Sin University Part 7: Curiosity Raped the Kitty

Story by Frostpaw on SoFurry

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#7 of Sin University

Apartment hunting for college turns kinky.

(Sin University is a seting following several fursona's)

Winter break has always been a time of relaxation, I however have been very busy trying to track down a college apartment. I can't stand the dorms one semester was more than enough of that shit fest. However not only do I need to find an apartment but a roommate as well, as I can't afford the cost alone. I spent a weekend calling around and found 10 places with open space however so far I have found 3 pot heads and a guy that lives like a slob. I don't think I could stand a one of them. Leaving me with 6 places to hit up today. Wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans to protect me from the winter cold, though I don't need much, being a snow leopard I do well with the cold. Were it not for my effeminate frame I would likely not even need the hoodie but being so thin I tend to get cold easier than most snow leopards. Though it's never been a problem when I can cuddle up and use my long extra fluffy tail to keep warm.

Walking up to a nice house that is renting a room just a hair outside the campus, making it nicely placed. Knocking on the door, I hear someone fiddling with a security chain before the door opened. Looking up at the rather large wolf before me. Standing a good foot taller then I.

In a gruff voice the wolf raises a brow glaring down at me. "Can I help you?"

"Um... I am here about the room."

Swallowing hard as I take in the intimidating blue furred wolf before me dressed in a pair of jeans and a leather jacket but no shirt. His six pack showing through his fur. As I stared he appeared to appraised me for a moment before stepping back from the door way and heading back inside.

"Come on in. Just so you know, its $275 a month. And the room is the second from the right. Take a look around I am sadly getting ready to head out so I hope you don't mind if I disappear for about 10 minutes to get dressed properly." Not even bothering to turn around to see my reaction as he spoke and walked through a doorway as the door closed behind him.

Looking around I figured I might as well look around to see if I liked the place. I found it well kept, the room for rent was furnished with a twin sized bed a dresser and a computer desk but no computer. The rest of the house was furnished like a bachelor bad of someone with some spare income, leather couches and chairs, glass and chrome tables. A bar in the corner of the living room and a large flat screen on the wall. Finding a few motorcycle magazines on the kitchen table as looked around before coming across a door with a pad lock on it however the lock was not shut. Clearly he did not want people going in this door, but what on earth was in there. Was he a serial killer, or a drug dealer? With these and many other things going through my mind as I started to take the lock off and open the door. I mean how could I resist looking, after all I would not want to live with a criminal after all. As the door opened I looked down the stairs seeing stairs descending into darkness. Nothing looked out of place, as I slowly crept down the steps, fishing for my cell phone as I did. Reaching the bottom I freed my phone and turned it from sleep to the main screen so I could use it for a light. Flashes of chrome lighting up but the cell was just not a good light though I was able to see a light switch. Flicking it on I was shocked to find myself in a room full of bondage gear. A large cage, an X shaped stand with straps, several kinds of benches and some swings hanging from the ceiling to name a few, tables covered with toys and cabinets lining the walls. My eyes wide with shock, as I quickly turned to bolt like a scared rabbit up the stairs to find my Lupine host standing there looking down at me.

"Well, well. I should have guessed you would find your way down here. Lock did not seem to stop you huh?" the wolf saying with a menacing air of humor to his voice.

My mouth went dry as my ears folded back, "I... I... just was.... It was unlocked... I was just."

He cut me off before I could finish as he took 2 steps forward closing the distance between me and himself. I see him pull something from his pocket a black box looking thing, I hear a crackle just before it contacts me as I slipped into darkness.

It's dark, and my entire body feels like crap. I can only assume the son of a bitch tazed me. Blinking my eyes a few times and it's still dark. I clearly feel something over my eyes, I try to move my arms to pull whatever it is away, but I can't move my arms. I pull harder, and I hear the rattle of chains. This clears any form of groggy ness from me. I start to assess my situation. I feel like something is encasing my head far tighter then a bag, clearly some sort of mask. And I taste rubber, biting down its clearly some sort of rubber ball stuffed into my muzzle. I try to push it out but it will not budge and inch. My legs seemed to be bound as well. Both my arms and legs seem to be bound above me. I realize I must be in one of the swings I saw before.

