Chapter 1 Fate's Companions

Story by WarWorgen on SoFurry

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An adult story inspired from World of Warcraft about forbidden love between a Tauren Druid and a Worgen Hunter. Part 1 of a planned 3 parts. Still a work in progress

For someone very special, because she wanted to see a Tauren and Worgen together.

Chapter 1

Fate's Companions. By WarWorgen

The call had gone up in a thunder of drums, the enemy was close. Even here on the edge of the Grizzly Hills where the trees still stand tall an attack was to be expected. Despite being surrounded by snow and ice the land was warmer and at these temperatures warmer clothing was not necessary.

Reports had come in from scouts of increase in Alliance activity and troops were massing. The Horde replied in kind and that is why they were here.

The Horde Auxiliary Troop had mustered soldiers of every class. The Horde medical corp had sent Druids and Priests to tend to the wounded that would inevitably come. Luna was one of those Druids.

Luna Spirithoof, a Tauren druid, went about her duties in a staging area making sure all their resources were in order. Even in the back areas the possibility of attack meant troops were everywhere.

One soldier, a Tauren Paladin named Melonar Steelfur seemed to enjoy his assignment of guarding this rear area. He was a large bull in his prime and there was an air about him, he felt he was the Earthmother's gift to Taurenesses. He was continually trying to get her attention as if this assignment was some kind of dating club. She shook her head at that thought and snorted as she tore and weaved some frostweave fabric into bandages that would surely be needed.

Once finished with her preparations Luna wandered beyond the edge of the camp. She looked out across the basin where the attack was expected to come from. It was so peaceful now and that was going to change.

"Milady Druid," a deep voice called, "please stay back in camp."

Luna turned her head slightly, "Master Paladin, I am a Druid of the Circle. I have seen my fair share of combat." She turned and was looking at the larger brown-furred Tauren, arms folded across her chest.

Melonar stepped up to her, his hammer, while slung, still glowed. "I do not doubt your prowess in combat, nor your healing ability. However being a healer makes you a high priority target." He looked at her with genuine concern, "if they can take out one of our prime healers before the battle can begin, anyone you could save will have to be in someone else's hands. I for one would rather you putting your talents to work then not."

Luna did have to admit that he had a point. "I was just on my way back anyways," she said. She walked back with the Paladin at her side.

He did keep a steady lookout for anything that could be out of place. In fact everyone in camp was on edge with the upcoming battle. The guards held their weapons a little higher. Hunter patrols were a little more frequent. The troops continued to work on the barricades and what fortifications could be placed in time they had.

She felt about as safe as one can on a battlefield and returned to her field tent. It was as cozy as she could make it with a few little reminders of home. Being a healer did have its perks like having your own tent and being able to personalize it. She smiled as she reached out to take a hold of a small, glass vial from where it hung on the central tent support by a thin leather cord. Within it grass cuttings, still green, from the rolling hills of Mulgore. Hung from the end support was a painted picture of her receiving her commendation from none other than Cairne Bloodhoof himself.

Sitting on her bed Luna leaned back, sighing softly as she fell back on the reinforced Tauren cot. Laying there with her hands behind her head she began to drift off, having been up since before the sun with the preparations.

Luna was surprised to realize that she had actually slept. How long she had slept she was not sure but it couldn't have been long. It was then the sounds she heard did not make sense. Distant yelling and other odd noises, metal on metal. Realization set in and she leapt from the bed, grabbed her staff and exited her tent.

The guards were already involved with the attackers and when she rushed forward she was horrified to see apparitions of death walking when they had no place or reason to do so. She called down the power of the stars and the moon upon the creature and it exploded in a puff of rotten flesh and tattered cloth. Each one that they knocked down another appeared and the tide of undead just grew deeper.

Luna was there healing the wounded and dispensing the wrath of nature upon the creatures that went against all that Druids held dear. In the swirling means of combat, noise was everywhere and she stopped to aid a fallen orc and after seeing them off to the aid station she rushed back to the battlefield or where she thought it was as she was suddenly alone. All the chaos and noise of combat was gone.

