Hot Nights in Neon City - Like A Soldier

Story by Anakani on SoFurry

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#4 of Hot Nights In Neon City

This is a fantasy scenario but one that I thought should be added to the Hot Nights in Neon City series. Hopefully my fans won't mind reading about Kihara out of her element or her clothes for that matter.

Kihara steps off the chopper at Ft. Foxendale, her pack following close behind her as she drug it off. Making her way to the nearest building she steps inside and looks for the nearest person. In the corner a fox is reading some papers and she walks over to him.

He stops for a second and looks at her, "Something I can help you with?" Unamused Kihara tosses her pack to the floor, "Lieutenant Kihara Jansen, private. I'm looking for the field commanders office." The soldier quickly salutes, "Yes Lieutenant. I'll take you to it. Follow me sir."

Kihara picks up her pack and follows the soldier to another building. Inside he leads her into an office. Glancing around Kihara sees that no one is in right now and turns to the soldier, "This some kind of joke soldier?" The private shakes his head, "No sir. This is field commander Stern's office." Kihara puts her head down, "Well when he returns from wherever he is tell him that I dropped by."

Heading to the door Kihara walks out and proceeds to leave the base. Having some leave time from the military Kihara goes to a local hotel and checks in. These few days is all she has so she decides how to waste them before she gets back to the real life.

She turns on the tv and sits on the bed. She sees a commercial for a beer and thinks about it. Kihara checks her watch and sees that its only half past four. "How the fuck do these people live anyways? Shit there's nothing here to do."

Unable to sit still any longer Kihara grabs the key and walks out the door leaving her bag. Once inside the military vehicle she "borrowed", she heads out into Neon City. A few minutes later she comes to a light and slows down.

A low rumble catches her attention and she looks into the mirror to see a car pull up next to her. Its stereo blazing as loud as it can go. Annoyed Kihara looks at the driver and signals for him to lower it.

Not surprising he gives her the finger and speeds off. "And here I am risking my life for assholes like that to do whatever they want." Putting the vehicle into gear she drives off and pulls into the nearest place she could get a drink. Which would happen to be the Aksani club.

Finding a spot to park wasn't too hard. She gets off and goes in. The low rumble of the bass from the music doesn't bother her too much. In her mind its like mortars going off in the distance. Making her way past a couple of foxes she finally reaches the bar and sits down.

The chair isn't too bad she thinks as she removes her beret. The bartender watches as she places it neatly on the table, "So what can I get for you general?" Kihara smiles a bit then replies, "Gimme a beer would ya" The bartender nods her head and grabs one from under the bar, "Here you go."

Kihara reaches for her wallet to pay when the bartender tells her its on the house. Kihara nods her head and sits back down. Watching the fox walk away Kihara takes a drink and sits back in her chair. Taking a cigarette from her front pocket Kihara lights it up and takes a puff.

Quickly glancing around she exhales the smoke and takes another drink of her beer. So many foxes and wolves. A couple of cats, a coyote at the corner table. It would seem nothing is out of the ordinary well maybe except for Kihara. Flicking her ashes into the ashtray she puts her head down and listens to the beat of the music.

A sudden bump against her chair causes her to jump and she looks to see who it was. A male just laughs as he walks past her, a vixen in his arms. Paying no heed Kihara goes back to her beer.

The bartender comes back and sees Kihara chilling, "So you have a name soldier?" Kihara stops for a second and takes a drag, "Kihara Jansen." The bartender nods her head in acknowledgement. Taking out a shot glass the bartender asks, "You on leave?" Kihara nods her head in agreement, "For a couple of days." The bartender puts her arms on the table, "So how is the military life? Is it all exciting like the commercials?" Kihara puts out her stump, "And then some."

Taking another drink of her beer she pushes it away empty. The bartender grabs another and puts it on the table, "Any war stories you want to share?" Kihara stops for a second and then reaches for the beer, "None I can tell when the suns still shining."

Taking that as a maybe the bartender pours Kihara a shot of whiskey, "Well the sun doesn't shine much in this place." Kihara grins and downs the shot, "So I've noticed." The bartender puts the empty shot glass away and turns back to Kihara, "My names Jena by the way." She reaches over and shakes Kihara's paw.

"Well Jena what would you like to know?" asks Kihara. Jena looks at Kihara's bdu (Battle Dress Uniform for those who don't know) and asks if she ever gets lonely. Kihara finds that question hard to answer and replies, "Depends who your serving with I guess." Jena puts her tongue in her cheek disappointed, "Well then you ever been shot at?"

