Chapter 13 Part 2

Story by Sissthiath Blackfang on SoFurry

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#14 of A Wolf's Last Gift

Well here it is the last big chapter of my storie i got a epilogue to do and its all done. I want to thank my fans for making sure i kepted this book going. Thank you and i hope you enjoy my last chapter.

Chapter 13 Part two

Shadey and I came to the lake as I sat down and looked up at the sky and smiled. Shadey sat down and looked at his father.

I moved my eyes onto my son. I could see my son looked very much like me. Not only in looks but the power that he held. He would have made a great alpha, if the pack survived that fire.

Shadey spoke first.

"What is it that you want to talk to me about?" Shadey said.

I lowered my head and looked at him.

"You want to know more about me and the pack?"

"Well yes... I like to know about my father before you go."

I gave a small nod and spoke.

"Many years ago I was born in a pack called the Shadow Claw Pack. We are dire wolves. We were the last of the dire wolves. Our god Lumaria gave us his power so as long we used it right. He let us live in peace and away from any area wolves and humans could get to. Yet time to time other wolves enter our territory and we killed them."

"Why did you kill them?" Shadey asked.

"We killed them because we didn't want to be seen or heard of. WE try our best to make sure that happens. I did break that rule but only because I didn't know. I knew more about this after death. I did know I was different and the elders did talk about a little about my pack. A few years after that I was born. I was born to be the next alpha. My father and mother were always in the alpha bloodlines. In my blood I am an alpha. I passed that on to you. That's why you are an alpha because of that. My father was the best alpha. That I knew as I grew up. I was an only child which made it easy for me. Well I guess I was not a only for I had a sister, but she died by getting crush by a falling tree. As a few years later a fire came in. I was only four at that time. This fire killed everyone, but my father and me. My father left me in the woods in this pack territory. My father did die a month later after this."

"Do you know the cause of the fire?" Shadey asked?

"No... I don't and I don't wish to. The pack has moved on and knew it was time we died. You are the last of our kind. If you have a child you will keep our bloodline yet our race alive. Anyways.... Later on as I was dying slowly from the cold and lost, a young wolf came up to me and saw me. He knew I was lost and cold. He could smell smoke on me and knew I came out of a fire. Do you know who that wolf was?"

"Yeah..... It was Silver my step-father." Shadey said.

I nodded with a smile.

"Yes... he took me in under his wing. Then after that it went up and down. Silver took care of me he made sure I got food and made sure I knew were water was. He always looked out for me and trained me, but his father.... His dad took advantage of me. He knew what I was and knew about the fire that killed my pack. He beat me and fights me and watches me bleed. He abused me to no end. That's why I have these marks. These marks tell me about the past the past that I was dead in. He tried to rape me but Silver butted in and made that not happen. Silver didn't get along with his dad time to time. After that age when we reach that age we reach puberty Silver started acting weird. Even though I was going through that time I never cared for that stuff. HE was and well he wanted to see his was gay. HE took me to a secret place and I didn't know what he wanted. HE did what he wanted to try out and have sex on me, but he was caught and we both got punished. HE got his punishment but me.... I was surroned by the pack as Silvers father sat on that rock you lay one. He told the pack of the crime that I did that I really didn't do. They hated me for this as I was banished from the pack. As I was placed in a cave to live in for the rest of my life. I came back many years later. Older and mature I knew things that no wolf dose and I get stronger not by my anger."

Shadey kept on listing and couldn't believe this all happen to me.

"I came back later on and he was still there. Silver was the alpha now but I came back when he was gone at the time. I fought and killed Silvers dad. HE lost to the power I had. HE lost to a wolf that he thought he would win to. HE forgot the power I had. Silver then came in and hit me hard. I did something that hurt me and him. I did come back later the next day and was sorry for what I did. I was accepted back in the pack again as an omega. Then after that I guess it was my time. A hunter was hunting and was about to kill your step-dad. He told me to run as I did, but I came back and jumped in the way and was shot. The pack ran in as they knew I was shot and the hunters ran off as they knew what wolves can do as a pack. Silver was sad but yet I think happy. He saved my ass so many times it hard to count. I gave back that and saved his life. If he did you wouldn't know about him. I still am here but I wanted to go anyways. As I left to get food before I died Terra, your mother meet up with me. She knew I wanted a child and my mate didn't. So I was mated with her. WE both know what we did was wrong but she knew Silver wouldn't care. I did enjoy it and I felt... happy. After that she left and I knew she bear a child. Here you are today and I'm happy about that. Now you carry the bloodline and you make the choose. You can have kids if you want to. I don't care what you do. You are my son and I can never be mad at you."

