Book I: Foothold

Story by Duneflower on SoFurry

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#1 of Rebirth of Spirit

A new power is rising...

Note: I wrote this as an alternate take on Linus Blackburn's World of Flesh_, and have his (albeit ex-post-facto) permission. I would have gotten it sooner if the site I originally saw it on hadn't pulled a major reorganization on me and made it seemingly disappear! 9.9_


Rebirth of Spirit

Book I: Foothold

Leave it to me to get in this kind of fix... Krista peered around the library storeroom, keychain dangling from one finger. Waiting until the last minute had put her in quite a bind: She'd been slacking off way too much, so the end-of-quarter research project was the only viable way she had to salvage any kind of decent grade from her mid-level Ancient Cultures class, which of course was required for her major. I should've majored in computer-science - how hard could it be to write a bunch of programs? She started rummaging through piles and stacks of resource-books, looking for anything that could possibly relate to Sumerian ritual and doctrine.

Hmph...who knows; maybe they had some ceremony to deal with this kind of stupidity. It'd sure as hell be easier than all this runaround.

About a third of the way down one stack, she came across an unusual book: Bound in red leather or something similar, with an ancient brass clasp holding it shut. Wow...whoever made this thing sure knew what they were doing. Wonder why it's not with the rest of the rare books..? The book had survived miraculously well for how old it had to be - The leather or whatever was a bit faded, and it cracked or peeled in a few places, but it was still pretty much in one piece. The clasp had visibly corroded, but not so much that she couldn't open it without snapping it off. As she thumbed through the first few pages, she discovered it to be written is a script the like of which she'd never seen before, and as a history-major she'd learned bits and pieces of several languages both ancient and contemporary. Scattered liberally among the strange, vaguely runic literature were drawings of what looked like bipedal animals, mainly wolves and great cats and their kin. Occasionally she ran across a rabbit or a rodent of one sort or another; and strangely, not once did the prdeators seem unfriendly toward them. It was almost as if they all lived as one people, one race among the woodlands.

She closed the book after paging through about a third of it, intrigued. Probably a kids' book or something. Cute, but not what I'm looking for. Shutting the clasp and putting it back roughly where it was, she wondered why it hadn't been with the rest of the rare books, down in the basement among the special collections. After a few minutes' worth of intensive search, she found something she could use: A text on the scriptures of ancient Babyonia and their predecessors. She grabbed it and nearly raced back to the circulation-desk, stopping only long enough to make sure the door to the storeroom was closed well and locked.

Arrving back at her dormroom, she discovered her room-mate already asleep. Not surprising; she tended toward an inordinate number of early classes. Though it was already dark, the clock showed only about eight-thirty; plenty of time to study up and maybe even start on an outline for her report. She drew up the blinds on the eastward-facing window, quietly so as not to disturb the girl already in bed, and sighed happily at the sight of the full moon. She'd hoped and prayed for this room, since it was one of only a couple of rooms with a south-facing window; she always loved to watch the full moon rise. A beautiful view it proved tonight, every little detail brought into crisp focus by the still air and clear night.

She grumbled at a twinge of pain from her right calf. Cramps, she told herself; just some cramps from all that runaround. Maybe I'll take a little nap before starting into that book; that should get rid of them. She undid her shoes and jeans and pulled them off, as she did habitually whenever she went to bed after about sunset. Then she stopped to admire the moon again; it seemed even more grand and lovely than usual tonight.

She shook herself after what was probably a few minutes, having somehow been entranced by the luminous disc in the sky. When she did, she looked around her in amazement: It looked almost like she was somehow bathed in moonlight. She scratched absently at the backs of her hands, which had begun to itch, but it didn't seem to help; as she glanced down at them, her eyes widened in disbelief. Before her eyes, soft grey fur sprouted up from the pores in her skin, quickly spreading to her fingers and up her

arms. Her fingernails grew and hardened into sharp talons. Then her shirt suddenly felt like was constricting her; she clawed at it in a momentary panic, before getting a hold on it and tearing it off of her. She watched in amazement as pelt continued to spread over her breasts and onto her stomach, which in the process gained a tone that would put most bodybuilders to shame.

