A Change for the Better

Story by AnarchyWolf on SoFurry

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Well, while my other stories have been on hold, I came up with this one from a resent RP, and I figured, why not share it. I didn't have my notes to continue when I finally had some time to write, so I remembered this and decided to still write something. Hope you enjoy it. This is actually my first time with a love scene, so please be gentle in your comments.

A Change for the better

It was a usual summer day in a large town near the country border, the people were active, merchants selling and buying items, kids were playing in the streets and visitors traveling through. Walking amongst the hustle and bustle is a young female otter, standing just a few inches over five feet tall, a nice slim body with curves in all the correct places. As she walked along the street, her skirt flows lightly in the slight breeze and her tank top fit her curves and bust perfectly, not too big or too small. Her long black hair hung down her back in a ponytail against her short brown fur. See ignored the stares she was receiving from the men all around her, because in her eyes, only one was right for her, her brother.

While traveling in town, she finally came across a factory, heading in to the office to talk business for her parents who were busy at home. She had done this before, usually with her brother, but he had gone missing several months earlier, not a word had been heard of him since. As she walks up the office, she knocks and is politely greeted by the owner, a tall male horse with a big smile.

"Good morning Amanda, I see you here to talk about our plans for the next few months." He says with a smile before looking around. "Where is your brother? He normally comes with you."

She looked up with a sigh.

"Jack has been missing for several months Mr. Williams. He went out on one of his little treasure hunting trips, you know how he loved them. But he's normally only gone a week or two. This time...he never came back, everyone fears the worst."

The tall horse pulls her into a hug, patting her back in sympathy.

"I'm so sorry Amanda, he was a good man, I'm sure you miss him dearly."

She sighs again and returns the hug and whispers.

"You have no idea."

After the lengthy hug she pats his back and looks up at him.

"I do, but I'm doing fine, were here to talk business, so let's do so ok?"

He nods and they sit down talking about how their businesses would work together for the next quarter before shaking hands and parting ways for now. Knowing she would never make it to the next town before sundown she decides to grab a room for the night and relax. Even though it was still early, she laid down in the single bed she stares at the ceiling thinking about her brother yet again.

Her brother Jack, unlike her, was a wolf, just like their father, as she had been an otter like their mother. She keeps thinking about him, remembering everything about him, his caring personality, his fierce passion to help and protect his the family, and his looks, just thinking about them made her feel warm. His tall six foot frame, muscles clearly visible even through his thick grey and white fur, a single stud piercing in his left ear and a tribal tattoo from his right shoulder down to his elbow. Then there was her favorite part of him, the bulge in his jeans he usually wore, she had never seen his cock before, but just imagining it made her paw slip into her pants.

She began to imagine being with him, finally being able to show him how much she truly loved him, rubbing away at her slit as it began to leak her juices all over her fingers.

"Oh Jack!"

She continues to rub away and lightly fingering herself, moaning and squirming on the bed as her free paw reached up her shirt and squeezed her breast. Losing herself in her thoughts and emotions she fingered herself faster, imagine it was his cock as she soon screamed out in pleasure as her womanhood leaked her juice all over herself and the bed, panting. After let herself calm down and doing a quick clean up, she decided to take a walk to clear her head. She needed it too, her heat had started the day before and thinking about her brother didn't help at all, it was only making it worse.

Back out on the city streets the cool summer breeze was helping to relax her and she smiled a bit, knowing she would be heading home the next day to be able to take her mind off her heat. Turning a corner she walked into a market district with shops lining the streets. She began looking around, thinking she may buy something nice for her parents. Soon she stopped in her tracks, blinking to herself as she took in a sight, a wolf a shop, piercing in his ear and tattoo going down his shoulder and arm.

"Could it be?"

She quickly walked closer to the wolf before slowly to a stop, seeing that the wolf did not have grey fur, but an unusual green color, the shadows had played trick on her eyes, but he seemed so much like him. So he heard him speak.

"Goodbye Bill, thanks again."

That was all she heard before he turned and walked of in the other direction, but to her there was no mistaking it. It was his voice, she had found her missing brother, but why was he here and why was his fur a different color? Curiosity overflowing, she decided to follow him, remaining far enough away so he wouldn't notice, soon being lead to a nice home in town as she watched her brother walk in the door. Did he find someone? Did he move in with her and just abandon the family? No, she knew he would never do that, but she intended to get to the bottom of this and walked up knocking on the door. As he answered the door he looks at her a bit shocked before she tackled him to the floor hugging him and breathing in his scent, there was doubt now, it was him.

