New Found Form

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#1 of New Found Form

New Found Form

By Von Krieger

"C'mon, Levi!" Alex called to his dog. The big Newfoundland was being stubborn, not wanting to come inside.

"You better not be digging up the yard again!" he called, stepping out the back door to retrieve the misbehaving canine.

Levi met him halfway, his front paws covered with dirt and carrying a muddy object in his mouth. The Newfoundland looked rather proud of himself for his accomplishment. Likely retrieving a long ago buried toy.

Alex sighed and grabbed the big nuisance by the collar, steering him over to where the hose hung.

"Urgh, you brat." He said with a sigh, kneeling down and turning the hose on.

The young teen reached for the muddy object, only to have Levi turn his head. The dog enjoyed playing Fetch. Once. After throwing the object, the biggest challenge was getting it back in order to throw it again.

Alex put the big dog in a headlock, continuing to snag the toy. "C'mon, if you want to take it in the house, I need to hose it off!" the human said with a sigh of annoyance.

It took a little wrestling, but eventually Alex managed to wrest the thing away from the dog. He grabbed the hose and used the spray nozzle, blasting mud and dog drool alike from the object.

It was black and looked kind of like a one of those toy dog bones, which was probably why Levi wanted it. But it only had the two rounded bits on one side, rather than two. The thing had been heavy, made of stone. Alex could see tiny markings on it. It was probably some sort of statue or something. Definitely not a doggy chew toy.

He set it down behind him and got to work on cleaning his dog's muddy feet. Levi's gaze hadn't left the statue, but he made no effort to grab it. The statue began to glow softly. The Newfoundland barked and jumped, taking a step forward, right into the stream of the hose, sending water everywhere.

Alex closed his eyes from the spray and made a sound of disgust. He missed the narrow ribbon of light that came from the tip of the statue, going over Levi from head to toe and back again. It took less than a second.

The dog growled at the object while Alex finished scrubbing his dirty paws clean. The teen picked up the stone object and pointed at the open sliding door. "Get inside!" he said to Levi, rather crossly.

Not needing much of a reason and no longer liking the item he'd dug up, the big black dog ran into the house.

The human picked up the thing his dog had dug up, wanting to get a good look at it. He frowned; it looked a little different than he thought it had. It wasn't quite half dog bone shaped. It tapered to a point at one end, and got a bit thicker, before swelling into a round shape, and then having the two rounded bits, with sort of gap between them.

The markings on it were weird, like something from that Lord of the Rings movie. Definitely not something that Alex knew how to read. Maybe it was worth something? He'd show his parents when they got home.

With his chores done and his parents gone, it was time for Alex to have a little fun time to himself. A little self-discovery never hurt anybody.


Alex leaned back in the plush leather officer chair, box of tissues nearby, several of them already pulled out and placed in a pile for use. He opened up the bookmarks file that he kept on his thumb drive and went to one of his favorite free sites. Mmm, blonde lesbians in cheerleader outfits.

He brought up a few pictures, giving them a look over before deciding on a particular one, lips locked, tops pulled up to bare breasts, well-manicured hands cupping perfect buttocks.

Erection in full force, Alex opened up the pic on full screen mode. He wrapped one hand around his member and began to stroke. Things felt a little... different. His meat felt... thicker. He could easily encircle his fingers around it before, but now he was just barely able to make his thumb and forefinger meet. No matter, it felt good. Really good. Really, really, REALLY good.

He only got a few strokes in before he made a grab for the tissues, inhaling with a sharp gasp as his cock erupted, and erupted was the right word. The first jet shot several feet in the air and splattered all over the keyboard. Alex managed to get the tissues in the way of the second, but the thick white goo gathered in his cupped palm and quickly overflowed the tissues' ability to hold it in.

Out of panic Alex clamp his hand down on the head of his member, soggy tissues and about half of cup of cum dumped into his lap. He thrust against his hand, sending even more semen spraying all over his lap and the chair.

There were several more spurts, but they paled in comparison to the force and velocity of the first few. They simply struck his hand and dripped back down.

"Holy shit!" Alex panted. He had never felt anything like that, even when he tried not masturbating for a few weeks, it just didn't build up like that; especially not to the point where a half gallon of the stuff would squirt out with one ejaculation. Where the hell had it all come from anyway?

Alex looked down at his cum-soaked lower body, spreading his legs. His jaw dropped as he saw the size of his member. It hadn't even come up past his waist, but now it was damned near on level with his belly button. Just beyond it were his balls, now the size of grapefruits.

