Gym Benefits-2

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#2 of Gym Workouts?

Hey, sorry for the wait....i wrote this then decided i didn't like it so i rewrote it...otherwise this would've been out in a more timely fashion. Oh well, I hope this is a...umm, pleasing read for everyone and if you have any comments or suggestions/criticism please leave them and tell me how i can make the experience better---with that: Enjoy.

I must be crazy I think to myself with a chuckle. I'm so openly ogling one of my customers and my tail is swishing back and forth. The eye candy is curling some dumbbells right now.









Almost up.


I smile as Nate switches arms and wonder if he's intentionally sitting at the bench where I have the best view of him. He's sweating a bit from what I can tell and is gorgeous. The previous weekend is burned into my brain like I'd been branded. I can still remember how he'd pushed me to the locker and made me a very happy wolf.

The morning after proved to hold more steamy experiences for us, and I did give a good massage to Nate once more. After that day I told him which nights I had to close the gym and I felt a bit odd about that. My suspicions that I had scared him off were nearly confirmed all throughout the week. I try not to worry but I can't help but wonder why he didn't show up till now--nearly two weeks later. I hadn't truly expected him to show up again, but when he did I got that strange feeling in my stomach.

I watch him curiously and have a happy smile on my muzzle. He's moving over to the treadmill--a personal favorite from him to me. I love to watch his rump as he runs, and the small bit of paunch he has, bounce in time with his jog. OK, I admit it, I like everything this dog does.

Nate looks over towards me and smiles.

For some reason I don't understand my face heats up; I blush. I smile puppishly back at him, feeling oddly happy. It's not hard to me to realize just what it happening to me; I'm crushing on this dog--bad.

Oh, it was just one night I think to myself and sigh one amazing amazing night. And the next was nice too I think and feel a smile crawl up my muzzle. "Oh got it bad," I say outloud to myself.

I don't know why I have trouble admitting it. Well, it could be that I'm a bit fickle when I'm honest about myself. I mean, when I told Nate my working hours I was kind of expecting him to show up. When he didn't I just guessed he didn't have the time. Now when he didn't even show up once for last week I began to get a bit annoyed.

A part of me wondered if I'd done something wrong, and another part began to convince me it was just a quick, hot, sexy one night stand. I mean, I guess that's what I had been aiming for in the long run--quick hot sex. Well, maybe quick, hot, consistent sex would be better. Hell, I don't think I'd mind if he didn't want to date--so long as I get a piece of him.

When he showed up tonight my spirits soared pretty quickly. I was still giddy from seeing his large frame coming up to sign in. If that wasn't enough I was still riding the high of when he said hello to me.

"Hey there's great seeing you again,"

Great seeing me? I think and smile again. Of course it's great to see me; who wouldn't miss me? I mean, I'm quite a catch if I can say so. The mountain dog is a catch too--a big sexy one.

Nate has become my biggest fantasy back at the apartment. Some of my fantasies don't even involve sex--though a good many do. One of them was just a fantasy of a regular, old fashioned date with Nate; diner and a movie.

Oh...I really have it bad for him when I realize he has stopped running. I must have it bad if I just missed out on my favorite ogling time, seeing him running, in favor of replaying his hello to me in my head. I stare at him as he drapes a towel over his shoulders and begins walking towards me. For every step he takes my heart beats about five times--probably matching his own heart rate during a heavy run.

He's close.

Two yards.

Three feet.

One foot.

Nate is at the counter and smiles down at me, "Hey there Vance..."

I stare at him for a few seconds before realizing I'm just staring blankly. I smile and give a weak laugh, "H--Hey Nate,"

Nate's smile makes me feel like warm butter in a frying pan. Neither of us find any words to speak. I can't help but wonder if it's awkward for him.

Make a move my brain tells me. It does sound like a good idea but I need to be careful before I do such a thing. I don't want to scare Nate off for real. God, I wish my tongue wasn't always conniving against me. "You haven't been around for a while," I say without my own approval.