The forest was silent and calm until a cool wind blew past her. She turned at the sound of a fallen branches snapping, she was no longer alone. The unseeing glowing eyes of undead creatures glowed in the underbrush until the green foliage was ripped apart by the undead as they spotted her and attacked.

With little choice she put her focus into her feral powers expanding her form into that of a bear and she ploughed into them. Crushing bones beneath her mighty paws. She was doing well at first but more and more of these creatures appeared and while the bodies were piling up there were just too many of them. She started to backtrack, stopping to crush some of the creatures following her and continuing to fall back but she never found the camp. More and more of these creatures found her and she was rapidly running out of room being backed into a corner.

A roar suddenly arose from the undead creatures and a large black lion appeared. She recognized it as a rare species from the Barrens having grown up in Mulgore, which was just beside. A creature rose up before her claws held aloft when a thunderclap echoed off the trees. She heard the supersonic snap of a bullet wizzing past her instantly followed by the ghoul just in front of her being ripped in two. Then a new sound, an odd hiss-click. Another bang, another undead shatters and that odd aftersound. With the hunter's aid she was starting to make some headway with these creatures and all she saw of this hunter

was this shadow holding aloft a feathered rifle firing into this mass of creatures dividing their attention making their demise that much quicker.

Another large creature suddenly thundered in over her. A massive abomination with multiple arms slapped at her and swung its massive black chain that ripped apart the smaller undead unfortunate enough to be caught in its swath. A sudden flurry of fire fell upon the abomination ripping enough of it apart cause it to sway when an explosive bolt struck it exploding the creature from the inside felling it at Luna's feet.

Shifting back to her original form she stood up, "Thank you kindly hunter. I..." She stopped when she finally saw her saviour.

Shafts of light from above glinted off the long brass barrel and it was this rifle that was the cause of the hiss-click sound for it was a gnomish clockwork rifle and clasping the wood stock was the long clawed fingers of a Worgen. He stood on a slight rise and the black lion was his. He stood almost as tall as Tauren with a long snout, sharp perky ears and a grey and ash coloured fur. His bright blue eyes glowed as he lowered his rifle and nodded to her.

She had heard a lot about these Worgen, how savage and bestial they were. His fur looked a lot like hers only thicker, more around his wide impressive shoulders and such a long snout. Pointed fangs did tilt out the side of his muzzle and his long slender ears were perked.

He snarled suddenly as he turned away from her towards a bellow. Melonar charged from the underbrush sweeping his brightly glowing mace causing the Worgen to jump back and in a single motion slung the rifle across his back and drew a spear off his back. Frost drifted down from the blade as he hefted the mighty weapon like it was a sword.

"You vile alliance scum, will find our soft underbelly isn't so soft," Melonar chided as he suddenly swept his weapon to the side dealing a devastating hit to the Worgen's pet sending this black cat sprawling and mewing in pain.

The Worgen growled angrily and tightened his grasp on his weapon, staying low and moving in a circle around the Paladin. He leapt forward with a stabbing thrust that was easily turned aside by the paladin and then just as quickly he fell back drawing the paladin forward.


A trap the Worgen had dropped earlier closed around the massive hoof of the paladin and erupted a ball of fire up around his armoured leg causing Melonar to howl in pain but quickly healed himself with his paladin powers.

"Now I'm angry," Melonar snarled and lashed out his judgments stunning the Worgen where he stood. "Now! Luna, snare him.. before he can run."

Luna snapped back when she heard her name.

"Luna, entangle him. Now!"

Luna quickly cast her spells, entangling roots ripped from the ground binding the Worgen's legs. Thorns dug in drawing a sharp yelp from him as Melonar stepped in to finish the job. The Worgen did what he could to defend himself but pinned as he was by her roots there was little he could do.