I started to realize I have no idea how long I have been out, for him to have had time to bind me as such. Where is he is a good question that just now sets into my mind. Though I don't have to wait long for an answer as I feel the warmth of a paw run along stomach and chest. I jerk and the chains in surprise at the sudden presence.

"So cute, so frail, so trapped..."

I whined loudly through my gag, trying to cry.

"You were just curious. Well of course you were. Curiosity and cats after all."

I started to freak out, he was going to kill me.... I went to scream though the gag muffles it until its almost nothing at all.

"Shhhh little kitty, in my world the kitty lives when he is curious. It's just curiosity gets the kitty fucked."

His paw strokes the side of my masked face. I don't know how much relief he expects me to feel but it's not a lot. I struggle with the same vigor I would had he planned on killing me, as he clearly intends on raping me and then what? My struggles end in a sharp pain and a loud slapping noise as he swats me across the ass so hard my body is sent rocking back in forth on the swing. I yipped and whined loudly as he grabs the chains and slows me back down.

"Nobody is gonna hurt you, just enjoy it, it's not like you're going to get a choice. Besides..." leaning in close, I can feel his hot breath on my ear as he whispers with a deep voice that sends shivers up my spine.

"You're going to experience pleasures you never imagined were possible,"

His voice seemed to radiate authority, and it seemed to help me calm down. He reached down pulling off what turned out to be a leather mask tossing it aside. My eyes adjusted to the light in the room as I confirmed I was bound by leather cuffs with one limb attached to a separate chain suspending me from the ceiling. Now that the mask was gone I spit out the ball.

"Please just let me go, I will never tell anyone I swear." My please for mercy falling on deaf ears.

Again hid fingers very gently begin to caress my chest. I gasp as his fingers then begin to slowly trace a path from my chest, over my stomach and up my side. His touch scared me, but much to my own terror I found it very erotic at the same time. I could feel myself starting to get aroused.

"Oh the only topic you're going to have on your mind by the time I am done with you is how to get more cock."

I try to tuck my tail between my legs only it too seems to be bound and I am unable to cover myself as I find myself turned on all the more by his words. His fingers stop moving as he takes note of my hard cock. "Well you look at this, already enjoying yourself."

Shaking his head slowly with a smirk on his face, "If I had known you were a little cock hungry slut in the first place I could have been upstairs letting your ride me while I watch the game."

I shake my head in protest, "No, I am not gay... I'm not anything. Please don't do this."

"Oh my you're a virgin aren't you?"

My face flush with embarrassment. I closed my eyes not wanting to look at him.

"I asked you a question bitch!"

His paw moving to grip my balls giving them a very light squeeze causing me to groan loudly, and nodded my head repeatedly admitting that I was.

"Oh what a treat for me, well why don't you ask me nicely and I may even pop your cherry for you all gentle like."

Whining and shaking my head, "Please, don't... not like this..."

His grip tightening again as I pulled at my chains in pain. His grip loosening soon after. Not wanting to have him do it again, I gave in to his demand.

"Please pop my cherry sir... "I said softly.

"Try again with more feeling, and beg for it. Let me know you really want it, and you better make it really good or I am going to make you regret it."

I close my eyes and swallowed hard before trying again. "Please fuck me, I don't want to be a virgin anymore. I want to feel you in me."

Chuckling, "Very good, you sounded like you actually meant it too. Though to be fair if you don't already, by the time we are done you will."

His paw releasing my balls before and his fingers begin running the length of my cock starting at the base of my sheath and ending at the tip. His touch feels wonderful and I suddenly realize that I'm groaning with pleasure. He then wraps his paw around my shaft, and I gasp as he is the only one other than myself to touch me in such a way. He starts to stroke my shaft slowly at first, and I moan softly but deeply.

He keeps it up for several minutes speeding up ever so gradually as he does so. His other hand moving to my muzzle, as he slips a couple of fingers into my mouth and he orders me to suck on it. My mind lost in the sensation of another's touch for the first time I find myself obeying without protest. After another minute I can feel my whole body starting to tighten. My eyes are closed and my moans loud as he removes his finger from my mouth. I feel his paw drift down to my rump and his now damp fingers tracing an outline around my tight hole. I groan loudly my jaw tight as this new sensation both shocks me from my almost hypnotic state back into reality.

