..... Runs In The Family Part 1

Story by the roo on SoFurry

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#2 of Runs In The Family

Been wanting to start this for a while. I suggest if you haven't done so, read the reference sheet. Please do enjoy and leave comments and suggestions.

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff

There was noise all around; most of it was coming from the living room. TJ didn't notice his three of four brothers as they watched TV just a few feet away. He was too busy poking at the food on his plate, staring at the back of his naturally large powdery white paw. Inhaling deep, his jaw quivered as he became lost in even deeper thought. He didn't even notice his mom behind the counter of the kitchen as he secretly thumbed over the wet spot in his pants...

TJ moaned as he felt a spotted paw wrap around his red, vein covered prick, eyes half lidded as he leaned against the wet bricks of the centuries old house in the alley behind school. Feeling the knot of another cock grinding against his ass crack, he sucked through his teeth, arching his back as that bulbous bit of flesh rubbed back and forth over his tight pink pucker. Half bent over, holding up his pants in case anyone else showed up, he could feel the weight of Shay's body as the Dalmatian panted in his pointed left ear; feeling the other dog's warm breath on the side of his neck. He dripped a long strand of pre as he felt that amazing sensation surging up through his body from his sensitive asshole...

The seventeen year old Dane was completely lost now, leaning his forehead into his palm with his elbow on the table, gripping the edge of his wooden seat with the other paw. He could feel his boxer briefs sticking to his wet, aching pucker, almost moaning right there. His ears were deaf to his second oldest brother as Billy turned around on the leather couch and started calling to him. "TJ, mom's talking to you. TJ...!"

"Oh gawd, TJ, I'm gonna cum!" Shay grunted, grinding his cock between TJ's firm ass. He dropped TJ's cock, grabbing hold of the Dane's firm ass cheeks and hot dogging it, grinding his hot prick between the dog's firm ass muscles, his knot swollen to the size of a plum. Moaning beneath Shay, TJ took hold of his cock and started to rapidly jerk himself off. They panted at the same time, both dogs hotly moving their hips, Shay's knot grinding over TJ's pucker which was coated in thick pre from the extreme humping. He wanted Shay to put it in so badly, wanting to feel that hot cock in his virgin hole.

All of a sudden Shay lifted his head, his muzzle falling open in a loud, heavy moan. TJ stroked faster, holding his hips still as he heard the Dalmatian gasp for air as he grinded the pointed tip of his prick against the Dane's tight hole. He clenched his eyes, gasping, struggling to breathe as he shot a wet, thick load all over TJ's ass crack. TJ moaned, feeling Shay rub that load along his aching pucker, throwing his head back and crying out when he felt the tip barely pierce his ring, feeling more cum spill out just inside himself. He writhed on the wall, his face burning as much as his hole, feeling Shay's cum dripping down the back of his leg. Gasping for breath, TJ grunted as he exploded all over the brick wall, rapidly jerking his cock...

TJ clenched his eyes, his forehead tucked into his palm, his sight hidden in darkness. "Hun, are you ok?" his mom asked, looking down at him with her paw on his back.

When he finally remembered where he was, TJ looked up at his mom, "Oh, sorry mom, I'm really tired..." It was when his mom asked how his day at school went was when he zoned out into the memory of what his friend did to him that day. Gazing over to the living room, he saw the suspicious, glaring look Billy was giving him. It was the look that said his brother was staring into his soul at the moment. TJ only looked away when Billy finally turned around.

"Aw, hun, you work too hard." his mom said, pitying him, rubbing the back of his neck. She smiled, which was rare for him to see anymore. Luckily, as she walked away his raging hard on was hidden beneath the table. He lowered his head, blushing as he picked up his fork and tried to finish his food.

Later that night, with his head heavy in his pillow, TJ's eyes slowly opened when he heard and felt the buzzing of his phone in his paw nearby. Lazily bringing it up to eye level, he made an irritated face when he opened it, the light brightly glowing. It was a text from Shay. It said, "Hey, I'm outside, behind your shed." Immediately he sat up. Panting nervously and eagerly at the same time, TJ looked out his window at the white shed with the gray wooden fence sitting behind it. Wearing only his boxer briefs, he leaped out of bed, making sure to land on the pads of his foot-paws so that he didn't make any sound.

When he made his way down stairs, TJ froze when he saw that the TV was still on in the living room, the lights all off. Sean-Paul and Greg were on the larger couch, Sean-Paul having fallen asleep and crashed on Greg's stomach, one of Greg's massive foot-paws up on the back of the couch and the other on the floor. Billy was tightly tucked in with a blanket on the smaller love seat, his foot-paws brushing together in a sleeping fit. Very quietly, TJ made his way to the backdoor on the other side of the house, pleading in his head that they didn't wake up and find him sneaking outside in just his underwear.