A mighty overhead sweep by the paladin resulted in a red mist spraying off the side of defenceless Worgen. A howl of pain and the Paladin's cruel snarl as he struck again and again. Each swing left another swath of bright red blood splattered across the grass.

'Melonar is going to kill him,' Luna thought. The same Worgen that just saved her life was going to lose his all because of her. A Tauren he couldn't know, just another set of horns in a hostile crowd and for his brave deed he was being bludgeoned to death, rendered defenceless by her spells.

"Melonar stop!" Luna said as she ran over and grabbed the paladin's arm. "Stop, he's beaten." The Paladin looked at her oddly and she thought something up. "He's our prisoner. Look, he's a hunter and protector of some of the Earthmother's creations. You think she would want us to rob her creations of another protector?"

Melonar snorted and stood back allowing Luna access to the motionless Worgen, "Fine, but he's your problem."

Luna kneeled beside the blood spattered and wheezing wolfman. He whimpered softly and started struggling to get away when she placed her hand upon his muzzle and neck applying her healing powers and bringing this Worgen back from the edge of death. He looked up at her in confusion and she smiled healing him just enough to get him back up to his feet. She used her roots again to bind his hands, minus the thorns this time and she disarmed him of his weapons. His pet was also healed, bound and lead back to camp.


Back at camp the wounded that survived the battle with the undead were treated. Though she was given a few odd looks as she rather proudly marched 'her' Worgen into camp keeping him bound for the benefit of the other Horde warriors. She lead him back to her tent and gestured for him to subdue his pet and he did, directing his pet into one of the holding cells near her tent. There was a likewise sized cage right beside that was meant for the Worgen and for a time it was.

Luna waited until dark to get back up. Perhaps it was the thought that this Worgen would so easily save her at the risk of his own life that intrigued her. The Worgen's cage was only a few strides from her tent flap and she was able to get there out of sight of the patrol that walked passed. She watched him sleep for a moment, curled up in the cage. Stepping forward she placed her hand on the bars and began to stir. His eyes came open and he sat up. He didn't seem that disturbed by the cage. Luna pointed at him then to herself and then at the ground.

He simply blinked his glowing blue eyes at her, his head tilted slightly to one side not understanding.

To emphasize her point she started to lift roots from the ground in front of the cage. She then pointed again.

He shifted his feet under himself then stood up as he looked over at his pet signalling something and the large cat put its head back down and seemed to go back to sleep.

Luna opened the lock then tried to slowly open the cage door. With it part way open the rusty hinge creaked shrilly causing the Worgen to shift back and her to look around to see if the sound had been noticed. When there was no action seen she continued to open the door just wide enough to let him out.

Like she had signalled he stood near her. She was looking at the lock when he reached forward brushing his fur against her forearm as he took the lock in hand then used a claw around the keyhole, faking a lock picking attempt and placing the lock back in the loop he then wrenched it bending the clasp slightly. He looked at her and nodded.

She lead him back to her tent and sat him down in the middle of it. He still looked pretty rough after the beating he took from the Paladin. She looked at the wound on his head and started to tend to it. He must have had a lot of training in first aid as he had already bandaged his wounds as best he could with what he had. She took fresh cloth and began to bind the wounds he received for helping her.

He mostly received impact wounds from the Paladin's mace. His flesh was still soft from where she had healed him first but after what treatment she gave him he had only what he could do for himself. She had started with his shoulder and arms having taken some defensive injuries. She had gestured slightly for him to remove his tattered shirt and he did, revealing his powerful Worgen body with muscles bulging in all the right places and a trim, athletic build.

While his fur overall was grey is was much like hers in that his belly was much lighter in color. She continued to work on him. Pausing a moment to let her treatments to heal his wounds. After a few minutes she unwrapped his arms and shoulder to reveal his injuries were now all but healed.

He then looked down, more makeshift bandages peeking out from his ripped leggings.

