Fate's Will: Prologue

Story by Silvermyst on SoFurry

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My first story :3

this is the prologue of my new series. there will be hot gay sex and magic and shiz.....so yeah enjoy it


It was anything but a quiet night.

The sky was filled with black clouds and the wind howled between the trees. The rain fell from the sky relentlessly and without mercy. Anything unfortunate enough to be outside was now soaked and freezing. Lightning flashed illuminating the ground below. Countless figures lay still and eerily calm in contrast to the ferociousness of the weather. Another lightning flash showed exactly why the figures were so calm. They were all dead. The ground itself was stained red in memory of the horrendous battle that had just taken place.

In the midst of all the dead stood a human like creature. It hobbled its way along through the carnage seemingly unaware of what exactly surrounded it. As it moved, it became increasingly obvious that it wasn't completely human. It moved with an animalistic quality and with each step it would take a long inhale almost as if it were sniffing something out. Suddenly the figure halted. It drew back the hood of its cloak revealing the monstrosity underneath. Whatever species the creature had been was now indistinguishable. The flesh of its face was rotting away showing most of its yellowing skull. Its lips were entirely gone and every vicious blood stained fang in the creature's mouth stood out clearly. Two white balls of light hovered in its eye sockets obviously giving it some sort of sight. It opened its mouth and inhaled deeply making the same sniffing sound as it had been doing before. After a moment of this "sniffing" the creature opened its maw wider than should have been possible and let out an ear splitting scream that sounded as if ten's of thousands of helpless beings were being torn to pieces. The beast was calling its master.


"Jocelyn, run!"

The screams of the reaperas were drawing closer. They were also multiplying. Stephen glanced back at his companion. The look of terror on her face was, he was sure, mirrored in his own. He held out his paw and she took it. Together they ran.

"Stephen," Jocelyn panted as they continued to sprint away from their fate, "I do not think I will be able to carry on much longer."

"We must Jocelyn! We must! If we stop now, your parents will have sacrificed their lives for nothing. They entrusted us with this task and we shall complete it!"

Jocelyn looked at the confidence in her mates face. She was always amazed at how much the fox could sometimes look like a wolf. His jet black fur was such a contrast to her own, more traditional, orange and white coloring. She knew he was just as exhausted as she was, but the black fox had never been one to show weakness. She nodded softly and together the two foxes sped off again.

As they ran, Jocelyn cradled what looked like a small treasure chest, but she knew what lay inside was far more precious than any treasure. In the box was freedom. Freedom for her mate, herself, and for their very way of life. Holding that thought in mind, she found herself running faster than she ever had been able to. The wind howled in her ears and the falling rain pelted her like tiny needles but she ran on.

"We are nearly there!" shouted Stephen. The relief in his voice made him realize just how terrified he had truly been. Grasping his love's paw in a tighter grip, Stephen pelted for a small gap in the trees where he knew their destination would be hidden. He dove into the gap with grace that only a fox could have, his mate right on his tail.

"We made it," he said panting, "We should be safe in the Grotto." Stephen inhaled deeply and turned to face Jocelyn; a look of utmost relief on his face. His mate did not share the same expression. Instead, her eyes had gone wide in terror and silent tears were running from her emerald eyes. Stephen looked back to the entrance of the Grotto he had just entered. Crouching there must have been at least ten reaperas. Their skeletal faces were emotionless but their exposed fangs dripped drool. He reached for Jocelyn's paw once again but she didn't take it.

"You are faster than I am," she whispered just loud enough for him to hear. "Save us, Stephen, save us all." With that she shoved the chest into Stephen's arms and rushed towards the beasts blocking the exit.

"Jocelyn! NO!" Stephen lunged after his love but was too late. She sped past him and right into the claws of the reaperas. The creatures wasted no time sinking their fangs and claws into her flesh, never willing to give up a meal. The skeleton fingers of the reaperas ended in vicious curved points and Stephen knew that once a reapera had a creature hooked, they would never let it go. He closed his eyes as tears started to roll down his cheeks. He clutched the chest close to his heart and fled in the opposite direction of the beasts, the sounds of his mate's screams echoing through the Grotto.

The Grotto was once a large clearing filled with wildflowers and surrounded by tall majestic trees but the years of warring had left it barren. No flowers grew and the once proud trees had withered and blackened. However, the Grotto held a secret, a small cave hidden to all who did not know it was there. It was this very cave that Stephen raced towards. As he ran, he thought about just how hopeless his world had become. The Grotto was said to be enchanted so that all who needed safety would simply have to enter and they would never be harmed. The legend had proven true until that day.

Stephen felt the chest within his arms begin to vibrate and he knew he was close to his destination. A single flash of lightening illuminated what he had been searching for. A small purple flower alone in the ashen field. Despite the horrors he had just faced, Stephen smiled. He slowed his pace and went to the flower. The box's vibrations increased until the fox's entire body began to shake. As he stood by the flower he closed his eyes and waited. He felt the rain continue to drench his fur and the box continued to shake until not only the box but also the ground began to rumble. The ground beside the flower began to slant down creating a downward hill that led to the underground cave.

