Velo and Friends-Rar 1: First Time Out

Story by Velo on SoFurry

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I really love talking to people and I love yiffing. You can eaither find me in the chat room, or you can IM me at the followind addresses. Yes I do plan on getting AIM real soon. ICQ: 221187367 MSN: [email protected] Yahoo: Velo_Phantasy E-Mail: [email protected] Thanks to Nixs for the edit.

  • * * First Time Out As I came trotting down the road to my grandmother's house I looked further up the road and saw her patiently awaiting my arrival. When I approached her owner's house my grandma walked slowly to the street as she was getting old. She met me at the fence line and greeted me there. As I slowly walked with her to her owner's house she stopped half way and told me to pull a small patch of grass that was growing in her owner's garden. Though she was a cat and didn't really have much to do with flowers or gardening she spent a lot of her time on the front porch and she liked the view of the flowers. I really don't come over to see her all that much mainly because she never really does much but bark... Errr... Meow orders all the time. I turned my head away from her towards the grass and rolled my eyes. I grabbed the grass in my mouth and pulled on it. Her owner had spread mulch down on the ground so very few weeds grew in the gardens and the few weeds that did grow never had any roots to them. As I pulled the blades of grass they broke off half way. I spat the grass out so it would land outside of the garden and tried again. This time bending over almost to the ground. I tried once more to pull out the grass and this time it came out roots and all. I walked over to my grandma and spat out the grass. I then started following her to the house once more. This time she started roaming off to the left. I knew she had more work for me to do. We approached a bush that had been mowed around so that it looked good, but there was grass growing up inside the bush to where the lawnmower couldn't reach it with the guard around it. I sighed and rolled my eyes once more as I started to trot past her to pull the weeds. There was no mulch or gravel layed here so the grass was harder to pull. I had to mite down on it gently so as not to break the blades and then twisted my head to pull them out. My grandma just stood there for several seconds then layed down for she couldn't stand for long either. When I thought I had done a good enough job I came out of the bush and started to walk towards the old feline. Before I could even reach her she pointed out another small patch of grass in the bush so I turned around and went back for it. As I yanked them out I found two more and pulled them out so she wouldn't send me back. This time as I walked towards her she got up and walked with me back up towards the door. Once again she trailed off but this time to the right. There was another garden bed that was visible from where she lay and I figured that's where she was heading. This however wasn't kept as well and there were more weeds. The dirt was softer however because her owner had installed a home-made waterer. The waterer was just a narrow PVC pipe that had holes drilled in it and ran down the front edge of the bed. There was also a thin layer of mulch over the dirt below. As there were many weeds here I was in somewhat of a hurry to get the job done. I grabbed a hold of them and yanked them out grabbing the worst of it. There were dead plants that had dried out and there were weeds and even some plants that had grown outside of the bed. The plants that were on the outside of the bed were rather easy to pull as they were growing through a thick layer of gravel. As I quickly yanked at the plants not worrying about how well it was done and worrying more about just getting it done I lost my foot hold for a short time and scraped my front right paw on a screw sticking out of the home made watering system. It didn't hurt much. I was just more upset about it happening. I took a couple seconds to look at it. At first it looked like just a flesh wound, but a couple seconds of observations showed small beads of blood that were slowly growing. I figured it to be minor, gave it a couple licks and continued with my weed pulling. It's not really that much work. Just a really big annoyance. Annoying that every time I come to visit I'm put to work and no visiting is really done. The old feline got up and turned to me as she walked towards the house and said. ''I'm going inside to take a nap. When I come out here tomorrow I'll be checking to see that it's done.'' When I heard the magnets on the plastic pet door snap together I see it as my opportunity to leave. I look at the sky. It's getting a little late. I stretch my paws out in front of me and arc my back feeling it pop five times, pop by pop. I think of where I can go for the night. I can't go home right now. Some of the cats in the trailer park down the street have some kind of weird cat disease that only affects cats or something like that. I heard that it isn't lethal but it's definitely not very pleasant at all. After giving it some thought for a while I decided that I'll go to the neighbourhood that I grew up in. It wasn't far and I knew some furs there. Though my grandma lived in a nice house with a nice old lady my dad was a street cat and I lived with him because the old lady didn't like ally cats and no one really knows where my mom went. When I showed up I looked around. It had really gone to pot. I guess it's a good thing I moved out when I did. I guess I can live with it. I'm only going to be here for a couple weeks. I decided to check a few of the places where my friends hung out to see if I recognised anyone. I decided I had better find a place to get some rest so I looked for some shelter. I was lucky enough to find some dumpsters with some crates around them. I reeked of trash, but I've slept in much worse places. I layed next to a wall and waited to see what the other furs were like. The acted mostly casual and wondered in and out as much as they pleased. After I felt a raindrop land on my back I decided to try to walk underneath the dumpster as casual as