She blushed slightly under her fur and gestured for him to remove his pants, which he did. He was still wearing his loose fitting boxers so he was mostly concealed from view. He had taken a blow to his left leg on his upper thigh and she set to work preparing, bandaging and then waiting.

"I doubt you can understand me," she said in Taurahe. She hoped her native language might sound softer to her captive Worgen then the guttural grunts and growls of the orcish tongue. "I wish I knew how to thank you properly for saving me. The last thing I wanted was for you to be hurt." She looked at him and he looked back slightly confused.

It was then she heard his voice for the first time. He tilted his head slightly and spoke softly. His voice was deep with a slight rumble to it. It sounded rough on the throat but it had a sexy quality to it. One that she could easily listen to and fall for. What it was he said she couldn't tell as it was in common but it sounded good.

She continued to bandage his leg wrapping the blue fabric around his powerful leg muscles. A warm scent began to fill her nose it was unlike anything she had ever smelled before, exotic and enticing. She looked at her hands as without her bidding she grazed the thin fabric of his crotch. He was just sitting there letting her work and as she tied off the bandage she again her knuckles rubbed against him this time getting an intake of breath. She looked up at him to see his large blue eyes gazing back curious but not hostile. Her nostrils flared taking in more of his scent. Unashamed she reached her hand up cupping his sac, which was barely covered by the tatters he still wore.

A rush of excitement flowed through her as she felt his furry sac and watched as his sheath started to swell. He clearly wanted to be here as much as she wanted him there. He widen his legs a little more so she could continue. Gently she rubbed his swelling sheath under his clothes feeling his thickness grow at the touch of her three fingers. She finally shifted his torn underwear exposing his swelling sheath. From the looks of his cock it wasn't all that different in size from a Tauren. She closed her fingers around his shaft and gently started to stroke his still mostly sheathed member. His breathing was increasing in speed as his chest rose and fell. His shaft was a sizable girth and fit nicely in her hand. In response to her stroking his tip started to peek out at her. Not the wide blunt shape of a Tauren but a sleek, smooth, and pointed tip. She looked up at him to see such a pleasured expression upon his wolfy features it made her heart race faster. Her free hand had by this time slipped down inside her pants and between her legs touching her taught Tauren labia and was not surprised to find her pussy damp with desire.

She had been stroking him the whole time and when she looked down his shaft now stood out proudly for her. She did the first thing that came to her overheating mind. She licked her lips and lowered her head taking his shaft into her mouth stroking her tongue along the underside of his meaty member as she slid all the way down. She deep throated him on her first pass, pressing her nose into his fur and breathing in his scent. This was the scent she noticed before. His arousal.

He had wanted her and as soon as she had him alone he was hers. With this thought in her head she started to bob her head along his length. His firm cock hardened against her tongue and she had plenty more warm, wet tongue to slather his shaft with. She alternated between bobbing around his tip or sliding all the way down to intoxicate herself with his musky scent. By now his legs were splayed wide giving her full access to his body and she took full advantage. The hand once upon his shaft now stroked and teased his sac while she suckled and gobbled up his exotic Worgen cock. Her juices slicked her fingers as she stroked her now sodden pussy lips. Her tail swishing through the air behind her as she was totally enveloped by his scent and flavour.

She had no idea what any of his signs would be, but she loved the way his hips twitched and how his head rolled from side to side. Looking up at him she suckled hard upon his cock as was rewarded with his first squirt of thin precum. He gazed down at her almost desperately. His chest heaving with each breath as he gave her a little whimper, which she could only assume meant he was close.

That put her into overdrive. The thought that here this Alliance Worgen sworn enemy of the Horde was about to cum for her. It was all wrong, Alliance and Horde. Two people who could hardly communicate were so deeply entwined with each other. His hips trembled as she stroked the full length of his pulsing shaft with her mouth. She nodded slightly to him but never slowed down.

