90 Second Analphabet

Story by Anonymisc on SoFurry

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A game from Whose Line Is It Anyway? But with gay furry sex.

I'm a big fan of the improv show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" I was watching some clips on Youtube of a game called '90 Seconds Alphabet', where the players have to improv a scene based on a set-up and each person starting their line with the next letter of the alphabet. They have 90 seconds to complete the scene, as you might imagine.

I was randomly trying to come up with a scene in my head, and this sort of just happened. So I decided to write it up and submit it here! Enjoy!

A wolf and a fox stand on the stage, with a stool next to each of them. The clock starts.

The fox turns to the wolf and starts. "Anal? Would you like to try some anal?"

The wolf is surprised for a moment, but quickly smiles cheesily. "Big time."

The fox slyly grins back. "Can I join you?"

The wolf laughs. "Do you even have to ask?"

Suddenly the fox looks out at the audience, a bit nervously. "Even with everyone watching?"

Without looking at the crowd, the wolf shakes his head, putting a paw on the fox's shoulder. "Forget about them."

Considering for a moment, the fox looks up at the wolf and with a hint of shyness in his voice asks, "Giving or receiving?"

The wolf's smile grows. "How about you pick?"

The fox seems rather uncertain. He hesitates. "I- I'm not sure..."

The wolf steps closer to the fox, grabbing him tightly and gives him a dominant look right in the eyes. "Just bend over."

After thinking for only a few seconds, the fox complies, turning away and bending over with his tail raised, leaning against his stool. "'Kay."

Reaching down to the ground next to his stool, the wolf picks up a small plastic bottle. He opens the cap and squirts the contents on his fingers and paw. In one swift movement, he grabs onto the fox's tail and pokes his fingers at the fox's tailhole. "Lube is important."

Startled at how fast the wolf is moving, the fox jumps a bit. The wolf's fingers press in, a bit faster than the fox would have liked. Through a slightly clenched jaw, the fox squeaks out, "Maybe this isn't the best idea..."

At that, the wolf's ears droop. He slows down his pace, smoothly fingering the fox, slickening him up. Looking down at his own raging hard-on, the wolf half-pleads, "Now, come on... don't be like that..."

Adjusting now to the wolf's pace, the fox finds that he's also hard as a rock. The pain has subsided for now, and the pleasure's already begun. "Okay, okay..."

Not wasting any time, the wolf pulls his fingers loose and uses the remaining lube in his palm to coat his own cock. He gives it a few extra strokes. "Penis time!"

Looking over his shoulder, the fox giggles impatiently. "Quit that!"

The wolf lines himself up with the fox's rear. "Ready?"

The fox catches the wolf's eyes and nods. "Set."

"Thrust!" shouts the wolf, penetrating the fox at once.

Rather too quickly for the fox. He splutters, "Urgh!"

Slowly moving back and forth, the wolf trembles from the feeling of being inside the fox's tight ass. He whispers, "Very nice."

Much sooner than he's expecting, the fox feels the pain subside. As the wolf's thrusts pick up speed, he starts feeling more pleasure each time. He sighs, "Well... that's not so bad, then."

The wolf humps at the fox harder and harder. He slows suddenly and brings a paw to his ear, cocking his head as if he hears something offstage. "Xylophone music? Where's that coming from?"

Totally ignoring the wolf's cop-out, and entirely concentrating on the exquisite pleasure he's feeling, the fox moans. "Yeah, you're totally fucking me up the ass, now."

However, after only a few more thrusts, the wolf shudders and howls out, "Zounds!"

The wolf stops moving. The fox stands there for a moment, catching his breath as he realizes what's happened. His shoulders sag and he mutters, "Aaaand we're done already..."