I could and take a nap. I had fallen into a deep sleep when I was awakened by a black cat nudging me to wake up. The ground was covered in a fine layer of water and so was my entire underside. I stretched my paws out in front of me and arched my back before I threw my head back as far as it could go. I placed myself down in the water splashing the black cat's already wet paws and a nearby cat who just turned around and went back to sleep. I looked up at the black cat with my half open eyes and asked ''Yeah?'' He answered me with a low voice saying, ''I've seen you around town and I don't think I recognise you.'' He took a small moment to pause, take in a couple breaths and looked around, then continued ''You look like you could use some place nicer to take a nap'' He took another moment to look around once more and continued ''Come with me. Me and some of my friends are going to have ourselves a fun time then get ourselves a little cat nap." I looked around and noticed that a lot of the cats were looking at us and even the cat witch I had splashed earlier had opened one eye to watch me. I wondered why he had come to me since I was new, but was really too tired to ask or to really care. I stood up and said ''Sure.'' as I arched my head back and returned it to its forward position after feeling it pop. The black cat quickly turned and trotted off at a fairly fast pace. I followed, but mot before noticing the other furs shake their head and go back to sleep. After running for about two blocks the black cat slowed his pace and turned into an ally. The ally looked much nicer than the one I was in and didn't smell as bad either. The black cat jumped through a pet door that was hanging half open from the nice warm air escaping from the building. After he entered he stuck his head back through and said that this place was a friend of his so make sure my paws were clean and that I wasn't trailing water. I shook myself off splattering another cat with water as he pushed out a low growl and curled up tighter. I hastily jumped in and looked around to see where the black cat had gone. I saw a small trail of watery paw prints leading to another pet door. I peeked my head in and saw the black short-haired cat talking to a orange and white tiger striped short haired cat and a white cat whose hair wasn't really long or short. I quickly assumed that the white cat was the one who lived here and probably spent most of its time here judging from how nice her fur was. The black cat introduced me to them. He introduced the orange cat as Tenchy, the white cat as Yang, and himself as Ying. He commented that he hangs around Yang so much that most considered them a unit though Ying preferred to remain uncalled for. I introduced myself as Rar for that is the name everyone calls me except for my grandmother who called me little one. He looked at me sharply and said ''Rar is it? Well then, Rar. Since you're new here answer me a question....'' He paused and slowly walked towards me as if to build up the dramatic tension and continued ''How do you like it?'' I reared my head back slightly ''Like it?... How do I like what?'' Ying broke into a laugh with the other two cats behind him snickering. When he was able to speak clearly he answered. ''You really are new around these parts aren't you? What are you? A house cat?'' He then broke into an even harder laugh. ''I'm a barn cat'' I quickly answered him with a very stern almost glaring look on my face. When he realised how serious I was he quickly sobered up and stared at me glairing into my eyes and spoke in a almost silent voice ''I mean how do you like it? I like it hard and up the ass, Yang likes it orally, and Tenchy likes it up the ass also, but not quite as hard or orally if he can't get it up the ass. Now I'll ask you again'' By this time he was almost yelling and almost deemed angry and had pushed my up against the wall like a scared little kitten. Then strangely enough he took a deep breath, relaxed and started to walk to his buddies. After he got half way there he stopped and looked back at me and finished in a normal tone soft voice to bring in the drama again ''How do you like it?'' I stood there up against the wall for a while still afraid that he was going to bite my head off. After everything he had said finally sunk in my fear went from being afraid of him biting my head off to being afraid if I should be here, afraid of the situation I was in, and afraid of what they would do to certain responses and what they were going to do to me. Suddenly I felt like a little kitten again. I quickly searched my head for a response. I looked up and saw that Ying had already gotten to his other friends and they were all staring at me waiting for a response. Before I could think of what I was about to say I blurted out a response. ''Oh! Well, uhm. I'm actually really tired. I haven't really had much sleep here lately. Maybe I'll join you some other time.'' After I said it I hated myself for saying it. My lies always seem to have their ways with catching up to me. ''Oh. Well in that case you can sleep in my bed in the kitchen next to the floor vent. My masters shouldn't be home for a long while. I looked at the white cat that was saying it. She seemed like a nice and clean cat. I quickly thanked her and turned the corner to the kitchen as sharp as possible to get out of their sight. Luckily her bed was right around the corner and they couldn't see me from where they were. When I layed down I could hear them talking about me briefly then they started their sweet talk and didn't waste any time after that to get it on. At first I tried to ignore the sounds coming from the other room and go to sleep but I quickly found myself aroused by the orgasms. I wasn't comfortable with joining them so I just simply pawed off trying my best to make it as fast as possible so I wouldn't get caught. It's not like it was the first time I had pawed off but it was the first time I had done it with such a high risk of getting caught. I made quick work of myself and had fun with it while I was at it by fondling my own balls and my growing knot. When I was done I gave myself a quick tongue bath and quickly fell asleep.