How she wanted this, wanted him to fill her maw with his cream. She was rocking with each thrust of her muzzle down his length and then he tossed his head back, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. She asked for his seed with her large eyes as she gazed at him and he wasn't about to refuse. He made no sound other than his swift breath as his cock leaped in her mouth and sprayed his seed down her throat in repeated gushes. His salty, musky flavour was all she could taste as he twitched, squirting his thick cum for her. His head flopped forward and she could look up and see his glossy eyes. His legs started to shudder and it wasn't until she felt cum bubble out over her lips did she realized that she had stopped swallowing to watch his reaction. She was already losing his offering down her chin in a sticky dribble.

Once his flow had slowed Luna gave him one last suck, swallowing all that she could get before she slowly pulled off his stiff Worgen cock. His spunk was sticky leaving a little streamer still linking his meat to her mouth. Her chin fur had became streaked with his warm, gooey cum that dribbled past her lips and she loved it.

His warm scent made her head spin and that went straight to her pussy. She pulled her hand from between her legs looking at her moisture as she rubbed her sodden fingers together. She was soaked and she hadn't even cum yet. She had never felt this hot and so turned on before.

It was then his hand closed around her wrist. He was smiling at her with a playful expression and closed his lips around her pussy juice covered fingers. The warm touch of his tongue and licking of her fingers tasting her sweet juices nearly made her squirt right there. Her breath shuddered from her lungs as he simply gazed at her tasting her juices licking her fingers clean.

She took hold of his hand lifting her hips up slightly sliding her face closer to his as she slipped his hand down her belly and into her pants. She pushed his fingers against her open pussy lips making sure to soak his fur as she whispered huskily to him, "See how wet you made me," she panted, "I must have you inside me." She lifted her hips slightly as his free hand gently pulled the ties on her pants. Once untied she gently slipped them over her wide Tauren hips, pulling her tail through and letting them slide down her legs.

She stood in front of him and smiled as she held her pussy before his eyes idly playing with her labia as she slowly revealed her flesh to his eyes. She spread her legs slightly showing him how much her juices were soaking her crotch fur. She widened her stance showing him her fluffy tuft keeping her pussy at his eye level.

He caressed her hips as he leaned forward to suddenly lick across her folds. Luna gasped and closed her hands around her mouth moaning into her hands as he started to push his muzzle between her puffy pussy lips to lick her flesh right across her opening. She murmured softly, letting him taste her but before long she pulled her hips away from his mouth. She panted, "No... no..." She lowered her hips slightly, " Put it in me." There would be plenty of time for her to soak his face but for her orgasm she wanted to be full of Worgen cock when it happened.

He leaned back slightly holding the base of his cock with his long slender fingers aiming it upwards as she looked down then lowered her hips towards his meaty shaft. When the head of his shaft touched her open pussy it felt like lightening then he playfully rubbed his tip between her pussy lips and pushed against her wet and dripping hole. In one movement Luna lowered her hips sliding all the way down his length, sheathing him in her flesh and moaning deeply. "Earthmother.. you feel good inside me," she gasped to him. He whispered something back to her but whatever it was it sounded erotic as he pushed up with his hips pressing his tapered cockhead against her cervix. She kissed him deeply, slightly parting her lips to tease his teeth with her tongue and he kissed back just as deeply as his tongue slipped past her teeth to explore her mouth.

The kiss continued getting a soft, "mmm," from her as he shifted his hips back pulling back slightly before he thrust into her. Bracing her legs to either side of him she lifted her hips up giving him room to thrust and thrust he did. She pulled her mouth from his and gasped, "oh, yes."

He already had a good rhythm going taking long, luxurious strokes into her and pulling back leaving only his tip inside her. Luna placed her hands on his shoulders, touching his body as he ploughed her slick Tauren pussy and pounded her outer lips with his swelling knot. Her flesh squished as he thrust into her wet depths making all manner of lude slurpy sounds. Looking down past her ample heaving breasts she could see his glistening shaft slide under her furry tuft and deep inside her. The base of his cock was starting to swell widening and turning a deeper shade of red as her fluids slowly coated his flesh and wet his fur.

