Bearing It All Part 3

Story by Pdity2347 on SoFurry

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My last story for the Bearing It All Trilogy, but don't worry, more tf stories will come soon :)

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Bearing It All: Part 3

Placing colorful ribbons around the house and setting up birthday balloons, Helen was getting ready for her daughter, Crystal's 18th birthday party. Helen was dressed up in a beautiful, blue dress with small, brown sandals. It was only going to be a small party, just some family members and some of Crystals close friends. But both Helen and Crystal became heartbroken when they found out that Jack, Helens husband, would not be able to his daughter birthday due to "business". However, Helen decided to invite a very special guest in his place. Christine. It has been two years since their first romantic encounter, but ever since then, Christine and her had shared a special bond for each other.

Suddenly, Helen heard the doorbell ring and giddily ran downstairs. When she opened the door, she couldn't help but yell in surprise and excitement. In the doorway was her friend and secret lover, Christine. After her encounter with Helen, Christine's attitude definitely changed from what it once was. Christine, who only two years ago was a drug abusing, unstable, rebellious Goth, was now a happy, beautiful young woman wearing a silky, bright green dress with expensive, black high heels for the special occasion.

"My God, Christine! It's been too long, I'm so happy to see you!" said Helen. "It is a pleasure to be able to come, I can't wait to finally be able to see your daughter!" Christine said with enthusiasm. "Oh I assure she will love to see you. Did you happen to bring... you know.." Helens voice was almost a complete whisper. "You mean... the magic right?" Christine whispered with a grin. "Just in case we have some time alone." Helen whispered into Christine's ear, a smiling growing on her face.

Both Helen and Christine were very eager to make their fantasies come true once again. When Christine had entered the house, Helen began to wonder where Crystal was. Last time Helen heard her was an hour ago. Soon both began to walk up the stairs to see where Crystal was. "Crystal! Crystal what's happening up there, birthday girl? Crystal!" there was no response to Helen. Then she began to hear something in Crystal's bedroom. Then she began to hear a soft moan, "Ughhhh...yes...please make me cum, mistress...make me an animal...".

At that Helen and Christine opened the door to Crystal's bedroom and heard a scream. Both saw a teenage girl, about 5'9, exactly her mother's height, with curly, dirty blonde hair and lush, ocean blue eyes. She was sitting on her bed; in her soft, blue pajamas with smooth hand in her now wet pajama pants. Both Helen and Christine were in shock when they saw what was on the television that she was watching. It was their "secret" tape from one of the first times Helen and Christine had experienced their transforming magic.

"I swear this isn't what it looks like, it was just something I found" Crystal pleaded. " long have you had this" Helen could barely even speak, embarrassed that her own daughter managed to find her their hidden tapes. "I have only had this for a couple of days...well, maybe like weeks... I really don't remember. I'm so sorry please don't be angry at me. Please. I know this is wrong, but I had no idea that somebody had the same...fantasy I have, or even made it a reality. Please forgive me..." Crystal was tearing up now.

Right before Helen was about to scorn her daughter, she saw Christine coming over to her immediately and hugged Crystal. "It's okay, it's okay. We both know how you feel, don't be sad on your birthday" Christine said to Crystal, trying to soothe the disgruntled girl. "Thank you so much... you're so beautiful, especially in the video". "Oh thanks sweetie, my names Christine, I'm so sorry that we were not able to meet sooner", Crystals tears began to dry and for the first time Christine saw her, Crystal smiled.

Soon Helen's anger began to fade and finally completely disappeared in a fog of sympathy. Helen began to look back and remember when she was caught in "the act" by Christine and realized how embarrassed she was. "Did you really hypnotize mommy and make her into a bear?" Crystal asked in excitement. "Of course, and I did it with this magic book and silver pocket watch". Christine began to pull out the watch and book from her purse right in front of Crystal.

"How did it feel, mom?" At first Helen was reluctant to answer this question, but finally answered, "It was the most incredible experience of my life" Helen said frankly. "Can you possibly do it to me?" Crystal asked, curling her hair anxiously with her fingers.. "Of course we can, as long as you truly want it" Christine said with a smile. "Mommy, are you okay with this?". Helen was surprised, but then realized how old her daughter was becoming and answered, "As long as it is truly what you want, I give you my permission to".

Crystal was the happiest she had ever been in her life as Helen, Christine, and her moved to the infamous bedroom and laid in a circle on the floor. "Now before we start our little 'session', I want you to see a little preview of what is gonna happen" Christine said with a grin. "Helen, I want you to be in a part of this demonstration. Just like last time". "Of course, just like last time", Helen replied with anticipation.

"Alright, first things first. Helen, you and I will remove our clothing and get comfortable. Crystal, for right now all you have to do is sit down and enjoy the show" Christine was already tensing up with excitement. Soon both Christine and Helen began to remove their clothing right down to being fully nude.