"No please..." Is all I can say before he slips a finger into me and twists it and presses forward.

I can only describe the sensation as rapture. MY body tensing and my cock pulsing and jets of cum thicker and in greater quantity then I have ever coaxed from myself rocket from my cock and spray up my chest even landing on my muzzle.

After a moment he is still pumping his finger into as I cock leaks cum onto my stomach and my chest heaves up and down as I try to catch my breath. He removes his finger and I look up at him my head still spinning. I feel something running down the side of my muzzle and out of instinct I lick at it. It not surprisingly is my cum. To be fair not the first time I had tasted it. I had been curious before, and found it not terrible to taste.

Chuckling again, "Oh my yes, you are the little cum slut aren't you even licking up your own. Don't you worry you will get all the cum you can take, and then some."

Blushing again even stronger at what he said and what I had done.

"I am going to enjoy making you my new slave."

Stepping behind me I start to panic again realizing he plans on keeping me here. The idea that just this morning I was looking for college apartments, and now I may never leave this basement again, I start to tear up at the thought.

Seeing this he stops and leans down between my legs hugging me tightly and stroking my hair.

"It's ok, sshh, its ok. I'm not going to keep you here against your will or anything. If in 2 hours you don't want to live here, you are free to go."

I close my eyes and nod praying he keeps his word once his violation is finished. I prepare myself to the pain but feel his hot breath on my hole, then I feel something wet push against my hole. My eyes spring open and I moan again my cock quickly springing back to life as my body is racked with wave after wave of intense sensation and pleasure. My groans no longer in protest but in lust. He licks and teases my hole for several minutes during which I feel like I am going to die from the sheer amount of sensation.

I start to cry out that I am going to cum, as I feel my balls tighten up against me, but he grips the base of my cock and stops licking all together. MY body convulses with lust as I am so close only to be stopped. I would do anything to cum and he knows it.

He stand back up licking his lips and smiling. I on the other hand am panting and moaning, my cock leaking pre all over myself as it mixed with my cum pooling in my navel. My eyes watering as I blink a few times to clear my vision before looking up at him.

"You like that bitch?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Then say it."

"God yes, please, please doing again... I was so close." I said which I think actually surprised us both a bit

"Oh I am going to enjoy you, don't worry I'll let you cum, but only once I have put a load in you as well."

Reaching down he gathered most of the cum in one paw, and then stroked his now hard length in it. I had not noticed that he had stripped down, which was surprising as it was a sight to see. But I was a little preoccupied by the kidnaping and bondage. He was well muscled but not overly so, had a goatee that suited him and tribal tattoos on his left arm and just above his sheath across his waist. He was sporting a cock that was easily 13 inches long and as thick as a can of red bull. I whined knowing where he was planning to stick that using my own cum as lube. And from the massive size of the package hanging bellow that log he called a cock he was going to add a lot of his own cum to the mix he was about to stuff into my virgin ass. He places the tip of his cum slick cock to my hole the tapered canine tip slowly prying my tight hole open. I bite my lip and whine in pain as he does. But he assures me the pain will pass soon.

"Nnnnnggggg, I don't think it will fit. You're too big." I whine as he manages to get the first few inches into my hole.

My rump feeling like its being torn in two by his shear girth. I feel like he is stuffing a burning hot metal baseball bat into me. However he does take it slow working himself in and out gaining depth, as my hole is stretched shamefully wide.

After a minute he has almost half of it inside me and the pain has all but passed and is being replaced by the pleasure of feeling so full, and the sensations of feeling every throbbing vain of his cock pulsing as he pushes and pulls it from my tight depths. I was moaning now feeling myself starting to get closer and closer to cuming again.

Again the wolf took notice and took action to stop me. Pulling his cock from my hole leaving it stretched open, and my insides feeling empty. An emptiness that I immediately realized I would always feel. One that I had felt before but never knew what it was. I wanted his cock, no I needed his cock. I needed it in the worst way.

