Obsession of the Blue Queen and the Red Prince

Story by bluequeen1930 on SoFurry

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A warm and breezy Saturday, Alexia sighed, running her fingertips over the smooth surface of her sheets. Another warm breeze blew through her window, shifting her curtains, playfully stroking at her short, dark hair. The scent it carried enticed her. Giggling like a kid, the gray wolf kicker her feet beneath her blue comforter, falling into a daze as she stroked down her side, basking in the erotic feeling of brushing her foot down her fur covered leg. With an excited gasp, her brown eyes shot towards her door handle. Noticing it was locked, she groaned almost wickedly as her paw wondered down her smooth, curved abdomen, teasingly tickling through her fur.

Licking her lips and gasping, she moaned as her padded tips brushing over her heated sex beneath her cotton shorts, her other paw snaking its way up into her matching top. She roughly fondled her right breast, only letting a light whimper escape her throat but she wanted to scream out in desire from her own treatment. Only the sound of her twin brother singing to himself in the next room stopped her cold. But as his voice grew louder, she breathed deep, finding his soothing voice so enticing. Her muzzle shuttered as she muttered, "Ben!" Her body aching with need, she pressed two fingers into herself, gasping hard as she spread her sensitive slit, "Oh god!" The more her body became inflamed with the desire for sex, the more she mentally craved it. Clenching her eyes tight, she did not notice the blue marking that appeared just above her waist. "Oh god!" She inhaled deeply, emitting a menacing growl. Her eyes shot open, their irises radiating a cold, blue glow.

Ben lay in the dark, his skinny, naked torso exposed to the warm summer air. Wearing only his jeans and his head phones on his head, he had his paws behind his head and his ankles crossed. Smacking his lips one last time, his head fully collapsed into his pillow and he slowly fell asleep, his long black bangs falling over his eyes.

The room was still dark, but this time, everything went insane. Ben shrieked when he felt some unseen force flip him off his back and onto his knees. Bellowing in confusion, he shouted when his paws were forced onto the head board of his bed. Huffing sporadically, he screamed when the impossible happened. The sheets on his bed pulled themselves from beneath him and wrapped around his wrists, tightly tying him to the wooden head board, leaving him tied and terrified. Looking around, the head phones were still on his head, so all he heard was the constant pounding of his heart.

One thing he did hear, eventually, was the loud sound of metal on metal as someone's paws reached around his waist, gently stroking his flat stomach before undoing his belt. "Who's there!" There was a loud CRACK! Ben heard the striking of the belt against his flesh and fur before he felt the sharp sting. He whimpered like a pup as he fell forward, desperately tugging at the sheets around his wrists. Then there was another sharp CRACK! And then another! Ben badly wanted to grab the reddening part of his exposed ass, wanting to cradle the abused bits of flesh. "FUCK!" he cried, tears sinking into the fur on his cheeks. Suddenly, as this person took him by the jaw and turned his head, "Lexi!" he barely wheezed.

"Lexi, what the fuck...!" He arched his back and reared up, lost for words when he felt his own sister's wet mouth around his hanging sac as she pulled down his jeans the rest of the way. "Lexi, stop!" He had to bite his lip, clenching his eyes when Lexi nipped harder at his one nut. She was like an animal, sending a chill up his spine as she ran her tongue along his sac then up to his tail hole, roughly handling his bushy appendage. Struggling to breathe with tears running down his face, Ben looked away, shamed to see his cock poking out of its sheath, soon dangling between his legs. He might not have liked this sick, twisted treatment, but his body sure did!

Ben gagged as Lexi took his belt and tightened it around his neck. She mocked him with her smile, teasingly stroking at his Adam's apple. The sheets around his wrists gave way from the head board and she pulled him to the floor. Forced to his knees, he only looked up at her with pleading, questioning eyes, his jeans barely hanging off his ankles. With tear filled eyes, he inhaled as she pressed against the back of his head, guiding her him towards her damp, wet sex. He sniffled as soon as the taste of his sister's insides touched his tongue. From that moment, he wrapped his paws around her thigh and lusciously lapped at her walls, greedily parting the lips of her slit like a glutton who couldn't get enough. He furiously growled, feeling her padded foot pressing against his throbbing knotted shaft and his pulsing sac. Snarling around her wet, delicious cunt, he looked up at her with glowing red eyes. She gazed back at him, mockingly, as she gently uttered, "My red prince..."

Lexi ended up on her back in Ben's bed, pulling at the belt still around her brother's neck. She stroked over the glowing red crown on his abdomen, matching the blue spires on her own. He was like a beast, grinding against her until finally his throbbing wolf cock spread her tight virgin walls, spraying them with copious amounts of pre. The wolf bellowed and growled as she locker her knees around his sides, wildly scratching at his back until ten bleeding lines ran down every showing muscle on his backside. Laughing madly, she leaned upward and bit into his shoulder. He only paid her in kind, dragging his sharp teeth along her shoulders until he tasted a fine coppery taste, holding her in his arms as he thrust in and out of her wet, dripping cunt.

As his knot sluggishly started to push and tug at her insides, so did she pulled at his hair, throwing her head back and letting out a shriek of ecstasy. He himself only struck her as vigorously as he could, his muscles bulging in his arms as he supported her over the bed, grunting as he came close to tying with her. Only when his sac loudly tapped against her rear one final time, he grunted and howled, sinking his teeth into her shoulder. His knot bulging against her insides, he strained to breathe as he filled her with his seed, covering her walls. She moaned and writhed on the bed, nuzzling against his head and nipping at his ear. As they basked in the bliss of orgasm, they did not even see the blue and red marks, literally bleeding from their bodies. They were ignorant as they tasted each other's flesh. Soon they would realize how they suffered as pawns, manipulated by the Blue Queen, and her unyielding Red Prince.