Lycan Meets Lapine
collab story with howler who`s character finds his friend to share a secret and helps him become something that fits his personality better
In case you want to be surprised do not read the disclaimer below this and just stop reading the story if you find something you don't want to read, if you rather know what you are going to read before you start read the disclaimer.
This story is intended for people of legal adult age, if you are not please leave now, don't read this story if you are offended by: werewolf transformation, rabbit transformation, gay relationships, oral sex, anal sex. otherwise, enjoy!
Signed Noway and Howler
Lycan Meets Lapine
by: Howler & NoWay
Jason sighed and looked at the full moon, it always felt great even if he didn't need the moon to change. letting it fill his body as he wolfed out. Becoming his strong wolf form, muscles budging under the growing fur, even with all this power and the knowledge he never be sick he still wasn't happy, he didn't like being a strong beast because it didn't fit his personality and he really wanted friends that where closer to him.
He had tried to find a pack but many nights of howling out to the moon did not return any calls, his mobile phone ringed, the slow transformation Jason has been building up slipped away from him, in only a few seconds he returned to his human self. he picked up the phone and smiled, a few of his friends texted him to mention they where hanging out at the local pub.
It was all the big snarly beast needed to feel a lot better about today, quickly putting his clothing back on and heading out the door.
Jason strode down the street towards the pub his heightened senses picking up on the everyday hustle of traffic and people, within a few minutes he had arrived at a place called the leaping bunny inn.
"Hey Jason over here!" A thin blond boy exclaimed across the bar waving his arms at him.
"Hey Mike how goes this fine evening?" Jason snickered slapping his friend across the back jokingly, he quickly took his seat next to the boy tasseling his hair messing it up a bit.
"Same old long boring day as usual of course, nothing new to report on my pathetic life except that I'm still single and miserable." Mike grinned with his crooked smile that Jason loved so much, both boys gesturing to the bartender practically as one.
Jason's other drinking buddies patted Mike across the back reassuring him. "Don't worry about it bud you'll find someone special one of these days wait and see!" A short brown haired male chuckled, Mike let his head dip down deep in thought.
As the evening wore on the men drank and the group thinned out, both Jason and Mike had a lot to drink that night but then came the last call of the bartender.
"Damn man, its late" Mike said as Jason and him where the only ones left of the group, "i don't think i can get a cab now, and i really don't feel like quiting yet" he said to Jason.
Jason smiled and answered "Well buddy i got a whole butt-load of beer at my home, feel like hanging out at my place? its not that far from here, you can even sleep on the couch if you want"
Mike grinned and nodded, padding his friend on the back as they walked off in the cold night, heading towards Jason's house, Jason already had a mild fear.. he had to be careful sleeping tonight, he sometimes changed in his sleep and he didn't feel like having Mike call animal control on him if he for some reason would walk in his bedroom in the morning.
The two men walked into Jason's apartment and shook off the chill of the night air. "Please make yourself at home Mike, the beer is in the fridge and the couch is in front of the television so kick off your shoes and get comfy."
"Thanks a lot pal!" Mike replied admiring his friend rear as Jason turned his back to him, it would sure be a disaster if he ever knew he was gay so he had to watch himself.
Jason kicked off his runners and excused himself to the bathroom while Mike pillaged the fridge and plopped down onto his buddies old sofa, a strong erection was building and he began to panic a little. "Easy fella... not here not tonight." Mike breathed softly as his body sank into the comfy couch.
"Movie?" Jason asked and got up to put one on, figuring Mike would agree anyway.
As Jason returned to relax on the sofa with his friend and the movie started showing one of the 10 unstoppable ads he had some time to think, his secret had been with him for over 2 years now and he really wanted to have someone to talk with about it, giving Mike a quick look.
Would Mike be able to handle a secret like that? would he freak out? even run maybe? Jason sighed, he wasn't sure about this... The two boys began watching the howling oddly enough when Jason felt his crotch stiffen, his eyes went wide with fear and his body tensed then relaxed when Mike seemed to show no reaction.
"Mike if you think your lonely you have no idea how I've felt these last couple years, so much has changed for me and I don't know how to explain it to you." Jason said his voice trailing off as he spoke.
"Wha...what do you mean Jason?" Mike said idly glancing over at his friend giving Jason a expression that was difficult to read.
"Never mind, lets talk about something else, do you believe in monsters like in this movie for example?" Trying to make it look like he changed the topic but really using it to pitch his friends response to monsters like that, considering sharing his secret with Mike.
"i don't know, i really doubt they would run around and eat everyone like in the movies. they would get caught and shot in no time." he chuckles making a gun sound and pointing at Jason with a few fingers like he was holding a gun.
"That's true they would need to be smarter then that no wouldn't they, only revealing themselves to people they trusted." Jason smiled tasseling Mike's blond hair making him laugh, both boys began to relax a bit as there bodies leaned in closer to each other.
"Maybe someone like you, you are my friend aren't you Mike?" Jason added letting his fingers drift to his fly, his inner beast was slipping and starting to free itself.