Nate doesn't seem t mind the observation. "Oh...busy times...kind of got drowned in work. Glad I could finally make it back though; I've....missed coming here,"

"Well, I can say I've missed seeing you," I say and my muzzle hangs open afterwards. Did I just say that? What the heck?! I think to my tongue. How on earth could I have said that--could I be more obvious that I'm crushing on him? A finger taps my chin and brings me out of thought as my muzzle is closed without me thinking about doing it. I see Nate smiling at me as he closes my agape muzzle.

"I've missed you too--if we're going to be so forward," Nate tells me and makes my heart skip a few beats. He snuffles and a small blush shows up on his muzzle, which I think is just the most handsome thing he's ever done.

We both just stand there awkwardly for a few moments, neither of us finding the words to speak. I want to tell him that he looks nice, but I don't know what that would mean. I mean, of course he looks nice but he's all sweaty and his worn out looking--but he still looks so good. If I told him that I don't know how he would reply, so I end up biting my tongue.

After a second of indecision he looks back at me and cocks his head, "So...when does this place close again? You know...if you're OK with that,"

My ears flicker and my tail begins to wag happily, " ten minutes," I say--my tongue once again charging off without my approval but this time I don't mind. I look towards the workout zone and then at a tv screen where it shows me various parts of the gym. There is a ferret who is exiting the locker room, and I hear him doing so. I look towards the hall and smile, "See you around Sammy!"

Sam, a long time patron and very lean runner looks over at me and nods, "Cya round Vance!" he says and moves off.

The second he is out of earshot I smile and walk around the counter, "So...we normally close at twelve but I think I'll close early...he was the last one around,"

Nate cocks his head and is obviously surprised when I walk off, leaving him behind. I look behind me and wink, "Gonna go lock the door," I tell him and see a small grin on his muzzle. I get to the main doors and I lock them quickly. Sam is driving off and my brain and member both get a surge of blood--a happy place for both.

I grin to myself and look behind me. Nate isn't there and I allow myself a giddy jump of excitement. I punch in the air and suppress my joyous shout. He came back! To think that he's interested in me is a dream come true--wet and dry at the same time.

After I give myself a bit of emotional release by celebrating the victory I compose myself. I smooth over my fur and look in a nearby picture, where I can see my reflection on the glass. I scrutinize my appearance heavily and make sure I look the best I can in such a short period of time.

Once I'm done with the short, hardly even noticeable make-over I nod at myself and begin walking back to where Nate is. As I round the corner something stands out heavily; the wall. I shouldn't be able to see the part of the far wall because Nate should be in front of me. I pick up my pace and get to the desk and look around.

It takes a second for me to find a small note, written in terrible hand writing but without a doubt belonging to Nate--or a ninja in the gym. He's in the locker room and that's all the information I need. Crumpling his note I throw it in the trash and begin to make my way to the locker room, turning off the main lights of the building as I go.

The sound of the metal creaking makes my wince--I hate squeaky lockers. I round the corner and see Nate at his locker. He's got his back to me and is staring at something intensely. As for my own eyes, they find their way to his perfect rump. His tail wags slowly back and forth and I find myself wanting to grab those cheeks and just got to town on him. He looks so amazingly sexy and I can think of no better way to tell him then by drooling over his body. From my vantage point I can't tell what exactly he's doing and I begin to walk towards him--eyes still greedily eating him.

"Hope I look OK,"

The whisper floats over my ears and I realize that he's doing what I had just done--smoothing over his fur and trying to do a last minute cleanup of sorts. "I think you look great if that's worth anything,"

Nate jumps and gives a startled bark. He turns around and scowls at me, "Don't scare me like that!"

I just chuckle and continue to close the distance between us. Our chests soon bump together and he stares blankly down at me. I grin a tiny bit and give him a small push.

Nate allows himself to be pushed against the locker and smiles at me, "So...I still get those gym benefits?" he asks, and I guess that means he forgives me for scaring him.