She grimaced in discomfiture as her hips widened slightly, rendering her drawers a tad too small. As she reached down to remove them, she was hit by another wave of discomfort, this one several orders of magnitude greater than before. Emitting a low growl that definitely matched the rest of the changes she'd just watched, she ripped the flimsy underwear off with a strength she hadn't seemed to posess the day before; her expression turned to shock as she watched a long, red penis erect from her groin. Shock then changed to confusion as she realized that she still felt mostly feminine, and she still had all the same basic equipment that she'd had at the beginning of the day.

A hermaphrodite? Is that possible??? She thought back to various biology-lessons she'd had, and other medical odds and ends she'd heard over the course of her (previous?) life. Well...occasionally they'll castrate a baby who comes out looking like both at this what they'd look like if people didn't do that? Her feet spread out a bit and her new toeclaws bit into the carpet as she followed the chain of logic with a chuckle. If so, I gotta admit - they don't lack for options. She felt an entirely new sensation as her new member twitched slightly, reaching its full size: She wanted to use it. Badly. Now.

She looked toward the other bed in the room, padding toward her comatose flatmate and considering. After a moment, she stepped into the shadows at the head of the bed and shook the human girl gently, who blinked at her blearily. "Whu - what? What time is it?"

Somehow, perhaps instinctively, she knew that her friend would change as well if exposed to the moonlight. "C'mon, you've gotta see this!" She tugged lightly at the girl's arm, whose curiousity overwhelmed her exhaustion as she climbed out of bed.

She watched happily as her denmate underwent much the same changes as she had, including the addition of the male aspect. Her new form was different, though: Shorter and more blunt of muzzle, with golden fur and a long tail that swished from side to side as if under its own control. A mountain-lion. How lovely! They both tilted their heads at each other as something changed in the air between them; the next moment found them in each other's arms, lips pressed together in an intimate embrace. This cougar was not just her denmate, she realized: This was her mate.

A feline maleness pressed against her nether-regions as the puma in her arms sought an even more intimate contact; she spread her legs slightly and drew her new mate closer, accepting the shaft into her already-moist folds. Then they pulled each other to the floor and she mounted the catamount as they bucked their hips rhythmically against each other. She nuzzled at the golden cat's slightly-larger breasts, licking and then suckling on one nipple as she hazily listened to the ecstatic, lustful purrs she elicited. Almost ontheir own, one hand began to caress the other breast and nipple and the other slid down a torso even more firm than her own to press against the groin and penetrate the lips just beneath; as it did, she felt her own erection being stroked heavily, causing her a greater pleasure than she'd ever experienced.

>Quickly it became too much to hold back; her shaft pulsed for a moment, then released its hot, sticky load onto the cougar's stomach. At the same time she felt a similar release inside her as the muscles in her sex contracted in sequence, milking as much of the felid's life-giving seed out of its shaft as possible.

They rested briefly in the afterglow as the mountain-lioness removed her member from its mating-place. After mere moments, though, they began anew; this time she spread her mate's legs apart and thrust her maleness between eagerly-waiting sexlips. She felt a blunt tail brush across her groin, then penetrate her feminine organ, as she palmed and stroked an erection slightly more slender but longer than her own. Again a murky haze enveloped both their minds as they mated, which only lifted when they again spent themselves, unconciously timing their thrusts and strokes so that they reached their peaks in perfect synchronicity.

This time they remained physically mated for some time, not utterly exhausted but in need of rest. As they separated they watched each other's stomachs and breasts swell with absurd speed, passing several weeks' gestation in seconds. Having rested just enough to perform the task at the end of the period, they grunted and strained with the effort of birthing. As the new cubs emerged, they leaned down to lick off the syrupy mess of birthfluids that came with and on them; at the end they had each produced three mewling hybrids, each with their own distinctive combination of feline and lupine traits. All were hermaphrodites, like their parents. The two mates leaned against what had once been a bed, but during their mating had become a flat, moss-covered stone; four of the cubs found their mothers' erect nipples, while the remaining two latched onto their elders' cocks and began suckling on them as if they were teats. The shewolf found herself rather confused by this, until she realized: If it can create life, why shouldn't it be nutritious as well? She wonderingly stroked tiny malehoods of the two cubs suckling at her breasts, dumbfounded as she watched them erect that she could create - and even become! - a creature so near perfection. When they hardened to their limit, she looked down at the pup-kitten nursing at her own maleness and discovered hir to be already partway up; apparently shi recognized the sexual property of that which would give hir hir meal. Deciding to help her little one along, she reached down and stroked the miniature shaft, watching curiously as it continued to grow a bit beyond its brothers' reach. When it stopped she started running her fingertips along it, moaning softly as her essence began to flow into her youngling's mouth. Not too long afterward, her hand became slightly sticky and she felt a small burst of wet warmth hit her thigh as she induced her cub to hir first orgasm.

