The Bouncer, Chapter 1

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#1 of The Bouncer

A Rottweiler who is down on his luck finally gets the job of his dreams, working at a gay night club as a bouncer.

The Bouncer.

By Wolfie Steel.

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I sigh as I open yet another threatening letter, this time it is from my Landlord, it seems that I am three months late with my rent, oh well I'll just add it to the growing pile of letters all threatening some sort of legal action against me, to be brutally honest I am trying to decide what is more urgent, paying some of the outstanding bills that I have with the little money that remains from my redundancy package, or do I buy food?

It doesn't really matter anymore, the food that I have been able to buy has gradually got less and less, and today I will probably blow the last of my money on a burger from the local fast food joint, after that I will have nothing left and come the weekend I will probably be feeling the effects of sickness brought on by the lack of food.

I can't even afford life's basics such as water to drink, so if the starvation doesn't get me, the thirst will. You ask why I can't simply go to my folks and ask for their help, well when you are a gay Rottweiler from a strictly homophobic family, it's not hard to see why I am in this situation, oh sure, I could hit the streets and hire myself out to the perverts and the scum bags of the city, but even as low as I am, I still have my pride.

And so I walk out of my apartment, making sure that I close and lock the door, I then head towards the local fast food joint for what promises to be my final meal for quite some time.

As I walk I notice a sign outside the local night club called Silver's, the sign is advertising the fact that they have a job on offer, the job of doorman or to give it it's slick name, The Bouncer, sure I would love to be able to say "Nah that job ain't for me" but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Suddenly I forget about my grumbling stomach and I make my way over to the night club's doorway, there is a phone number on the sign and I'm about to call it when the front door opens, standing before me is a god in a Doberman's form, dressed in his smart casual clothes, tight fitting jeans, and white button down shirt, he lets out a gasp as he does not expect anyone to be in front of the door.

It takes a while for him to come to his senses but finally he speaks.

"Sorry man, I wasn't expecting to see anyone standing in front of the door, can I help you?"

Oh gods if only you could suck away the hard on that I'm starting to get, I quickly get my thoughts out of the gutter and make my reply.

"Well I was kind of interested in the job vacancy that you are advertising"

The Doberman gives me a good look over, probably assessing my physique to make sure that I could handle the job as a bouncer, of course my mind hopes that he is seriously checking me out for carnal pleasures but who am I kidding, the guy is probably straighter than my damn parents.

"Well my friend, I was just on my way to get something to eat and drink, why don't you join me and we can talk more about the job"

I blush a little and I'll be damned, he notices the slightly darker patch of my tan coloured fur patch.

"Did I say something to make you blush? If so I'm sorry, it wasn't intended"

I shake my head again and make my reply.

"N-no it's nothing like that, it's just that I too was going to get some food with what I have left of my money"

The look of realisation floods his eyes.

"Oh my, I thought you were just skinny by design, but you actually haven't been eating much have you? Well we can't have that, you ARE going to join me, and you WON'T be using the last of your money"

Again my tan fur patches darken slightly, but I try to not let it show as he turns to shut and lock the door. From my vantage point I can see his rippling back and shoulder muscles as he locks the door, my eyes wonder down to his full tail and his oh so beautiful and plump butt cheeks, "Damn it Jake, get your eyes off the guys ass" my thought is broken as the Doberman turns to face me.

"So, we can either go to Burger King, or there is a pretty decent café just down the street, they do a pretty mean all day breakfast"

I consider the options, do I want to stock up on junk food, which will probably keep me full for about two hours at best, or do I want to get a decent cooked meal inside of me which will hopefully see me through the day, when you look at it like that, there really is no contest the café wins paws down.

We begin our walk towards the café, the Doberman stops for a second and he turns to face me again.

"Where are my manners, I haven't even introduced myself to you yet, my name is Lance Silver, owner of Silver's, the gayest night club in town"

He offers me his paw and I place my own paw in his and I shake it, it's then that what he has just told me hits me with full force.

"You mean that the club is...a gay club?"

The Doberman chuckles a little.

"100 percent all male pleasure club, which I'm sensing would be a good place for you, and yes I did catch you checking out my ass, but first things first, we eat, drink and then go through the interview, so what is your name?"

Knowing that I have probably just found the best job anywhere in town I make my reply.

"My name is Jake Cooper, and I'm sorry for being so forward with regards to your, well let's face it, damn fine ass, I know that hitting upon a potential boss before the interview is not a good idea, so I'm guessing that the interview is just a formality and at the end of it I will still be jobless"

The Doberman chuckles again, this time a little louder, oh gods that deep resonating voice, it drives me wilder than his ass does.

"Trust me Jake, if I was at all offended by you checking me out, you wouldn't even get as far as the interview, you would, however, have found yourself a one way ticket to the hospital, so please don't fret about the interview, in truth I have already made up my mind, but we best do things by the book"

After a five minute walk we enter the café, Lance motions to an empty table which I take a seat at while he walks up to the counter and orders our meal, just turning briefly towards me to ask what I would like to drink.

Once Lance has placed the order he sits opposite me at the table, he places both of his handpaws on the table surface and I can see that there is no evidence of any rings to show that he is mated, he sees me looking.

"No Jake, I am not with anyone, at least not yet anyway, but the day is still young"

Damn it, I really have to get my head clear, now he is thinking that I want to mate with him, I mean ok yes I will admit that the thought of me ploughing his tightly packed and perfect ass does appeal to me, but damn it I have only just met the guy.