"Of course," I reply and run my paws up and down his chest. "Want to come back to my place afterwards?"

"First...tell me, did you miss me wolfie?"

I stop my paws traveling roaming and look up at him, "I already said I did,"

"Oh, I know...but I'd like hearing it again,"

I chuckle and take in a deep breath, getting doggie musk to flood through my nose. I've never done any drugs but I guess this is the closest to a hit I'll ever get. It hits with a surge--like a wave--and then makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Maybe Nate doesn't know how good he smells. "God...I've missed your scent," I say, my tongue once again working before my brain gives the OK signal.

"Just my scent?"

"Everything," I correct myself and smile up at him. "I missed you Nate, and if you want to know more...I'm crushing on you real bad right now,"


"Yeah," I say and see his smile increase a bit. "Like I'm back in highschool and I see the hottest guy--just can't get you off my mind,"

Nate chuckles and pats my rump, "Well....I guess you've got a dream come true, cause you're a pretty hot guy yourself,"

"Oh?" I inquire with a smile. I lick my lips and enjoy the way his warmth feels as it radiates into me; like begin next to a heater.

Nate's smile increases a bit and he begins to lean closer to me, "Yeah," he says and has it so that our lips aren't touching but are incredibly close. I'm not sure if he is waiting for me to say something. The moment I open my muzzle he leans forward and kisses me--whether he'd planned to do it in such a way I'm not entirely sure.

It doesn't really matter. I give a small moan as his tongue presses into my muzzle and let my arms move up to wrap around him. Soon I'm kissing him heavily and loving every second of it as we're exchanging canine saliva. He pulls back after a moment and smiles slyly, "My place tonight,"

"OK I gu--Mmumwwafmm...Mmmm," I moan after an unsuccessful attempt at talking. The surprise kiss did surprise me but very pleasantly. His arms feel very nice wrapped around me and I think I'm beginning to fall in love with the way this feels.

His paws fall on my rump and I yelp into his muzzle as he lifts me up, but I compensate by wrapping my legs around his waist. Nate's kissing ability falters for a moment as he gets used ot holding me up and then he returns to it with renewed vigor.

I have to admit; I like the feeling of being wrapped around the bigger male with him holding onto me. I moan into his muzzle and grip at his fur, grabbing it and getting him to growl back to me.

There's a bobbing sensation and I break from the kiss momentarily and cock my head, "What are you doing?"

"Just moving," Nate replies. He smiles at me, "Don't you worry about that Wolfie," he states and then winks, "By the way, I like it when guys kiss and suckle at my neck," he tells me and I need no more encouragement.

I'll let him go wherever he wants anyway so I might as well enjoy the ride. I move to his neck and give a quick nip with makes him grunt, "Like that?" I ask.

"Oh, just like that Wolfie,"

I growl happily and begin to bite and kiss at his neck, making a sloppy mess of his fur with my lips and tongue. The musk is strong and has my cock throbbing expectantly in my pants while I bob in his arms as he walks.

Nate laughs a bit strangely and pulls on me, "Oh, keep that up and you'll get a reward,"

I mumble an incoherent response back to him as I drool over him. My favorite spot is just at the nook between his neck and jaw, which makes him pull on me like a vice. A small squeak makes my ears twitch and I hear something flowing through pipes. After a moment I yelp as icy cold water falls on my head.

We're in the shower. I pull back from him and try to get away. My shirt is already a bit damp and I push on him. The water only takes a second to heat up and if it weren't for the fact I was fully dressed I might enjoy it. My growl echoes with the water.

"Nate!" I say angrily and push on him but he doesn't let go. His lips press against my neck and he continues to kiss me as I struggle against him. I feel the water running through my fur and realize it has soaked through my clothes, "Nate!" I bark though it's too late to not be soaking wet now.

