Story Fragment - Once again, ramblings from a fractured mind...

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry


A short 'snippet' intro of a story concept I ran past a fellow SF member today, and I was wondering what others thought...

Kalen walked down the corridor, his black cloven hooves clicking a stattico beat agains tthe concrete floor, as he tried to juggle a pile of books in his furred arms. His black muzzle stripe twitched as he sighed and twisted his head from one side of the mountain to the other, his brown eyes barely able to peer above the pile of books, papers and other material.

He was late for his class, his dark striped tail flat against his jeans and his black eartips quivering. He rushed blindly around a corner and collided with a grunt with someone, the precarious pile toppling recklessly to the ground, and he instantly knelt and began scrabbling for his books.

Picking up one, its spine folded open and the pages crumpled, he saw a dark furred foot beneath it - the three toes catching his attention, and the middle toe having a long, wickedly curved black nail. The foot was long and slender, it seemed almost fragile, and his mind swirleed, before he realised whose foot he was staring at, and shly lifted his head up to look at the kangaroo who stood there, gazing down at him, his paws balled on his hips as he shook his head slowly, long ears flapping from side to side in consternation....