Christine began to admire Helens beautiful eyes and magnificent curves, while Helen began to admire Christine's lovely, shaved clit and slender legs. Crystal also began to stare at the wonderful features of their bodies, even her own mother, whom looked even more beautiful than in the film.

"Alright my beautiful pet, it's time for you to show your animal" Christine cooed into Helens ear. Soon Helen got on all fours and was ready for the change. Christine then began to swing her watch right in front of Helen. Helens smile grew as she began to intently stare into the watch. "Now Helen, I want you to relax... just sit and relax for your mistress... my pet..."

"Pet relaxes...mistress" Helen answered in a monotone voice. "Now, as you stare at the pocket watch, I want you to obey everything mistress says...remember my pet...the more you obey... the more pleasure you will feel..."

" obeys..." at this, Crystal began to rub her wet clit. "Don't worry" Christine told her, "It will be your turn soon Crystal. Now my pet, you are no longer are now, Mama Bear". "Mama Bear..." Helen's smile began to grow, "Now Mama Bear, I want you to see yourself as the bear you truly are... the more pleasure I give you, the more bear you will become". "Yes mistress..." Helen's body was now trembling as she began to feel the magic aura engulf her.

Now Christine began to rub a conditioning ointment all over Helens back and breasts. Helen was beginning to moan in pleasure as she began to feel her toe and fingernails lengthen and her arms and legs began to take shape. "Yes mistress...Mama Bear wants..." was all Helen could say. Now Christine began to rube the ointment lower, down to Helens ass and vagina. Now Helen began to moan and even growl in pleasure as small, grown hairs began to grow all over her body and her weight began to grow.

Now Christine was rubbing her and more and more in Helen's clit as a small, bushy tail grew right above Helen's butt. Soon the brown hair began to thicken and started to move up to her head. "Mama Bear loves this... Mama Bear loves her mistress..." At that Christine moved in to Helen and passionately kissed her. At that Helens ears went back, her muzzle grew, and she roared with the pleasure of climax.

"Wow...just wow" Crystal couldn't believe her eyes. The beautiful, powerful animal that was in the bedroom was once her own mother. "All right Crystal, your turn" at that Crystal began to moan and laid down on the floor. Then from nowhere, the bear that was once her own mother used her teeth to gently remove her pajamas to reveal her full naked body, full exposing her perky breasts and trimmed vagina.

"Now Crystal, I want you to close your eyes and listen to the sound of my voice... just relax and listen to the sound of my voice". "Yes mistress..." Crystal cooed. "Now, I want you to imagine yourself in the middle of a forest. A calm...beautiful forest in soft, smooth grass" at this Crystal began to moan softly as she felt the smooth grass press against her naked body.

"As you lay there in the forest, you now see a group of beautiful, naked women, including you own mother". "Mommy..." was all that Crystal was able to say. "Now, you will begin to see all these women begin to fall on all fours and transform into powerful bears" the sight of the transforming was a major turn on, and Crystal began to masturbate.

"These bears are coming closer to you, Crystal. They're surrounding you and beginning to lick you fragile, naked body. Feel them massage your skin with their smooth tongues". At that, Christine began to rub the conditioning ointment all over Crystal's body. Now she really began to moan." Now Crystal, my sweet... every part of your body being licked, will become that of a wild bear". Soon Catherine began to massage Crystal's delicate feet.

Soon her toenails began to sharpen and brown hair began to grow from her feet. "Now I want you to feel your hands begin to change into powerful paws" and soon enough, as Christine began to rub her feet, her fingernails lengthened and her hands began to grow hair just like her feet. "Now think about your strong legs" and as Christine rubbed her entire naked body on Crystals conditioned legs and thighs, her muscles grew and hair began to grow and cover her legs.

"Now for the fun part, my pet..." Christine immediately came on top of Crystal and turned her body around, making a sensual 69. As both partners began to lick, hair was starting to move up Crystal's body, just as unknown changes began to happen to Christine's body as black hair began to grow all over her body.

"O yes..." Crystal moaned, "Let me b-becu...cuu...cum a bear" Crystal could barely talk as the sensations began to engulf her mind. Now both partners had hair that reached up to their necks and began to roar in climax. As soon as they both gave in to their bestial identity and became full bears. Soon both Christine and Helen began to pleasure themselves as Crystal began to test out her new body.

The next day, all woke up completely nude and incredibly satisfied. "Well I guess the party was canceled" Helen chuckled to break the silence. "Mom...", "Yes what is it Crystal?" Helen asked. "This was the best birthday gift I ever had".

Bearing It All Part 2

@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Bearing It All Part 2 Christine couldn't believe it. She...

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Bearing It All

Bearing It All Hellen is your typical mother and housewife of a suburban neighborhood. Hellen was about 5 ft 9, which is short considering everyone from her side of the family was at least 6 ft, was 35 years old, and had D-cup breasts. She had blue...

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Horsing Around

@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Horsing Around There I was, staring off into space as...

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