Nate looks up at me and forces a kiss on my muzzle. I growl into it and try to push him away, but he doesn't seem to care about stopping. In fact, I'm quite sure my resistance just turns him on all the more. He forces a grunt out of me as he presses me more roughly against the wall and moans happily into my muzzle. It doesn't take but a moment before I stop fighting against his arms and begin making out with him again.

I moan eagerly and suckle on his tongue as he rams it into my muzzle; getting a happy pull as he does. He gently sets me down so I'm standing and begins to pull back, holding me back with a paw so I don't follow him. Once our lips are separated and I remember my clothes are soaked I scowl at him, "Nate--why did you take me to the shower?"

"Cause wolfie...I needed one, and I figured you'd like to join me. Why...don't you want to?"

"No! I mean, yes! Yes I want to join you,"

"Then what's the problem?" he asks me with a sly grin like he doesn't know.

"I'm still in my clothes," I bark back at him. I don't bother mentioning the fact that I could've been carrying my phone or wearing a nice watch--I usually have those on me. For once I'm glad I keep those things at the counter with me and not in my pocket.

Nate chuckles and shrugs his shoulders, "I ever tell you I think you look hot drenched?"

"Like th--really?" I ask suddenly, as if he's just told me I won the lottery. Even if he isn't trying he does an amazing job of making me forget that I'm soaked with my clothes.

"Yeah," Nate says and I know he knows he's got me.

"Do you just like messing with my clothes? First you ripped my shirt and this time you've shoved me in the shower," I ask and cock my head at him. If this is going to be a trend I am looking into some cheap shirts.

Nate smiles again and shrugs his shoulders, "Sorry Vance..."

I sigh and shake my head. "It's fine," I reply, almost enjoying how he called me by my real name and not the pet name--which I also love. When he says my real name I know it's more real and that he's actually sorry.

My clothes feel heavy--which makes sense. They're glued to my body with the water and showing off my body a bit. I guess if he thinks it's hot that's all that matters for me. My eyes catch the meat between his legs and instead of moving from that spot they stay glued there; like my clothes glued to my body. It looks so good, hanging there with water pouring over it and making it glisten. I swallow the lump in my throat and give a grunt as a paw pushes me down.

I grunt as my knees hit the tiles and look up at Nate with a scowl.

"Sorry Wolfie...thought you wanted some of this? Do you?" he asks and I feel something being smacked against my muzzle.

The feeling and notion of my positioning is enough for me to feel weak in the knees--so I'm glad I already fell. He smacks his cock on my muzzle again. I go cross eyes as it hits against the bridge of my nose. Then Nate just lets it stay there, in front of my muzzle and without meaning to my mouth begins watering. I want nothing more than to trace those veins in his meaty member with my tongue, let it throb in my muzzle.

I look briefly up at him and he smiles at me, inviting me to open my muzzle, which I do quickly. I get my lips around the member and he pulls it back and it escapes me just as I begin to suckle, which makes me just breathe in some more air. For a second I think I've just missed his cock but I know that can't be true. My eyebrows cock and I lean towards him, getting his member pressing against my lips before he takes a step back. I try twice more before realizing he's not letting me suck him off. I glance up at him and frown, "Nate," I say and notice the whine in my voice.

"You never said if you wanted it," Nate says with a chuckle and I realize he's going to make me ask for it.

My ears flatten on my head as water keeps pouring down onto me, feeling odd as it keeps my clothes weighed down against me. I guess it works for him because I look like a pup I bet as I cock my head, "Please Nate...I want it,"

Nate smiles and takes a step forward again. He puts a paw on my head and guides me to his meaty member, which I quickly protect from the shower's water with my muzzle. He rubs my head affectionately and pats me, "Good job Wolfie,"

I know I'm a subby wolf, there's no two ways around it. Nate must've guessed it too because he's great for this. My tail is wagging behind me as he feeds me his cock and I suckle on its girth, happy to have it back in my muzzle.

