watched the avian quickly fold the table and carry it with both hands on one side, which was a good thing, considering his hands were full.

"Name's Sagisou. Sagi for short."

"Good to meet you, Sagi! So where to?"

Wordlessly, Sagisou crossed the road and led the phoenix to his apartment. It wasn't too far away, just a few blocks. After a fumbled exchange of goods he managed to pull out his keys to open the door. They walked upstairs and entered and entered his apartment. It was small, but cozy. The furniture and the room in general looked clean, though it would be easy to spot a pair of empty beer cans on the coffee table before the couch.

Still unsure if it was such a great idea to have the bird over, Sagisou kept an eye on him. Roberick headed to the kitchen to put the cake down on the counter, and after looking at the large croc he opened the box.

"So, I know it isn't Valentines yet but wanna try it?"

Like Sagisou said before buying the cake, he wasn't big on sweets. There was another reason why he hesitated to say yes, though. "Uhm... Sure." He said softly, putting the shopping bags on the counter near the cake and pulling out the his groceries one by one.

The phoenix opened the box and swiped a feathered finger across the cake, tasting it with a slight coo of delight.

"Mmm... delicious. Here, big guy. Try some." With the same digit, he picked up more of the cake's top and tried to get the croc to suck on it like he did. Much to his surprise, the reptile didn't open that large snout and he smeared the cream over his host's lips.

Sagisou rubbed it off, and then quirked an eyeridge at the other male. His concern seemed to be putting everything in order first, though Roberick didn't see that.

"Oh, if you wanted to skip to the special treat, you should have just said so." The phoenix said with a smooth wink, moving closer to the larger male and placing a hand against Sagi's chest. "I wouldn't mind it, to be honest."

Suffice to say, Sagisou was interested in the bird's offer even if he shouldn't. The closer the male got, the harder it was for him to resist. He reached out a hand to grab Roberick's arm, and then pushed him back against the counter between the bread and the mangos, making some bounce off to the floor. Roberick couldn't really do much about the forced position, but he wasn't complaining, he knew he had pushed the reptile's buttons and this was the price he had to pay.

"Hmmpf... Not like this, big guy." The phoenix chuckled a bit, still trapped between the large male and the counter, trying to stand up again. "Let's go to your room. We will be much more comfortable there."

Silently, the crocodile agreed and let go of the other's arm, leading him straight to his bedroom.

The phoenix began unbuttoning the moment he entered the room, giving a secductive stare to the crocodile. Then he peeled off that loose, collared shirt he was wearing, tossing it behind him.

"Peek all you want, big guy. I'm used to it." His pants were untouched for a moment, but as the avian shifted a bit, he sticked his thumbs into the waistband of those clingy jeans, slowly sliding them down his thighs. They dropped past his knees, pooling around his ankles before he kicked them away as well. That left him clad in only his underwear, his butt was pretty much exposed since his tailfeathers didn't really do much to hide it.

Seeing the other male almost naked in front of him, Sagisou wasn't going to stand there with all his clothes on. Slowly he started to take off his jacket and then pulled his shirt over his head. If he was ever toned and strong, he didn't really show it - maybe not the toned part. His gut was the proof that he let himself go, but crocodiles aren't exactly skinny anyway, especially after reaching certain age.

"Pants too." Roberick teased.

Indeed, his pants were next to go, Sagisou didn't need to be asked about that. In any case, stripped off his belt and tossed it away. After that, his pants simply fell; gravity doing it's thing. He stepped out of his them, approaching the king size bed, putting his hands on the mattress while he tried to lean in closer, to push the avian down. However, the phoenix didn't budge.

"You think that because your big, you're in charge?" The avian said, looking up at Sagi's face while he put supported himself on his talons. "Allow me to turn the tables on ya."

With that, he grabbed the crocodile's arms and gently stroked them, guiding the large male around to make him sit on the bed instead. He didn't need strength when he could just use his charm, and as soon as he managed to get the large croc to lay down, stroking that big gut with his fingers. "Like this."

Sagisou groaned a little, not feeling like complying much at first but for some reason he couldn't really resist. Seems he was fine with letting the slim avian take the ropes, and like that he just laid down on the mattress, having his large snout searching for a peck or any other gesture of affection that could get them started. Even without it, his loins were bulging,

Under such circumstances, it was easy to guess what the phoenix was up to. He backed a bit, shaking his hair out of the way and reaching down a taloned hand to take off the croc's boxers.

