Fox Tales Chapter 2: Bath time

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#2 of Fox Tales

Jacob breathed heavily, his bare chest heaved as his muscles strained against gravity. A loud metallic CLANG rang throughout the house as the weighted barbell dropped into its cradle. Music blasted as per usual whenever he worked out. Sitting up Jacob grabbed a bottle of water and drank with thirstily. His watch beeped and he put the bottle down and wrapped his paw around the bar and tensed ready to lift it up again.

The doorbell rang and Jacob thought about letting it be. Finally he stood up at the third repetition of the bell. "Fine, fine..." He grumbled as he stood a towel hanging around his neck and falling to partially cover his chest. Sweat rolled down his face and he wiped it away with the towel. Hitting pause on the stereo's remote, he walked out of the gym and up to the living room.

Inside the living room Talia sat on the floor quietly with her canvas of paper and around a billion colored pencils. She sat rigidly with one of the pencils held up in front of her before the canvas. It reminded Jacob that of a fencer saluting an opponent. He stepped into the room silently and saw that she was mimicking an artist that was paused on to the screen.

She was being so serious, he couldn't help himself he smiled and was recalled to himself as another ring of the bell split the silence, "PAPA!!! DOOR!!!" Jacob laughed and pounced on his daughter, kissing her on the head and hugging her tight. He told her that he would get the door and walked to the door. He was still looking back into the living room when he opened the door.

Janice Michs stood on the other side of the door. Janice was five foot four inches and naturally lean. Her fur was a shade of light brown with splotches of darker fur around her eyes. She was athletic without being a bean pole. She was the widow next door and she was sought after. She had been approached by many single suitor and even some married ones. Janice had modest breasts that filled out her shirt nicely, "Jacob you are late."

"Excuse me?" Jacob said a slightly confused look on his face.

"You forgot again." Janice sighed and that breath did very interesting things to her chest. Jacob noticed not because he was staring at them, but because he was looking down for the paper. The paper he knew was sitting on the table in the kitchen. Jacob grunted and looked at her blankly, she know that it was a bunch of crap. "Jacob... "She glared at him exasperated,"the play date between Talia and Max. It was thirty minutes ago."

Jacob nodded,"Shit I am sorry Janice. I will wash up and bring Talia over."

"No it is too late. I have errands that I have to do."

"I promise to make it up to you."

"Good! Dinner tonight, bring Talia."

"But, I..."

"NO No no no... you promised. So I will see you tonight." She didn't wait for his reply, spinning on her heel she started away. Her tail flicked around and held up, giving him a nice view of her ass. Jacob watched from the door, groaning in desire. As Janice reached the end of the side walk, so slowed and glanced back at the house, at Jacob. Her tail twitched almost as if waving.

Jacob closed the door and leaned against it. "Papa are you ok?"

He looked to Talia and smiled," Yeah baby I am ok. So were you ease dropping?" The little girl nodded," That is not good you know that right?" Talia nodded again. She lifted up the paper canvas and showed him a drawing of the house without neighbors, with Talia and Jacob. Jacob took the picture and smiled at it. "So this is what you have been working on?" She nodded. "It is good. But, for now we need to wash up tonight we have plans for tonight."

Talia giggled and hugged her father. Jacob happily picked up his daughter and kissed her softly. He turned and walked through the house and into the bathroom. Talia climbed down and started to pull off her cloths. Jacob turned and started to draw up a bath, putting the water to a good temperature. Talia jumped into the water and splashed some out on to her father.

Jacob turned to Talia and gave her a slightly reproachful look. "Papa, come on." She smiled and giggled splashing more water at him. Jacob stripped just like his daughter and climbed into the tub with her. He grabbed the shampoo and pouring it in his hand he reached down and began to rub the shampoo into her fur. She closed her eyes as suds slid down her face, her nose twitched about as she breathed. He shampooed her face and then smiled.

"Hold your breath." Talia didn't wait for him to wash off the shampoo. She dropped her head into the water and then whipped her head back out. "Ok now stand up." Jacob slid his hands into her arms pits and lifted her so that she was standing. "Now you are such a beautiful girl. Your fur is so soft and smooth." Talia giggled and wriggled under her fathers praise.

"Thank you papa." She smiled, kissing and hugging him tightly. He put another dollop of shampoo into his paw and starting rubbing it in to her fur. He slid his paws down her back and one leg. Jacob laughed as Talia kissed him again. The cleaning continued as Jacob slid his hand up Talia's leg. She wriggled slightly and his fingers brushed against her slit.

Talia jumped as Jacob's fingers slid along her folds. Water swirled in the tub and Jacob leaned forward and kissed her. His cock began to grow from his sheath as his hands roamed over her chest. "Papa." Talia whispered her hips shifted back and for. "What did you do?" Jacob breathed heavily again catching the smell of his daughter, the juice from between her folds.

"My fingers slipped. I am sorry baby."

"It is ok papa, it didn't hurt..." Talia wriggled some and blushed, "It just felt odd." Jacob murmured softly to her and pulled her close. They hugged for several seconds before Talia started to sit down. Jacob felt his erection slide between her legs and rub against her stomach. She looked down at the water, which had become opaque. She moved her paws beneath the water and felt around.

Jacob sucked in a breath as Talia's paws found his erection. He groaned deeply as Talia's paws moved along it stroking him almost playfully. "Yes..." he murmured enjoying the feeling of someone other than himself holding and playing with his cock. Talia looked up and saw the enjoyment in her fathers face. Her paws moved up and down quickly. Jacob's paws gripped her shoulders he pulled her forward.

Talia moved forward and felt Jacob's cock slide between her folds. Jacob groaned and moved his hips. His cock rubbed back and forth against her, pushing between her butt cheeks. She breathed softly and started to more her hips. Her legs were holding tightly to his cock and the stimulation was more than he could handle. Jacob went still for a minute his as his cock spasmed, and shooting cum into the water of the tub.

Jacob relaxed in the tub and pulled Talia against his chest. The two stayed that way for several minutes, the phone began to ring. Jacob looked down at Talia and kissed her soft, his tongue touching hers. A voice played through the answering machine, "Jacob, I am just calling to remind you... one hour."