Before he could even speak to degrade me in some way I was begging.

"Please, please, I beg you fuck me. I need it."

Squirming against my bonds clearly trying to get closer as the tip of his cock was just resting at the edge of my hole so close but still not in me.

"Well, little bitch. I'll let you have all the cock you want, but you have to obey me and do whatever I tell you from now on or I will have to punish you."

"Yes sir." I said.

He smiled wickedly and step back and walked over to a table and picked up a remote and turned on a large flat screen on the wall that showed several camera angles of me. He then picked up hand held camera and walked back aiming it down at his cock as he pressed the tip my hole.

"That's yes master bitch. Now I want to hear you beg for it, for the cameras. I want it recorded for all time just how much of a slut you are."

My blush spreading into my ears now.

"I want you to take my cherry master, I want you to fuck me. I want you to make me your bitch, and use my body. To violate me and fill me with your cum" the desperation for it is clear in my words and my tone.

He starts to feed his cock back into my hole, as I moan loud and long. My eyes staring over at the screen watching his cock spread my hole wide. A sight that changed my life forever, because in that moment, I knew that nothing would bring me as much pleasure as being used in such a way.

"God yes master, fuck me!" I scream as he starts to rock back and forth getting ever more cock into me.

Soon I feel his knot pressing against my hole, and I just beg him to tie me, to let me feel all his cock. He does not disappoint, he pushes again and I can feel him fill my bowels with that cock. I scream out again, as he basically shoves a soft ball up my ass it's so big, but for every bit of pain there is pleasure. And I am addicted to that pleasure, damn the consequences. I moan in ecstasy. He fucks me with long, slow strokes pulling almost completely out before pushing back in. His massive cock pressing against my prostrate. Here I am, bound being raped and I'm enjoying it. Is it really rape if I'm enjoying it? He is thrusting hard now and fast and I can hear his breathing is erratic. I groan and grunt with each thrust and I feel my orgasm getting close.

Master however beats me to it as I he leans down over me biting into my shoulder as our chests are pressed together as he starts to pump hot ropes of cum into me. I can feel every pulse of his cock as he cums deep inside of me. I too cum from the sensation and coat the both of our chests and bellies with my seed.

We both stay that way for several minutes before he slowly stands upright still locked to me. Looking over his chest and mine.

"Did I say you could cum bitch? I am going to have to punish you for this."

Whining softly I nodded not wanting to argue.

He pulled free with a pop as he tore his knot from my ass leaving me wide open and causing me to cry out from the pain of the sudden removal and then gasp as the cold air invaded my thoroughly violated hole. Before more than a drop or two of the cum he had deposited could escape he quickly shoved a thick plug into my ass causing me to yelp.

He fiddled around behind me out of my sight for a moment before he walked over to a sing in the corner and filled up a 1 liter bottle with water and walked back over to me.

"Drink" he place the bottle to my lips and I started to drink as I was told stopping after a minute using my tongue to stop the water flow.

"All of it." His tone conveying that he really meant it.

I did just as he asked through I coughed a few times spilling some, but he just walked to the sink and filled the bottle again and forced me to drink some more before I could not drink another drop. He then forced a sheath cage onto my cock which had shrunk back down. He locked the cage which had a tight seal around the head and attached a tube that led back to the plug.

"Now when you relieve yourself you will be filling yourself up. I suspect you will find it unpleasant. But then again I know more the a few sluts that get off on being pumped full of hot piss. I would not be surprised if you do enjoy it. But I will bet that you will not enjoy being that full all night. But don't worry I will let you go in the morning not that you really are going to go anywhere."

With that he left me there as he headed up the stairs. My new master turned off the lights as he left. Leaving me hanging in the dark, plug in my ass, cum drying on my fur. And the assurance that by morning I would have filled myself with my own urine. Not what I expected in a new roommate but, its way better than that slob.

(I may continue with this kitty's story, after all he has training and classes to come. Comments welcome.)

Wolf belongs to: Shadow Snowpaw

The snow leopard does not have a fursona name yet but when he does I will update.