She lowered her hips down stopping his thrusting. "My turn," she panted and lifted her hips up then pushed her body back down his shaft. He moaned softly to her. One hand supporting him, his other started to fondle her recently exposed chest. Her breasts didn't need any further stimulation her nipples already stood out hard. She gave him quite the view of her bouncing chest as she rode his throbbing cock. He started to make those gasps and pants he did before and that made her heart flutter. Luna remained relentless in riding his thick shaft lifting up then sliding part way down to bob around his tip letting her juices drip down his length. She then allowed herself to slide most of the way down still not taking him inside her completely. She felt his hands shift behind her, caressing her hips and thighs while she bounced on his lap.

He strained, briefly bearing his teeth as he held back. His eyes took on a wild look as he gasped something to her. "In me," she moaned to him hoping that what he said was how close he was. She thrust harder, finally bouncing her hips from knot to his tip as she slipped her arms around him, his soft fur brushing against her firm nipples as she pushed against his body. She reached up to caress his neck, shoulders and kissed him deeply before placing her muzzle beside his ear. "Cum in me." She kept riding him faster making him moan and gasp, "I want you to fill me." She slapped her hips against his and noted the sounds of her thrusting changing growing far more wet. "That's it, Yes! Cum for me!" She purred to him in a deep sultry voice as his precum squirted into her. "Fill me up," she moaned as she looked into his eyes.

In a last thrust he pushed up into her as she came down, all the way down. Her pussy lips, slicked with his precum, stretched around his firm Worgen knot locking him inside her. He breath in, holding his breath as his eyes started to sparkle and grow glossy. His eyes went wide and he pushed his face against her chest burring his muzzle between her breasts as he suddenly let all his breath out at once. He groaned out using her for a muffle as his thick cream flowed down his shaft and burst into her.

Luna started to shake as she felt him flow into her. He was deep inside her splattering her insides with his thick seed. The feeling of him between her legs, his knot locking him inside her, and his tip stretching her cervix as he flowed flung her over the edge. He pressed so tight to her, her clit ground against his pelvis as that gorgeous Worgen cock inside her hit all the right places and she was blown away by one monster orgasm. From the tip of her hooves to the points of her horns she seemed to ignite in an all-consuming firestorm of pleasure. Her womb was soon filling with Worgen cum and she loved the feeling of a full belly. She clutched to him as he did to her shuddering in mutual orgasm her body pulled his seed deep inside until his stiff body started to relax and she leaned forward resting her chin on his shoulder.

The world started to come back into focus as Luna became aware of something nuzzling her neck. She had slumped forward and was laying on him. She smiled at him and gave him a long, tender kiss and he kissed back with as much affection as she showed. He was warm and soft holding and caressing her body. He seemed to know exactly where to caress to make her feel just right. How could he know? Luna had no idea. Even if he couldn't speak in words his eyes showed her all that she longed to see.

He took her in his arms and slowly turned sideways with her still locked to him. She was now upon him fully as he lay properly on her cot with her on his chest. His warmth was seeping though her. His arms were around her and she felt safe. Odd that she felt so safe in the arms of the enemy. He didn't seem like the enemy. He had managed to pull up her blanket around them keeping them warm and cozy. It was in his arms that Luna drifted off to sleep his shaft still buried deep inside her.


The morning came suddenly and Luna opened her eyes to see her Worgen gazing back at her. "Morning handsome," she said giving him a kiss. He responded with something that sounded nice and gave her a little nuzzle. She shifted her hips slightly and realised he was still inside her. She smiled as was about to say something when a shadow fell across her tent flap.

"Lady Spirithoof," said a gruff orcish voice.

Luna looked up and gasped she stood up, sliding off him. She pulled her cloak over her shoulders as the Worgen rolled off the far side of the bed and curled up under it, slipping around some extra sheets and equipment.