Kihara pats her shoulder, " I was hit here and I was cut here" as she pointed to her cheek. Jena looks at Kihara's face and moves her fur a bit to see the scar. "My god you poor thing. Did it hurt?" says Jena rubbing her own cheek. Kihara drinks her beer, "It hurt sure but I couldn't let that deter me from completing my mission."

Suddenly a fox comes over to Kihara, "I heard you military boys are supposed to be pretty tough. Is this true?" Kihara turns to the fox and looks him in the eye. Being surprised the fox laughs out loud, "So a girl is playing soldier boy. Shouldn't you be at home cooking or something?"

Kihara stares back unamused and undaunted. Slowly Kihara puts her beer down and stands up. "You got something to say to me?"

The fox stands forward, "What if I do?" Kihara gets up close and personal, "I wasn't trained to back down from a fight."

Jena stands in amazement at what is happening. This male just hovers over Kihara by a foot but she isn't backing down one bit. Jena goes from behind the bar and gets in between them. Hopefully she can hold them back until security can come along.

Kihara backs down a bit but the fox in front of her is still pushing for a fight. Jena pushes a little harder and the fox grabs her by the arm and throws her out of the way. Kihara watches as she hit's the floor and lays there.

Cocking back his fist the fox throws the first punch. Kihara switches into overkill and quickly deflects his fist. Taking her now open shot she punches his throat. As he grabs his throat Kihara goes low and hits him in the groin. The moment his head came down she puts her hands behind his head and pushes down as she knees him in the face.

Seeing as how he is now fubar Kihara lets him hit the floor.

Everyone around them watched as Kihara reaches for Jena's hand and helps her back to her feet. Still not accepting defeat the fox gets back up and reaches for a beer bottle. Kihara quickly reacts once more when she hears the bottle break off a table. Missing his lunge attack the fox feels his arm in Kihara's grasp. A quick twist of his arm, the snapping of his wrist, and the loud breaking noise of his arm forces him to drop the bottle.

Kihara releases him as he staggers backward. His arms a real mess as it hangs from his side. By now security came and broke up the fight. One security guard escorted the fox away while two more escorted Kihara outside the club.

Standing outside the door Kihara turns and starts to walk away. But before she could take another step the door opens again and Jena comes walking out. She stands by Kihara while she walks toward the only military vehicle in the parking lot.

Stopping by the vehicle door Kihara opens the door with her key when Jena speaks, "That was well.........amazing. Where'd you learn how to do that?" Kihara kinda blushes then answers back, "Basic training" Jena replays the scenario in her head, "Where are you going now?"

Kihara stops for a second and looks at Jena, "No where right now. Why? You want to join me?" A smile appears on Jena's face, "That'd be nice." After getting in Kihara reaches over and unlocks the passenger door. Jena quickly hops in and looks at all the neat little gadgets in the vehicle.

Kihara starts it up and revs the engine, "Try not to touch anything." Purely fascinated by the sight of the interior Jena doesn't hear a word Kihara says. A moment later Jena looks at Kihara with a funny look, "Where's the stereo?' Putting the vehicle into gear Kihara looks at Jena, "On the battlefield, your weapon is your stereo. And it plays my favorite kinda music. Heavy metal"

Kihara speeds off down the street and heads back to the hotel.

After parking Kihara goes to the hotel door with Jena not too far behind. Letting Jena in first Kihara closes the door behind them and tosses the key to the table. Jena sits on the bed and looks at Kihara, "So what happens now? You gonna interrogate me or torture me?"

Kihara reaches behind her and removes her field knife, "I thought about it for awhile then decided to let you live." Tossing the knife on the table Kihara undoes her shirt and puts it on the chair in a neat way.

Jena is amazed at Kihara's build, firm and slightly muscled. Jena stands up and goes over to Kihara. She runs her hand down Kihara's chest. "Where can I get me some of these?" Kihara puts her hand on Jena's shoulder, 'Well maybe when you grow up you will grow a pair like I did." Jena laughs a little then replies, "I mean these" as she flicks Kihara's dog tags. Kihara brushes past Jena and walks toward the bathroom, "Sign up like I did."

Jena watches as Kihara disappears into the bathroom and closes the door. Inside Kihara turns on the shower and begins to undress. Leaving nothing but her dog tags on she gets in and puts her head under the shower head. The feel of warm water against her fur relaxes her.