Outside, TJ walked through the short, wet grass; the soles of his foot-paws stained green after Kyle had just cut it. His tail whipped excitedly in the tail hole of his underwear. The fact that any of his neighbors could look out their windows and see him moving towards the shed gave him even more of a rush. Turning around the corner of the shed, TJ slowed to a shuffling pace, seeing Shay standing there, wearing only a baby blue t-shirt and a pair of sweats, his thick meat clearly showing as a bulge down his left pant leg.

Panting, shaking, TJ could clearly see the smile on Shay's muzzle. He wondered how the dog could stay so calm. Then he stepped forward, a wet spot forming in his gray sweats when his cock twitched. Feeling that thick bulge brush up against his own, TJ only stared. They watched each other for a long time, not knowing whether to kiss or to touch each other. Finally, the Dane did what his gut told him to do. Falling to his knees, he tugged at the rim of Shay's sweats, his rough paw pads brushing against the Dalmatian's smooth, thin waste before the spotted dog's thick cock bobbed out into the open to greet him. Barely breathing as he took it in, TJ inhaled the intoxicated, heavy scent of Shay's unwashed dick. It called to him, the scent making him so hard. Turning his head at an angle, the Dane parted his dark lips when they met the tip, TJ taking in the salty taste of old cum, swallowing his first cock until it bobbed at the back of his throat. Inhaling deep, he let out a heavy moan, his nose brushing against Shay's thick, musky white crotch fur.

Shay moaned, wrapping his paw around the back of TJ's head, amazed by how much of his cock his friend could take. The other dog was sucking cock like a pro. He didn't know that TJ lacked gag reflexes like most guys. Feeling his friend's paws wrap around his bubble butt, he bit his lip, lustfully growling as he started to buck his hips. TJ moaned harder, loving the feeling of the thickness of Shay's cock as it filled his mouth, savoring the feeling of it sliding back and forth over his tongue.

TJ's paws wandered around Shay's ass, firmly groping it until...he felt the Dalmatian's hole. Eyes widening, the Dane quickly lowered them, realized someone had fucked the dog that night. Uttering a long, drawn out moan, TJ wasn't even thinking as he slowly pressed the padding of his thick middle finger against Shay's stretched pucker, forcing him to arch his back and moan to the sky, "Fuck...TJ!" TJ panted, blowing warm breath through his nostrils against Shay's crotch, feeling the Dalmatian twitch in front of him.

As someone else's load dribbled down his paw, TJ slid the other down his backside, working past the rim of his boxer briefs until he felt his own cum soiled pucker with two of his fingers. Just as Shay's pucker felt amazingly tight and warm around his padded digit, his own ass felt like a vice. Shay arched his back, panting as TJ fingered his butt and sucked his cock, fucking the Dane's muzzle more forcefully. He felt like he was losing control, he didn't know which feeling to pay attention to. But as TJ swirled his thick tongue around his knot, Shay lost it, placing his paw against the shed as he thrust his hips forward, burying his raging prick deep into the back of TJ's throat. Chest heaving, his abdomen tightening, he filled the Dane's mouth with a fresh, hot load, knees buckling as TJ fingered his ass, lapping at his knot while swallowing as much as he could.

TJ savored the bitter taste of cum in his mouth. Right away he took to it, swirling it around in his mouth. Sliding his finger from deep inside Shay's hole, he leaned against the dog's thighs, stroking up and down along the back of Shay's legs as he swallowed the heavy load, panting as he felt the Dalmatian's cock dripping over his shoulder. Even as a car drove by the fence with its lights on, neither paid attention, lost in an orgasmic haze.

When TJ crawled back into bed, his knees and foot-paws covered in grass stains, he couldn't even remember saying goodbye to Shay. His mind was still stuck on the sensations of having a cock in his muzzle. Aching prick still hard between his legs, the Dane lay on his stomach in bed, humping at the mattress, though satisfied enough with just having the taste of cum in his mouth. Stretching out over his bed, he slowly closed his eyes, too content to even think of anything else...


By the time Shay made it across town, he was blissfully exhausted. Turning the spare key given to him, he immediately went upstairs and climbed into the bed that wasn't his own. When he was settled into the mattress, he felt a big, heavy motion behind him before a large, muscular arm wrapped around his front. Shay rolled back into the solid chest behind him, feeling comforting warm breaths on the back of his neck. As he stroked over the big, powdery white paw pressed to his chest, he thought slyly to himself with a grin on his muzzle, "If only TJ knew..."