Luna pushed her head through the flaps of the tent and looked at the orc. "I am in the middle of my morning meditations, What do you need?"

The orc looked back his head tilted slightly, "The alliance hunter escaped in the night. Looks like he broke the lock.

Luna tilted he head slightly, "We still have to consolidate our position. Send out search parties if there are any extra soldiers."

"Yes lady Spirithoof."

Luna pulled her head back in quickly tying the tent flap from the inside. She then turned her head looking back at her Worgen. She had been bent over the entire time with her tail lifted up out of the way giving him a perfect view of her pussy. While it wasn't intentional it had quite the effect on her enamoured Worgen. He was still laying back and his tip was showing from within his sheath. Though there were guards outside her tent her heart thundered in her chest and moisture made her labia squish. She then heard another wet sound as her Worgen shimmied up against her curvatious rump and stroked his swollen cockhead between her open pussy lips.

Luna lowered her front to clasp her hands over her mouth as she moaned into her palms. This lifted her tail presenting even more of her plump pussy and entrancing aroma to the Worgen. Within seconds she felt his shaft sliding back inside her.

He sheathed himself inside her and savoured that glorious feeling being inside her. She turned her head to look back briefly and there he was. His hands gripping her hips as he leaned forward slightly. His body shifted upwards, sliding his firm shaft into her until his hips pressed against hers.

She felt three things, a pressure inside her as his throbbing cock pressed her cervix, his knot that was just starting to swell opening her pussy up, and a new sensation, his heavy sac dangling down over her clit nudging and sweeping across her flesh. Her mind was gripped by pleasure as her Worgen took her as she can only imagine he would take one of his own kind.

Luna looked over her shoulder again to see her Worgen's fingers sliding through her hip fur. Her tail up and laying across his chest as his jaws hug open, his tongue pulsing out of his mouth with each breath. The sounds of the working camp covered over his panting though he still needed to be as quiet as he could. A more focused look in his eyes as he nudged her each time his hips met hers.

He was inside her thrusting away and hitting everything he should. His cock flaring inside her pushed his tip against her internal trigger and she sputtered. That wet, slick feeling started to creep down the inside of her thighs. Now facing back towards the tent flap she lost all focus as another orgasmic wave was about to crash.

Then a new shadow fell across her tent flap, "I must speak to Lady Spirithoof," the voice said. Her Worgen wouldn't have been able to understand so he didn't stop. He was right on the edge with her about to plug her pussy with his positively orgasmic knot and spill his warm seed deep inside her where she wanted it. No one could stop him as he lay forward across her back, his hot breath blowing on the back of her neck as he huffed deeply.

He buried his nose in her mane breathing in her scent and muffling his breathing. As he opened his eyes he saw a hand reach out for the tent flap and two large fingers curl around the toughened leather, starting to pull it back to open the flap but it was too late. He couldn't stop.

Luna also saw the Tauren hand grasp the tent flap and started to pull it back. Her quick tying hadn't held. Her heart shuddered in her chest, at least her last moments would feel so good.

"She is in meditation and must not be disturbed."

The hand still held the panel as her Worgen pushed his hips into her. He put much pressure upon her well used pussy lips, still gooey with her cum. She could hear his soft whimpers but his hips never stopped. He pushed his knot into her with a slurp she was sure those just outside her tent could hear. His tip pushed against her open cervix as he started to shudder behind her. Again she knew the flow of his heat deep into her belly. With his tip kissing her cervix his seed gushed into her womb. She felt each twitch of his cock, the throb through his sac and the orgasmic shudder that flowed through him with each pulse of his thick cock filling her with more of his belly filling cum. The slick feeling reached further down her thighs as she clenched upon his knot.