Hearing the door close Kihara feels another presence in the shower with her. A sudden kiss to her neck sends shivers through her body. The feeling of another body being pressed against hers is felt. The warm water and the heat of another. Kihara never felt this way.

The gentle caressing of her sex, the soft cupping of her breasts. Kihara leans forward in the shower and lets this fondling continue. The tender feeling of lips against her fur, the exploring of her body, the inner conflict of lust and the wanting of it to stop. Driving her far beyond that feeling of war.

A vision of enemies shooting at her, that thrill of the battle, now a new feeling is calling to her like a long lost friend. A hot rush flows through her as she feels a warm tongue brush over her ear.

Slowly turning around she sees Jena staring back at her with her blue eyes. At that moment the battle hardened vixen melts into Jena's loving embrace. Their muzzles brushing against each others, the need of one another.

Jena kisses Kihara on the mouth and lets her tongue out to play with hers. Putting her arms around Jena, Kihara pulls her closer. The warm feeling of Jena's body up close to her own drives Kihara crazy inside.

Reaching around Kihara Jena turns the shower off and leads Kihara to the bed area. Kihara stops just a little before the bed as Jena gives her paw one more tug. Still dripping wet Kihara obliges Jena and lays beside her on the bed. Not missing a moment Jena runs her paw down Kihara's side and squeezes her thigh, "Why so tense?"

Kihara puts her paw on top of Jena's. Jena smiles softly and removes Kihara's paw. Slowly she caresses Kihara's thigh and then moves her arm further back. She gives the soft, firm ass a good squeeze and then runs her paw back up Kihara's face.

Cupping the vixens face Jena closes her eyes and kisses Kihara once more. Kihara lets out a small noise and Jena moans back in satisfaction. Slowly Jena runs her finger over Kihara's scar and rubs it for a few moments. Breaking the kiss Jena runs her tongue over Kihara's scar and puts her head onto Kihara's chest.

Feeling its her turn Kihara runs her hand through Jena's hair and smells her scent. A feeling overcomes her as Kihara pulls playfully at Jena's hair. Playfully Kihara pushes Jena to her back and runs her paw down Jena's frame. Like exploring enemy territory Kihara takes her time to familiarize herself with the lay of the land in this case Jena's body.

Gently squeezing Jena's breast as Kihara makes her way down to Jena's stronghold. (Like that did ya?) Inhaling Jena's scent Kihara goes down on her prey. At first it was gentle caressing and playful nips then it was the storming of the gates.

Jena bites her lip as she was taken to a new level of ecstasy. Slowly probing the weakness of the walls Kihara finds the sweet spot and begins her assault. (How about that?)

Moments seemed like eternity but that didn't matter. All that matters is Mmmmm nothing right now. Licking Jena's juices from her face Kihara grabs for Jena's leg and crosses it over her own. Pressing her sex onto Jena's heightened the action. Slowly Kihara begins to rock, rubbing their vaginas together. Jena puts her hand on Kihara's hip as she grinded herself against her.

Never missing her target Kihara moves a little faster. The slow mixing of their sexual fluids, the sheer contact of fur against fur. It drives Kihara far beyond driven as she feels the heat grow between her legs.

Jena could be heard moaning but so far nothing out of Kihara. Jena found it a bit disturbing but also very sexy. A bead of sweat falls from Kihara's body and nearly dissolves from the heat generated by them both as it lands on Jena's fur.

Slowing her pace Kihara begins to slow as she gets near her peak. Jena looks up and sees Kihara start to lean back. All of a sudden Kihara stops and remains still for a moment. Jena feels Kihara shake as she lays on top of her. Feeling Kihara's sweat dripping onto her fur Jena puts her nose into Kihara's shoulder and takes a lick. The sweet taste of love born sweat.

Moving to the side Kihara lays on her back. Jena runs her hand along Kihara's chest and stops on her tags, "Kihara Jansen. It sounds so strong." She looks at them for a moment and rests her paw on top of them. She moves up to Kihara's face and gives her a quick kiss.

Not missing a beat Kihara grabs Jena's hair and pulls her off of her. The swift movement caught Jena off guard and she rolls to the floor. Laying there kinda confused Jena hears Kihara speak from on top of the bed, "I'm finished with you now."

For a moment Jena feels a bit awkward but decides to chance it back onto the bed. There she finds Kihara asleep on her back with her arms crossed behind her head. Slowly she lays beside her and rests her head on a pillow, "Once a soldier, always a soldier."