Shadey smiled and nuzzled his father.

"Thanks dad.... I want kids so don't worry. I'm happy to know more about my father now. Thanks for sharing this story about you." Shadey said with a smile.

I got up and smiled and spoke.

"Well we should head back its getting dark and I know a pack howl will be going off most of the night. Also I want to meet your brother."

Shadey smiled and nodded as the two walked back to the pack knowing a fresh kill was about to come.

AS Shadey and I enter back the pack waited for their alpha to eat first. Shadey sat down and started eating I walked and sat on a rock watching the pack eat. One ran off with some going to Liki making sure he's being feed. I turned and saw Silver with a chunk of food and set it down in front of me.

"Here you go. Though you want some to."

I smiled and refused the meat.

"Remember I'm dead I can't eat and I can't sleep. I'm already sleeping. I'm sorry I would eat but you know..... but thanks for the offer."

Silver nodded and smiled.

"So what else are you going to do? You got only this night and a little of the morning. You plan on doing anything?" Silver said with a cute face.

I smiled and shaked my head.

"I know that look.... And I don't want to. It reminds me of the past and I don't want to show the beast I am. I'm sorry for killing your father. He was the wolf of evil. Because of him I'm dead. I should have died in that fire I should have died from the cold."

Silver lower his ears and whimered.

"Shadow.... I know how you feel but don't say that. Look what you made. You have a son, a son who is an alpha and the last of your kind. You made the bloodline continue and now he will also. So be happy enjoy your last few days being alive again. Now there is a blood red moon tonight. I know what that means for you and your son. Along with your pack. So it may the blood red moon watch over you brother."

I smiled and gave a nuzzle to my bro.

"Thanks brother and may the silver moon watch over you to."

With that I left and Shadey saw me leaving. He left the pack and ran up to his dad.

"Where are you going?"

'Tonight is the blood red moon. This is where we get our powers from. That has given our powers for the last three century's. So if you want to join me for a howl tonight you can. My pack will be with us."

"Sure dad.... I want to feel like I'm part of the pack more."

I smiled and turned and walk away with my son as the pack all stayed up to watch the moon tonight.

As I walked with my son I could see the fire and power I gave to my son. I am really happy to have a son.

As we walked the day went to dark fast. The marks I had started glowing bright as so did Shadey's. As that happen he started seeing the pack he saw a swarm full of them. All of them the young and the ones that been around forever. Shadey turned to see his father sitting next to his real dad. Shadey approached him and smile with a bow.

"Please to meet you father of the alpha." Shadey said.

The dad bowed and sat back down.

Shadey notice the blood moon rising and it was time. The time the pack howled for an hour.

The pack started howling for their hour and Shadey started getting his full power giving by Lumaria himself. The god of wolves still watches over the pack that should have died but still lived.

As Silver sat there and saw the moon he remembers watching his brother Shadow do this same thing. He knew when this happen a great force of power was gifted on to him. Now he's passing that on to his son now to.

"Dad?" Liki came over feeling a little better now.

Silver turned.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting like I said son?"

"Well yes.... But why is it that Shadow is really here? There is a better reason then seeing his son right?"

Silver paused a moment and smiled lightly.

"Do you see my son...? He is here to see his son but not only him but me. I was the only one that took care of him when I found him. He always leaves his foster parents to be near me. It's like a bond thing. He was in that young stage where he still live with his mother, however; he saw me and took to me. That's why he is here to see me. All these years I took care of him and he risked his life to save me so I can live on."

"So a pay back more or less?" Liki said.

"Well... yes."

"I see, and the blood moon is where my brother is getting his power now?'

"Yes, this is the power you get when you are an alpha, but also to receive the blessing from Lumaria. The entire pack does the ritual all together. I seen it myself since I did it with my brother. Now even though you are not an alpha you will become an alpha if something happen to Shadey but you're the highest beta. So enjoy the rank. Now do what you like. If you want to see your mate you can. Just be happy."

Liki nodded and walked to his den.

Silver sat there with his mate and nuzzled each other as they hear the howls of Shadows pack in the wind.

