Journey Into Madness Chapter 5

Story by cooldragon1990 on SoFurry

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This was my first attempt at smut. How was it

This is going to be two chapters that I am warning you about. I am going to step away from my comfort zone and attempt a smut or a lemon as it is known here. This is the turning point for Star as she and Charmander realize they love each other. Unlike your average smut it will have no climax. Please be kind when you review as this is my first shot at "dirty" fiction. Please do not flame it unless it is really that bad. I am not normally a dirty person so I will be using the correct terms and only slang when it is called for. I have noticed there are not any smuts with Chikorita and only with one of her evolved forms. So I am breaking new bounds for Pokémon Fanfiction.

Chapter 5: Feelings Revealed

Charmander comforted the ailing Star the best he could but slowly realized that something was upsetting her far more than usual. Looking at her, he realized that she was looking behind him like she just saw a body being murdered painfully. He turned and was confused as there was nothing there but a mirror that Latias had bought in town for them.

But she was definitely freaking out to something. He rocked her gently from side to side careful to keep his tail away from her and then sang a lullaby that his mother used to sing to him before being abandoned. Back when he had a family and parents that loved him. It sounded eerie and haunting telling of a lost girl that found out she was loved by the one closest to her. It was true for him anyway.

He never realized that he loved Star but he did. She was kind and maybe a little too innocent but that was alright. He tried to deaden feelings for her because of her past and the fact that she might not like him that way. He needed her to know that the darkness in the world was alright as long as you have a light.

He was so wrapped into his thoughts that he never noticed that Star had stopped crying listening to his lullaby feeling contented and belatedly realizing that Charmander was singing about her in a way. She was lost and loved.....loved really? By him? She then looked back at all the touches and the friendly pats and kind words that were shared between them.

She wished she could talk but her vocal cords refused to work. So..... smiling for the first time she stopped her crying, but tears still leaked down. She stood up; Charmander lost in his world did not even feel it. She leaned ever so slowly until her lips met his snapping him instantly back to reality. His eyes widened as Star tasted his lips.

They tasted rather oddly of cherries. Or maybe she was just hungry. Unbeknownst to the now kissing couple, something deep within her stirred. Something primal, something that craved blood. Charmander slowly closed his eyes as he felt something slimy touch his lips. Where the hell did she learn how to french kiss? He shuddered but not out of revulsion. He opened the door to adventure and the two wrestled for dominance with Star winning. She was grinding slowly on him driving him crazy and another part of him as well. He was going to lose it even before they got to the fun stuff. Finally his penis slipped out of the slit that all dragons carried theirs in.

Star gave a shriek of surprise when she felt the tip resting against her. Charmander realizing that the wrestling match was over and where Star was now looking gave a start and instantly turned violently red.

"Star I am so sorry. I lost control. Pl...." but that was as far as he got as Star gave a devilish grin and lowered her mouth to rest against the tip. "Star please don't, I would hate....." but again Star sank even lower not yet sucking but still giving him pleasure. Charmander again almost lost it right then and there. She licked higher still grinding her now moist privates against him, her mouth then kissed his after licking up from his penis.

But when Charmander came closer she danced out of his reach still grinding against him. He was slightly confused as to how a seemingly innocent Chikorita knew all the right moves to pleasure him.

_The beast within slowly began to form. _Star was grinding against him her moist entrance still leaking pre as she teased and danced away whenever he attempted to get closer. _Slowly Star's skin began to dim changing veeerry slowly to purple. _Pre began to leak from his dick and Star pounced on him licking it up. He moaned violently from all the pleasuring Star did before pouncing. Finally allowing herself to be caught she grinned up at Charmander who was slightly pissed but that quickly changed to lust at her expression.

Her vines stealthily appeared from the slit on her shoulders and formed barbed to extremely sharp with the same face that appeared during the "rape"

Both had their eyes closed in pure bliss as Charmander prepared to enter her. Star squealed when the tip broke through her hymen but the pain that Charmander heard happened to all virgins (she had to be a virgin not counting the time he first met her.) did not come. The squeal was of pure bliss and violent pleasure. He shrugged not wanting to torture her with teasing. He thrust upwards into her and she moaned again careful to keep the volume down so that Latias couldn't hear. She managed to take Charmander lips into her own, kissing him with a fury that was shocking.

Before long he began to speed up as there was no pain from Star to indicate otherwise. She loved his attentions and began tongue wrestling again. At the height of orgasm several things happened at once. She was now fully purple with huge wings and fully demonic. Charmander did not notice this but the demon within wanted Star to know what she was doing so..... she opened her eyes and all the bliss left her.

Her vines were inching their way around Charmander neck and a particularly violent looking one wound its way loosely around his neck. She gasped and gave a scream of pure terror. Forgetting that Charmander was still fucking her but when he noticed her agony the lust left him and he opened his eyes. The sight before him filled him with a terror he never knew.

She was purple and had wings. Her eyes were a blood red with dagger like teeth. Her vines....her vines were around his throat. She screamed and got up of his penis. Screaming the color slowly turning back to green with everything back to normal. None of them were turned on anymore.

How was my first half smut? Too shitty? Sorry to tease you like this but it's all for a reason. I hope it at least was better than you originally thought. Anyway there is still a lot more of this story. I know I said updates would be few but I have so many ideas for this story. I don't think it is that good to be honest. There are a lot better things out there then this shit. Anyway I hope you don't flame.