Alan's Story Chapter 9

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#5 of Alan's Story

This is basically just a filler chapter with some sensitive moments ^^ This isn't the last filler either... I'm kinda regretting using Alan and Nathan in highschool days now, because I've already set the course for a story I haven't finished writing :(

Anyways, Enjoy ^^


"She did what?" my mother screamed at me mere seconds later. She was angry. She had been angry from the first word and right now a feral snarl was on her face. I was afraid of her. "I swear to god I'll..."

"Mom!" I said, putting my paws on her shoulders, "You aren't going to do anything. Let Nathan's dad handle it."

She glared up at me and put a finger on the middle of my chest and pushed me away, "Don't YOU go telling ME what to do! You come in here and tell me this with tears rolling down your cheeks and you expect me not to want to do something? I'm your MOTHER for Christs sake!"

"Mom! Just let his dad handle it," I said again.

She glared at me and turned, storming out of the room. I called after her but I heard the door slam anyways and a second later the car door was closing. I leaned against the door, pressing my paw over my eyes as tears began to flow out of them again. I heard the sound of footsteps in the hallway and then Travis was standing in the door.

He was just staring at me, his arms crossed and his black watch staring out at me. "Go away Travis," I said, sniffing and wiping my eyes with my sleeve, "I'm not in the mood."

"I heard the entire thing," he said, his voice was quiet... almost gentle.

"Yeah, we were kind of shouting." I said, sniffing and wiping my eyes again, moving over to stand in front of him.

He looked at me and then did something I never would have expected. He held his arms open to me, "You look like you need a hug."

I sniffed and looked up at Travis and he gave me a weak, hesitant smile, "Come on, before I change my mind."

I stepped forwards slowly and buried my face into his neck, wrapping my arms around his middle as he did the same. He rubbed my back and hummed quietly underneath his breath as he started to sway me back and forth. As he held me, I started to sob in earnest, my tears rolling down my cheeks and soaking into his shirt and my body racking from the loud sobs.

I let everything out. Everything. All the stress from not talking to Nathan, the stress from being forced out of a life that I was so used to, and finally, all the stress at being separated from Nathan, the only boy whom I had ever loved, after a few hours of dating him. It all came out of my eyes and soaked slowly into Travis' shirt.

He sighed and said, "This is my favorite shirt."

"I'm sorry," I said, pulling away and wiping my eyes on the back of my paw. He put his paws on my shoulders and he smiled gently at me.

"It's alright Alan," he said, pulling me back to his chest.

"You're being strangely nice," I said with a sniff, putting my chin on his shoulder.

"Alan," he said with a sigh as he held me, "I may be an asshole, but you're still my brother. Whether you completely ruin my life or if you rape my girlfriend I'll still love you in the end, and it does hurt to see you hurt."

I couldn't help but give a little smile at that. We stayed there for about twenty minutes, with him holding me and rubbing my back while I cried myself out. When we did finally pull apart I rubbed my eyes a little bit and dried off my cheeks and said, "Thanks."

He grinned and ruffled my headfur and said, "Just don't expect me to do it every time." I just laughed and punched him on the shoulder, wiping my face again. "It won't be long before that little fag is cuddling up against you again."

I glared at him and said, "Come on Travis, do you really need to use that word?"

"No," he said, smiling, "but I'm trying to lighten the mood."

"I didn't like that word before I turned myself gay, I really don't like it now."

Travis just rolled his eyes at me and said, "Fine, I won't use it anymore."

Just then, the door opened again, and my mom stormed in. She was more calm then she was before, but she was still angry. "Mom I..." I started to say but she cut me off by putting her paw up.

"No Alan, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you." she said.

I looked down and scuffed my foot against the floor a bit and she sighed and walked to me and hugged me. "Here I am getting angry and thinking of ways to fix something I can't fix while my baby is crying at home."

I blushed as she hugged me and said, "I'm not a baby anymore Mom."

"You'll always be my baby sweetheart," she said as she rubbed my back, much like Travis had been doing. I seemed to be getting comforted a lot today. I just groaned and closed my eyes as she comforted me. "What's the matter?" she asked, pulling back and looking at me.

"Nothing," I said, "but the more everybody tries to make me feel better the worse I'm going to feel."

"Ok," my mother said, rubbing my cheek, "I'll stop then."

"Thank you," I said, "I'm just going to... go to bed."

"Alright sweetheart," my mother said, rubbing my cheek. She kissed my cheek gently and said, "Sleep well."

I walked up the stairs with my tail drooping a bit and when I finally made it into my bed I curled up under my blankets and closed my eyes. I felt like I had been beaten, even though no physical damage had been done to me at all, and I wanted to just curl up and die. At some point I started crying again, I wasn't sure when, but I know that I was sobbing. Loudly.

