A WIP, personal story.

Story by Cathricorn on SoFurry

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Here's just a little treat I've decided to share with some of my watchers and those that happen to stumble by while browsing through some stories. It's one of my personal stories more my fantasy so enjoy as you will. Though I wont give off anything too kinky... just yet anyways. Lemme know your opinions and maybe I'll continue with this.

My Polie Bur Bruce.

The stench of victory filled the locker room, our cheers and howls of excitement echoing throughout as we ventured toward the lockers. If you could call the stench of victory pleasant, then clearly something was wrong with you. Our sweat was worse than the yelps and howls we continuously screeched but none of us paid attention to it. We had just one our final game against our rival team in the state champions, two accomplishments in one. The game had gone into two overtimes leaving it 1 to 1 by the end and then to penalty kicks. We were men who had played our hearts out. "Reign!" A soft hand of a tiger slapped my shoulder. "Freaking awesome game man, season's been so sick with you here, I freaking love you for that final penalty! It was sick!" I gave a smile seating myself down on the wooden benches. "You had a nice kick too Johny, bottom left corner man, Keeper had no clue what hit em." Johny laughed and again said how I was a bad ass and left. I shook my head and peeled my sweat filled shirt from my wolf body. "Amazing game boys! Simply amazing!" Bruce, our soccer coach entered, standing at a good eight feet with a huge gut. He was a polar bear after all, stocky yet more chubby than muscular, the fur on his body was starting to string grays as he aged into his fifties. His snout was a light tan, almost brown color and he had these two beautiful blue eyes. They put shivers down your spine when you looked deep into them, icy blue and a white cream mixture to create that glossy effect. "It's been a true honor working with every one of you, and Reign," I felt those eyes, blanketing me "... amazing shot man, I'd have to call you the V.I.P for tonight's game." Hands clapped and voices cheered and I gave a weak smile. I didn't like being the center of attention, I was just pushing myself. I felt lucky, penalty kicks are always nerve racking, there has to be a contained focus throughout the kick, where it's enough to keep your mind clear on what you need to do without over doing it and stressing too much on placement. "We'll talk more Monday, you guys had a well deserved win and now you need to rest, I know..." His white paw pointed toward the black panther lying on the ground. "Maine, is dying, a couple others of you are too. Get some rest men, wonderful game you've definitely earned your pride and honor tonight!" Another cheer erupted through the locker room and the sound of the showers started. Soon the stench filled locker room took the misty look to it and the smell of soap and shampoo cleansed away the horrible smells. I lingered at my bench, slowly pulling the socks from my aching black paws and feeling some muscle strain in my lower back. The game today had killed me, of course well worth it... but killed me. I could barely lean over or get to a stand. Soccer wasn't the only thing I did, I tended to go out and practice parkour with my other friends, being a gymnast during my end of elementary and through junior years I had the skill and confidence to do some crazy stuff. I had thought that because I had been so active, that it would strengthen my body, but somehow I feel like I've been robbed. Of course there had to be something, the genes in my family. Apparently we had back problems, right around the bottom of the spine and top of the hip, sort of where the rump started. Finally getting to a stand, I hobbled to the shower allowing the heat to wash down my body and slowly loosen and relax me. The relaxation didn't last long, I didn't let it, I wanted to get home and fall asleep, get rid of this aching pain in my back, I had really screwed something up. The last one to enter and last one to leave, I dried myself off and pained to a sit getting dressed in an extra set of clothes before laying down on the benches. I took in slow breathes, easing the pain while listening to people shouting goodbyes and more victory cries. I raised my hand in acknowledgement to a few who had isolated me out as a necessity to the team and gave a thumbs up. It wasn't long before I was alone, eyes shut, and hands over them giving a better feel that I was in a dark place. I was trying to think, sorta put myself into a meditative state where I could lose myself for just a little while. Attempting to get my body to ease the pain in me, but no matter how long I lied there, I couldn't help it. "Hey." Bruce's voice came. My eyes opened to see him standing at the locker room entrance, hands in his jean pockets. "Feeling alright Reign?" I leaned my head back again, reclosing my eyes. "Just... hurt my back a little bit..." I lightly chuckled. "...Doing too many flips outside of soccer." "I warned you to lay off all of that running and flipping stuff you do."

"Sorry... It's hard to stay away from something you love doing."

He shook his head."Have you seen a doctor about it?"

"No I didn't bother... it's sort of in my families genes, my Grandpa had a weak back and so does my Mom and it hasn't been this painful until today."

"You played aggressively today and it helped out the team so much." He gave a toothy grin. "But you paid for it alright." I smirked, slightly amused. Silence soon filled the locker room and it became awkward, though I didn't mind- I was too much in pain. Then I heard a gentle breathe. "I don't usually offer this to my players... and you did appear to be in a huge amount of pain today... Why don't you let me take a look at your back?" "I'm... fine." I muttered through my muzzle. "It's my fault I shouldn't have been doing this like you said." He was already standing next to me when I reopened my eyes, half his face shadowed by the bright lights above. "Your decision, but I'm closing up, so you can't stay here for the night... You played a beautiful game, but you still have to obey the schools rules." I nodded seeing him reach out with a great white paw and I took it feeling him lift. Instantly it shot pain through my back and I cried out, feeling him wrap himself around me to support. "Yeah, I figured this... You're not leaving without a quick check up Reign, I promise you I can make it at least three times better. I did study the body back in school and college." "Really?" I asked leaning against him, one white paw wrapped around me as we walked. "Did you need to take that to become a soccer coach or something?" We both laughed. "No," He chuckled again. "I wasn't planning on becoming a soccer coach, thought I had given it up back in my High school years, I was going to get into physical training and chiropractic, I've been fascinated with how the body works ever since I was young... Can you stand on your own for a moment?" I gave a quick nod. "So," I winced. "What brought you back to being a High school coach?" He pulled out a key, turned the knob and returned to my aid. "I'm not too sure really... I still want to become a chiropractor and have taken classes to do so, I'm qualified and everything but never really went through with it... Some... things came up." It sounded personal the way he phrased his words so I laid off the subject and hobbled over to the couch. "Stay standing for the moment if you can." He quickly said sitting in his chair. Sliding open one of his drawers he removed a pair of glasses.