The Burnese dog's tail was flicking rapidly behind him, letting me slather on his cock and suckle on its tip. He and I both growl deeply at the sensation as he pulled me off him a little, my lips kissing over his tip. I looked up at him and gave a loud enough whine for it to be heard over the water, which made him look down at me.

Nate's smile made me feel hot at me and he was nice enough to stop pushing on my head, letting me finally sink down onto his cock. Four, five, six inches fit into my happy muzzle; adding each inch as soon as more blood is pumped into that thick cock which I was taking, even as the engorged tip brush against the back of my throat.

A paw under my muzzle made me stop sucking and I kept his dick planted between my lips as I looked up at him.

Nate's eyes met my own and he began stroke the underside of my muzzle, getting me to whine out as he did so. He pulls back and frowns, "Sorry...didn't me--"

I stop him as I grab his paw and hold it under my muzzle. There's no way he could've known but it's one of my favorite spots to be petted. If there's a guy who just strokes the underside of my muzzle then I basically just melt for them. It might be odd sucking on him while he does it but I don't mind.

"You...want me to continue?" Nate asks.

I nod as much as I can with his cock in my muzzle and he smiles at me. His paw begins rubbing the soft side of my muzzle and I murr up at him. I'm a bit greedy and let him please me that way for a minute or two before I begin to return the favor. In the bit of time I've gotten a delicious pool of pre over my muzzle and I drink it down, sure he can feel my jaw muscles at work over his cock.

Slowly and carefully I move down his member, taking it into my muzzle. Once I get the tip into my throat I begin working on the arduous task of getting the last three inches in my muzzle, letting more of his cock slip in my throat. Eventually I have a bit more than just the tip of his cock nestled in the back of my throat. I give a strange gurgling sound around it as he makes me murr from the petting under my muzzle.

"You look so hot Wolfie--you like getting all of that cock in your muzzle, don't you?" Nate asks as he strokes my muzzle affectionately. With how much of him I have in my muzzle I can't do much so I just moan eagerly; letting him know I agree. That pleases him apparently cause he laughs and rubs my muzzle all the more happily, making me happy to.

All I can do is swallow around his cock with it buried in my muzzle, and the tensing of my muscles around him do make him groan a bit. He rubs my muzzle one more time and then moves his paw to my head, between my ears. Without meaning to let it happen my tail begins wagging back and forth, making a sloshing sound as it stirs in the waters.

Nate chuckles and pulls out a bit then pushes back in, moaning with me as we both get what we've been waiting for. I was hopeful this would begin our fun times but to my dismay he pulls out completely. The feeling is so weird, not having a cock shoved down my muzzle. I look up at him and cock my head.

"How about we finish this shower and then move to the steam room? Well, I mean, unless you turned it off,"

I frown at him but can't say it doesn't seem hot. "I don't know how you can stop in the middle of this type stuff,"

Nate chuckles and leans down, putting his paws under my shoulders and lifting me up to him. He pats my back and slides his arms around me, "Well, if you want to keep going here I won't complain,"

My ears flicker a few times, spraying his muzzle with a little water. I stare at him and run a paw up and down his back and then sigh, "No, I haven't shut it off yet...but I think you're just trying to tease me,"

Nate laughs a little and dots my muzzle with a kiss, "Well, if I were to tease you, I might still have you in your clothes and not let you please me or you,"

"You're a tease," I say with a small smile.

"Only cause it's so fun with you," Nate replies and runs a finger over my shirt, "Strip first,"

I don't break any records striping this time. Because the clothes are wet they stick to my fur and I have a hard time getting the shirt off because it feels like a suction cup around me. Thankfully Nate helps me out and I'm soon throwing the socks behind me as I follow after him. With a towel around our waists we exit the locker room.

"Lead the way Wolfie,"

"Hurry," I tell him and begin walking as quickly as I dare to on the tile floor. I make a quick stop at the counter to pick up a bottle of lotion that will provide the lube and then begin making my way to the steam room.