At some point Travis came into my room, closing the door behind him, and laid down next to me. I ended up with my head on his chest and his arm holding me protectively against him. I wasn't sure why, but his arm around me was extremely comfortable and comforting. I closed my eyes after snuggling with him for a little bit, and soon I was asleep...


I was surprised to find that Travis hadn't slipped out of the embrace during the night when I woke up in the morning, but it was a pleasant surprise to feel his head resting on top of mine, despite the fact that he had drooled a bit and the top of my head was a little wet. I just lay there for a little while. I was surprised at how nice it was to be held for once instead of doing the holding, and I wasn't that eager to end it.

I settled against him, closing my eyes again and resting my head on his neck. Of course, as soon as I was relaxed a knock shattered the silence and my mom opened the door. I kept my eyes closed, hoping she would think we were asleep and just sleep. Sure enough, after a quick "Dawwww" and a snapping sound the door was closed.

"Is she gone yet?" Travis whispered quietly through the bottom of his lip.

I jumped, bumping my head against his chin and I blushed when he yipped quietly. "Sorry!" I said, "I thought you were asleep!"

"That's alright," he grumbled, rubbing his lip and looking down at me. I was surprised he wasn't mad. This morning was just full of surprises.

"Thank you," I said as I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"For what?" he asked, swinging his legs over the side of the bed to let his feet join mine on the floor.

"For snuggling with me last night," I said.

Travis looked at me and gave me a sort of awkward and hesitant smile. "Alan," he said, "you're my twin. We're two parts of the same person, and no matter how much I try to tell myself I hate the way you are, as long as you are that way I can't. That's worse than hating myself," he leaned over and nuzzled gently at my muzzle, "seeing you hurt is like seeing me hurt, except its worse because if it was myself there would be something I could do, but I can't help you through it."

"You already have," I told him quietly, touched by what he had said. I smiled and gripped his paw in mine and leaned forwards, kissing him gently on the cheek and pressing my head against his neck.

He blushed deeply as my lips touched his cheek and I just smiled and rubbed his cheek. "What?" I asked jokingly, "Don't want the brother you snuggled with all night kissing you?"

He glared at me and said, "Snuggling and a kiss on the cheek is a long jump there bro."

I rolled my eyes at him and hugged him, squeezing him as tight as I could. He sighed and hugged me back, nuzzling at my neck gently and then ruffled my head fur. "Should we go get ourselves some breakfast?"

"Yes," I said, rubbing my head underneath his chin.

I sighed and smiled and he shifted uncomfortably. "Are you going to move?"

"Oh," I said, standing up quickly with a blush, "Sorry. I guess I know why Nathan likes that so much now..."

Travis just nodded his head and left the room. I stretched out a bit and groaned as I popped my back. I still felt tears in my eyes from crying over Nathan., but oddly, I felt like I would make it through. I remembered the conversation I had had with Nathan's dad yesterday and suddenly I was a bit more hopeful that I would be able to see him soon. I stared around my room for a second, stalling for a reason I wasn't sure of, before I took a step out of my room and walked down the stars.

When I entered the kitchen the first thing I noticed was Travis glaring gloomily out the window that was placed above the sink, and peered out over the backyard. I stared at Travis for a second, and looked around the kitchen. It took me a minute to see anything different, but when I did, the source of Travis' gloominess was obvious.

On the fridge, in the very middle of it where anyone who entered our kitchen(and since the kitchen had to be walked through to get to the living room from upstairs) was a picture that hadn't been there before. A picture that just so happened to be Travis and me snuggling on my bed, with both of our eyes closed and my arms wrapped around him and my head pressed into his neck.

I blushed deeply and said, "Mom, why is that there?"

"Because my baby boys were soooo cute this morning that I just had to take a picture." She said, reaching over and pinching my cheek. I glared at her and she just grinned, "Calm down Alan. You boys are growing up so fast, let me have my moments."

I tried to think of something I could say to override the guilt but Travis just looked at me and said, "Don't bother trying, I already did. She'll just let the tears drop."

I glanced at him for a second and when I glanced back, sure enough, her eyes were glistening a bit and I just groaned and sat down at the table, burying my head in my arms. "Fine! You win!"

She laughed happily and said, "I always do."

I just rolled my eyes and said, "So, where's breakfast?"

"You just be patient," she said, pointing the spatula she held in her paw at me as if she were brandishing a sword. I just rolled my eyes.

"Me? Patient? Do you even know me when it comes to food?" I asked her.

"I know you're worse than a bottomless pit." she grumbled.

I just grinned at her and looked out the window. I heard the faint sound of my ringtone from my phone where it was charging in the living room and I stood to go get it. I walked to it and picked it up, opening it to see that I had gotten a text message:

'Dad said that we could get together next weekend. He said

that he could sneak me out for a movie. Will u be there?'

I stared at the message for a minute before a grin came over my face and I sent him back a message.