"Jack! I've missed you so much!"

He yelps as he is tackled hitting the floor and blushing deeply as he watched her nuzzle into his chest.

"Amanda? What are you doing here, and how did you find me?"

She looked up at his face, staring at him with her bright blue eyes.

"I saw you in town, after I finished talking with Mr. Williams. You've been missing for months, we didn't even get a word from you. Why would you not tell us your ok?"

"I...because, I can't go back home, not after what happened to me on that last trip of mine."

"What do you mean brother? Just because your fur is a different color doesn't mean that we wouldn't still love you."

His ears go back as he sits up and leads her to a couch, sitting with her and sighing.

"It's more than that Amanda, on that last trip, I had found what I was looking for, a solid gold statue, and it was worth millions. But I didn't know the room was so secure, I fell for a trap and...well...it turned me into a monster. I got the treasure, but at what price? After thinking about it I decided to sell it and start a new life, not wanting to show you or our parents what I have become."

She sighs and pulls him into a kiss, one that she had wanted for so long, finally to kiss him with the love she had for him that she had to hold back for so long. He was shocked at the kiss, but found himself kissing her back, he had never shown it, but like her, he wanted her to be more than his sister, he truly loved her.

"Jack, you're not a monster, you look like the same caring and goofy brother I had fallen in love with."

"You...you love me like that?"

She smiles and kisses him again, deeper as the two murr and hold each other for a few minutes before he breaks it.

"Amanda...I can't, you wouldn't love me after learning what I have become."

"Jack, I love you no matter what, please, tell me what has happened to you."

He sighs and stands up, removing his shirt and turning to face her. She murrs seeing his muscles again, but soon goes wide-eyed as nearly a dozen tentacles slowly grow from his back and seem to float lazily in the air.

"This is what you were talking about?"

"Yes. It happed in the trap I fell for. Now who wouldn't be ashamed of something like these...please don't hate me Amanda."

She stands and walks over to him and wraps her arms around her neck kissing him deeply again.

"Brother, something like this isn't enough to drive me away, besides, they look harmless. Are they actually for anything or are they just a fashion statement?"

"They're.....for breeding." He said quietly with a blush.

She blushed as well as her mind was brought back to her heat, she could feel herself already becoming excited. But she wanted this, she want him, and she want to have his child. He could see her reaction to what he had said, looking down at her, her potent scent had finally reached him, inhaling it, and feeling his cock begins to emerge from its large sheathe in his jeans, as well the tentacles beginning to drip a clear liquid.

"Amanda...you're it heat aren't you?"

"Yes I am Jack." She said with a blush. "Jack, I love you so much, I want to be with you forever. I want to have your child!"

"You...you're serious? Even after learning about what has happened to me?"

"Yes Jack. Besides, think of how we can use them."

She smiled and gently reached out and touched one, some of the clear liquid getting on her fingers, giggles and licking them clean. A few seconds later, she blushes deeper as her body slowly becomes hornier, she quickly gathers a little more of the liquid as tastes it, every drop drives her body to feel hot and aching for attention.

"Jack, whatever this stuff is...it's only making me hornier, I need you jack, right now."

"Well that's something I didn't know. Anyway, are you sure about this Amanda? I love you but I'm nervous, what if mom and dad find out?"

"They won't Jack, now just take me to your bedroom, I need you."

He smiles and gently lifts her up in his arms, kissing her again as her carries her over to his bedroom, his large bed in the center of the room laying her down. As soon as she is let go she removes her skirt and her thong, tossing them aside, her womanhood already leaks her juices all over his bed. He murrs as he breathes in her scent again, becoming stronger by the second as he pulls off her shirt and bra, her perky breasts popping out, nipples erect. He soon removes his pants as his cock flops out, nearly fully erect as Amanda gasps.

"Holy...I knew you were big, but not this big. It's as thick as my arm!"

"Yes your brother is rather gifted isn't he?"

As he walks to the bed again, Amanda sits up and gets on her hands and knees, his large cock throbbing in front of her face. She slowly reaches out with her paw, griping his shaft and licking his tip. He lets out a slight murr as she twirls her tongue around it, stroking him gently. He closes his eyes as he murrs loudly before smirking and getting an idea. As she continues to lick and stroke his cock, four of his tentacles glide lazily over, two wrapping around her breasts while the other push themselves into her aching holes as she moans out loud.