"Sorry about getting the floor wet...and the clothes--I get carried away sometimes,"

That is odd; his tone is sincere. I guess he's just letting me know he's not just a crazed sex machine--which I couldn't say wouldn't be nice too. Still, seeing a more humane side is quite attractive I think. "It's no problem," I say and round the corner, "Here we are,"

We enter and the steam feels very nice. Nate lets out a huff behind me.


"We try to keep it around the ninetieth percentile," I reply with a chuckle. "Never been in a steam room before?"

Nate breathes in deeply and starts getting used to the air. He looks over and shakes his head after a moment, "Yeah...this is my first time,"

"Well...these are supposed to be good for the skin. Sweating and what not," tell him and drop my towel on the ground and move over to him, "It's about a hundred twenty in here...if it gets to hot just tell me,"

"OK I'll j--Ohhh!"

I guess he wasn't expecting it. I drool over his member, having dropped to my knees and in one move removed his towel and swallowed down the length of his cock. His knees shake a little and a paw lands on my head. I don't know if he was really surprised, I mean, he teased me far too long after all.

"Guess you weren't waiting for an invitation were you?" Nate asks as his paw begins rubbing the space between my ears.

I moan a hearty no up to him and get used to breathing also. It's a bit hard with how humid it is and the fact that I've got a dog cock in my muzzle. For the first bit I open my muzzle and take a heavy breath whenever I need it but by the end of the third minute have a firm seal over his member with my lips.

Nate groaned and I know he's used to the humidity too. His cock begins to slide out of my muzzle and then he lets it glide back in. We repeat that a few times and I let him begin a gentle thrusting motion into my muzzle.

The feeling of wet dog fur pressing against my nose is barely noticeable, though I know if I were to try and take his knot I'd have my nose jammed against his fur. Pre is drooling from his tip and I swallow it down eagerly, knowing it'll be replaced soon enough. My tongue works over the hot flesh and get reacquainted with him after our break from each other.

Nate's paw on my head grips the fur and he lets out a heavy moan. His hips speed up a bit and with a more force behind them. "Gonna be OK if I'm a bit rough?"

I moan in reply up to him once more and hear him growl happily. There's not much room for fancy tongue maneuvers after a few moments because he begins laying into my muzzle. I just curl my tongue around his shaft and let him thrust into my willing muzzle. His large sack touches my chin each time he pushes forward and I kiss his knot every time.

Pre flows from his cock and I swallow it down every few moments, along with my own drool from the treat between my lips. He's a bit rough, but it's just the way I like it when it comes to being rough. Nate's grip on my head isn't too rough or demanding and it's not like he's bruising my lips with how hard he pushes into me, but it's also obvious he's really going at me.

"Mmm, good Wolfie," Nate tells me and gives another thrust into my muzzle, keeping me down on his cock. The tip of his cock is nestled in the back of my throat and I give an odd gurgling sound around it as he leaks a healthy bit of pre into my stomach. He rubs affectionately over my head fur and after a moment pulls completely out, taking me by surprise.

I cough a little and lick my lips, watching as the strand of mixed spit and pre that connects my lips with his cock falls to the floor. When I look up at him he just smiles and motions me to join him. I stand up and before I can do anything get mauled by his tongue, and his arms wrap around me and begin pushing me backwards.

We finally hit a bench area and I fall down on it while Nate takes his seat in my lap, still eating at my muzzle with his tongue. After another moment I regain myself and begin returning his eager kissing, moaning along with him as our tongues intertwine and play with each other. Nate's cock rubs against my own and I groan into his muzzle and feel rubbing more intently against me.

After a few moments of happy kissing Nate pulls back and smiles at me, "Doing really good Wolfie,"

"Not so bad yourself," I reply a bit surprised at my response. Nate surprises me further by standing up and moving to where he's good to sit down on my meat.

"You want?"

The notion of topping him is hot, but as usual I don't have the ability to stop and think. "Want that cock in me more,"

Nate's eyebrows rise a little and he pulls back with a chuckle, "Really?"