Her Worgen whispered to her as her world erupted in a silent release. Her pussy drooled juices and frothed with their mixed fluids. Her Worgen was tied to her and would be for a while now nothing could hide him nor the scent of his cum still being splattered inside her. Nothing made it through to her brain except the pleasure that washed through her in waves. Back and forth through her from horn to hoof and back again, 4...5...6. waves swept across her. How she wanted to bellow for her Worgen. To cry out to him and give voice to her passions showing him how good he made her feel was what she wanted, though she had to keep her mouth shut. She slumped forward shuddering out the last of her orgasm her pussy firmly gripping her Worgen's knot keeping him pressed to her hips and keeping most of his soothing seed inside her.

Soon Luna became aware of someone stroking her cheek and along her ear then stroking her head, their fingers passing through her hair. As best as her Worgen could, draped over her hips and along her back, he cuddled her and caressed her. Wrapped in her lover she couldn't stop smiling and managed to tilt her head slightly backwards. He tilted sideways and managed to get his muzzle to hers kissing her tenderly and deeply.

She gazed back at him still sealed inside her. She reached back between her legs to feel his knot still swollen and plugging her. She traced her fingers around her opening feeling the slick cum smeared over her stretched pussy lips. It just felt wonderful and she was more than strong enough to support his weight. She did grow tired of the doggy style position and turning her upper body as far as she could then lifting her left leg and extending it she rotated her hips around his knot ending up on her back, legs spread wide for him to lay down upon her. She loved the expression on his face as she turned. His ears tilted sideways with his ear tips curled upwards slightly , his eyes seemed to lose focus as his tongue popped out from between his smiling lips. With a naughty smile she squeezed his knot inside her getting a soft murmur from him as she then brought him down to lay upon her chest.

Luna ran her fingers through his fur. The outer layer that you could see was thicker coarser hairs giving him a rough look, but under that layer was a softer fur much warmer and a delight to stroke. His reply was caress her back, stroking her cheeks and along her wide soft nose. Tender caresses of her horns parts of her body he could not feel any other way. Deep inside those eyes she felt she could see affection and tenderness. They couldn't even speak to each other and yet she felt warmth and safety of his presence.

After laying awhile Luna felt him shift slightly and with a soft slurp he slipped from her folds. She caressed his ears whispering softly to him, "Aww. I wish you could just stay inside me." He replied to her giving her a little lick, which could only have been an affectionate gesture. She felt his remaining seed starting to dribble down from her still open slit.

Her Worgen moved getting her some clean undergarments presumably in the hopes to plug her leak. She lifted her hooves up and let him slip one hoof into them. She playfully moved her other leg wider giving him one last look between her legs at the evidence of their act before moving it back so he could finish slipping her underwear back on.

They both started getting dressed moving at the same time to mask their noises. He had to leave his armour packed, being chain it would make noises that Druid armour would never make. She felt her heart start to sink when she realised that this would be the end.

Her Worgen saw this and touched her nose then got her attention with a tender, loving kiss that made her legs weak. He tapped his head near his eyes then pointed at her. Giving her one last caress around the horns and ears he said something softly to her. She gazed into his blue eyes, eyes she would never forget as he gazed into hers each committing the other to the depths of their minds and hearts.

He gave her a last kiss that lingered on her lips. He smiled and backed away giving her a little wave as he slipped out.


The voice behind her almost made her jump. Luna turned to see Melonar standing at her tent flap.

"I see your meditations are finished I assume," he said with a slightly curious expression.

"They are," Luna said as steady as she could. She adjusted her armour, grasping her staff as she moved past the Paladin. "No time to waste Mr. Steelfur. The Alliance waits for no Tauren." She looked back at the Paladin who still stood at the opening to her tent. "Mount up we have to be moving." Luna called for her war Kodo and quickly mounting up and heading out.

One orc guard leaned to his Darkspear brethren, "Where is she going?"

The Troll shrugged then pointed, "Dat way Mon 'nd she be going fast."

Melonar tromped past, "Don't stand there yakking mount up and let's get going!" He leapt up upon his own Kodo not wanting to be left behind.