7 Months Of Rain Ch 8

Story by Silverwolf117 on SoFurry

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I Apologize For The Delay in this chapter, for new readers, please read the first chapter so you understand it completely.

Chapter 8

"You should come over tonight, I'm so bored." The text read as Austin opened his cell phone.

The message was from Jade.

Austin rolled his eyes at the text and threw the battery out.

"Fuck you, you hormonally super-active, spoiled and inconsiderate bitch." He said under his breath.

His mind pandered back and forth but always went back to the obvious statement that Jade was only caring for herself instead of having at least a shred of respect and consideration for Austin. She never said I love you, she never said Miss You, she never said Thank You without rolling her eyes or being sarcastic in a way. He started to really question his life choices.

He paced in his room, looking at his own reflection; he still had not shaved that day. His face was full of small little hairs. He then covered his face thinking Oh my, Jake saw me like this, I look like a hobo!

Catching a quick glance at the calendar, Austin realized that Jake was probably going to be at Disarm Studios once again on Friday Night.  

I should probably shave, He thought to himself.

As he entered the bathroom, he heard the sound of the door closing and realized his sister must be going out with friends.

He smiled to himself and saw he had an opportunity that he almost never gets to pursue.

While looking in the mirror, Austin slowly removed his shirt and throws it on the floor, then proceeding to take off his football shorts. As soon as those were off, he slowly took off his briefs and threw them far away from reach.

He didn't know why, but he always loved to walk around the house without any form of clothing on.

After filling the sink up with hot water, Austin dipped his head in and completely submerged his face and hair into the soothing remedy for a long day.

After moisturizing his skin with the water, he held the razor to his face and removed all of the outstanding hairs and ugly patches.

After he finished shaving his beard, moustache and sideburns, Austin smiled at the naked clean man he saw in the mirror.

Wouldn't I love to have a roommate right about now, He thought, giggling and showing a slight blush.

He continued to look at himself and started to see there were some areas he hasn't touched with a razor for quite a while. Especially his lower, more personal and sensitive areas.

Being with Jade, Austin didn't really need to worry because it wasn't often that any time with Jade really got much farther than 2nd base at its best. Austin chose not to shave down there for two reasons, he knew that wasn't going to be used for anyone else for a while and he was hoping if it ever did happen, Jade might break up with him over the whole tidiness issue. However, he has tried to choose between his ego and his own personal wants at times. So he has attempted to get to shaving but at the same time wants to keep what is there in case it might set him free one of these days.

He held the razor and shaving cream in his hands and looked at himself in the mirror again.

Just do it, maybe it will help you in another way, He thought.

He finally attempted to bring the razor down and began, feeling pinches at first but then decided to just finish the job.

After 20 minutes, he looked at his lower section and laughed, noticing such a huge difference from before and after the razor blade. He thought that he looked sexy and teasingly said in the mirror "Hey Boys, like what you see."

Giggling like a little school girl.

After enough gloating and staring at himself, Austin walked into the kitchen and grabbed an energy bar, enjoying his alone time in the nude.

After stuffing the bar into his mouth, he went to the fridge, not realizing how much cold air was going to come out and in between his legs.

The cold feel down there made Austin tremble and almost fall over into the fridge door.

Catching his breath, Austin grabbed a water bottle and drank it without any holding back, some of the cold liquid falling out of his mouth and rolling down his chest and body.

Yet again, the cold liquid touched the area and he trembled and let out a small yelp.

He grabbed a towel and cleaned up his body of the cold water, laughing at his own girlish yelp.

          Austin walked into his room and looked at his phone, placing the battery back in. More messages from Jade popped up, all reading "Come over, I'm so BORED!!!!!!!!!!"

Austin smirked at the phone and threw it across the floor, turning on the television and enjoying the rest of his precious alone time.


          Jake's day was not going quite as glamorous as Austin's. Instead of relaxing at home in the buff, he was somewhere much less comfortable.

He opened his eyes to see a shard of glass in the palm of his hand, the red elixir that runs through his body now dripped onto his clothing, staining it more and more as the seconds went by.

The sound started to come back to Jake's ears.

The feel of pain quickly came back and let out its heavy burden onto Jake's left hand and his upper torso.

He couldn't move, nor did he want to, he saw shards of glass on the roof of his car, which now became Jake's backrest and floor. A jagged and dangerous backrest and floor.

Jake heard screams and screeching tires, making him even more irritated, causing more and more pain to his body.

A hand pulls him out of the wreckage, dragging his immobile body over the glass shards, causing more punctures and more blood to flow and fall out of his already draining veins.

Jake's eyes start to close once again and he starts lose breath.

Before he falls into the black again, a man pounds his fist into Jake's chest, keeping him awake but almost making him cough up blood onto the pavement.

The hands pulling him away from his car lead him into the hands of a bulk figure, wrapping his arms around Jake and covering the wound with a large measure of gauze. His eyes started to close again and the images of a busy street, the feel of blood down his arm and the shouts of distraught townsfolk all died down and faded away.


          The peace of mind, the comfort of slumber, the embrace of medicine and the melody of no sound could make anyone the happiest human being on Earth.

The insides of Jake's ears filled with sounds of familiars.

His eyes opened to see his own Kurt Cobain poster hanging in front of him. Soon he realized he was in his own bedroom.

He tried to sit but cringed at a thousand sharp pains shooting through his back.

His entire body was wrapped in gauze and his hand was in a cast.

His mother walked in and explained to Jake that the nice men who helped him left and said he was going to be fine.

However, his father came in with only lectures about the car being totaled.

Jake laid his head down on his pillow through the lecture and translated his father's words to blah blah blah and yimmer yammer all day.

Peaceful sleep, come wrap your arms around me, Jake thought and as his father left the room, the hands of sleep gently wrapped around him and he was soon enveloped in peaceful slumber once again.