He stared in awe at his cock for a few moments, until a sweet, musky scent hit his nostrils. He found the smell going right to his crotch. His member, which hadn't softened one bit, throbbed with need again.

No way was this real. He'd fallen asleep on his bed or something and he was dreaming all this. There was no way this was possible. But it all felt so real, and so good. That orgasm was the best one Alex had felt in his young life. Since it was a dream, he might as well enjoy it, and if it wasn't, well, he had a mess to clean up anyway.

Alex grabbed the mouse with a sticky hand and brought up another website. He was about to click to head for his usual fap fodder, when a new picture set at the top of the page caught his eye for some reason. He was breathing hard as he clicked it and then opening the pictures linked within.

Lesbians were his usual thing. He didn't like to have a penis that didn't belong to him involved in his fun. But for some reason this set, another blond cheerleader, and a hot, well muscled jock filled him with lustful desire.

His body felt strange, and the chair felt a little tight all of a sudden. The mouse felt smaller, his normally baggy t-shirt clung to him for reason not related to it being saturated with seed.

He just managed to tear his eyes away from the screen. Looking down at himself her could see muscles appearing on his lanky frame, toned to the point where the sexy stud in the porn pics looked undernourished.

With his tongue lolling from his mouth, Alex turned his gaze back to the screen and scrolled down. The cheerleader had begun sucking the jock off, and the sight made Alex's mouth water. There was one image where the jock was jerking himself off onto the cheerleader's face, and Alex took that one up to full screen. He pulled the monitor over to the edge of the desk and began licking it as he stroked himself, overcome with the need for sex.

He closed his eyes, thankful for the old, heavy monitor that kept its place as he licked, allowing him to encircle his even larger cock, now requiring both hands to wrap around its girth.

Alex pulled himself from the increasingly uncomfortable chair, preferring to kneel on the floor. If he raised himself up, the tip of his cock brushed the bottom of the computer desk, sending delicious spikes of pleasure through his body.

With a moan that came up from the inner depths of his psyche, Alex climaxed again. As good as it had been before, this was even better. Thick streams of cum launched from his member with the force of a firehouse, his bowling balls sized testicles providing a deliciously huge amount as it began to puddle around him.

The muscled teen slumped back into the sticky pool of his own making, that wondrous scent wafting up from the mess he'd just made. He rolled onto his side, cum dripping down the side of his face. He licked at it instinctively and moaned with the sudden pleasure his own seed gave him.

Alex turned to all fours, lowering his head to the floor, tongue darting out as he lapped up his own cum. His tongue seemed to grow longer, more dexterous, better able to collect the sweet bounty beneath him. His t-shirt now clung to him almost as if it were painted on, and as he licked it began to grow tighter still, especially around the chest.

He yelped as two sweet points of erotic sensation flooded him with new pleasures as his new tits blossomed within their cotton prison. The rubbing of the fabric over his nipples as they grew was heavenly. He felt so needy on all fours, rump up in the air.

One hand went absently to one of his new breasts and squeezed, drawing a yelp of pleasure from Alex. He swirled one black-nailed hand in his cum and brought it to his rump. Without a second thought he crammed two fingers in, imagining the jock from the pictures, imagining himself in a cheerleader's outfit, being pounded from behind, moaning with delight like a good little bitch.

Oh fuck, he was never going to be able to lap up his mess if this kept up. He moved from a kneel to a crouch, cock rubbing against the bare floor for stimulation. It didn't feel as good as his hand, but fuck, did the fingers in his ass ever make him feel so hot.

The two points of pleasure on his chest were joined by two more right below them, and two more still on his belly. His shirt could no longer hold with the strain and began to rip along the seams.

Alex snarled, rather annoyed, and gripped the offending clothing at the neck and easily tore it from his massive, powerfully muscled frame. Any bodybuilder in the world would have been deathly jealous at Alex's sheer size, height, and development. He felt great, he felt so good, so damned horny.

To his surprise, he found that he'd slurped up every last drop of the massive load he'd just blown all over the floor. His tongue lolled from his mouth and he panted as he fingered himself. He grabbed his breast tighter, blunt claws digging into the bare flesh. It was just enough to send him over the edge.

Alex threw his head back and howled his pleasure, feeling a weird pressure at his mouth, and a slithering sensation at the base of his spine. But those feeling were forgotten at a powerful explosion of pleasure from between his thighs.