"I'm sorry Mr. Silver, I'm not usually like this, it's just that you are so..."

Lance completes my sentence.

"Hot, good looking, so fuckable, my dear Jake, I have heard them all before, and to be honest most of the guys that say it I don't really give much quarter to, but you are different, in the short time that we have known each other I have found myself starting to fall for you, but we are here for professional purposes, being to get you a job"

Lance's little speech has the effect of clearing my mind; he is right, business before pleasure. I re-adjust myself in my seat just as our meal and drinks arrive. We eat and drink in relative silence and once the meal is done he looks me in the eyes.

"Ok, this will be a very short interview; I just need to know your age, your address and your phone number"

I furnish him with the fact that I'm 29 years of age, I tell him my address and phone number, and just for my own piece of mind I tell him that I too am single.

"Well Mr. Cooper, I'm happy to tell you that you have just gained yourself full employment, now if you will follow me back to the club, I will introduce you to some of the guys that work there, some of which you will be working with directly"

We both stand from our seats and then he asks me for my handpaw, at first I'm a little nervous but I offer him my paw, he takes it and shakes it, but as he pulls his paw away he gently closes my paw around something, I open my paw to look at what I'm holding, and there is a roll of bank notes. I start to protest about being given the money, but he gives me a stern reply.

"I don't give all of my employees a cash advance, but then again not all of my employees are in such dire need, there should be enough there to help get your life back on track, and next week you will get your first pay check, but please, for the love of god, when we meet the guys, don't tell them that I have just given you money, I don't want them to see that I have fallen for you"

I hang my head a little but I thank the Doberman anyway, and I assure him that I will say nothing about the cash advance, or the fact that I too have fallen for my new boss.

We arrive back at the club and instantly we are met by a huge, mean looking Draft Horse, I cower back behind Lance and whimper a little, Lance just gives a hearty belly laugh.

"Jake, you have no need to be afraid of Trey, his neigh is worse than his bite"

I slowly walk out from behind the Doberman and offer the Horse my paw in friendship, suddenly a massive smile breaks out on the Horse's muzzle.

"Hi there, I'm Trey McTere, but most of the guys here including Mr. Silver call me Big Guy, I'm the head of security here at Silver's; I take it that the boss has hired you as the new doorman, well you seem a little on the skinny side, but I do see quite a bit of muscle tone"

The Horse gently takes my paw in his hoofed hand and shakes it, I find that his huge size belies the fact that he is actually very soft and gentle, kind of a gentle giant you might say, the Horse continues.

"So Jake tell me, could you evict a 300 pound Pit Bull who is heavily drunk and getting nasty?"

I think about my answer carefully.

"I guess if I were called upon to do that then yes I could"

The Horse grins, a subtle grin and speaks again.

"What about a 90 pound Chihuahua, who is giving you the serious 'fuck me' eyes?"

By now I'm starting to feel much calmer around the Horse.

"Oh yeah, I would just kiss his cheek gently, and then plant my footpaw up his ass and boot him out the door"

The Horse roars with laughter which rattles some of the optics behind the bar.

"Aye Mr. Silver, young Jake here will do well under my guidance"

The Doberman leads the Horse off to the side for a private chat.

"Now Trey, you are the only one that I can trust with what I'm about to tell you, if it gets back to me that others know, I will fire your ass, but I want no harm to come to Jake because I kind of have a thing for him, so while you are the head of security here, if Jake needs help, you will supply it, is that clear?"

The Horse gently nods his head once and then makes his way back towards me.

"Ok Jake, before I take you out the back to get your uniform and radio mic and stuff, I'm just curious to know if you have a nickname, I mean Jake could mean almost anyone in this place, take the boss for instance, his nickname is Boss Dog, mine as you know is Big Guy, the bar tender's nickname is Piss Head, because he is in charge of getting everyone pissed out of their skulls, so what can we call you?"

I giggle as I hear the Bar Tender's nickname and then I make my reply.

"Well my name is Jake Cooper, so I guess you could call me JC"

The Horse considers the nickname and then giggles.

"JC, yeah I like that, as you are on the door it would mean that we have Jesus Christ looking after us, ok from now on when you radio in to somebody like me for instance, you will simply say "JC calling Big Guy" and I will answer, now there are code words for trouble, Duster, means that you suspect that a drug addict is at the door, Wham Bam is the code for a fight, we don't get that many of those because most of the customers have met me, then finally we have Alkey, as the name suggests, that is when a patron gets a little too drunk and becomes abusive. Big Boss and I run a decent club here; we don't need a bad rep"

With my tutoring over, Trey leads me into the kit room; he then proceeds to hand me a uniform that will fit me, along with my radio pack.

"Now then JC, this is your uniform and radio set, no one else has access to it, when you need any new uniform you see me, if you need a new battery for the radio, you see me, as far as working here goes for you, I am god, however, you do have one distinction from the rest which the boss has told me about, now I will say nothing about his taste in sweethearts, but he has asked me to keep a close eye on you which I will do, if you get into any trouble, just call me and I will be there, all I ask of you is that you work well for me, if you do that then you will have a friend for life in me, but cross me up, and I don't care if you are the Big Boss's trophy, I will still mess you up, is that understood?"

I gently nod and take my uniform and radio set from the Horse, a shiver runs down my back as I replay what he has told me in my mind, getting on the wrong side of the Big Guy is not something that I am considering.