She sighed in utter satisfaction as she looked over to her mate and discovered that the cub that had been suckling from the feline erection was now actually trying to mate hir maleness to hir mother's slit. Shi wasn't getting much of anywhere, of course, being as small as shi was; eventually shi gave up with a grumble that became a purr as the cougar pressed a finger into hir feminine aspect.

Their stomachs sated, the two kittens on her chest now looked to each other, climbing down onto the grass and experimentally stroking each other's sheathes, as their mother had. She again turned to her mate's brood, finding them similarly engaged; when she returned her attention to her own, she found them lying on the floor facing opposite each other's groins, suckling happily on each other's cocks. Her third cub laid along her thigh, partially asleep, having been satiated not only physically but sexually; her mate's youngest lay on hir back in a similar state, hir little erection wobbling slightly as shi breathed.

They were all growing at a stunning rate, much as they had inside their mothers' wombs; somehow the bitchwolf knew that theirs was a unique case that would probably - hopefully! - never need to recur. As the cubs reached their mid-teenage growth, having climaxed a bit before but obviously hungry for more, the walls that were now curtains of vines parted slightly to reveal the doubly-occupied dormitory next door. From behind she sheathed her maleness in the blissful warmth of her mate's sex and idly stroked the puma's half-erect shaft as they watched their cubs hunker down and slip quietly into that room, each mother's set remaining as a small pack. The two trios each stripped the covers off one of the beds and tore the pointless cloth off of their Human occupants' forms. Both thought to scream, but were silenced by a gentle paw over their mouths followed by the offer of a male member to suck on. Both accepted the offer with interest, taking the lupine/feline shafts into their mouths and perhaps their throats. The largest of each pack - who, interestingly, were both the ones who had nursed from their mothers' phalli - stroked the Humans' groins, enticing them to open their legs, then thrust their erections into the organs presented. The two that remained unoccupied penetrated their smaller sisters' netherlips with their malehoods. A lupine grin spread across the wolf's face and she thrust slowly within cougar; a mass howl of ecstasy was heard as the entire group of cubs reached their collective climax as one, the Humans rapidly changing into animals like them.

The twin matriarchs eagerly welcomed the new converts - a lovely vixen and a sleek, streamlined leopard - into the pack as the cubs, now fully mature, proudly brought their conquests into the verdant cubicle that had been a rather bland dormitory less than three hours before. They all now recognized their group imperative, spelled out in the strange script of that ancient tome that the being once known as Krista had released from its bonds that very afternoon, the timespan between seeming as if it should be measured in eons rather than mere hours: They must transform all of Humanity into beings like themselves, starting with the campus they stood on. A daunting task indeed, even considering only the college; each knew, however, that if they but followed their instincts, they would succeed in their lofty mission and bring all of Humanity that would follow them into the bliss that they now knew. Such a large campus, such a large world, with so many Humans to convert...but Time was their ally. Vague thoughts of an ancient deity called Gaia flitted through the shiwolf's mind; shi embraced what shi knew of personality behind the name, though the name itself meant little to hir, as it meshed almost perfectly with what they all felt: Sooner or later they would succeed; soon the Earth would reclaim Her - or was it Hir? - lands that Humans had spoiled, and the very beings who had once unwittingly or uncaringly raped Her (Hir?) bounty would help to resore it. They all grinned at each other, sharing a knowledge unspoken:

The Rebirth has begun.