Pleasent Surprise

Story by Hethkar on SoFurry

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Author's note: Just doing this to pass time and see if I've still got it. :P As always, comments are welcome!

Both characters are copywrite to me. Any similarities to other chars are coincidental.


A Pleasent Surprise

The vixen giggled as she heard the locking mechanism click into place, unlocked now. Removing her lockpick, the arctic fox opened the door and slid into the house, closing and locking the door behind her.

She knew the occupant of the house was gone, and would be for another half hour, but the vixen couldn't help but to move quickly and stealthily through the house which she knew so well.

Soon enough, she found her way into the bedroom and smiled as she looked around it. It was a large room, painted a soft pink color, with cherry wood flooring to accent it. Centered on the back wall was a plain window, with an excellent veiw of the backyard. On the left of the window was hung a painting of a winter landscape, and on the right, one of summer. It was spring outside. Along the right wall were two armois, one on each side of a long table that had an array of framed photograghs, and, a little further down, another door, which the vixen knew to lead to the master bath.

But the vixen's objective was centered on the left wall: a king sized canopied bed, with red silk covers and pink linen curtains. Moving to it, the vixen quickly removed her clothing and tucked them under the bed.

She was a five and a half foot tall arctic fox with a light, thin build and small but perky breasts. Her body was covered in the purest of white fur, save for the thick patch of gold between her legs and the freckle-like flecks on her face which had earned her the name Goldust.

Climbing into the bed, she closed the curtains and waited...

A scarce twenty minutes later, the house's owner unlocked and opened the door, completely unaware of her 'guest'. Sighing, she put her breifcase down on a waiting end table in the corner, then unbuttoned the jacket of her business suit.

Another sigh, and she was off to the kitchen, going straight for her alcohol cooler. Pulling out a bottle of brandy, she poured a glass, then put the brandy back, knowing that she'd just keep drinking if she didn't. Downing the brandy, she put the empty glass in the sink, then yawned as she started towards her bedroom.

Moments later, she was in her bedroom, slowly removing her clothing, unwittingly putting on a show for her 'guest'. She was a six foot tall whitetail doe with an average build and large, firm breasts. Her fur was short, soft, and brown in color, save for the white under her tail, on her throat, and the snowflake shaped mark on her right eye, for which she had been named Snowdrop. Deciding to shower, she paused to look at the pictures on her table, smiling as she looked at one of an arctic fox with a gold-flecked face, then went into the master bath.

The vixen, with her paw already at her hot slit, restrained herself, with great difficulty, from going to watch. She had to let the doe come to her. She would wait. It was the longest fifteen minutes of her life.

Yawning again as she came back into the bedroom, the doe moved over to the bed and opened the curtains, pausing and blinking as she looked at the vixen.

A moment's pause, then, "Goldust...?" the doe asked, "How'd you get in here?"

"Never mind that, sweety..." the vixen replied with a gentle smile, "I thought you could use a little... recreation after another stressfull workday."

"You're too kind to me..." the doe said, smiling as she climbed into the bed, snuggling up to the vixen.

"No," the vixen replied, "After all, my dear Snowdrop, the governor would never have been elected without your help..." then, before the doe could say any more, the vixen gave her a deep, passionate kiss as her paw went to Snowdrop's femininity.

Moaning softly, the doe's back arched against her freind, rubbing their breasts together, and she wrapped her arms around the vixen's waist.

Smiling at Snowdrop's quick response, Goldust quickly delved a digit into her desperate, damp depths, causing her to groan loudly.

Feeling a need to reciprocate the feeling, Snowdrop scritched her paws down the vixen's back and to her rump, one of her digit's finding Goldust's tailhole and jamming into it, causing the vixen to groan happily.

With a smile, the vixen found the doe's clit with her thumb, beginning to rub it slowly, causing the doe to gasp and moan, already sweating and panting with desire, as her figner wriggled unceasingly.

Already feeling a much needed climax approaching, the doe began to hump against the vixen's paw, groaning loudly into the kiss, and still fingering her tailhole.

Goldust knew that Snowdrop was close. After another minute or so, she decided to finish the job. Grinning, she rammed a second finger into the doe's tight slit.

That did it. Screaming in ecstasy, the doe came hard, drenching the sheets and the vixen's paw with her sweet juices.

Murring, the vixen took her wet paw up to her muzzle and sniffed it before licking the doe's juices off, "Delicious..." she said contentedly.

The doe smiled, snuggling up to the vixen, "Thank you, Goldust..." she murred, "I promise, I'll return the favor..." then, closing her eyes slowly, she fell asleep.

The vixen smiled kindly at the sleeping doe as she whispered, "You return the favor just by being here, love..." then snuggled with Snowdrop as she, too, fell asleep.