Her thighs. Alex knew she was a girl now, a girl with a massive penis, balls the size of her computer monitor. Fuck, her cock was so big. It was damned near hitting her in the face. The only reason it wasn't were the six beach ball sized tits hanging from her powerful frame. Tits that were still swelling.

The bitch reached between her legs, rubbing the lips of her newly aching pussy. She needed to be filled. Now. By something that could go deeper than her own fingers. Her gaze immediately darted to the obelisk that she found. Deliciously shaped, the smooth taper and fat knot made her sex drip with excitement and desire.

It had gotten bigger since she'd set it down. Big enough to satisfy a huge, slutty bitch like her. Alex wagged her tail and grabbed it, stuffing it into her eager cunny. She whimpered with relief at the sensation of the cool, smooth stone rubbing against her tender netherlips.

She flopped onto her bed, the metal frame squealing in protest. A majority of her legs hung off the bed, but it was of no matter to her. She thrust and bucked, hugging her cock to her fat, heavy, breasts, each on topped with a thick black nipple.

Alex opened her muzzle and howled in delight, feeling her cockflesh shift beneath one leather-padded handpaw. It grew smooth, slick, tight. The bell shaped head contracted, forming a tapering black point. Her thick knot ballooned into being near the base, just above her sheath.

Her floppy ears heard the faint pops as her legs shifted configuration, granting the bitch proper paws. She curled her toes, claws scraping on the hard wood floor. Her breasts began to feel tight, clenched almost. Like balloons being inflated closer and closer to their breaking point. But the sensation wasn't painful.

It was sweet, delicious, almost as wonderful as the sensations she felt as she pumped the dildo in and out of her hungry, eager, needful cunt. Oh fuck did it feel good, so good, so wonderful, so perfect.

Alex couldn't even howl as she came. The wonderful tightness in her breasts could no longer be contained, six stream of milk spouting from her tits. Alex thrust upward, pushing off the floor HARD. Her bed could no longer take the strain, the metal giving way, sending her crashing to the ground atop her mattress.

But Alex didn't care. She was lost in the bliss from the virtual waterfall of her sex, and the yummy, monstrous blasts of seed that painted the walls and ceiling with her climax.

Lost in the white hot inferno of sexual desire, she closed her eyes and did her best to regain her breath as her handpaws traced over her furry body.

Wait... her? Furry body?

Alex's eye snapped open and she looked down at herself. "Oh fuck me!" she whispered, horrified.

She was a dog; a bipedal, oversexed, massively muscled, hermaphrodite, eight foot tall dog. Her muzzle wide in shock, she looked down at her black furred frame, feeling the powerful flesh just beyond.

"No way! Fucking no way!" she whispered to herself, eyes filling with tears, body filling once more with lust.

Just being in her body aroused her, looking at it was far, far worse. Her cock throbbed, her pussy ached, her tits longed to be milked.

Alex couldn't help it. She rolled onto the floor, taking her nipples in her handpaws, tugging them gently, feeling sick to her stomach at the desire the act caused, the hunger to fuck that filled her as she drained her massive mammeries of milk.

She shivered and moaned as her cock erupted once more, the load slamming into the door weith enough force to knock it open. She was cumming without much need of stimulation now; her body craving sex, needing climax, not bothering to include Alex herself in the equation.

She couldn't stop, she couldn't move, she could only milk herself, relieving the sweet pressure that built up within her. Her own scent made her so horny, surrounding by the seed of a virile male, cunt dripping with the scent of bitch in heat. Male and female in one both attracted to one another.

The scent of bitch in heat wasn't just arousing to Alex. Her canine ears heard the footfalls of Levi as the dog padded in, having no problem trodding through the growing lake of cum and milk that was leaking out into the hall.

Before Alex could give protest, his paws were on her back, his cock crammed into her hot, slutty bitch sex, pushing the fertility idol deeper into her, forcing it into her womb.

Alex whimpered with physical pleasure and emotion pain as her dog raped her. "Oh bad dog!" she scolded, "Bad.... mmm... dog."

Fuck, with the way she had grown, what would happen if her came in her? She was in heat, was she going to get pregnant? Swell with puppies?

"Dammit, get off! Get off! Get AAAAAAAAAAH!" Alex howled, her traitorous body exploding in another delightful climax. There was a sweet warmth that seemed to trickle up her love tunnel, pulled onward by hungry muscle movements.

"Oh no! Fuck no! No! No! No!" she repeated, feeling faint twinges in her belly.

The bitch snuffled softly, "Dammit, this can't be any worse."

"Alex! We're home!" called a female voice from downstairs, "What's that weird smell?"

Oh fuck.