"Don't worry, big guy. You are gonna love this." Roberick stepped back forward and straddled the male's lap, his hands holding on to the reptile's broad shoulders as he tried to push him forward a little, giving a gentle and awaited peck to the side of that large snout. He reached back and grasped that fat crimson cock between the reptile's legs, guiding it beneath his tailfeathers and between those toned, taut rump cheeks. He didn't even remove his own boxers, he simply pulled them aside to make room for the fat dick. With that cocktip poised at his entrance, the avian gently lowered himself down onto it, feeling the tip penetrate through that snug muscle and stretch his ring nicely; that heated and semi erect flesh pushing deeper and deeper.

Silent as ever, the crocodile barely complained about his situation. There wasn't anything to complain about it anyway; perhaps the lack of foreplay but even that sometimes wasn't entirely necessary. His crimson dick was still growing erect, though that didn't seem to stop the avian to sit on it. When the tip alone poked Roberick's entrance, he bit his bottom lip. There were many possible reasons that he could come up with to have used plenty of lube there, mainly the size difference, but if the avian had not asked for it then it would be just fine.

Roberick was definitely no stranger to dealing with the big boys, but he wasn't loose either. His tight muscular walls clamped down and squeezed the reptile's member, milking it as much as possible before he bounced up and down in the males lap. A series of soft panting and moans escaped his lips, both taloned hands gripping tightly at Sagi's shoulders and down over the reptile's arms, rubbing back and forth as he tossed his head back. "Hah.. ah.. god, you fit so good.. fuck.. so full. Feels so good..." He rambled on, barely getting his words in between his hot and heavy panting, his lewd moans and pleasure filled cries echoing in the bedroom.

There was more than the eye couldn't see. The avian took that thick member in his ass like it was nothing. It was painful but as the say, no pain no gain. Each time his body went down, he had to stop for a few seconds, worried that if he just continued right away with the riding he wouldn't have the same sensation of fullness. All the while, his black member slipped out from his underwear, and it smacked against his chest with a thump that was nice to hear. His hands moved lower and found the crocodile's hips, squeezing them like he planned on never letting go.

Suddenly the crocodile put a hand on Roberick's face, and he blinked in surprise as the reptile brought that large snout up towards his - not something he'd particularly expected, but wasn't about to complain about it either. He brought one hands to the side of that great snout to kiss it as well, or at least try his best. The only thing they could actually do was press the tip of his beak against Sagisou's lips, though that still counted as a kiss.

"Nngh.. shit... I can't hold back.." Was all the crocodile managed to say after pulling his head back, though Roberick didn't listen and kept bouncing on his cock as if it was an once in a lifetime chance. With the last motion, even before putting both of his hands down on the mattress and holding steady, his cock spasmed thick torrents of his seed into the avian's bowels. He knew he should have waited for the male to pull back, though that didn't really depend on him, in fact he shouldn't even be fucking the male in the first place. Either way, it still felt great, at least on his end.

The crocodile had built in some confidence in the last minute, but it was all gone with the orgasm. Roberick's mind swam from the conflicting emotions. His eyes rolled as he sat down on the thick shaft, moaning in arousal as the cum was blasted into his bowels, a feeling that felt... stranger than usual. There was that warm feeling, but also a strange sort of tingling. He came seconds after the crocodile, howling fit to burst as his own black shaft was splattering his seed against his chest and underwear, the avian closing his eyes and riding out the sensation of the orgasm.

Slowly the phoenix stood up, his black feathers covered in his own cum as Sagisou's bubbled about inside him. "Hmmf... needed that." He said, reaching a taloned hand behind him to rub his tailfeathers down against his ass, before laying on his side. "Mind if I stay here for the night? I don't think I could be able to walk straight for a while."

"Mmf... be my guest."

Both were spent, and Sagisou wasn't really thinking straight when he let the avian sleep on his bed. But since it was already done, he couldn't take his words back.

Roberick idly stroked his fingers over the reptile's chest, and looked at him with a satisfied expression. After that, they both fell silent, lost in their own thoughts, until they dozed off.