I laughed. "Getting old huh?"

He lifted his eyes with a scold. "It'll happen to you one day... Don't you worry."

"Not for a good forty years." He laughed and slid his chair over to me.

"Forty years will come faster than you think... Now let's see here. Where's it hurting ya?" I showed him the location, one of the muscles at the bottom of the spine just off to the left side, right before the rump. His paw fingers moved around the area, testing different spots asking me which hurt more. After about a dozen different areas he seemed to gather enough information and told me to lie down. I felt a little nervous and awkward... but a part of me kept from refusing his help. Secretly, I had a love for him. I was gay but hadn't told anyone, I didn't know how. It was my secret, something I was hoping I would never have to let out, maybe to the one I loved, but to tell my parents... All of the expectations they wanted in me, children, a family, basically a 'normal' life. Not to mention my family was religious, we were Christians and being gay wasn't exactly optimum in God's eyes... It sort of pulled me away from religion after hearing that, it wasn't my fault I didn't have these feelings for woman... I had just never been interested in them, couldn't get sprung off them like the 'normal' men could. "So right here?" Bruce suddenly said pushing his thumb into my back.

"Gnf- Yes." I winced. The pain was barely tolerable, the way it felt contorted and displaced, how some pieces felt missing as if someone had hammered it down to nothing but its bare parts.

"No, bruises or anything so you didn't get hit today... Must have strained it... I'm not sure what to tell you... except to have this thoroughly checked out."

I frowned. "I thought you were going to be able to make it feel three times better?"

He stayed silent for a moment and then lightly sighed. "Like I said before... I don't usually offer this to my students or players... but I could try and mold away it temporarily... then you could take to the ice bath if you'd like."

I looked at him for a moment sort of confused and unsure what to say. He wanted to mold away the pain in my back? Like... give me a massage? My side attracted to him arched up and all green flags went up. A massage from the handsome coach of mine... It made me grin inside and dozens of my erotic fantasies swirled around in my head.

"Sorry," He quickly said lowering his large head and chuckling. "I must be a little dazed by our victory still today... I'd better let you go... didn't mean to make anything awkward for ya. I'll see you Monday Reign."

I didn't realize how long I had been lost in the dreams but guessed it was long enough to make the environment awkward. "I uh..." I gave a weak smile. "I don't have anywhere to be... erm... if it's not wasting any of your time."

His head went up and he sort of smiled too. "You sure?" I nodded. "Then... why don't you lie on the couch." I nodded and followed his order pressing my black stomach fur into the couch. "Where's it hurting ya?"

I searched around my back for the pain, rotating my sides to reveal where the usual jab would hit me. "The bottom of my spine... a little off to the left just before meeting the hip part. Then I felt his fingers, strong and warm as they worked through the aching pain. I enjoyed every moment of it, no matter how hard he would go, or how deep he penetrated the skin. The feeling of his soft bear pads digging into my back was almost overwhelming. I could barely believe Bruce was rubbing my back... could he possibly be... gay? "Hey Bruce?" I realized that the awkwardness had returned. "Hm?" Was his reply, sounding as if he was slightly out of focus. "Could you possibly go... a little lower... and deeper? " Thank god my face was buried in the couch, my cheeks had gone red. "Sure thing bud." His answer was warm but his hands did more of the talking as I felt them linger more onto my rump and dig in deeper. I groaned again, this time in pain as he held the pressure there. "Hehe... found it huh?" I whimpered a nod. "Yeah... it kills." He lightened it up. "Take a deep breath and I'm going to push again." I nodded and did so, first inhaling deep through my nose, filling my lungs and expanding my chest, holding a good three seconds. "Now exhale slowly as I push." His hands pressed and immediately I exhaled uncontrollably. The pain literally brought me to tears and I had to fight back with my breathing. "Alright, alright." He said with a laugh. "I'll go slower next time, just take your time and breath... don't rush it, just breath." Again we tried and my exhaling slowed, it helped tremendously that his pressure had ceased a little bit. We kept this up for a good couple of minutes, constant inhaling and exhaling until finally I told him it was enough. His hands moved up my back now, softly walking up my spine and rubbing at the shoulders. They began to rub in a circular motion putting me into a state of relaxation. Sliding smoothly through my shoulder fur and up to my neck he squeezed gently and rocked me back and forth, sending that state into a trance where I began to feel sleepy. I couldn't ignore the sexuality that I felt coming from him and did nothing but enjoyed it: The soft feeling of his paws, gently massaging and relieving my body of stress and tension. The strength he used and the soft husky breathing that was coming from him awakened an instinctive side. It was sort of hazed and filled with a clouded guidance, but the urge it was driving me toward felt right. The urge to simply turn around and stare off into those blue eyes and maybe even go for a kiss.