The fox hurried down the path towards the mouth of the cave when he suddenly became aware that the screaming had stopped. His eyes instantly filled with tears as he realized his mate was truly gone. He said a silent goodbye to her and after drawing in a shuddered breath continued down the path.

The further he went, the colder it became. He had reached the cave and was now hurrying down the darkened stone path, keeping his paw on the smooth wall to lead him in the right direction all the while the chest continued to hum. After he had been walking for a considerable length of time, he paused to catch his breath. At first all he could hear was the shallow sounds of his own breathing, and then he heard the slow ragged snort of the reaperas. Ice cold fear ran through his veins as he knew they were closing in on him. He was paralyzed for a moment before his fear was replaced with rage. These were the monsters that took the only good thing in his life from him! At that moment all he wanted to do was shred these creatures to bits with his own claws but he knew he would be lucky if he got one scratch in before he was mutilated. So instead he turned and used his anger to hurry him along the path.

He could see a dim light shining up ahead and knew he had almost reached his destination. He rushed ahead into a circular room illuminated by lightly glowing crystals. The soft light cast large intimidating shadows along the walls of the hidden cavern but it was the four stone statues that were far more intimidating. Stephen had seen replicas of the statues but no copy had ever captured the ferocity that the statues held. The four feral animals that glared down with stony eyes held an air of elegance that most furs of flesh and blood could not create. Stephen knew each of the creatures well as they were the gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. He had grown up hearing stories of these legendary creatures. He carefully studied each stature memorizing its features.

The first was Pyrrhos, the Dragon Lord of Flame. He glared down from his southern facing pillar with his maw wide, about to unleash flames. His large wings were spread out behind him while his claws were reaching forward. Directly across from him was Gia, Bear Goddess of the Earth. According to the legends, she was the most loving of the four elemental gods, but this stature showed no such emotion. She stood on her hind paws in a definite fighting stance. Her jaw was open revealing many sharp stone teeth. To the east stood Venti, Eagle Master of the Air. Upon first glance, Stephen found him to be the least intimidating but after closer inspection quickly changed his mind. While the great Eagle may have just been perched on his stone alter, his eyes seemed to burn into the very existence of every living being. This silence of the stone statue held immense power. The final statue was that of Nerina, Serpent Queen of Water. She was coiled and ready to strike at the nearest foe. Her stone fangs ended in sharp points that according to the legends contained a most potent venom.

Stephen let these impressive and powerful figures hold his attention for a brief moment longer before beginning what he came to do. He quickly moved to the center of the impressive room and set down the chest he and his late lover had so carefully protected. Upon touching the ground, the chest stopped shaking and immediately burst open. Carefully nestled inside were four very fragile looking crystal stones. Each glowed with a different colored hue. A strange kind of energy began to fill the room as the statues themselves seemed to move. Stephen took a few steps back and smiled to himself.

"It is beginning," he whispered silently. Suddenly a burst of light erupted from each of the stones and the whole room began to shake. Stephen was thrown off his feet and landed painfully on his tail. He winced slightly and watched the dazzling light show taking place in front of him. The stones shone brightly letting out a rainbow of colors. Stephen glanced to the side in time to see the stone melting off of the statues. As the colors danced off of the now flesh and bone creatures Stephen could not help but notice how beautiful each was. The dragon's scales burned and shone like rubies while the serpent's shimmered like blue water. The bear's fur was a soft earthen brown and the eagle's feathers danced with flecks of gold. Each creature moved closer to the stones still lying in the chest. As they drew nearer the lights became brighter and brighter until Stephen was forced to shield his amber eyes. A loud hum began to fill the room with an almost musical rhythm. The hum and lights each grew more intense as the gods drew closer to the stones until with one final flash and one last resounding note the music, lights, and creatures disappeared. Stephen opened his eyes and looked about the empty silent room. The crystals that had initially illuminated the room filled it once more with the soft ghostly light. Stephen let out a shuddering sigh and let his emotions overcome him. Tears filled his eyes as he came to the crushing realization that he would never again hold his beloved's warm paw in his. He began to openly weep until a loud wheezing sound caused him to suddenly turn around. The reaperas had finally caught up to him. He smiled softly and chuckled.

"You are too late! The warriors of fate will come now and you and all your accursed brethren shall be destroyed!"

The reaperas screamed and lunged at the black fox. Stephen closed his eyes and awaited the pain. His final thought as the cursed creatures fell upon him was of Jocelyn.


A great distance away, in another universe. An eighteen year old human boy awoke from the strangest dream he had ever had. A dream of weird skeletons, glowing stones, and a black fox.