Lila of the Reptilydes Part 9

Story by Komaira on SoFurry

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#5 of Lila of the Reptilydes

Dyremus stood looking out the same window he had sixteen years before, berating himself for not starting the war back then and having it over by now when they had killed his sister. Now they had gone after his daughter.

He growled and slammed his fist into the wall like he did all those years ago. He was a creature of habit after all.

He called for his general, who was never too far away, and told him to send a man over to Zekeriah's kingdom. King Sorren would need to be notified about his son's condition and his brother's hand in it all.

He also told the general to ready the army, they were going to war. Hopefully King Sorren would aid him. They would need all the help they could get.

King Sorren was eating a private dinner with his wife, Queen Cassandra, when the messenger from King Dyremus arrived. It had been a very romantic evening for them; they were enjoying the alone time and reconnecting after so long.

King Sorren sighed unhappily and ushered the poor messenger in; he would try not to be too harsh on the man for he would have no idea what her was interrupting.

"Sir, King Dyremus sends his apologies, for your eldest, Prince Zekeriah, heir to your throne, has been attacked while in the process of his courtship to the Princess Lila," the messenger said.

"What!?" King Sorren roared, "Who would dare harm my son? And in the presence of the princess of an allied kingdom no less!"

"The hooded reptilyde was there to earn himself credit in the eyes of King Slyzor, you twin brother. I'm told the ignorant soldier had no idea who Prince Zekeriah was by sight," the messenger said, disdain in his voice.

King Sorren was furious. How could his brother let a soldier attack his nephew? Because of Sorren and Dyremus' alliance there was supposed to be peace among the Hooded and the Non-hooded Reptilydes; King Sorren had stepped in quickly after the murder of Princess Ina and offered the alliance if only to keep a war from starting. Learning his son's future lifemate had just been born had made the alliance that much more urgent. Slyzor had vowed no more violent acts and Dyremus had promised not to behead Slyzor. They had kept their word until now. But the future seemed bleak from the latest news.

Sorren would need to talk his brother into making a formal apology on behalf of the insolent soldier. All three families would need to meet on neutral ground, here in his palace, and discuss matters.

King Sorren sent for a pen and two pieces of paper, then wrote down his proposal identically on each. He sent one back with Dyremus' messenger and sent the other to his brother via another messenger. Then he sat back and waited to see if they would accept or if there would be more blood-shed.

Lila woke after sleeping for a good six hours. It was dark outside when she looked. She looked around for Zeke, spotting his prone form on the far side of the room. She crawled out of bed and went to his bedside.

She reached out and smoothed his hair back from his face, noticing how at peace he looked when he was asleep. He was usually so guarded but when he was asleep he couldn't throw up his barriers and she could see him for who he really was. He turned into her touch, searching for more of her warmth. She jumped, not expecting him to respond. She thought for a minute then shook his shoulder gently.

"Zeke, wake up, please?" she said into his ear.

He stirred gently, not really wanting to wake from his nice warm place. It was peaceful there and there was no war or pain or being afraid of what would happen next. He opened his eyes and watched her for a second. She leaned in close enough to kiss him but then thought better of the idea and pulled back, leaving him feeling like he'd missed something great, earth shattering and life-changing. As if that one kiss would shatter him completely and set the axis upon which his world turned completely off center and send him flying into the sun.

She looked away from him and out the window into the starry night. She saw a shooting star, and not knowing what else to wish for, she wished that everything would work out well in her world.

When the messenger finished repeating his entire important message, King Dyremus silently fumed. He sent the poor messenger to the dining hall for a well deserved meal, gave him permission to use the volcanic pool out back of the caste, and told him to get some sleep. Dyremus refused to take his anger out on the innocent man who had done naught but the biding of the two Kings for the past twelve hours.

The King stood, gliding down the corridor to his private study, where he resumed sitting in order to ponder the situation placed on his doorstep.

Repay a favor to an old friend and join him in his hall the next day before nightfall? Or ignore the summons and possibly alienate a good friend and create another enemy, destroying all hope for uniting their Kingdoms under a prophesied marriage.

Lila of the Reptilydes Part 10

The next day, Dyremus announced at breakfast that they all would be taking the journey over to Zeke's kingdom in order to return him to his home. Ian and Kory protested, not wanting to leave Crystal or Karina. It was after lunch before everyone was...


Lila of the Reptilydes Part 8

The reptilyde looked like a regular naga, but he had hidden skin flaps that attached to his head and connected down at his back. They only were visible when he was in fight mode, which he was now. Lila hoped that her scream would alert the guards and...

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Lila of the Reptilydes Part 7

Dyremus looked in on his daughter the next morning a little before noon, wondering why she hadn't gotten up yet. He had been about to speak but then he saw the broken egg shell and the hatchling in the crib. He smiled and shut the door back quietly,...

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