Oh, who am I kidding? Even if I think about it I want him shoving his member in me and having me bark for him. I mean, there'll be time to top later, but for now I need to fufill my more urgent needs--like doggie cum filling me up. I nod and before I can do anything he's at work again.

Nate is pretty quick, I'll give him that. He lifts me up like he did in the locker room and on instinct I wrap my arms and legs around his frame. He smiles at me and I hear the snap of the lotion's bottle. "Like last time?"

I nod and hold onto him while he gets himself ready. Soon enough he has one of his fingers playing with my exposed hole. I moan as it slips in and he fingers me for a few moments before I can't take it anymore, "Come-on Nate...stop screwing around," I whine.

"OK Wolfie," Nate replies with a quick kiss on my nose and returns both his arms to around my body. He lets me down to where his cock and my tailstar and meeting, "Tell me if it's too rough,"

I nod and relax as best I can as he beings to spread my muscle. A light whine runs out of my muzzle but with time and a bit of soothing words from Nate I find that his knot is soon against my pucker and I've got a pleasant heat burning in me. Over the next few minutes I kiss Nate and become accustomed to his member protruding into me, my cock soon returning to its rock hard leaking state of need.

Nate pulls from the kiss and smiles at me, "Ready Wolfie?"

"Mmhm," I mumble and feel the inches beginning to slide out. I whine once again and over the first few thrusts. Slowly though the burning sensation is removed and overcome with a warm and throbbing feeling inside me--to where I'm gasping in pure pleasure. My tongue escapes from my muzzle and lolls to the side as I pant into Nate's face.

Nate's pace is heavy but controlled. He's getting an extra workout tonight, lifting me on and off his cock. The ride becomes more smooth as his pre leaks more plentifully into me and by the end of the minute we're both happily lost in pleasure's waves.


Nate chuckles a bit smugly--not that he doesn't deserve to--and picks up his pace. Suddenly he goes for my neck and starts biting at me. He growls hotly against my neck, and I can feel the vibrations running through me. His cock beats my prostate until I'm reduced to simple words and moans of pleasure.

"Come-on Nate..." I groan with an open muzzle and throw my head back.

Nate growls again against my neck, not giving any words. In the humid room everything feels so strangely hot--both physically and sexually. He is becoming more and more rough, jerking on me occasionally and getting a yelping sound of me as I'm brought down onto him. "Get in there," he growls against my neck and pushes again.

I grunt as his knot spreads me a little but not too much. My cock has a puddle between us and the insistent rubbing of his fur and mine against it is not helping to keep me from getting close to the edge.

Nate's cock slams onto my prostate and makes me yelp happily as I shoot another glob of pre between our moist sweaty bodies. We're both happily lost in pleasure, me pulling and holding onto the dog that is breeding me into a state of bliss. His hips continue slapping against my rump while both our tails wag in pleasure--mine being lifted up and his laying lower--at the feeling of having another male near us.

"Yea--Oh.....yeah, yeah," I mumble happily as he keeps his pace on me. I can't really describe it besides that I'm in heaven for sure. Nate is perfect for me I think--maybe more than just physically even.

Nate's next hit made me see stars. He was jerking eagerly and I could tell both of us were getting very close. His teeth grazed over my neck, reminding me he was done suckling at my neck and things were going to be very rough. His moans were like echoes of my own and we both pulled on the other, hoping to get that extra bit of pleasure we wanted to steal and at the same time give to one another.

"Yes!" I bark happily to him. His thrusts hit my prostate each time and I'm in pure heaven with his meat drilling away at me. "Yes Nate! Pound me--Ohh...I'm begging for it,"

"Yeah...beg for it," Nate tells me absently as he continues his rapid thrusts. He's panting and drooling over my neck while giving me the ride of my life. Our previous time is nothing to this I'm sure. His grip is so strong and I can't even move a muscle, not that I would dare to do so anyway.

