Penny, Bolt, and Mittens yiffy adventure Introduction

Story by Hot £ión §ex With Animals on SoFurry

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#1 of Penny, Bolt, and Mittens yiffy adventure


It was a night that would change everything. Penny found out her father had been adult-napped by the Green eyed man and taken to an unknown location. Penny had no idea where to start other than to hope that one of the workers for the Green eyed man would present themselves so she could put a tracker on their vehicle. While Penny was waiting for someone to show, the sun suddenly shifted and somehow there was now a bright pink dog on Bolt's collar. Penny did not notice the pink dog yet, but found the sun shifting so its beams were now on her, she thought that was really weird, even weirder when there was a voice she had never heard before asking her "Do you need help, Penny?"

Penny turned around, Bolt also looked around to see where the source of that voice was coming from. The voice now was saying "Bolt, please stop searching for where my voice is coming from, you are making me dizzy!" Penny put that bit of info and figured at had to be coming from something that was attached to Bolt. Penny said "Bolt, sit" Bolt did as he was told. "Good boy" both Penny and the voice said. Penny looked all around Bolt, and saw a figure on Bolt's collar. Penny was very surprised, and a bit freaked out by this, however she knew her manners and asked "Who are you?" The voice replied back to her, "I am Annabelle, your fairy dog father's Boss." Penny was now extremely puzzled. "I have a fairy dog father?"

Annabelle said "why of course you do!, we see that you are in a situation that no teenage girl should ever have to be in. We know that your father was kidnapped..." Penny interrupted "you mean adultnapped? And how do you know? Who is my fairy dog father? Also if you do not mind me asking, where are you right now?" Annabelle knew Penny would never believe her, so she decided to present Penny's fair dog father. Just then a huge beam of light appeared only inches away from where Bolt and Penny were standing, and they could hear a voice laughing. Annabelle continued "I would like you to meet your fair dog father, Charlie B Barkin. He is great at helping people, you just have to very very specific, as for how I know your father was adultnapped, I am an angel and am currently in heaven. We are interested in helping you because we know that what ever the Green eyed man needs your father for, it can not be good. Plus Charlie needs to do a few extra good-deeds. I am afraid I can not say much more other than good luck. If you need anything, Charlie knows how to contact me"

Just then Annabelle disappeared. Bolt was now very excited to learn that his collar had the ability to be used as a video chat device. Penny looked at Bolt, then at Charlie, and once more at Bolt. "Bolt! We have some work to do, and it looks like my fairy dog father will help us" Charlie walked closer and started to speak, Penny was very surprised that Charlie could talk to both dogs, and humans

"Oh please, you can call me Charlie, and I am not your fair dog father." just then Charlie got struck lightning, and his nose grew bigger. Yelling at the sky "OK OK, NO NEED TO DO THAT TO ME!" "I am here to help you, but am assigned to keep an eye on you so you can stop the Green eyed man." his nose just shrunk back to normal size. "Would you like help locating the Green eyed man's location?" Penny looked happy, and asked "wait, you can do that?" Charlie replied "Yes, of course I can" his nose now growing bigger "I can use a miracle dog tag to make those eye glass device be able to detect which people work for the Green eyed man" his nose now went back to normal.

Penny was glad Charlie was around, but Bolt thought Charlie was replacing him, so he started to moan. Penny calmed Bolt down. "Bolt, Charlie can do stuff that your powers are not able to do, you are; and will always be my good boy." Just then, there was a bright flash. Penny looked through her special binoculars and found that there was a employee for the Green eyed man only 1 block away. Penny looked at Bolt. "Bolt fetch that car"

Bolt started to run after the car. Luckily the person was still sitting in the car too. Bolt brought the car to Penny. Penny asked the person "Where is my dad?". Penny noticed that the person inside the car was a guard. "I know you know where my father is, get out of the car NOW!" The guard got out of the car. "Lay down on your back" Just then Bolt started to feel some pleasure, but was not sure what to do. The guard looked at Penny and told her "I have no idea" Penny said "wrong answer". "Bolt, bite him" Bolt ran up to the guard, started to but, but rather than finishing biting the guard like he was told to do, Bolt cummed directly on the guard.

The guard said "ok ok, the Catwalk Temple in the Yucatan Jungle" while choking on Bolt's cum.

Penny looked back at Bolt and asked "Are you going to hurt him?" Bolt looked at Penny and smiled. "Bolt put the car directly on top of the guard. Charlie decided to contact Annabelle for some info on a plane that would be going there pretty soon. Charlie told Penny there was a plane leaving for there in three hours. Then Penny got out her scooter, Charlie and Penny got on it, Bolt, using his powerful speedy legs raced to the airport. They booked the flight and waited for the plane to take off.