As the hour have passed. Shadey opened his eyes. His eyes glowed a bright red as so did his father. He notices the pack was gone and the blood moon has left. He knew when he has kids they will go through the same thing. My father smiled at me.

"You did it my son. You now have our god's blessing and now are a true alpha. The pack will always watch over you and protect you. Now let's go back home. You got a mate to be with and start watching over the pack. I love you my son. I will see you in the morning before I leave."

Shadey smiled and gave a small lick on his father cheek. I open my eyes wide as he walked passed me and it brought a memory from the pass, but I moved on and followed.

As we enter back to the pack I went to a different direction as Shadey went to his den where his mate was sleeping. I walked over to see my brother.

"Hey big bro. I want to talk to you about something before you go to sleep."

"What's that?"

"Well I know you remember my death, but you want to know why I did it right?"

Silver had a sad look.

"Well I why but like to know more on why."

"Well you know how you protect me from harm and stuff.... Well I returned the favor. You made sure I grew up as the wolf I am today. I wanted to make sure you lived you had two kids to take care of and I didn't have much in life anymore. It was my time to be with my real family and protect the pack. Even though your dad did terrible things to me I still made sure the pack was looked after. That's why I did it...but anyways, on a happier note you get some rest I leave tomorrow."

Silver nodded and thinking and knew he was right, as he lay next to his mate and went to sleep.

Several hours have passed as I was awake. I walked around and came to Silvers fathers' grave. I growled lowly.

"I'm glade your dead. You have miss treated me for many years and now you paid the price. Now your soul belongs to our pack and you will burn in the eternal hell. I may have you killed you in the living and the dead, but now your soul is ours."

I left and took a walk around the forest. Seeing many memories. So much has passed since my death. My death was for the good of my kind. Even though my son Shadey is the last of my kind. I feel like my life was made of a propose. For being miss treated and treating a wolf made by the hands of Lumaria. At least Shadey will have a better life knowing his father.... His real father.

Many hours have passed and I looked up and saw the sun coming up. I knew my time was coming soon. My time has ended and Lumaria will need me back. At least I'll be back with the pack.

I was walking back two wolves came up and growled fiercely at me. I did the same until the female one notice who I was.


I stopped and looked closer at her.


"Yes.... It's me your step mother. are you...?"

As she was interrupted.



"I'm alive because I'm here to see my son. So that he knew who I was and why he's different from the pack. He knows now. Just like you did from Silvers father. Fang...."

My step dad spoke.

"We heard you killed him... is that true?"

"Yes.... I did he deserved his fate and suffered the consequences."

"I see...."

The two heard there alpha calling.

"We have to go. It was nice to see you son.... I know we were never around and you always left to see Silver, but we were happy to call you are son. We love you both I hope when you leave that you will still hold memories of us."

I smiled and nodded. As the two ran off I headed back to the pack.

As I went back into the pack everyone was awake. The same me and made a path to Alphas rock. As I walked up there, the other wolves smiled and followed behind me. As I stopped where Silver was sitting he came over and smiled.

"Hey big brother, before I go..... I wanted to say. Thanks for taking care of me all these years. Also thanks for taking care of my son and making him the best alpha."

"I couldn't have done with with out you little bro. I'm sorry about what my dad did, at least you had something to give you joy. At least he now watches over the pack now and will be the next alpha in your pack." Silver said.

I smiled and I walked over and nuzzled my older bro and moved on. He saw his son sitting next to is mate.

"Dad, thanks for coming. I'm glade I got to see you and you saw my mate." As Shadey smiled and licked his mate's cheek.

"You're welcome son. You are an alpha of this pack and my pack. Take care of your mate, also I love you son."

As I turned and saw the light his Alpha's rock I knew it was time. I walked up to it and stood there as I starting fading way. I looked down at the pack then Silver his mate and my son and his mate. I smiled and looked up into the air and howled. The rest of the pack howled as I was fully gone, and my howl faded into the wind as silence hit.

The pack stood there a moment and walked away. Silver walked to see how Liki was doing with Terra. Shadey smiled and looked into the sky and smiled.

"Good bye dad. I'll miss you."

Shadey looked down and nuzzled his mate and smiled.

"When the time comes you want to have pups?"

She smiled at him.

"Yes!!! I would love to have a pup."

Shadey smiled and knew that he will be keeping his blood line going. Now he can bring back that tragic day when Shadows pack died.