The most pleasurable thing I do is keep my arms around his big body and hold on to him and let him pound me just the way I want it. The aggression in our mating is like pure ecstasy and every time his knot knocks on my pucker I whine with pleasure. To have the big male taking me so liberally, and me letting him have me so easily; it's a turn on for us both. "Oh, I want it Nate! Please, give it to me," I whine and grit my teeth together in pleasure.

"Here. It. Comes," Nate grunts and syncopates each word with a powerful thrust. He has me moaning like a bitch in heat and he really begins to work on getting his knot in. I whine pitifully as I try to let him in and feel my own cock pulsing between our bellies. After another yelp inducing thrust I feel myself sinking back down, with a large piece of doggie cock firmly planted in my rump.

"Oooh!" Nate moans and jerks like a mad dog, finally tied with me after the bout.

That is it. I feel a thread snap in me and I howl into the steam room as the mountain dog fills me with his puppy-making juice. His stomach against my own provides the friction I need to get off and I'm shooting plentiful amounts of wolf cum into our fur. I'm thrusting as much as I can against his chest and by the end of the minute whining pitifully again, "Please..."

Nate keeps me planted on him, occasionally jerking and making me shudder with pleasure as more wolf cum seeps from my member. He's panting happily and soon falls back onto a bench and rests his head on my shoulder.

I let him regain his breath, gently nipping at his ear and playing with him while he regains his strength. I love the full feeling I get when I'm with him, it's nice and warm--even after the orgasm. For a few minutes I just make a slow mess out of his ear, occasionally mumbling something cheesy or verge-wise romantic to him.

"OK, OK Wolfie...I'm good," he says as his arms wrap around me with renewed strength. I don't know if he had a plan or anything but I didn't want to miss out on some face to face time. When I was close enough I was sure to plant out lips together. I give something like a bark of happiness into his muzzle and grip at his fur.

He takes longer than I was expecting but he finally returns the kiss after a moment. His tongue darts into my muzzle and plays with mine, moaning with me. We stay like that for a few minutes, both enjoying the afterglow of a great session. Nate's arms tighten every few moments as he gives another curt thrust and deposits yet another bit of doggie cum into my body. Eventually our lips part and we both smile a big giddily at the other.

"To my place?" Nate asks and kisses me again.

"Well, I don't know if you've noticed it," I say and nod to my clothes, "But you drenched my clothes,"

Nate looks over at the wet clothes and then back to me, "Well, I have a dryer,"

"You expect me to leave without anything on?" I ask incredulously, though it's hard to be serious when I've still got a meat of pleasure under my tail.

"No," Nate says with a shocked look. "You can wear a towel,"

I stare at him with the same incredulous look. After a few seconds I realize something entirely odd; he's serious. If I let him have it his way I'll leave here with a towel and nothing more.

"Come-on Wolfie...that way I don't have to undress you when I get you into the house,"

"I'd have to undress you though," I say in a counter argument.

"How about I just wear a towel too?"

That suggestion completely ruins my argument. I have no doubt he knows how much that idea entices me. Still, I can already see the cop car driving up and asking us why we're both only in towels. With a sigh of defeat I look back up at him, "Fine Nate...I'll wear a towel...but don't think this means you won't pay for it,"

Nate laughs and nuzzles me, which I can't deny is really quite a nice feeling. "Oh, I'll let you make me pay for it over and over and over--till I'm just begging you to stop,"

He really doesn't know when to quit. I think I'm already getting hard and I could probably go another round but I also know better. Giving my best smile I pat his broad back, "Well, we have a few more minutes till you slip out...what do you want to do in that time?"

Nate's chuckle ran over my ears and it was very nice. His smile is radiant. "Kiss the most handsome guy here,"

"Oh? Where is he? I tho--"

Nate interrupts me with a quick peck on the lips. If I wasn't falling for him before, the next words sealed the deal. "He's right in front of me,"