"What are you doing Jason?" Mike gasped feeling his erection swell larger inside his jeans.
"Please don't be afraid Mike I'm not going to hurt you ok?" Jason moaned as he kicked his shorts off revealing light blue briefs, his fingers peeling his shirt from his chest.
"Jason why are you..." Mike stopped mid sentence as his friends body hair thickened across his chest and back, deep sighing and breathing deepened into raspy growls and pants.
"Oh my..." Mike gasped watching his friend with fascination licking his lips as his jeans tented out obscenely.
"Don't run...please I'm not going to eat you, I....I just want to show you what I am!" Jason pleaded eyeing his pal intently, his eyes changing color from brown to a deep amber hue.
"Your a...a!" Mike exclaimed.
"Werewolf, yes." Jason groaned aloud his tail popping free above his waist band, face throbbing and pulsing as it pushed forward.
Ears stretched up into points and Jason's teeth extended into predatory fangs bathed in saliva, the dim light of the living room glinting off the lengthy canines. His feet started growing and changing, Jason moving to stand on the balls of his feet now as thick dull but painful looking claws formed out of the human nails. digging themselves into the flesh. he looked over at Mike, expecting to see a scared human that was ready to scream and run but instead saw him watching his transformation with attention, even eating popcorn like it was a movie.
"You? are not scared?.." he growls out as his his tongue finally caught up with the rest of his changed face. feeling his chest staring to widen and grow stronger, reaching the end off his transformation as the fur started to finish into a fine thick coat by now.
One thing remained, the wolf blushing behind his fur as Mike stared at the human crotch that was quickly changing, the skin around the shaft turning into a thick well filled sheath, it didn't take long before Jason's red rocket poked out and grew into a big thick wolf cock complete with knot.
"No, not scared.. relax buddy" Mike answered and took another bit of popcorn. Jason was confused, of all things he thought that would happen he never expected his bud to just be just fine with it.
"Why are you not scared of me?!, Look at me, huge teeth, strong arms and claws?.. you should be running". Mike just chuckled and got up, stroking under Jason`s chin "you are just the big soft puppy dog you always are."
"You want to see why I'm not surprised or scared?" Mike asked as he started to undress in front of the big wolf.
Mike grinned with that smile Jason had grown to love and seemed to concentrate without something happening but then suddenly the humans ears started change, growing longer and longer until they where twice the size of his head. soft grey fur starting to cover them as they flattened out into 2 big hanging bunny ears, "I keep you to that promise of not eating me wolf boy, even if I look like your dinner" Mike joked as the changed continued, his feet changing into two big large anthro bunny paws, balanced on the balls of his feet just like Jason`s paws.
A big ball of fluff started forming on Mikes tailbone half white and half grey, turning to a cute bunny tail, as hands changed to match his form fur started spread out from the ears and over the boy
s body, making him fully covered in the grey fur. the crotch was the last part that underwent a change, also growing a sheath and growing erect in front of his friend.
"So? what you think dog-breath?" Mike asked Jason with a wide bunny grin, the buck teeth sticking out from under his upper lip.
"I" Jason said stunned.
"Ahhh that's better it feels so good to free my fur and stretch out in my real skin!" Mike purred and stretched leaning over to pop his joints.
The two males looked at one another and began to chuckle, the chuckling turned into pure laughter the two boys practically rolling in the realization of just how alike they really were.
"I can't believe I never knew, I mean, I could never really smell it on you, maybe my nose isn't what I thought it was." Jason smirked his thick fur hiding his embarrassment, the two beast just stared at each other for a few moments admiring each others bodies.
It was mike that made the move to go back to normal business "so, back to the movie?" he asked as he sat back down on the sofa, his erect bunny cock was calming down and sliding back in, he didn't want to force this so took his time.
Jason nodded and indeed could use a bit more relaxing. sitting down next to his bunny friend and also finding his excitement from the transformation calming down.
"Hmm i wonder if you are like my dads dog in that way?" Mike asked with a smile but before Jason could answer he learned what Mike meant as he felt Mike`s bunny paw petting and stroking over his head fur, it felt so good, he really needed a good petting, making his big bushy tail swish.
Mike kept giving his friend just nice rubs and pettings, being a gentleman and not moving in places that might be personal The morning proceeded like that, the 2 just enjoying each other company and watching the movie, "so tell me woof.. you like being a wolf? it doesn't seem to fit your personality?"
"I was bitten two years ago this month attacked during a romp with this guy I had met online, I never payed attention at first but before I knew it I had a huge hulking werewolf on top of my pounding away." Jason mused his eyes casting down as he continued his story.
"Our relationship never took off but my condition sure did and eventually I ended up alone and miserable wishing for someone I could hold and be with, the change gave me quite an impressive...size shall we say." Jason grinned widely petting his package for emphasis, his expression turning sour.
"But I'm a beast, a huge monster that everyone would run from if they knew what I really was." Jason added bitterly.