"Oh god Jack, you have no idea how long I have waiting for this night, and it's only going to be better with these."

All he does is smile as his tentacles squeeze her breasts and begins to thrust in and out of her holes, making her juices flow as she moans around his cock and begins to stroke him faster. Feeling every little bit of his large cock, she stops and looks up at him, her eyes filled with lust.

"Jack, please, my body feels like its on fire, I need your cock inside of me. Please, make me a mother!"

He smiles down at her, retracting his tentacles from her holes, wrapping them around her arms and legs, lifter her into the air and placing her gently on the bed again on her back. Her slit glistens with her juices as it leaks onto the bed and he crawls onto the bed, not removing his tentacles from around her arms and legs. Soon he is rubbing his cock against her slit, coating it in her juices as he murrs, feeling the heat coming from her needy entrance.

"I love you Amanda."

That was all he said before positioning his cock and giving a gently thrust as his tip slips in, already causing her to moan out in pleasure. He murrs out loud as his paws grip her hips, giving gently thrusts to give her a chance to adjust as his cock sinks in a little more with each thrust. She continues to moan louder as her walls stretch to accommodate his girth, yelping a bit as he finally hilts his cock within her aching womanhood.

"Take me Jack! Breed me and make me your bitch!"

He murrs and leans down to her, kissing her deeply. As their tongues seem to wrestle for control, his paws never leave her hips as he begins thrust faster, and his large sack slapping her each time as the sound seems to resonate in the air. Her moans only seem to grow in intensity as her arms wrap around his back, her claws digging into his thick fur, his tentacles moving out of the way. Her scratching claws only drive him on more, his thrusting becoming rougher, to the point where to entire bed is rocking with them.

As he continues to the thrust she only becomes louder, her moaning seemed to echoes along the walls as he nearly scream out in pleasure. He continues to thrust away as his tentacles continue to hold her and squeeze her breasts, soon he feels his peak nearing as his knot swells, slapping against her already stretched to the limit slit. She squeals out in surprise and panic seeing the girth of his knot,

"Jack....I don't think that will fit!"

"Trust me Amanda, it will."

"But it's huge! It will tear me apart!"

"Amanda, you can trust me." He says, never letting up on his alright quick thrusting.

She looks into his eyes as she moans and she nods, letting out a smile, knowing deep down she could trust her brother's knowledge.

"Then tie me brother. Tie me and make me a mother!"

He leans down kissing her deeper than ever as her womb begs for his seed. He continues to pounds away as hard as he can before he forces his knot inside her with a pop and letting out a mighty howl, as if to inform the heavens, as his cock erupts, spraying his potent seed deep into her needy womb, jet after jet of his spunk, seeming like it would never end as she screams out in pleasure. Almost immediately she feels her heat dying down and her horniness drifting off, panting and smiling up at him, knowing that he had done it, she already knew she would have his child and she murred happily as she watched him catch his breath, his tentacles slowly receding into his back. He kisses her deeply again and rolls onto his back, her rolling with him onto his chest and smiling as she yawns.

"Goodnight Jack, my love."

"Goodnight Amanda, goodnight little one." He says smiling and rubbing her belly as they both fall asleep.


The next morning came and went quickly, including a short breakfast and shower before Amanda had to leave as Jack sat in his home alone. It had been a month since that fateful day. He had still been home alone, sighing to himself, wishing she could have stayed, but he knew that the family needed her more than he did. Thinking back to the day she left, he remembers she promised to return with a surprise someday. He had hoped for that day, but it seemed to never come, until this particular morning, he received a knock at his door. His ears perked up as he decided to answer it and opens the door, revealing his sister and mate Amanda.

"Amanda!" He says in joy as he hugs her, feeling her slightly swollen belly.

"I'm back brother. Me and your pup are here to stay."

He smiles and kisses her deeply for a few moments before nuzzling her cheek and looking behind her. Standing there all with smiles stood some of Amanda's friends from back home, a wolf, a fox, an owl, a leopard, and a dragon. He looks at them curiously and then back to his sister.

"Jack, you remember my friends right? Mandy, Cindy, Kathy, Jade and Krystal? Well I told than about us, and they were intrigued, so I decided if it's ok with you, that we would give them a taste of the fun, keeping me as your alpha female. He simply smiles, raising all ten of his tentacles up behind him as the girls stare, both nervously and in awe,

"This...is going to be fun."

The End.......?