"Hey hey hey, that's enough of that..." Mike stopped the big wolf and climbed behind on the sofa, starting to rub him a bit comforting "I don't run from big beasts, and you did keep your promise about not eating me once i looked like your dinner" he chuckled again and moved his paws to the wolf`s ears. starting to rub nicely, heat spreading into them. "just relax my friend" he hummed as he kept rubbing until he was holding a pair of big floppy bunny ears in his paws.
"Bite down will ya?" he asked as he held his arm out in front of the wolf`s maw "but.. but..." Jason stuttered as he did not realize the changes to his ears, "Just do it" Mike said, feeling the sharp teeth of the wolf come down on his arm, but they didn't go into his flesh, instead they seemed to heat up and stop in place. reforming to become perfect teeth for eating carrots with, the front teeth forming into cute buck teeth before the change moves trough Jason's face.
The whiskers forming after the lips and nose changed, his muzzle shrinking down quite a bit as well, the wolf was a bit scared now. not realizing what his friend was doing. "Ssssh.. don't worry" Mike said as he watches the mean looking clawed paws and feet change to soft bunny paws.
One last thing remained and as Jason felt the change starting there he did feel sad for losing it, watching his big bushy tail starting to shrink down. One of the few thinks he really liked about being a wolf and it was shrinking. as it stopped and formed into a bunny tail the ex-wolf finally realized what Mike had done. quickly getting up and running to a mirror to see his new bunny self, full grey with white accents and looking cute and sweet instead of scary and big.
"You changed me into a bunny?" Jason asked just to get confirmation as a smile started spreading slowly across his face.
Mike walked over and leaned on his friend's shoulder from behind. rubbing his new softer fur a bit, "yeah. i know how to share my gift, and you really had not been happy as that big mutt, i can still call you dog-breath if you miss it" he joked softly.
Jason leaned back into Mike's paws murring softly. "I think this will do just fine hunbun."
Jason turned back to kiss Mike across his muzzle, Mike was a bit surprised to feel his friend so quickly returning the affection but didn't wait long to open his maw a bit, letting his friend lick into him,the two boys sharing what they so desperately needed, their expressions turning more naughty as Mike walked back around to face his friend after a while.
"Is there anything else I can help you with bun bun boi?" Mike cooed out licking his maw hungrily.
Jason spread his legs and eyed his cock as it peeked from it's fuzzy home. "I can think of something sweetie."
Both gave a knowing grin and ran off to the bedroom, Mike ended up on the bottom but he didn't mind letting the ex-wolf take charge. leaning towards the hard bunny dick and carefully taking the carrot into his maw starting to suck and tease with his tongue.
Jason moaned and bucked into Mike's mouth leaking pre steadily down into his lovers warm moist maw, it been so long Jason had some fun, with his depressed moods jacking off hadn't been done in quite a while either, two very full balls swinging from side to side as he enjoyed his new mate.
Mike enjoyed the strong taste, sucking and teasing for quite a while before he felt Jason's paws softly take him off, he knew what would follow, letting the paws guide him on his belly, the bunny tail twitching nervously but also with excitement.
'Let me repay your kindness to me Mr. Rabbit!" Jason laughed plunging his bunny tool deep into Mike's tight ass, hips pounding together and their furry bunny balls bouncing together as one.
Mike clenched onto Jason's stiff bunny boy meat, milking his friend for all he was worth as the two males rutted and fucked wildly inside the tiny apartment, Jason's neighbors none the wiser to the supernatural love making that was taking place right under their noses.
"Ohhh Jason....ohhhh Jason don't stop you hear me!" Mike screamed out passed his set of gleaming buck teeth, Jason simply rocked his furry hips faster and harder to meet his lovers demands.
Both bunnies foot paws curled and wrapped around each others their fuzzy toes wiggling against the other's, both beast's feeling true love for the first time in their young lives. Mike's large tail fluff tickles and made Jason's cock all the more excited as he ravaged his mate's squirming ass, jaws dropped and eyes rolled in their sockets as the pleasure grew. Jason's balls swelled up and his cock head began to tingle as he drew closer to climax with each passing thrust, he buried his face into Mike's neck scruff murring loudly as he released his seed deep into Mike's red hot ass hole.
"Fucking hell!" Mike screamed cumming onto his friends bed sheets with rope after rope of thick fresh bunny jizz, the cock slime poured with out end from his throbbing penis as he felt himself being filled by his new lover. The two bunnies collapsed into a wet furry heap of sweat musk and fluff as their bodies began to come down from their love making.
Both lovers where breathing deep and catching their breaths, it had been a busy night and both where exhausted, Jason laid down on top of his mate and hugged him, his cock still warm inside as the two fell asleep.
Mike woke up from the sun hitting his face after a few hours of sleep, eyes opening to find Jason laying in front of him, still in bunny form and staring at him. "morning hunbun" Jason said as Mike smiled back. The two hugged in bed and rested in each others arms until Jason opened his mouth: "I was thinking, you know our friends? I'm pretty sure some of them could use some cheering up......"
The end